New Zealand - New Zealand

AwasCOVID-19 maklumat: Kemasukan bebas karantina ke New Zealand hanya terhad kepada penduduk Australia, Kepulauan Cook, dan Niue.

Penduduk dari semua negara lain mesti menjalani pengasingan atau karantina terkawal (MIQ) sekurang-kurangnya 14 hari semasa ketibaan. Oleh kerana ruang yang terhad, kemasukan terhad kepada warganegara dan penduduk New Zealand dan pekerja penting yang diluluskan (dan anak-anak dan rakan mereka), dan ruang MIQ anda mesti ditempah terlebih dahulu.

New Zealand telah menyingkirkan penghantaran tempatan COVID-19. Walau bagaimanapun, risiko wabak baru masih ada, jadi langkah pencegahan masih berlaku di beberapa kawasan. Maklumat kerajaan New Zealand mengenai wabak ini boleh didapati secara dalam talian di

(Maklumat terakhir dikemas kini 21 Apr 2021)

New Zealand (Māori: Aotearoa) adalah salah satu negara yang paling indah di dunia, sebuah negara dengan keindahan alam yang menakjubkan dan beraneka ragam: gunung bergerigi, tanah padang rumput bergulir, fiords curam, tasik yang dipenuhi dengan ikan trout, sungai yang mengamuk, pantai yang indah, dan zon gunung berapi yang aktif. Pulau-pulau ini membentuk bioregion yang unik yang dihuni oleh burung terbang yang tidak terlihat di tempat lain, seperti kakapo dan kiwi. Warga New Zealand telah menggunakan kiwi sebagai simbol kebangsaan, dan bahkan menggunakan kata tersebut Kiwi sebagai nama untuk diri mereka sendiri.

Pulau-pulau tidak berpenduduk padat, Pulau Selatan lebih sedikit daripada Pulau Utara, tetapi mereka mudah diakses. Negara ini mempunyai kemudahan pengunjung moden dan jaringan pengangkutan yang cukup maju. Selandia Baru sering menambah kelainan pada alam semula jadi. Ini adalah tempat asal jet-boat melalui gaung cetek serta bungy melompat dari sesuatu yang cukup tinggi untuk memberikan kegembiraan.

Budaya Maori terus memainkan peranan penting dalam kehidupan seharian dan identiti bangsa. Kerajaan dan korporat New Zealand penuh dengan simbolisme Māori. Terdapat banyak peluang bagi pengunjung untuk memahami dan mengalami sejarah dan bentuk kehidupan Māori masa kini.


New Zealand adalah negara yang sangat beragam dengan banyak wilayah yang patut dilihat, tetapi pada tahap yang tinggi, paling mudah untuk memecahnya menurut dua pulau utamanya dan pulau-pulau luar pesisir yang lebih kecil.

Kawasan NZ.png
 Pulau Utara
Iklim lembut, dengan pemandangan mulai dari pantai berpasir, melalui lahan pertanian dan hutan bergulir hingga puncak gunung berapi aktif dengan kolam lumpur yang menggelegak.
 Pulau Selatan
Gunung dan fjord yang spektakuler, hutan beech besar, pantai yang indah, glasier besar, mecca motorsikal.
 Pulau Stewart
Diliputi hutan asli dan berlimpah dengan kehidupan burung, sebahagian besar pulau ini membentuk taman nasional.
 Kepulauan Chatham
Pulau-pulau terpencil jauh di timur, rumah tradisional orang Moriori.
 Kepulauan Subantarctic
Kapal ekspedisi membawa pengunjung ke pulau-pulau terpencil dan tidak berpenghuni ini untuk melihat flora dan fauna subantarctic.

Realm of New Zealand juga merangkumi Kepulauan Cook, Niue, Tokelau, dan juga Ketergantungan Ross dalam Antartika. Walaupun destinasi ini berkongsi dengan New Zealand raja yang sama dengan ketua negara, dan warganya diberikan pasport New Zealand, mereka juga memerintah sendiri, dan memiliki peraturan, iklim, dan budaya imigrasi yang berbeza. Oleh itu, mereka dibahas dalam artikel yang berasingan, bukan di sini.


  • 1 Wellington - ibukota nasional, dengan bangunan Parlimen dan Sarang lebah, dan muzium Te Papa percuma yang indah
  • 2 Auckland - Bandar Sails dengan pelabuhan pantai timur dan barat, sejauh ini bandar terbesar dengan 1.4 juta orang dan semua tawaran bandar besar
  • 3 Christchurch - Garden City, bandar terbesar di Pulau Selatan, yang selalu berkembang ketika membangun semula dari gempa bumi yang dahsyat pada bulan Februari 2011
  • 4 Dunedin - Edinburgh of the South, bangga dengannya Orang Skotlandia warisan, jajahan Southern Albatross dan trek lintasannya yang indah dalam jarak perjalanan singkat dari pusat perniagaan
  • 5 Hamilton - pusat Waikato yang kaya dan subur di tebing Sungai Waikato yang kuat di selatan Auckland, tempat maskot ragbi Mooloo
  • 6 Napier - salah satu kepekatan seni bina Art Deco terbaik di dunia, terkenal sebagai kawasan anggur dan berhampiran dengan jajahan pembiakan gannet Cape Kidnappers dan tempat perlindungan hidupan liar
  • 7 Nelson - budaya seni yang berkembang maju, pelbagai masakan yang menekankan hasil tempatan, pembuatan kraf, dengan waktu sinar matahari tertinggi di Selandia Baru, dan dikelilingi oleh pemandangan pantai dan gunung yang menakjubkan, tiga taman nasional yang menakjubkan, kebun anggur dan kebun
  • 8 Queenstown - ibukota adrenalin dan pengembaraan dunia, di mana anda boleh bermain ski, terjun payung, lompat bungy, jet-boat dan menggembirakan hati anda
  • 9 Rotorua - terkenal dengan budaya Māori dan aktiviti panas bumi, termasuk geyser, kolam lumpur mendidih yang menarik dan kolam air panas dan mata air yang indah

Destinasi lain

Kereta gantung di atas Wellington

New Zealand mempunyai banyak taman nasional, kawasan luar bandar dan tempat-tempat lain yang patut dikunjungi. Berikut adalah beberapa yang terbaik.

  • 1 Taman Negara Abel Tasman - pantai pasir keemasan, berkayak dan Laluan Pantai Abel Tasman
  • 2 Taman Negara Gunung Cook Aoraki - banyak peluang mendaki dan gunung tertinggi di New Zealand
  • 3 Teluk Kepulauan - tempat yang cantik di Pulau Utara dengan kepentingan sejarah
  • 4 Semenanjung Coromandel - garis pantai yang kasar dengan banyak pantai dan peluang mendaki hanya satu setengah jam dari Auckland
  • 5 Marlborough - wilayah penanaman wain terbesar di negara ini
  • 6 Milford Sound - fiord yang indah di Taman Negara Fiordland
  • 7 Taupo - aktiviti memancing ikan trout dan aktiviti pengembaraan di tengah Pulau Utara
  • 8 Taman Negara Tongariro - tiga gunung berapi, dua gelanggang langit dan salah satu kenaikan paling popular di negara ini
  • 9 Taman Negara Westland - kediaman Franz Josef dan Fox Glaciers


Mata WangDolar Selandia Baru (NZD)
Penduduk5.1 juta (2020)
Elektrik230 volt / 50 hertz (AS / NZS 3112)
Kod negara 64
Zon masaUTC 13:00, UTC 12:00
Bahagian memandudibiarkan

New Zealand semakin dikenali, baik di kawasan peribumi Bahasa Maori dan dalam Bahasa Inggeris New Zealand, sebagai Aotearoa, sering diterjemahkan sebagai "tanah awan putih panjang". Pada asalnya, Aotearoa hanya merujuk kepada Pulau Utara.

Dua pulau utama dinamakan secara rasmi Pulau Utara / Te Ika-a-Māui dan Pulau Selatan / Te Waipounamu. Te Ika-a-Māui bermaksud "ikan Māui"; dalam legenda, Pulau Utara adalah ikan raksasa yang ditarik dari laut oleh demigod Māui, dengan kepalanya ke selatan. Wellington kadang-kadang dipanggil te upoko o te ika (kepala ikan ") dan pernah membanggakan majalah bulanan yang dipanggil Fishhead. Te Waipounamu bermaksud "perairan greenstone"; greenstone adalah batu giok nefrit yang terdapat di Pulau Selatan dan sangat dihargai oleh orang Māori. Nama Māori alternatif (tetapi tidak rasmi) untuk Pulau Selatan adalah Te Waka-a-Māui (sampan dari Māui).


New Zealand terdiri daripada dua pulau utama (Pulau Utara dan Pulau Selatan) dan banyak pulau yang lebih kecil di Lautan Pasifik Selatan kira-kira 1.600 km (1.000 mi) tenggara Australia. Negara ini meliputi 268.000 km persegi (103.500 mi persegi), sedikit lebih besar daripada Inggeris dan berukuran sama dengan negeri AS Colorado (walaupun lebih nipis dan lebih lama). Pulau Selatan adalah yang lebih besar dari dua pulau utama (150,400 km persegi vs 113,700 km persegi) dan kadang-kadang disebut sebagai "daratan", walaupun hanya memiliki satu pertiga penduduk Pulau Utara.

New Zealand terletak di Lingkaran Api Pasifik, melintasi lempeng tektonik Pasifik dan Australia. Sempadan plat melintasi Pulau Selatan barat, membentuk Kesalahan Alpine dan menimbulkan pergunungan Alpen Selatan, pergunungan utama yang membentang sepanjang sebahagian besar pulau. Akibatnya, New Zealand adalah rumah bagi aktiviti gunung berapi dan panas bumi yang signifikan dan juga rentan terhadap gempa bumi.

Negara ini panjang dan sempit, tanpa titik lebih dari 130 km (80 mi) dari laut ketika burung gagak terbang. Dari bandar paling utara ke selatan melalui jalan raya adalah 2100 km - bersamaan dengan jarak dari Vancouver ke Los Angeles, atau dari Brussels ke Málaga.

Pastikan anda memberi masa yang mencukupi untuk melakukan perjalanan ke New Zealand. Sudah tentu bermanfaat untuk melakukan lawatan sekurang-kurangnya tiga atau empat minggu di setiap pulau, walaupun anda pasti dapat melihat sorotan dalam waktu yang jauh lebih sedikit. Jalan-jalan bertiup di sepanjang pantai dan melalui pegunungan, terutama di Pulau Selatan. Dalam tinjauan keluar di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Christchurch, banyak pengunjung antarabangsa memberi komen bahawa mereka telah meremehkan waktu yang mereka perlukan untuk menikmati lawatan mereka dengan betul.


Secara umum, New Zealand mempunyai iklim maritim yang sederhana, dengan musim panas yang hangat, musim sejuk yang sejuk, dan hujan yang tetap sepanjang tahun. Terdapat empat musim, dengan musim panas pada bulan Disember – Februari dan musim sejuk pada bulan Jun – Ogos (kebalikan dari hemisfera utara). Geografi negara ini mewujudkan sekitar 10 kawasan iklim yang berbeza, mulai dari dekat sub-tropis utara Auckland hingga dekat benua dan separa gersang di pusat Otago.

Pegunungan di sepanjang sumbu timur laut-barat daya New Zealand memberikan penghalang bagi angin barat yang kuat - sering disebut sebagai empat puluhan yang menderu. Udara lembap yang melanda gunung didorong ke atas dan disejukkan, dengan kelembapan jatuh ke arah barat ketika hujan. Akibatnya, separuh barat negara menerima lebih daripada purata hujan dan separuh timur kurang daripada rata-rata. Kesan ini paling ketara di Pulau Selatan dengan Pegunungan Alpen Selatan: Pantai Barat menerima 2000–7000 mm hujan setiap tahun, sementara di pesisir Canterbury dan Otago di timur hanya menerima 500-800 mm. Sebilangan besar tempat lain rata-rata menerima antara 600 dan 1600 mm setahun. Di bahagian utara dan tengah negara ini, biasanya lebih kering pada musim panas; di bahagian selatan, biasanya lebih kering di musim sejuk.

Purata suhu harian musim panas antara 17 ° C hingga 25 ° C. Purata suhu harian musim sejuk ialah 7 ° C hingga 16 ° C dan suhu terendah setiap malam -3 ° C hingga 8 ° C. Suhu paling panas biasanya terdapat di utara dan timur kedua-dua pulau, sementara suhu paling sejuk biasanya terdapat di kawasan pedalaman kedua pulau dan selatan Pulau Selatan. Waktu cahaya matahari paling tinggi di pesisir Bay of Plenty, Nelson Bays dan Marlborough.

Salji turun terutamanya di kawasan pergunungan di negara ini dan di beberapa kawasan pedalaman, dan kadang-kadang dapat menutup laluan gunung dan jalan raya tinggi semasa musim sejuk. Salji boleh turun ke permukaan laut di bahagian timur dan selatan Pulau Selatan setiap 1-2 tahun sekali. Salji di Pulau Selatan barat dan Pulau Utara pesisir adalah kejadian yang jarang berlaku; Wellington rata-rata turun salji ke permukaan laut setiap 40-50 tahun. Kawasan-kawasan yang tidak berlindung di negara ini boleh menjadi sedikit angin, terutamanya di pusat, melalui Cook Strait dan sekitar Wellington.

Cuaca New Zealand sangat berubah, dan walaupun pada musim panas, anda mungkin akan menerima keempat-empat musim dalam satu hari. Bersiaplah untuk cuaca berubah dari baik ke hujan (dan sebaliknya) tanpa notis. Perkhidmatan Mets mempunyai ramalan cuaca selama sepuluh hari lebih awal.


Perjanjian Waitangi dipamerkan di Te Papa Tongarewa, muzium nasional, di Wellington

New Zealand adalah tanah besar terakhir yang diselesaikan oleh orang. Ini, digabungkan dengan penjajahan Eropah yang lewat, pemuda geologi dan pengasingan geografi, telah mendorong pembangunan negara muda yang kuat dengan penduduk yang berpendidikan dan berpendidikan tinggi. Satu dari empat orang kelahiran New Zealand (satu dari tiga antara 22 dan 48 tahun) tinggal di luar negara.

Mori Polinesia menetap di New Zealand sekitar 1280 CE, setelah berhijrah dari wilayah Kepulauan Cook. "Nieuw Zeeland"muncul di peta Belanda sejak awal tahun 1645, setelah penjelajahan Abel Tasman pada tahun 1642 (setelah siapa, kebetulan, Tasmania dinamakan); kartografer menamakan negara itu setelah wilayah Belanda Zeeland. Ada kemungkinan bahawa penjelajah Eropah lain mengetahui kewujudan New Zealand seawal pertengahan abad ke-14. Kapten Cook menemui semula, mengelilingi dan memetakan pulau-pulau utama pada tahun 1769.

Sebilangan penyegel, penipu, pedagang dan mubaligh menetap dalam tempoh 80 tahun akan datang, dengan banyak yang mendapat tentangan sengit dari orang-orang Māori tempatan. Pada Februari 1840, mubaligh Britain dan ketua Māori menyetujui Perjanjian Waitangi, yang dianggap sebagai dokumen pendirian New Zealand moden. Perjanjian itu menjamin Māori pemilikan terus tanah dan harta tanah mereka dan memberikan mereka hak rakyat Britain, sebagai ganti mereka menyerahkan kedaulatan kepada Mahkota Britain. Penyelesaian yang lebih intensif bermula pada tahun yang sama. Pada mulanya dilampirkan ke tanah jajahan New South Wales, New Zealand dipisahkan untuk membentuk jajahan yang terpisah pada tahun 1841. Ternyata Perjanjian Waitangi mempunyai sejumlah kesalahan terjemahan dan versi bahasa Inggeris dan Māori mengatakan perkara yang berbeza (contohnya, versi bahasa Inggeris mengatakan "kedaulatan", tetapi versi Māori mengatakan "pemerintahan"), yang menimbulkan masalah antara Māori dan Mahkota Britain mengenai tafsiran Perjanjian. Serangkaian perang darat antara tahun 1843 dan 1872, ditambah dengan manuver politik dan penyebaran penyakit Eropah, mematahkan perlawanan Māori terhadap penyelesaian tanah tetapi meninggalkan rungutan yang berpanjangan. Kerajaan Selandia Baru sejak itu berusaha untuk mengatasi rungutan Mori yang telah lama berlaku, tetapi ini merupakan proses yang rumit dan masih berlanjutan hingga hari ini.

Pada tahun 1882, kapal itu Dunedin menyelesaikan penghantaran daging sejuk pertama yang berjaya dari New Zealand ke England. Untuk 90 tahun akan datang, pembekalan daging, bulu dan produk tenusu ke Kepulauan Britain menjadi asas ekonomi New Zealand. Pada 19 September 1893, New Zealand menjadi negara pertama (moden) di dunia yang memberi hak wanita untuk memilih.

Ketika enam jajahan Inggeris bersekutu untuk membentuk Australia pada tahun 1901, New Zealand memilih untuk tidak menyertai persekutuan. Sebaliknya, jajahan British New Zealand menjadi wilayah pemerintahan sendiri yang berasingan pada tahun 1907. Ia ditawarkan kemerdekaan sepenuhnya di bawah Statuta Westminster pada tahun 1931, walaupun ia tidak menerimanya sehingga tahun 1947. New Zealand memberikan sokongan ketenteraan kepada Inggeris di Perang Boer 1899–1902, dan dalam kedua Perang Dunia sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha perang Sekutu. Negara ini juga turut serta dalam perang di Malaysia, Korea, Vietnam dan Afghanistan, dan dalam beberapa tindakan pengaman. Namun, New Zealand menjauhkan diri dari Perang Iraq kedua, yang telah diperjuangkan oleh Amerika Syarikat, Inggeris dan Australia.

Ketika Inggeris bergabung dengan Komuniti Ekonomi Eropah pada tahun 1973, New Zealand kehilangan rakan dagang utamanya dan ekonomi negara menghadapi masa depan yang tidak menentu. Negara itu kemudian melalui reformasi ekonomi utama yang berlangsung hingga pertengahan 1990-an, meningkatkan hubungan ekonomi dengan negara jirannya Australia, dan mempelbagaikan eksportnya ke pasar Pacific Rim.

Undang-Undang Perlembagaan New Zealand disahkan oleh New Zealand dan Britain pada tahun 1986, yang mengakhiri kuasa yang masih ada yang mungkin terpaksa dikeluarkan parlimen Britain untuk meluluskan undang-undang untuk New Zealand, walaupun permaisuri Britain tetap menjadi Ketua Negara, dengan dilantik (orang New Zealand) Gabenor Jeneral sebagai wakilnya di New Zealand.

Banyak warga New Zealand menentang keras pengujian dan penggunaan senjata nuklear. New Zealand menentang ujian nuklear Perancis di Mururoa Atoll, yang memimpin ejen rahsia Perancis mengebom kapal Greenpeace Pahlawan Pelangi sementara ia berlabuh di Auckland pada bulan Julai 1985. Penolakan Amerika Syarikat untuk menyatakan sama ada kapal-kapal yang berkunjung membawa senjata nuklear menyebabkan pemerintah melarang mereka dari perairan wilayah New Zealand pada tahun 1987. Sebagai tindak balas, AS menangguhkan komitmennya terhadap New Zealand di bawah gabungan pertahanan AS-Australia-New Zealand. Hubungan pertahanan dengan AS sejak dicairkan, dan pada tahun 2016 kapal Tentera Laut AS (kapal pemusnah USS Sampson) dibenarkan memasuki perairan New Zealand untuk pertama kalinya dalam hampir 30 tahun.


Dewan Parlimen dan Sayap Eksekutif ("Beehive") di Wellington

Sistem politik New Zealand sebahagian besarnya didasarkan pada sistem British Westminster, dengan beberapa pengecualian yang terkenal seperti hanya memiliki satu rumah perundangan - negara itu menghapuskan dewan atasannya pada tahun 1951.

Parlimen New Zealand adalah 120 orang Dewan Perwakilan, yang dipilih setiap tiga tahun menggunakan berkadar anggota campuran (MMP) sistem pengundian. Ketua pemerintahan adalah perdana menteri, yang biasanya merupakan pemimpin parti politik terbesar di antara mereka yang membentuk kerajaan. Pada tahun 2020, terdapat empat parti politik utama di New Zealand: Parti Nasional kanan-kanan, Parti Buruh kiri-tengah, Parti Hijau lingkungan, dan Parti ACT yang bebas.

Cabang eksekutif adalah Kabinet, yang diketuai oleh perdana menteri, yang melantik menteri Kabinet dari kalangan anggota Dewan Perwakilan. Mahkamah Agung New Zealand mengetuai cabang kehakiman, dan telah berfungsi sebagai mahkamah rayuan tertinggi sejak mengambil alih peranan itu dari Majlis Privy UK pada tahun 2004.

Ratu Elizabeth II adalah raja dan ketua negara, dengan gabenor jeneral yang dilantik sebagai wakilnya di New Zealand. Sebagai raja berperlembagaan, peranan Ratu dan gabenor jeneralnya sebagian besar bersifat istiadat, dengan perdana menteri memegang wewenang paling banyak dalam pemerintahan.

New Zealand adalah negara modern pertama di dunia yang memberi wanita hak untuk memilih, sejak 19 September 1893. Namun, wanita tidak diizinkan untuk mencalonkan diri ke Parlimen hingga tahun 1919, dan itu adalah tahun 1933 sebelum New Zealand mempunyai MP wanita pertama. Perdana menteri wanita pertama dilantik pada tahun 1997.

Di bawah pemerintahan nasional, New Zealand terbahagi kepada 16 wilayah, dan secara terpisah menjadi 65 bandar dan daerah. Oleh kerana wilayah berdasarkan geografi fizikal, dan bandar dan kabupaten berdasarkan geografi manusia, beberapa daerah jatuh ke dalam dua atau lebih wilayah. Lima bandar atau daerah (Auckland, Gisborne, Marlborough, Nelson dan Tasman) adalah pihak berkuasa kesatuan - kedua-duanya merupakan wilayah dan kota / daerah. Di samping itu, terdapat beberapa wilayah pulau Pasifik yang bekerjasama dengan New Zealand; dengan kata lain mereka sepenuhnya memerintah sendiri berkaitan dengan urusan dalaman mereka, tetapi warganegara mereka adalah warga negara Selandia Baru, mereka terus menggunakan dolar New Zealand sebagai mata wang mereka, dan New Zealand terus bertanggung jawab atas urusan luar negeri dan pertahanan mereka.

Orang ramai

Dia aha te mea nui o te ao? Dia tangata, dia tangata, dia tangata. (Apa yang paling penting di dunia? Ia adalah orang, orang, orang.)- Peribahasa Maori

New Zealand adalah tempat tinggal sekitar 5.08 juta orang pada bulan Jun 2020. Kira-kira 1.19 juta tinggal di Pulau Selatan, dengan sebahagian besar tinggal di Pulau Utara. Pulau Waiheke, di Teluk Hauraki di lepas pantai Auckland, sejauh ini merupakan pulau luar pesisir yang paling ramai penduduknya, dengan 9.700 penduduk. Negara ini secara keseluruhan jarang dihuni, dengan rata-rata 18 orang per kilometer persegi. Negara ini sangat urban: 86.5% daripada populasi yang tinggal di bandar dan bandar, dan lebih dari separuh populasi negara ini tinggal di empat kawasan bandar terbesar: Auckland (1,535,000), Wellington (412,000), Christchurch (397,000) dan Hamilton (236,000) .

Penduduk New Zealand kebanyakannya berketurunan Eropah, kerana merupakan bekas jajahan Britain dan dasar imigresen negara sebelum tahun 1987 yang mengutamakan warganegara Eropah, Amerika Utara dan Australia. Secara keseluruhan, sekitar tiga perempat penduduk adalah keturunan Eropah secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Orang-orang asli Māori membentuk minoriti yang cukup besar, dengan sekitar satu perenam dari semua warga Selandia Baru yang menuntut keturunan Māori. Terdapat juga kumpulan Asia dan Polinesia yang signifikan, terutama di kawasan Auckland dan lebih rendah lagi di kawasan Wellington. Kira-kira 11% penduduk New Zealand mengenal pasti dengan lebih daripada satu kumpulan etnik, dengan orang Eropah-Māori adalah gabungan yang paling biasa.

Bilangan orang yang mengaku beragama Kristian terus menurun di New Zealand dengan peningkatan imigrasi dari Asia dan semakin banyak orang yang mengaku tidak beragama. Pada tahun 2013, sekitar 49% penduduknya beragama Kristian, 6% menganut agama bukan Kristian, 42% tidak beragama, dan 4% keberatan menyatakan agama mereka.

Zon waktu

New Zealand memimpin sebahagian besar dunia, tepat pada masanya!

The Kepulauan Chatham, sebahagian dari New Zealand tetapi 800 kilometer (500 mi) di sebelah timur Christchurch, tetaplah Waktu Standard Kepulauan Chatham (CIST) dengan menambahkan dua belas jam empat puluh lima minit ke Waktu Universal Terpadu (UTC) yang menghasilkan UTC 12:45. Satu-satunya zon waktu rasmi lain dengan kenaikan 45 minit dari UTC adalah Nepal. Kepulauan Line of Kiribati; Tonga dan Samoa adalah satu-satunya zon waktu lebih awal dari UTC.

Kepulauan utama New Zealand berjarak 12 jam lebih awal dari Waktu Minat Greenwich (UTC 12 = NZST = Waktu Piawai New Zealand) dan 20 jam lebih awal dari Waktu Piawai Pasifik (PST).

Penjimatan Siang (UTC 13 = NZDT = Waktu Siang Selandia Baru) bermula pada hari Ahad terakhir pada bulan September dan berakhir pada hari Ahad pertama pada bulan April.


Cuti kebangsaan di New Zealand adalah:

Bunga api Hari Ulang Tahun Auckland
  • 1 Januari: Tahun Baru.
  • 2 Januari: Cuti Tahun Baru.
  • 6 Februari: Hari Waitangi, menandakan ulang tahun penandatanganan Perjanjian Waitangi pada tahun 1840.
  • Hujung minggu Paskah: hujung minggu yang panjang selama empat hari pada bulan Mac atau April (ditetapkan mengikut tarikh Kristian Barat) yang terdiri dari Jumat Agung, Minggu Paskah, Isnin Paskah dan Sabtu campur tangan (bukan cuti umum). Sebilangan besar kedai mesti ditutup pada hari Jumaat dan Paskah.
  • 25 April: Hari ANZAC, menandakan ulang tahun pendaratan Kor Tentera Darat Australia dan New Zealand di Gallipoli pada tahun 1915. Sebilangan besar kedai mesti ditutup sehingga jam 13:00.
  • Isnin pertama pada bulan Jun: Hari Lahir Ratu.
  • Isnin keempat pada bulan Oktober: Hari Pekerja.
  • 25 Disember: Hari Krismas. Sebilangan besar kedai mesti ditutup.
  • 26 Disember: Hari tinju.

Setiap bahagian negara mempunyai tersendiri Hari Ulang Tahun cuti umum. Hari ulang tahun berdasarkan sempadan wilayah pra-1876, yang tidak sesuai dengan batas wilayah hari ini. Yang paling banyak diperhatikan adalah Hari Ulang Tahun Auckland, yang diperhatikan pada hari Isnin yang paling hampir dengan 29 Januari oleh Pulau Utara di sebelah utara (dan termasuk) Taupo, dan Hari Ulang Tahun Wellington, yang diperhatikan pada hari Isnin yang paling dekat dengan 22 Januari oleh Greater Wellington dan sebahagian besar Wilayah Manawatu-Wanganui. Walaupun ulang tahun Auckland diperhatikan oleh lebih banyak orang secara langsung (2.5 juta), ulang tahun Wellington diperhatikan oleh lebih banyak orang secara tidak langsung kerana semua jabatan dan kedutaan kerajaan berpusat di Wellington. Halaman setiap wilayah harus memperincikan tarikh hari ulang tahunnya.

Kementerian Pendidikan menetapkan tahun persekolahan untuk semua sekolah bersepadu negeri dan negeri (96.5% daripada semua sekolah). Pelajar sekolah menengah (usia 13-18) biasanya berehat untuk cuti musim panas setelah mereka menyelesaikan peperiksaan pada awal Disember, sementara pelajar sekolah rendah (usia 5-12) berehat pada pertengahan Disember. Pelajar kembali ke sekolah pada akhir Januari atau awal Februari. Terdapat tiga rehat penggal dua minggu setiap satu - satu pada bulan April (biasanya bermula Good Friday), satu pada bulan Julai, dan satu pada bulan September / Oktober. Pelajar pengajian tinggi biasanya bermula pada akhir Februari atau awal bulan Mac, dan selesai pada awal November, dengan rehat musim sejuk tiga hingga empat minggu pada bulan Jun / Julai, dan dua rehat pertengahan semester satu minggu pada Paskah dan akhir Ogos.


Lihat juga: Varieti bahasa Inggeris, Buku frasa Māori

Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa utama New Zealand, yang dituturkan oleh 96–98% penduduk. Bahasa Inggeris adalah a de facto bahasa rasmi, bersama dua yang lain de jure Bahasa rasmi: Māori (te reo Māori, bahasa orang-orang Māori asli, dan Bahasa Isyarat New Zealand (NZSL), bahasa komuniti pekak.

Bahasa Inggeris New Zealand pada umumnya mengikuti konvensyen ejaan dan pilihan perbendaharaan kata Inggeris, tetapi juga mengandungi banyak kata slanga tempatan, dan kata-kata yang berasal dari bahasa Māori, dan cukup jelas untuk membenarkan versi Kamus Oxford sendiri. Aksen New Zealand kebanyakannya tidak bersifat rhotik (iaitu tidak ada suara bergulir setelah huruf vokal), kecuali di bahagian bawah Pulau Selatan di mana aksen "Southland burr" rhotik berterusan kerana imigrasi Skotlandia yang tinggi pada masa awal wilayah itu. Perbezaan yang paling ketara dalam aksen New Zealand berbanding dengan aksen lain adalah pergeseran yang jelas pada bunyi pendek-i (seperti dalam kit) dan bunyi pendek-e (seperti dalam pakaian); short-i telah berpindah dan bergabung dengan schwa (a dalam koma), sementara short-e telah berpindah ke tempat bunyi short-i. Satu lagi perbezaan yang ketara ialah New Zealand beruang - bir penggabungan, jadi kata-kata seperti "udara" dan "telinga", "beruang" dan "bir", "kerusi" dan "sorak", dan "peri" dan "feri" sama dalam pengucapan, yang menyebabkan lelucon aneh tentang orang yang mabuk Goldilocks.

Orang New Zealand mengatakan tempat tertentu adalah "di Pulau Utara" atau "di Pulau Selatan" (mis. "Auckland berada di Pulau Utara"), bukan "di Pulau Utara". Ini hanya berlaku untuk dua pulau utama; Orang New Zealand mengatakan "di Pulau Waiheke", sebagai contoh.

Māori (te reo Māori) dituturkan dengan lancar oleh minoriti kedua-dua Māori dan pelajar bahasa (3.7% penduduk New Zealand pada banci 2013, dan kira-kira 11-20% dari Māori), dengan penutur penutur terbesar di utara dan timur Utara Pulau. Terdapat sebilangan besar sekolah Māori-bahasa Māori-sederhana dan dwibahasa di seluruh New Zealand, dan kebanyakan sekolah menengah Inggeris menawarkan bahasa Māori sebagai bahasa pembelajaran. Di samping itu, terdapat juga saluran televisyen dan radio percuma yang disiarkan di Māori. Sebilangan besar pelancong tidak perlu belajar bahasa Mori, kerana penutur bahasa Māori asli dwibahasa dalam bahasa Inggeris. Walaupun begitu, pengaruh besar Māori pada nama tempat Selandia Baru bermaksud pengetahuan tentang pengucapan Māori dapat berguna, dan bahkan penduduk tempatan yang tidak dapat berbicara Māori biasanya tahu bagaimana mengucapkan kata-kata Māori - walaupun beberapa nama tempat tampaknya memiliki dua pengucapan: yang "betul" "satu, dan yang biasa digunakan oleh penduduk tempatan. Perjalanan terbesar dengan pengucapan Māori kepada orang bukan New Zealand adalah wh, yang diucapkan "f" seperti pada ayah, jadi misalnya Whakatane dilafazkan fa-ka-ta-neetidak wa-ka-ta-nee. Bahasa Māori hari ini berkembang, dan semakin banyak orang keturunan non-Mori mempelajarinya sebagai bahasa kedua, walaupun hanya cukup untuk mengambil bahagian dalam sambutan tradisional Māori ke marae.

Bahasa Isyarat New Zealand (NZSL) diberi status pada tahun 2005 sebagai bahasa rasmi dan merupakan bahasa utama komuniti Pekak New Zealand, dengan sekitar 0.5% penduduk New Zealand "menuturkannya". Ini berkait rapat dengan Bahasa Isyarat Britain dan Bahasa Isyarat Australia, berkongsi 80% tanda dengan mereka dan abjad manual dua tangan yang sama. Walau bagaimanapun, NZSL lebih menekankan pada ekspresi wajah dan kata-kata mulut, yang mencerminkan kaedah pengajaran lisan yang digunakan secara historis di sekolah-sekolah Pekak (sebelum tahun 1979, pelajar Pekak dihukum kerana masuk di kelas). Ia juga mempunyai tanda unik tambahan yang berkaitan dengan New Zealand, seperti kata-kata Māori dan nama tempat.

New Zealand adalah destinasi yang popular untuk para pendatang dari seluruh dunia, terutama di Asia dan kepulauan Pasifik, dan anda akan sering menemui kawasan dan pinggir bandar dengan komuniti pendatang yang bertutur dalam bahasa masing-masing. Bahasa bukan rasmi yang paling biasa dituturkan oleh penduduk New Zealand ialah bahasa Samoa (2.2%), Hindi (1.7%), Mandarin (1.3%), Perancis (1.2%) dan Kantonis (1.1%). Banyak warga New Zealand belajar bahasa asing di sekolah, walaupun sedikit yang menguasainya melebihi tahap asas.

Ungkapan biasa

Secara amnya, ungkapan Inggeris New Zealand mengikuti Inggeris Inggeris. Walau bagaimanapun, Bahasa Inggeris Selandia Baru juga banyak meminjam dari Māori dan terdapat sebilangan frasa lain yang tidak biasa dijumpai di tempat lain atau boleh mengelirukan pengunjung.

  • Bach (diucapkan "batch" seperti di bujangan) - Rumah percutian; sering di tepi pantai dan terdiri daripada penginapan yang cukup asas. Di selatan Pulau Selatan sering disebut a buaian.
Produk tenusu pinggir bandar yang biasa
  • Tenusu - Kedai runcit, kedai sudut; satu orang luar memahami walaupun banyak digunakan oleh penduduk tempatan, yang menghadapi masalah ketika melancong ke luar negara dan terkejut ketika bertanya di mana perahunya. Istilah ini berasal dari zaman sebelum pasar raya terutama menjual produk tenusu (susu, keju, mentega, dll.). Banyak kilang susu hari ini dimiliki dan dikendalikan oleh pendatang India.
  • Kemasukan dengan duit syiling emas (atau perak) (derma) - Bayaran masuk ke sebuah acara, pameran, galeri atau muzium adalah dengan melakukan pembayaran duit syiling dalam logam yang sesuai, sering di kotak sumbangan di pintu. Syiling emas di NZ adalah syiling $ 1 dan $ 2, sementara perak adalah syiling 20c dan 50c, dan syiling 10c adalah tembaga. (Lihat juga "Koha" di bawah).
  • Masa Glid - Waktu kerja yang fleksibel, sering dikendalikan oleh penjawat awam. Di bawah sistem ini, pekerja dapat memulakan dan menyelesaikan kerja pada jam-jam pilihan mereka 07: 00–18: 00, walaupun mereka mesti bekerja pada jam inti 09: 00-12: 00 dan 14: 00-15: 30 dan rata-rata 40 jam seminggu. Tidak kerap didengar sekarang.
  • Separuh pai atau separuh pai - Biasanya pekerjaan atau tugas yang tidak dilaksanakan dengan memuaskan (lih. Māori pai = baik)
  • Jandals (= JApanese saNDALS) - "Sandal jepit" ke sebahagian besar dunia; "tali" kepada warga Australia; "slops" kepada orang Afrika Selatan.
  • Kiwi - Nama panggilan untuk orang Selandia Baru atau kata sifat untuk sesuatu dari New Zealand, dari nama burung terbang yang terancam yang merupakan salah satu lambang kebangsaan negara itu. Bukan istilah yang menghina.
  • Lollies - Manisan; gula-gula; gula-gula.
  • Pottle - bekas makanan (biasanya plastik), tab mandi.
  • Bersama - pakaian renang, baju renang, pakaian renang; pakaian yang anda pakai ketika anda pergi berenang.
  • Memijak - mendaki.

Ungkapan slanga

Anda mungkin kelihatan aneh jika menggunakan slanga Kiwi di New Zealand, tetapi mungkin tidak sengaja digunakan dalam perbualan. Sekiranya anda tidak faham, tanyakan sahaja dan kebanyakan warga Selandia Baru akan menerangkan.

  • di seberang parit - Australia. The Ditch merujuk kepada Laut Tasman, yang memisahkan New Zealand dan Australia (lih. Kolam antara Amerika Utara dan Eropah)
  • Barbie - Pendek untuk barbeku
  • Saudara (berirama dengan "salji") - kependekan dari abang, bentuk alamat peribadi seperti jodoh, kawan, atau tunas.
  • Bush - Hutan. Biasanya bermaksud hutan asli berbanding hutan tanaman.
  • anak ayam - perempuan.
  • Pilihan! - Hebat, hebat.
  • Gumboots - A.K.A. Boots Wellington atau Boots Hujan
  • pudina - dalam keadaan teratas.
  • Jodoh - mana-mana orang lain, lelaki atau wanita. Boleh digunakan sendiri untuk menyatakan sejumlah emosi yang berbeza berdasarkan melahirkan. 'Mate' pendek yang digabungkan dengan sedikit kepala dan alis boleh menjadi ucapan, sedangkan 'Maaaaaate' yang lebih panjang yang digabungkan dengan kepala yang memuncak dan penyempitan mata dapat dilihat sebagai memarahi.
  • musnah - patah, rosak, tidak boleh digunakan. Hanya digunakan secara popular berikutan gempa Christchurch 2011 (yang pada dasarnya menggegarkan separuh bandar)
  • oi - Hey. Dapat dimaksudkan sebagai peringatan atau bercanda, berasal dari penggunaan punk.
  • Manis seperti! - Bagus, perkara baik, Tidak ada masalah. Selalunya disingkat hanya 'manis'. Sebagai kadang-kadang juga digunakan selepas kata sifat lain sebagai slang untuk sangat: murah seperti - sangat murah.
  • Wop-wops - kawasan luar bandar yang terpencil; tengah entah dari mana.

Perkataan dan ungkapan Māori

Lihat juga: Buku frasa Māori
  • Haere mai - Salam untuk orang yang tiba. Haere ra adalah perpisahan kepada seseorang yang pergi.
  • Hui - Perjumpaan atau perjumpaan untuk membincangkan dan membahaskan masalah dengan cara tradisional Māori.
  • Iwi - Suku atau suku Māori, kadang-kadang dikenali sebagai waka (canoe), as some iwi are named after the ocean-going canoes that brought their ancestors to New Zealand.
  • Kai - Food. Commonly used by both Māori and European.
  • Kia ora - Hello, welcome, literally good health. Often used as an utterance of agreement, especially during speaking at a hui.
  • Koha - A gift or donation. Often an exchange of gifts takes place at gatherings. Sometimes admission signs say, "Entry Koha", meaning gold coin or what you feel like donating.
  • Mana - Defined as authority, control, influence, prestige or power. It is also honour.
  • Marae - A traditional Māori meeting or gathering place. Also a community centre.
  • Pākehā - New Zealander of European descent. Widely used, including by non-Māori, who see the name as part of their unique New Zealand identity. Some New Zealanders however don't like the term and don't refer to themselves as Pākehā.
  • Pāua - Abalone to the rest of the English-speaking world.
  • Pōwhiri - A Māori ceremonial welcome. Especially to a marae, but now also may take place at the start of a conference or similar large meeting in New Zealand.
  • Tangi atau tangihanga – a funeral, especially one conducted to traditional Māori rites. (tangi means to weep or mourn)
  • Whānau - A Māori (extended) family. Kinfolk. Used often in advertising to alliterate with friends such as 'friends and whānau'.
  • Wharekai (literally food house) is the dining room and/or kitchen on a marae.
  • Wharenui (literally big house) is the meeting house on a marae.
  • Wharepaku (literally small house) - Toilet; Tāne is the mens', Wāhine is the womens'.


Passports, visas and documentation

Visa policy of New Zealand
Amaran PerjalananVisa restrictions:
Entry is refused to holders of travel documents issued by Somalia.

Minimum validity of travel documents

  • New Zealand and Australian citizens and permanent residents need only present a passport that is valid on the dates they arrive in and depart from New Zealand.
  • Others entering as a visitor, student or temporary worker must present a passport valid either for at least 3 months beyond the date they intend to depart, or for 1 month beyond the date they intend to depart if the issuing government has consular representation in NZ that is able to issue and renew travel documents (you should check with your issuing authority before travelling).
  • Lihat Immigration New Zealand for more info.

Visa-free entry

AwasNote: From 1 October 2019, a New Zealand electronic travel authorisation (NZeTA) is required for all visitors (except for New Zealand and Australian citizens) entering New Zealand on a visa waiver. You will not be able to board your aircraft/ship to New Zealand without an NZeTA.

Foreign nationals of the following countries and territories are eligible for a visa waiver and can stay in New Zealand visa-free as a visitor for up to 3 months: All European Union member states, Andorra, Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong SAR (including British National (Overseas) passports), Iceland, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Macau, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Norway, Oman, Qatar, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Uruguay, United Arab Emirates, United States dan Vatican City. Nationals from the United Kingdom (British citizens and other British passport holders who produce evidence of the right to reside permanently in the UK) are eligible for a visa waiver and can stay in New Zealand visa-free as a visitor for up to 6 months. Entry under a visa waiver does tidak permit employment or studying in New Zealand.

Citizens and permanent residents of Australia are entitled to reside in New Zealand indefinitely under the Trans-Tasman Travel Agreement. Australians entering New Zealand are granted a resident visa on arrival and can study and work in New Zealand without restriction, they may also vote in elections and claim some tax and social security benefits after a stand-down period.

Citizens of the Cook Islands, Tokelau dan Niue are New Zealand citizens. However, due to differing immigration laws, citizens of these countries need to present a New Zealand passport when entering and leaving New Zealand.

To enter or transit New Zealand on a visa waiver, foreigners need to complete a New Zealand electronic travel authorisation (NZeTA). This will cost you $9 (via app) or $12 (via website) depending on the application method, and the authorisation is valid for two years. Australian citizens don't need an NZeTA, but permanent residents of Australia who are not citizens do need it.

Most visitors will also need to pay a $35 International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL) at the same time they apply for the NZeTA. Citizens of most Oceanian countries and permanent residents of Australia are exempt.

All these visa waivers, including the one for Australians, can be refused. In particular, potential visitors who have a criminal record or who have been refused entry to or deported from any country should check with Immigration New Zealand if they need to apply for a visa. You may also be refused entry for health reasons, especially if you have tuberculosis (TB) or are likely to inflict large costs on New Zealand's health system during your stay (e.g. you need renal dialysis, hospitalisation or residential care). If you are pregnant and going to be in New Zealand beyond 37 weeks, you may need to prove that you have sufficient funds (NZ$9,000 or more) to cover maternity costs before being allowed to enter.


Visitors from countries not in the visa-free list or those wishing to stay longer than the maximum visa-free period for their nationality need to apply for an appropriate visa. Check the Immigration New Zealand web page for details.

If you require a visa to enter New Zealand, you might be able to apply for one at a British embassy, high commission or consulate in the country where you legally reside if there is no New Zealand diplomatic post. For example, the British embassies in Belgrade dan Tripoli accept New Zealand visa applications. British diplomatic posts charge £50 to process a New Zealand visa application and an extra £70 if Immigration New Zealand requires the visa application to be referred to them. Immigration New Zealand can also decide to charge an additional fee if they correspond with you directly.

If you seeking entry as a visitor and this standard condition is not specifically waived by a visa, you must have a return ticket or evidence of onward travel to even check-in with airlines. If you don't, then you'll have to purchase a ticket before being allowed to check in. You also need to prove you have sufficient funds available for your time in New Zealand – NZ$1,000 per month, or $400 per month if your accommodation is pre-paid (proof of payment is required in the latter case).

For those who need visa and are travelling in a group (having the same travel plans and itinerary), it may be better to apply for the considerably cheaper group visas. While applying for such a visa, apart from individual application forms, a separate group visa application form (only one form for the entire group) should also be submitted.

Refugee applications should be made before arrival since New Zealand has a formal refugee induction programme. Those who turn up in an airport arrival lounge without papers, claiming refugee status, may find themselves in jail awaiting the outcome of legal proceedings.

Customs and quarantine

AwasNote: New Zealand strictly enforces biosecurity laws. Visitors should obey all biosecurity rules scrupulously.

New Zealand has very strict biosecurity laws. Being a long way from anywhere else in the world, many pests and diseases that are endemic elsewhere are not present in New Zealand. A significant proportion of the economy is based on agriculture, so importing even small quantities of food, unprocessed animal or plant materials is tightly controlled. These restrictions are designed to prevent the introduction of foreign diseases and pests.

At ports of international entry, both the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) and New Zealand Customs Service will inspect passenger baggage and confiscate and fine for any prohibited items. Do not think you can get away with bringing items in surreptitiously by not declaring them; all passengers will be questioned and all baggage will be x-rayed and/or opened as part of standard entry procedures, and random inspections by sniffer-dogs will take place. There are amnesty bins available before the checkpoint to dispose of banned goods. If you unintentionally fail to declare controlled items, you will be given an on-the-spot fine of $400; if you deliberately smuggle in controlled items, you can be fined up to $100,000 and/or be jailed for up to 5 years. You can also be deported and banned from New Zealand.

The best advice is to declare any item you think may cause problems — biosecurity control border staff may confiscate and destroy the item, but you will not have to pay a fine (or be deported). Even if you haven't declared an item on your arrival card, you can still advise staff when you get to the border check of any item without incurring a fine.

Items that must be declared include:

  • any kind of food, regardless of whether it's cooked, uncooked, fresh, preserved, packaged or dried.
  • any animal product, material or biological specimen
  • any plants or plant material
  • any animals
  • any equipment used with animals, plants or water (e.g. gardening, beekeeping, fishing, water sport, diving)
  • any items that have been used for outdoor or farming activities, such as footwear, tents, camping, hunting, hiking, golf and sports equipment.

All food must be declared to customs, even if the food items are permitted. Commercially-packaged or processed food is usually allowed through by MPI, but you can still be fined if you do not declare them. Take care with any items of food that you have obtained during your travel; many people have been caught and fined for not declaring fruit they were given as part of an in-flight meal. If you are unsure it is best to declare any questionable items as the immigration officers will be able to tell you if it needs to be cleaned or disposed of before entry. Some items may be allowable such as wooden souvenirs but be taken for sterilisation or fumigation before being released to you. You may be charged a fee for this.

Anti-money laundering and countering finance of terrorism (AML/CFT) laws requires you to make a declaration to customs if you are bringing NZ$10,000 or more, or its equivalent in foreign currency, in or out of the country. There are no restrictions on the amount of money that may be brought into or out of New Zealand provided the money is properly declared. Failure to declare could lead to arrest and a possible seizure of the cash.

In addition, importation or possession of most recreational drugs, including cannabis, is illegal and results in arrest. If found guilty, you would be subject to a range of penalties from hefty fines for minor offences to lengthy imprisonment, even life imprisonment, for larger offences.

By plane

Air New Zealand aircraft at AKL

New Zealand is a long way from any other country, so nearly all travellers get there by plane. Flight time from the Australian east coast is 3–4 hours, Southeast Asia 10–11 hours, the North American west coast 13–15 hours, and the Middle East a thrombosis-causing 17–18 hours. Travelling by plane from European destinations takes 24–26 hours, and involves at least one stopover in either Asia or the Americas.

Auckland (AKL IATA) is the primary entry point, and the main hub for flag carrier Air New Zealand. More than 20 airlines connect Auckland Airport with more than 35 destinations in Australia and the South Pacific, eastern Asia, North America, Santiago (Chile), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Dubai and Doha.

Christchurch International Airport (CHC IATA) is the main secondary entry point, with flights to and from eastern Australia, Fiji, Singapore, Dubai (via Sydney) and Guangzhou, and seasonal services to and from Hong Kong, Perth and Taipei (via Melbourne). Smaller international airports at Wellington, Dunedin dan Queenstown primarily offer services to and from eastern Australia. If you fly through Australia, make sure you have a transit visa if you need one. You won't be able to get on your flight otherwise.

AwasCOVID-19 information: As of 29 July 2020, many flights are not operating due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but flights to Auckland are being operated by Air New Zealand from Brisbane, Sydney, Los Angeles and Singapore; by China Eastern from Shanghai; by Emirates from Dubai; and by Singapore Airlines from Singapore (to Christchurch as well as Auckland).
(Information last updated 29 Jul 2020)

Dengan bot

A small percentage (1.5%) of passengers enter New Zealand via boat. Cruise ships regularly visit New Zealand between October and April. Most of these depart from Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane in Australia, taking three nights crossing the Tasman Sea to reach New Zealand.


Dengan bas

Buses are a relatively cheap and environmentally friendly way to get around New Zealand. Services are usually only once a day, even between major towns. Most roads in New Zealand are quite narrow and winding (when compared to the highways of the USA), and travelling a long distance in a bus can be a safe and relaxing way to travel compared with driving yourself. Booking in advance can get you great bargains on some lines.

  • Flying Kiwi Adventures. Trips range from 3 to 27 days and cover both main islands. The tours focus on enjoying outdoor beauty and excitement with numerous hiking, cycling and activity options. There are also options to take extended breaks in your favourite places. Discounts are available for holders of YHA, VIP, ISIC and NOMADs cards.
Double decker bus of the InterCity company
  • InterCity. New Zealand’s national coach company, with services connecting over 600 destinations nationwide. InterCity Group has voluntarily adopted European Emission standards across its fleet of modern coaches. Operates the InterCity and Newmans lines, and a fleet of modern vessels and coaches for GreatSights New Zealand, Fullers GreatSights Bay of Islands dan awesomeNZ. Tickets can be purchased from the InterCity ticket counters at bus stations or i-SITE information centres and a discount is given to students or youth-hostel membership card holders (e.g. BBH, YHA, Nomads, ISIC). Fares start from $1 (plus a booking fee) on all InterCity’s national services and they’ve even been known to give away free seats at various times of the year. A limited number of heavily discounted “Cheap-as-Seats” for travel that week are released via the company’s Facebook and Twitter feeds every Monday. Online fares are often sold at a cheaper rate.
  • Travelpass. A pass offered by InterCity that brings together an extensive range of “hop on and off” fixed itinerary passes, based on the most popular touring routes throughout New Zealand. National passes include the Interislander ferry and a scenic boat cruise in Milford Sound. Passes are valid for 1 year.
  • Flexi-Pass. Utilising the combined national networks of InterCity, Newmans and GreatSights, Flexi-Pass is sold in blocks of time, just like a prepaid phone card, and enables the holder to travel anywhere on the company’s network. Passes start at 15 hr, which is enough to travel from Auckland to Wellington in the North Island. Flexi-Pass hours can also be used to travel on the Interislander ferry and on Fullers GreatSights Bay of Islands Dolphin Watching cruises and tours to Cape Brett and the famous "Hole in the Rock". Passes can also be sold on to third parties and are valid for 1 year.
  • Atomic Shuttles operate a no-frills shuttle service in parts of the South Island.
  • West Coast Shuttle. Daily transport from Greymouth to Christchurch (via Arthur's Pass) and return at more affordable prices than some of the larger firms.
  • Backpacker buses - KiwiExperience Backpacker Bus dan Stray Travel Bus offer bus trips around New Zealand where you can get on and off as you please after purchasing a pass.
  • Skip Bus operates express bus services across major cities in the North Island, like Auckland, Whangarei, Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua, Wellington.
  • Naked Bus and Mana Bus ceased operation in July 2018.

By plane

Domestic flights in New Zealand can be expensive; some domestic flights can cost as much as a flight to Australia. However, flying often works out cheaper than driving or taking a train, especially when crossing between the North and South Islands.

Airlines operate an electronic ticket system. You can book on-line, by telephone, or through a travel agent. Photo ID will be needed for travel.

Check-in times are usually at least 30 minutes prior to flight departure, or 60 minutes if you're connecting to an international flight. Cabin baggage and personal scanning are routinely conducted for services from the major airports that have jet landings.

  • Air New Zealand, 64 9 357 3000, toll-free: 0800 737 000. Has the most extensive domestic network, serving most cities over 20,000 people, with jet services between main centres and smaller turboprop aircraft elsewhere. Free baggage allowance is 1 piece of baggage weighing 23 kg on Grabaseat Bag, Saver and Flexi fares; standard Grabaseat fares don't include checked baggage. All fares include 7 kg carry-on baggage.
  • Jetstar is a budget no-frills carrier that flies to Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Queenstown dan Wellington. Don't be late for check-in – they are very strict about check-in close times.

Auckland, Christchurch, Queenstown and Wellington airports have timetabled buses to the airport. Regional airports generally have only on-demand shuttle services and taxis.

By motor vehicle

Watch out for kiwis!
Main article: Driving in New Zealand

You can reach most of New Zealand's sights in a two-wheel-drive car, motorcycle or even a small camper van. While public transport is usable in the cities of Auckland and Wellington, a car is almost essential to get around anywhere else.

Traffic drives on the left in New Zealand. The State Highway network connects major cities and destinations within the two main islands, and are indicated by a number inside a red shield. Motorways and expressways are generally only found near major cities, with most intercity driving done on undivided highways with one lane in each direction and limited overtaking opportunities. Be prepared to get caught behind slow-moving vehicles, and expect drivers behind you to become impatient if you drive slowly without a reason. If you are driving slowly and traffic builds up behind you, find a safe place to pull over and let them pass.

You can legally drive for up to 12 months if you are at least 18 years old and have a current full driving licence from your home country. It must be in English or you must have an approved English translation such as an International Driving Permit (IDP) to accompany it. You must carry your licence at all times when driving. All drivers and passengers must wear a seat belt, and children must be seated in an approved child restraint until their 7th birthday. Talking or using a mobile phone while driving is illegal.

Speed limits are generally 50 km/h in urban areas, and 100 km/h in rural areas and on motorways. A select few motorways and expressways have 110 km/h limits. Heavy vehicles and towing vehicles have a blanket maximum limit of 90 km/h. Being caught 40 km/h or more over the posted limit will result in a 28-day roadside suspension and most likely an appearance in court on dangerous driving charges.

The blood alcohol limit in New Zealand is 0.05% (0.00% if aged under 20). Checkpoints for breath screening tests are common, where a police officer will randomly pick a vehicle driver to undergo the test; refusing it will usually result in arrest. Being caught more than 0.03% over the limit will result in an appearance in court, which will result in at least 6 months disqualification from driving and a hefty fine.

Some petrol stations in major towns and cities are open 24 hours, with most other manned petrol stations closing by 10PM. There are 24-hour unmanned petrol stations around the country, which accept national and international debit/credit cards with a PIN; very rarely do these sites accept cash. Petrol prices vary by region: $1.90-2.15/L for regular unleaded petrol, and $1.30-1.45/L for diesel as of February 2019 (unlike petrol, diesel is not taxed at the pump and therefore the price is lower).

Electric vehicles make up around 0.25% of the vehicle fleet (as of September 2018), and there is a rapidly expanding network of fast charging stations across the country.


See also: Renting a motorhome in New Zealand
Cheaper type of campervan, a converted regular van offered by Hippie Campers

A campervan/motorhome provides considerable freedom and allows you to set your own schedule for travel around New Zealand by combining accommodation and transport. These practical vehicles are often equipped with two or more beds, a kitchenette, a shower and a toilet. They are generally suited for 2-6 people depending on the size.

Motorhome/campervan rentals are available in both the North Island and South Island. Some rental companies offer one way rentals so you can start and finish your travel in different locations. A minimum rental period is generally 5 days but can be up to 10 days during the peak season (especially Christmas/New Year).


New Zealand is a motorbike rider's dream country! Rentals of many makes of motorcycles are available throughout New Zealand. The South Island is the main attraction for a motorcyclist and motorcycle tours base most of their time here. Remember to bring your full motorcycle licence from your home country; a standard car licence is not suffice to ride a motorcycle in New Zealand.


Car rental firms range from the familiar multi-national big brands through to small local car rental firms. The advantage of the big name rental firms is they can be found throughout New Zealand and offer the biggest and newest range of rental vehicles. The disadvantage is that generally they are the most expensive. Occasionally rental firms offer free rental in the direction from south to north due to the majority of tourists travelling in the opposite direction, creating a deficit of cars in the north.

At the other end of the scale are the small local operators who typically have older rental cars. Whilst you may not end up driving this year's latest model the advantage is that the smaller car rental firms can be substantially cheaper, so leaving you more money to spend on the many exciting attractions New Zealand offers. Between these extremes you will find a wide range of NZ car rental firms catering to different needs and budgets.

Other things to note are that most car hire firms require you to be 21 or over, hold a full licence and it will help if you have an international licence too. New Zealand rental vehicles may come with either a manual (stick-shift) or an automatic transmission; if you can't drive a manual, make sure to specify an automatic transmission vehicle in advance. If you have a licence from a non-English speaking country, you will be required to have an official translation of that document to rent a vehicle. If you don’t have one at the counter, some companies are able to refer you to a service at a cost of about $80 and a delay of 1 to 2 hours.

Some rental car companies do not allow their vehicles on the Cook Strait ferries between the North and South Island, or only allow them on if you promise to return them back to their originating island. If you do return a rental car on the wrong island, expect to be charged upwards of $500 to repatriate the vehicle. Most rental car companies will allow you to drop off a car at one terminal, travel on the ferry and pick up another car at the other terminal at no extra cost.

Self-drive holidays are a great way to travel around New Zealand as they offer independence, flexibility and opportunities to interact with the locals. A number of companies offer inclusive self-drive holidays with rental car & accommodation, pre-set itineraries or customised to suit your interests.

Purchase and sale

Main article: Buying or renting a vehicle in New Zealand
Car dealerships in Auckland

If you want to have an extended holiday in New Zealand and you would prefer to have your own transport, it may be cheaper to buy a car or van and resell it just before leaving. If you use this method, travel across Cook Strait can be expensive. If purchasing a car for $500 or less it may be cheaper to buy and sell a car in each island separately. However, if you buy your car in Christchurch, tour the South island and then travel North to sell in Auckland, you can take advantage of the buyers market in Christchurch and the sellers market in Auckland and possibly even make a small profit. In addition to the usual ways to look for a car (newspapers, accommodation noticeboards, car markets etc.) New Zealand's biggest on-line auction website Trademe have many listings. You can also try the backpackers car market where there are usually people selling their cars off cheaply. Car auctions can also be a suitable option if you are looking to buy a car. Turner's Auctions have regular auctions and are based in many cities. Look out for "Repo" auctions, where the cars being sold are as a result of repossession. Should any previous ownership problems have existed, these will have been resolved before auction commences.

When you buy and sell a vehicle, you need to notify the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and (if you are buying) pay the appropriate fee. It is very important to notify the NZTA if you are selling since this limits your liability for any subsequent costs (overdue licence fees, speed camera tickets, etc.). Other obligations as a vehicle owner include paying the licence fees ("rego") and having a current Warrant of Fitness (WoF). Diesel vehicles owners also have to pay Road User Charges (RUC) since diesel is not taxed at the pump. Third party insurance to cover your liability in an accident is not mandatory but is highly recommended. The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) automatically covers you for personal injuries in car accidents (see Stay healthy below for more information).

By train

Main article: Rail travel in New Zealand

Both Auckland and Wellington have commuter rail services. Auckland's network is managed by Auckland Transport, and has four lines spreading from Britomart station in the city centre to Swanson in the west, Onehunga in the southwest, Papakura and Pukekohe in the south, and Manukau in the south-east; there is no rail to the North Shore or to eastern Auckland. Wellington's network is managed by Metlink, and has four lines spreading north from Wellington station serving Wellington's northern suburbs, Porirua, Kapiti Coast (as far north as Waikanae), Lower Hutt dan Upper Hutt. A fifth service, the Wairarapa Connection, travels several times daily to Masterton di dalam Wairarapa via Upper Hutt and the 8.8 km Rimutaka Tunnel.

Long distance passenger-rail services are slow and limited in New Zealand, and are largely used for tourism purposes rather than as actual practical travel options, with the bulk of New Zealand's rail traffic being used for freight transport.

Inter-city passenger services are operated by KiwiRail Scenic Journeys, with just a few popular tourist services that pass through spectacular scenery and have a running commentary, panoramic windows and an open-air viewing carriage.

  • Northern Explorer (replaced the Overlander) – a modern train that now operates 3 days a week all year. It heads south from Auckland to Wellington on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays and in the opposite direction on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. This is reckoned by many to be one of the world's most scenic rail journeys.
  • Capital Connection – commuter service leaves from Palmerston North to Wellington in the morning, returning in the evening.
  • Coastal Pacific – from Christchurch to Picton (via Kaikoura) and return daily. Travels along the rugged north-east coast of the South Island with terrific sea views. Meets the Picton–Wellington ferry. Oct–Apr only.
  • TranzAlpine – from Christchurch to Greymouth and return daily. Classed as one of the world's great train journeys, this trip crosses the South Island, passing through spectacular mountain scenery, some of which is inaccessible by road, and the 8.5 km Otira Tunnel. Many visitors disembark at Arthur's Pass National Park and spend four hours exploring the mountains before catching the return train.

The online booking site maximises overseas revenue by only showing the cheapest fares when it detects that you are accessing it from a New Zealand IP address. You may be able to get these cheaper fares if you wait until you arrive or book by phone. Seating on the Capital Connection is on a first-come-first-served basis and cannot be booked in advance.

Trains run at low speed, no faster than 110 km/h and can drop to 50 km/h in the summer due to the lack of track maintenance following privatisation in the 1990s. Most New Zealanders prefer to drive or fly long distances, as train fares are comparatively expensive. However, if time is not an issue, going through New Zealand by train is well worth the price-tag as you get breathtaking views you wouldn't get from a car and can wander around the train while someone else does all the driving - benefits no other mode of transportation offers.

All long distance trains have a dining car and you can pre-order your food and have a look at the menu online.

Dengan teksi

Uber and Ola are available in major cities.

Dengan feri

Between the North and South Islands

Interislander's Kaitaki is one of five ferries (and the largest) plying the Wellington-Picton route between the country's two main islands.
Main article: Cook Strait ferries

There are two passenger and car ferry operators which cross Cook Strait between Wellington in the North Island and Picton in the South Island. The journey lasts 3.5 hours and there are several sailings daily. It is a spectacular and scenic trip through Wellington Harbour, Cook Strait and the Marlborough Sounds. However, the weather and seas in Cook Strait are frequently rough and unpredictable; sailings can be delayed or cancelled due to stormy weather, while others can quickly turn from a Mediterranean cruise into a spew-fest. Make sure you pack essentials for every possible weather situation in your carry-on luggage; you can't return to your car once the ferry has left port.

The ferry terminal at Picton is close to the railway station, and the Coastal Pacific train connects with Interislander sailings.

It is essential to book vehicle crossings in advance. The busiest period is from late December to February. Foot passenger traffic is also heavy at this time, and it is advisable to book well in advance.

Check with your rental car company whether you can take your vehicle on the Cook Strait ferry: some do not allow their vehicles on the ferries but will happily allow you to drop off a car at one ferry terminal and pick up another car at the other terminal at no extra cost.

  • Interislander, 64 4 498-3302, toll-free: 0800 802 802. Contact centre M–F 08:00–20:00, Sa–Su 08:00–18:00. Operates three ships: Aratere, Kaiarahi dan Kaitaki.
  • Bluebridge (Strait Shipping), 64 4 471-6188, toll-free: 0800 844 844. Contact centre 08:00-20:00 daily.. Operates two ships: Straitsman dan Strait Feronia

Other ferries

Harbour ferries, for commuters, operate in Auckland and Wellington. A number of communities are served by boat, rather than road, while charter boats are available for expeditions in several places. There are regular sightseeing cruises in several tourist destinations, particularly in the Southern Lakes and Fiordland area.

By bicycle

You can bring your own bike or hire one in some of the larger cities. By law, you must wear a helmet while riding, otherwise you may be issued an on-the-spot penalty. When hiring a bike you should be supplied with a helmet. Remember to ride on the left. You cannot ride on motorways in New Zealand - be aware that the Auckland Harbour Bridge between downtown Auckland and the North Shore is a motorway and there is no separate cycle path (yet), so you'll have to take a ferry or cycle around the harbour.

Cycling in New Zealand can be fun, but be aware that because of the geography and small number of people cycling between towns there are very few cycle lanes and limited shoulder space on roads. Beware of buses and trucks on main highways as many drivers will not give you sufficient overtaking clearance; proportionately, five times as many cyclists are injured and killed on New Zealand roads as in the Netherlands or Singapore! You should also be prepared for the large distances between towns and cities and the generally windy weather. While some areas of New Zealand are flat, most tourists cycling in New Zealand will find that they need to be able to cope with long periods of cycling up hills, especially in the Coromandel. Be prepared for any weather and for all seasons in one day.

You can choose to get a bike on arrival in New Zealand, or use a self-guided or guided cycle tour operator. Christchurch had the largest number of guided and self-guided tour operators and there are a number of bike rental companies based there also.

A network of cycle trails is being built around New Zealand, using a combination of off-road cycleways and low-traffic roads. There are some safe and beautiful routes already constructed: NZ Cycle Trail.

By thumb

Hitchhiking around New Zealand is quite good everywhere. It's illegal to hitchhike on the few motorways (except on the on-ramps) and illegal for motorists to stop there to pick you up. Try to get out of the middle of town, especially where public transport operates. Wear your pack and look like you're touring the country rather than just being a local looking for a lift, but above all else pick a place that's safe for vehicles to stop and don't forget to smile. You have as much chance of being picked up by another tourist as a local, particularly in tourist areas.

Rideshare and carpooling is increasing in New Zealand as fuel prices rise and people recognise the social and environmental benefit of sharing vehicles and travelling with others. While some systems are quite informal, others have trust systems which give greater security when choosing a ride.

  • Jayride. A New Zealand ridesharing and hitch hiking website. Their focus is providing a variety of ride options, for flexibility and cost savings.


Mountains, lakes and glaciers

Milford Sound

It can be said that in New Zealand it's the countryside that's magnificent, and perhaps no more so than the Southern Alps of the South Island. Di dalam Mackenzie Country, the snow-capped jagged peaks rising above turquoise lakes have provided the inspiration for many a postcard. Tucked in behind is the country's highest peak, Aoraki Mount Cook (3724 m). The lakes and mountains continue south, becoming a stunning backdrop for the towns of Wanaka, Queenstown dan Glenorchy.

Another region where mountain meets water with striking effect is Fiordland National Park where steep, densely forested mountains rise from the sea. The most accessible, and perhaps one of the most beautiful, spots is Milford Sound. The road in is spectacular and the view even more so when you arrive.

Glaciers may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of an island in the South Pacific, but New Zealand has several. The most notable are the Fox and Franz Josef glaciers in Westland National Park. These glaciers are unique in how close they get to sea level and are sustained by the enormous amount of precipitation that falls on New Zealand's west coast.

New Zealand's sceneries have featured famously in the Lord of the Rings film series, and many natural and artificial settings on the island can be visited.

Volcanoes and geysers

Hot pool in Rotorua

New Zealand is a geological hotspot and has many dormant and active volcanoes, geysers and hot springs. The best place to start is Rotorua, where the smell of sulphur lets you know you're close to the action. The surrounding countryside has many parks with geysers and hot springs, and Mount Tarawera, the site of one of New Zealand's more famous eruptions, lies a short drive away.

South of Rotorua is the town of Taupo, on the shores of the country's largest lake, which was formed in a massive volcanic explosion 26,500 years ago, and expanded by an equally massive explosion 1800 years ago (it reputedly turned skies over China and Rome red). Beyond Lake Taupo is Tongariro National Park, dominated by its three volcanoes, Tongariro, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu. All three mountains are still active (Tongariro last erupted in 2012) and Ruapehu has a crater lake that can be viewed with a bit of hiking. Ngauruhoe is famous for filling in as Mt. Doom in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Northeast of Rotorua is Whakatane, with tours to White Island, a volcanic island not far off the coast. The island is truly a different world with its smoke plume, green crater lake and the pohutukawa trees clinging to a fragile existence on the volcanic rock.

Dormant and extinct volcanoes help define the landscape in many other regions, including Taranaki and three of the largest cities (Auckland, Christchurch dan Dunedin). North of Taupo and at Kawerau, New Zealand's geothermal resources are put to use generating electricity, supplying around 17.5% of the country's electricity demand. Hot springs are sprinkled across the country, and are often popular bathing spots.

Flora and fauna

Lupins growing on Lake Ohau near the Southern Alps on the South Island. Although beautiful, these plants are actually an invasive species that are pushing out native plants and birds.

Because New Zealand is so remote from the rest of the world, and has been for millions of years, its plants and animals are unique and distinctive. New Zealand's wildlife evolved in isolation, in absence of land mammals (apart from three species of bat), and the roles of mammals were taken by reptiles, giant insects, and flightless birds (most notably the giant extinct moa, whose 3 m tall skeletons can be seen in museums).

New Zealand's forests are mostly cool-temperate rain forest, resembling tropical jungle with vines, tree ferns, and a thick understorey. The most impressive native trees is the kauri, one of the largest tree species in the world. Heavily logged in the 19th and early 20th century, few of these giants are left (a result of over-logging), but a visit to the Waipoua Forest dalam Northland will afford a glimpse. New Zealand has a large number of ferns for a temperate country, including the silver fern, the national "flower".

The beaches of the South Island, particularly The Catlins dan juga Otago Peninsula, are good places to see marine animals such as penguins, seals dan sea lions in their natural habitat. The Otago Peninsula is also noted for its albatross colony.

Unfortunately, over-hunting from the time humans first arrived, has meant many of New Zealand's unique animals are now endangered and can only really be seen in captivity or in mammal-free nature reserves. This includes the kiwi, the country's national bird; this flightless nocturnal chicken-sized bird is unique in having nostrils at the tip of its beak and laying the largest egg in the world relative to its body size. Other unique (yet endangered) wildlife includes the flightless takahē, kākāpō (made famous internationally after the "shagged by a rare parrot" incident), and the tuatara (a lizard-like reptile, last survivor of a branch of the reptilian family tree dating back to the dinosaurs). One non-native pest is the brush-tailed possum, which was imported from Australia for its silky fur, which is used to make warm, lightweight knitted goods.

New Zealand's National Parks are maintained by the Department of Conservation (DOC) and various local governments. Access is free, but may be restricted in some parks during some parts of the year due to weather (e.g.: avalanche risk) or farming needs (e.g.: lambing season). It's best to check with local tourist information centres for up to date information before venturing into the wilderness, even for a day hike.

Eradication and management of non-native animals is common but sometimes contentious in New Zealand. Visitors from overseas may be surprised by the lack of affection New Zealanders hold for what would be cuddly bunnies or fluffy possums in other countries. Much pest management is through poisonous baits, notably sodium fluoroacetate or "1080". These are delivered through ground bait stations or, more cost effectively (though controversially), by helicopter drops. Department of Conservation dan OSPRI/TBfree NZ provide regularly-updated pesticide summaries that include warnings, maps of the areas affected, and which poisons have been used.

Urban fare

While the countryside is the main attraction of New Zealand, it's worthwhile to spend some time in the cities. Auckland adalah sebuah bandar yang menyenangkan dengan daerah tepi lautnya seperti Pelabuhan Viaduct dan Mission Bay, gunung berapi lama (Gunung Eden dan One Tree Hill), segelintir muzium dan Sky Tower, bangunan berdiri bebas tertinggi di Belahan Bumi Selatan. Seni bina yang lebih menarik dan muzium Te Papa yang indah boleh didapati di Wellington, Ibu negara. Napier patut dihentikan, jika anda mempunyai masa, untuk Art Deco CBD dan Christchurch menarik untuk watak Inggerisnya dan pembangunan semula bandar selepas gempa 2011. Dunedin mempunyai watak Scotland dengan beberapa bangunan abad kesembilan belas yang indah.


Luar dan pengembaraan

Aktiviti luar dan pengembaraan merangkumi:

  • Bungy Jump Queenstown, Auckland, Taupo - lompatan bungy moden diciptakan di sini oleh New Zealander A.J. Hackett.
  • Berkanu dan berkayak di sungai dan tasik - Berkayak laut Rizab Laut Abel Tasman dan perairan yang lebih sejuk di Milford Sound
  • Caving - Waitomo, Nelson, Pantai Barat Pulau Selatan, Te Anau
  • Menyelam
  • Memancing - air tawar (beberapa memancing ikan trout terbaik di dunia) dan memancing permainan (beberapa sukan memancing terbaik di dunia untuk marlin, broadbill, hiu, tuna, kingfish dan banyak spesies air masin lain)
  • Kembara - New Zealand mempunyai sejumlah taman nasional dan kawasan hutan belantara dan hutan yang lain, yang sebagian besar diuruskan oleh Jabatan Pemuliharaan (DoC). Kegiatan yang dikenali di negara lain sebagai mendaki, trekking atau semak belukar dikenali sebagai tramping di New Zealand dan merupakan aktiviti yang sangat digemari oleh pengunjung dan penduduk tempatan.
  • Belon udara panas
  • Jet berperahu - jet Hamilton diciptakan di New Zealand pada tahun 1954 oleh Bill Hamilton, khusus untuk mengatasi sungai jalinan cetek di negara itu.
  • Berbasikal gunung
  • Memandu di luar jalan raya
  • Berakit
  • Pelayaran - New Zealand telah menghasilkan banyak kapal layar juara dunia dan satu-satunya negara selain dari AS yang telah menang dan berjaya mempertahankan hadiah utama kapal layar, Piala Amerika.
  • Ski dan papan luncur salji - the Kawasan Queenstown-Wanaka adalah destinasi ski utama di Selandia Baru, dengan banyak pemain ski dan pemain salji antarabangsa terkemuka datang ke kawasan itu untuk mengejar musim sejuk yang kekal. Kawasan ski awam lain terdapat di kaki bukit Canterbury, dan di Gunung Ruapehu di Pulau Utara.
  • Skydiving
  • Melayari
  • Paus memerhatikan di Kaikoura
  • Luncur angin dan luncur layang-layang
  • Mengajar


The All Blacks melakukan haka sebelum perlawanan ragbi menentang Perancis

Kesatuan ragbi memberi semangat lebih kepada semangat daripada agama, dan pasukan kebangsaan New Zealand adalah yang kuat Semua Orang Hitam, yang pembukaannya menggeletar haka boleh dikatakan lebih terkenal daripada aspek lain di New Zealand. The All Blacks telah memenangi Piala Dunia Rugby tiga kali (1987, 2011, 2015), diikat dengan Afrika Selatan untuk kemenangan terbanyak. Mereka juga mempunyai rekod kemenangan menentang setiap pasukan lain yang pernah mereka mainkan; dalam era profesional (1995 dan seterusnya), hanya Australia, Afrika Selatan, England, Perancis dan Ireland yang memenangi lebih dari satu perlawanan menentang All Blacks. New Zealand adalah pasukan kebangsaan yang paling hebat dalam sukan ragbi, dan bermain melawan mereka, apalagi mengalahkan mereka, adalah impian yang menjadi kenyataan bagi pemain ragbi dari seluruh dunia.

The All Blacks biasanya bermain di rumah pada musim sejuk hemisfera selatan (Jun hingga Ogos), terutamanya di Kejohanan Ragbi menentang Argentina, Australia dan Afrika Selatan. Tidak seperti banyak pasukan kebangsaan lain, All Blacks tidak mempunyai stadium tunggal; perlawanan ujian beredar di antara stadium di pusat-pusat utama, termasuk Taman Eden di Auckland, Stadium Westpac ("The Cake Tin") di Wellington, Stadium AMI di Christchurch, Stadium Waikato di Hamilton, dan Stadium Forsyth Barr di Dunedin.

Ragbi Super adalah pertandingan antara kelab dari Australia, New Zealand, Afrika Selatan, Argentina dan Jepun, dengan 5 dari 15 pasukan berpangkalan di New Zealand. Pasukan New Zealand cenderung menunjukkan prestasi yang baik dalam pertandingan dan telah memenangi lebih banyak final berbanding pasukan dari negara lain. Ragbi wanita agak tidak signifikan sehingga pertengahan tahun 2010-an, tetapi sejak itu minat dan penyertaan meningkat secara eksponen. Pasukan kebangsaan wanita dikenali sebagai Black Ferns, dan rekod mereka memalukan All Blacks - mereka telah memenangi enam Piala Dunia, dan hanya England yang memenangi lebih dari satu perlawanan menentang mereka!

Pemenang All Blacks sepanjang masa menjadi agak berulang-ulang dan membosankan, oleh itu warga New Zealand juga menikmati pelbagai jenis sukan penonton yang lain. Sukan berpasukan yang popular di New Zealand termasuk kriket, liga ragbi, bola sepak (iaitu bola sepak persatuan atau bola sepak), bola jaring (varian bola keranjang yang popular di negara-negara Komanwel dan dimainkan hampir secara eksklusif oleh wanita), dan semakin, bola keranjang (ketiga hanya untuk bola jaring dan kesatuan ragbi dari segi peserta sekolah menengah). Di pentas Olimpik, sukan terbaik di New Zealand merangkumi mendayung, belayar, berkayak, berbasikal trek, dan atletik (trek dan padang) acara jarak tengah dan lontaran.

New Zealand mempunyai lebih daripada 400 yang mendaftar golf kursus, dari kelab tempatan hingga pusat peranginan terkenal di peringkat antarabangsa, menawarkan permainan golf yang tidak sesak dan pemandangan yang luar biasa.



Nilai tukar untuk dolar New Zealand

Pada 04 Januari 2021:

  • US $ 1 ≈ $ 1.39
  • €1 ≈ $1.7
  • UK £ 1 ≈ $ 1.9
  • Australia $ 1 ≈ $ 1.07

Kadar pertukaran berubah-ubah. Kadar semasa untuk mata wang ini dan mata wang lain boleh didapati dari

Mata wang yang digunakan di New Zealand adalah Dolar New Zealand, dilambangkan dengan simbol "$"atau"NZ $"(Kod ISO: NZD). Ia dibahagikan kepada 100 sen. Dalam panduan ini, simbol "$" menunjukkan dolar New Zealand kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya.

Dolar Selandia Baru mengambang bebas, namun tanpa perubahan besar di pasaran antarabangsa, kadar pertukaran pada umumnya stabil. Pembayaran dalam mata wang asing tidak diterima dengan mudah. Beberapa hotel dan kedai di kawasan pelancongan mungkin menerima wang asing, tetapi mengharapkan kadar pertukarannya rendah (mis. Dolar Australia diterima pada 1: 1). Oleh kerana dolar New Zealand adalah salah satu mata wang yang paling aktif diperdagangkan di dunia (10 yang paling banyak diperdagangkan pada April 2016), ia banyak terdapat di bank dan pengurup wang di seluruh dunia.

Duit syiling terdapat dalam 10 ¢ (tembaga), 20 ¢ (perak kecil), 50 ¢ (perak besar), $ 1 (emas kecil) dan $ 2 (emas besar). Semua duit syiling itu menampilkan Ratu Elizabeth II di bahagian "kepala". Pada tahun 2006, New Zealand menghentikan duit syiling 5 ¢ dan menggantikan duit syiling 10 ¢, 20 ¢ dan 50 ¢ dengan versi yang lebih kecil. Sebelum perubahan, duit syiling 5 ¢, 10 ¢ dan 20 ¢ sama dengan rakan mereka di Australia, kecuali sisi "ekor" yang berbeza, yang bermaksud biasa melihat syiling Australia dalam edaran New Zealand dan sebaliknya. Oleh kerana tidak ada duit syiling yang lebih kecil daripada 10 ¢, transaksi tunai dibundarkan ke 10 ¢ yang terdekat (5 ¢ boleh dibundarkan dengan cara apa pun, tetapi kebanyakan perniagaan membundarkan).

Wang kertas berharga $ 5 (oren), $ 10 (biru), $ 20 (hijau), $ 50 (ungu), dan $ 100 (merah). Semua nota yang beredar dicetak pada polimer, dengan bahagian depannya menampilkan orang New Zealand yang terkenal (kecuali nota $ 20, yang menampilkan Ratu Elizabeth II) dan bahagian belakangnya menampilkan burung New Zealand. Terdapat dua siri wang kertas yang beredar, siri 1999 (tingkap lutsinar kecil) dan siri 2015-16 (tetingkap telus besar).


Mesin EFTPOS dengan pelekat "tanpa kredit" - ini hanya akan menerima EFTPOS dan kad debit domestik

Warga New Zealand adalah antara pengguna perkhidmatan perbankan elektronik tertinggi di dunia. Hampir semua kedai mempunyai Eftpos terminal untuk kad debit dan kredit, jadi kebanyakan pembelian dapat dilakukan secara elektronik.

Terminal Eftpos terbahagi kepada dua jenis: terminal yang hanya menerima kad domestik, dan terminal yang menerima kad domestik dan antarabangsa.

Anda biasanya dapat mengenal pasti terminal yang hanya menerima kad domestik dengan pelekat "tanpa kredit" yang diletakkan di atas terminal. Ini hanya akan menggunakan kad debit dan Eftpos domestik. Kad kredit dan kad debit antarabangsa tidak diterima. Anda akan menjumpai jenis ini di peruncit yang lebih kecil seperti susu, kedai makan dan kafe yang tidak menghidangkan alkohol.

Terminal tanpa pelekat akan menerima kad debit dan kredit antarabangsa dan domestik, selain kad Eftpos. Mengenai jenis kad yang diterima, MasterCard dan Visa adalah universal. American Express terdapat di kebanyakan kedai besar, Diners Club kurang. Secara teorinya, anda boleh menggunakan kad Discover di mana sahaja anda melihat tanda penerimaan Diners Club International; namun, hampir tidak ada peniaga yang mengetahui hal ini, selagi anda mempunyai kad cip dan PIN, ada baiknya memasukkannya ke terminal dan mencubanya. Kad UnionPay diterima di pedagang terpilih.

New Zealand adalah pengguna sistem kad cip-dan-PIN yang hampir sejagat, yang menggunakan cip elektronik dalam kad dan Nombor Pengenalan Peribadi (PIN) pemegang untuk mengesahkan transaksi. Sebilangan besar peniaga juga menerima kaedah leret dan tanda. Sekiranya anda menggunakan kad tanpa cip tertanam dan terminal meminta anda memasukkan PIN, cukup tekan kekunci "Enter" dan transaksi anda harus disetujui. Setelah menandatangani resit bercetak, anda mungkin diminta untuk menunjukkan dokumen pengenalan diri. Mesin automatik seperti di pam bahan bakar tanpa pengawasan mungkin tidak menerima kad tanpa PIN.

Pembayaran tanpa sentuhan, yang dikenali di New Zealand sebagai "Paywave", tersedia di kebanyakan tempat yang menerima kad kredit. Tidak diperlukan PIN untuk pembelian di bawah $ 80 (sementara dinaikkan menjadi $ 200 semasa pandemi COVID-19).

Mendapat wang tunai

Sebilangan besar kedai masih menerima wang tunai. Sebilangan besar warga New Zealand tidak membawa sejumlah besar wang tunai, melihatnya sebagai risiko dan menyusahkan jika menggunakan kad Eftpos mereka. Sebagai pelancong, anda tetap harus membawa wang tunai kerana akan ada kedai yang tidak menerima kad asing.

Mesin juruwang automatik (ATM), yang dikenali sebagai 'lubang di dinding' atau 'mesin tunai', boleh didapati di hampir semua bandar, bahkan di kawasan yang tidak mempunyai bank. Bank tidak lagi mengenakan yuran untuk menggunakan ATM pesaing, namun pengendali ATM bebas masih boleh mengenakan yuran pengeluaran. Sekiranya anda mengeluarkan dengan kad luar negara di ANZ, anda akan dikenakan bayaran $ 3 kerana menggunakan ATM mereka. BNZ dan Kiwibank tidak mengenakan kad luar negara. Terdapat had $ 2,000 pengeluaran tunai dari ATM setiap hari.

Pasar raya dan beberapa peruncit mungkin bersetuju untuk mengeluarkan sejumlah kecil wang tunai semasa anda membayar pembelian anda menggunakan kad debit domestik. Peruncit yang lebih kecil selalunya menetapkan pembelian minimum sekitar $ 10 apabila melakukannya.

akaun bank

Sekiranya anda akan berada di New Zealand untuk sementara waktu, mungkin mudah untuk membuka akaun bank New Zealand dan membuat kad tempatan. Semua bank NZ menawarkan perkhidmatan perbankan telefon dan internet. Sebilangan besar perniagaan dan orang sekarang memberikan nombor akaun bank 15 digit mereka (contoh: 12-3456-0789123-00) pada invois mereka, dan pelanggan memindahkan wang tersebut ke dalam akaun mereka melalui perbankan Internet. Perkara ini biasa berlaku semasa membeli kenderaan, atau pra-tempahan penginapan; pembayaran biasanya selesai dalam beberapa jam, atau selewat-lewatnya pada hari perniagaan berikutnya.

Semua bank New Zealand akan membenarkan pengunjung dan pendatang membuat akaun melalui laman web masing-masing sehingga enam bulan sebelum ketibaan. Kad anda akan mengambil masa kira-kira dua minggu untuk tiba, dan bank akan lebih senang menunggu anda di cawangan pilihan anda. Di New Zealand, bank 'Big Four' adalah ANZ, ASB, BNZ, dan Westpac; bank utama lain termasuk Kiwibank dan TSB.

Anda akan ditawarkan pilihan antara Eftpos dan kad debit. Kad Eftpos boleh digunakan untuk membayar di kedai-kedai di New Zealand dan digunakan untuk mengeluarkan wang dari ATM. Kad debit melakukan semua yang dilakukan oleh kad Eftpos, dan juga boleh digunakan untuk berbelanja dalam talian dan luar negara setiap kali Visa atau MasterCard diterima. Kad debit biasanya akan dikenakan yuran tahunan yang kecil (sekitar $ 10) sementara kad Eftpos percuma.


Pembayaran melalui cek jarang berlaku di New Zealand, dan kebanyakan kedai tidak akan menerimanya. Cek tidak lagi akan diterima oleh kebanyakan bank selepas Mei 2021.


New Zealand adalah negara yang cukup mahal bagi kebanyakan pengunjung, kerana pengasingan relatifnya menyebabkan kos mengimport barang meningkat. Harga setanding dengan negara jiran Australia, walaupun barang masing-masing mungkin berbeza dan tinggi.

Sebagai panduan, berikut adalah harga purata beberapa barang biasa (pada Oktober 2020):

  • Roti roti (600g) - $ 1.30
  • Botol susu dua liter - $ 3,60
  • Epal - $ 3,30 per kg
  • Buah Kiwi (hijau) - $ 4,00 per kg
  • Kentang - $ 2,20 per kg
  • Daging sapi - $ 16,40 per kg
  • Daging domba - $ 18.20 per kg
  • Ikan dan kerepek, satu bahagian - $ 7,40
  • Big Mac - $ 6.60

Cukai dan bayaran

Jalan utama di bandar Mosgiel, berhampiran Dunedin

Barang dan perkhidmatan yang dijual di New Zealand dikenakan Cukai Barang dan Perkhidmatan (GST) sebanyak 15%. Cukai biasanya termasuk dalam harga yang diiklankan; pengecualian mesti menyatakan bahawa GST dikecualikan atau tambahan. Beberapa kedai, terutama di destinasi pelancongan, akan menghantar pembelian ke luar negara atau membuatnya dapat diambil di lapangan terbang, kerana barang eksport tidak dikenakan GST. Tanyakan mengenai perkhidmatan ini sebelum membuat pembelian anda. Barang yang dibeli dan dibawa bersama anda akan dikenakan GST. Pelawat biasa tidak boleh menuntut bayaran balik GST yang telah dibayar semasa meninggalkan negara ini. Pelawat perniagaan mungkin dapat menuntut balik GST yang dibayar semasa pulangan syarikat mereka, dan oleh itu anda perlu memberikan resit cukai kepada jabatan perakaunan anda untuk semua pembelian $ 50 ke atas.

GST dan duti (jika berkenaan) dibayar ke atas semua barang yang diimport melebihi elaun bebas cukai. Elaun bebas cukai setiap orang ialah 50 batang rokok atau 50 gram tembakau, tiga botol minuman beralkohol 1125 mL, bir atau wain 4.5 liter, dan barang bebas cukai lain sebanyak NZ $ 700.

Undang-undang New Zealand menghendaki kakitangan yang bekerja pada hari cuti umum dibayar 1.5 kali daripada kadar biasa dan diberi cuti cuti sehari untuk diambil kemudian. Perniagaan, terutama kafe dan restoran, boleh menambahkan surcaj cuti umum (biasanya 15%) untuk menampung kos buruh tambahan. Seperti GST, jika surcaj tidak termasuk dalam harga yang diiklankan, perlu dinyatakan bahawa surcaj adalah tambahan.

Rundingan harga

New Zealand mempunyai undang-undang perdagangan dan perlindungan pengguna yang adil, yang antara lain menghendaki barang dan perkhidmatan dijual dengan harga yang berpatutan. Dalam kebanyakan kes, perundingan harga atau tawar menawar Oleh itu, harga yang diiklankan dilihat sebagai penghinaan terhadap pekedai. Sekiranya anda fikir harganya terlalu tinggi, nasihat terbaik adalah memilih dengan kaki anda.

Sebilangan peruncit mungkin bersedia memadankan atau menurunkan harga barang jika anda mendapati pesaing menjual produk yang sama dengan harga yang lebih rendah. Untuk item dengan tiket besar seperti peralatan rumah dan perabot, peruncit mungkin bersedia untuk merundingkan harganya jika anda membeli banyak barang atau membayar secara tunai atau Eftpos.

Sekiranya anda berada di New Zealand untuk jangka masa yang panjang, laman web Berdagang Saya menyediakan model perniagaan yang serupa dengan eBay gergasi luar negara. Walau bagaimanapun, Trade Me mempunyai fokus yang lebih besar pada perdagangan berasaskan pemindahan bank langsung (pra-syaratnya ialah anda mesti mempunyai akaun bank New Zealand) dan minimum sehingga tiada bayaran yang diperlukan pada senarai awal item.


Petua bukan merupakan sebahagian daripada budaya New Zealand dan sering diperlakukan dengan curiga atau secara aktif disalahkan, kerana banyak orang menganggapnya sebagai kebiasaan Amerika yang melampaui batas pekerja tertentu sementara yang lain ketinggalan; tambahan ada perasaan bahawa pemberian tip adalah dua kali ganda untuk satu perkhidmatan. Jangan terkejut atau tersinggung jika anda menerima penampilan yang bingung atau jika tip anda ditolak atau disoal, kerana orang-orang Selandia Baru sendiri tidak memberi tip, dan ini juga merupakan bentuk kesopanan dalam budaya New Zealand untuk menolak sikap sedemikian sebelum menerimanya . Walaupun demikian, beberapa bentuk tip adalah biasa, seperti mengumpulkan tambang teksi. Namun, kemungkinan besar pemandu teksi akan menaikkan tambang ke dolar terdekat. Beberapa kafe menyimpan balang di kaunter bertanda "petua untuk kakitangan", di mana pelanggan boleh meninggalkan perubahan kecil, walaupun lebih kerap daripada itu, penduduk tempatan tidak meninggalkannya.

Restoran biasanya diminta untuk memasukkan kos perkhidmatan dan cukai dalam harga yang diposting. Walau bagaimanapun, adalah sah bagi restoran untuk mengenakan bayaran tambahan di atas harga yang dicatatkan semasa cuti umum, kerana mereka dikehendaki membayar gaji pekerja mereka lebih tinggi pada hari-hari tersebut.

Kadang-kadang petua diberikan di restoran untuk perkhidmatan yang luar biasa, terutama di bandar-bandar besar seperti Christchurch, Wellington dan Auckland. Tetapi di bandar-bandar ini menjadi lumrah bagi kakitangan bar untuk diberi petua sekitar 30 dolar yang diperoleh sepanjang malam, terutama kakitangan yang menunggu. Sekali lagi, ini bukan peratusan jumlah tagihan tetapi hanya sikap muhibah oleh pelanggan. Orang lain mungkin merasakan bahawa orang yang melakukan ini bersikap bersungguh-sungguh dan mempamerkan kekayaan mereka. Warga New Zealand yang melancong ke luar negara sering merasa kebiasaan sukar dan membingungkan. Sudah menjadi kebiasaan dan sopan untuk menyumbangkan ganti ganti anda dari makanan ke apa sahaja yang pernah ada di tabung amal yang terdapat di kaunter, dan ini bertindak sebagai pengganti standard untuk memberi tip.

Walau bagaimanapun, banyak orang New Zealand melakukan perjalanan dan tinggal di negara lain, sering kembali ke New Zealand dan membawa kebiasaan pemberian balik bersama mereka. Secara umum, orang yang melakukan perkhidmatan di New Zealand, seperti pelayan dan pendandan rambut, diberi senyuman dan ucapan terima kasih dan bukannya wang. Ini dianggap wajar kerana gaji rata-rata mereka jauh lebih besar daripada rakan mereka di Amerika.

Waktu membeli-belah

New Zealand mempunyai undang-undang waktu membeli-belah yang sangat liberal. Hanya ada 2.5 hari dalam setahun di mana kedai mesti ditutup: Hari Krismas, Good Friday, dan sebelum 13:00 pada Hari Anzac (25 April). Beberapa kawasan juga memerlukan kedai ditutup pada hari Ahad Paskah. Pengecualian termasuk susu, kedai serbaneka, stesen minyak, kafe dan restoran, farmasi, kedai cenderamata, dan kedai di lapangan terbang dan terminal pengangkutan awam.

Kedai jalan tinggi biasanya dibuka antara jam 08:00 dan 09:00 pada hari kerja, dan tutup antara pukul 16:30 hingga 18:00. Ketika mereka berniaga pada hujung minggu dan cuti umum, mereka biasanya buka antara pukul 09:00 hingga 10:00 dan tutup antara pukul 13:00 hingga 17:00. Pusat membeli-belah biasanya dibuka 09:00 hingga 18:00 pada hari Isnin hingga Sabtu dan 10:00 hingga 17:00 pada hari Ahad; kebanyakan mempunyai satu atau dua larut malam setiap minggu, biasanya pada hari Khamis dan / atau Jumaat, di mana kedai-kedai tetap dibuka sehingga 21:00. Pasar raya dan peruncit kotak paling besar dibuka setiap hari antara pukul 07:00 hingga 08:00 dan tutup antara 21:00 hingga 22:00.

Rangkaian runcit utama

Gudang, biasa disebut sebagai Gudang Merah, adalah setara dengan Walmart New Zealand. Kumpulan Warehouse menjual pelbagai produk yang lebih murah termasuk pakaian, peralatan perkhemahan, elektronik, mainan, CD, DVD, Permainan dll. Kedai biasa terdapat di semua bandar dan kebanyakan bandar besar, dengan beberapa kedai yang lebih kecil juga beroperasi di bandar luar bandar. Walaupun mempunyai reputasi seperti Walmart, kedai menjual beberapa jenama kelas atas yang disegani, seperti Sony, LEGO, Apple, dan Adidas. Harga murah, dan jika anda membeli produk untuk digunakan sepanjang percutian di Selandia Baru (dan tidak merancang untuk membawanya pulang), maka Gudang disyorkan. Gudang ini juga mempunyai polisi pertukaran dan pertukaran fikiran yang sangat liberal - anda boleh mengembalikan atau menukar barang dalam masa 12 bulan dari pembelian asalkan dalam keadaan dapat dijual kembali dan anda mempunyai bukti pembelian (beberapa item seperti seluar dalam , pakaian renang, media rakaman dan mudah rosak dikecualikan). Lebih banyak gedung membeli-belah tradisional merangkumi pasar tengah Petani dan pasar raya kelas atas di bandar-bandar utama: Smith & Caughey di Auckland dan Ballantyne's di Christchurch.

Rantai 'kotak besar' lain termasuk Brisco, sebuah kedai peralatan rumah tangga (yang nampaknya mempunyai "potongan 30-60% dari semua penjualan" setiap hujung minggu yang lain); Noel Leeming, peruncit elektronik; dan Miter 10 Mega, peruncit pembaikan rumah.


Maori mendidih, sup sayur-sayuran dan tulang babi

Masakan New Zealand moden dipengaruhi terutamanya oleh warisan British di negara ini, walaupun imigrasi sejak tahun 1950-an telah menjadikan Mediterranean dan Asia Pasifik. Maori mempunyai masakan tradisional mereka yang tersendiri.

Makan malam, dipanggil makan malam atau teh, dianggap makanan utama hari ini. Waktu rehat makanan ringan di antara makanan disebut sebagai minum pagi / petang.

Warga New Zealand biasanya hanya keluar makan malam di restoran pada majlis-majlis khas seperti ulang tahun atau pada tarikh romantis; kebanyakannya tidak kerap makan di luar, walaupun ia menjadi lebih biasa. Warga New Zealand biasanya tidak meminta bil restoran di meja, tetapi mengosongkan meja dan meminta tagihan di kaunter depan atau bar.

New Zealand mempunyai budaya kafe yang khas, dengan boleh dikatakan beberapa espresso terbaik di planet ini. Kafe sering mempunyai makanan yang sangat baik, menyajikan apa sahaja dari muffin hingga hidangan penuh.

Di bandar-bandar kecil makanan selalu tersedia di pub / hotel / bistro tempatan, walaupun kualitinya cenderung dari jenis burger-and-chips.

Kedai makanan segera dan makanan banyak. Rantaian makanan segera antarabangsa utama dengan kehadiran di New Zealand termasuk Burger King, Carl's Jr., Domino's, KFC, McDonald's, Pita Pit, Pizza Hut, Subway dan Wendy's. Terdapat sebilangan rantai makanan segera tempatan; Bahan Bakar Burger dan Burger Wisconsin kedua-duanya patut dicuba, sementara rantai pizza Amerika menghadapi persaingan dari rangkaian tempatan bertema syaitan Pizza Neraka. Makanan Cina di New Zealand kebanyakan dari jenis makanan Barat, yang serupa dengan makanan yang terdapat di Australia atau Inggeris, dan boleh didapati di banyak kawasan dan bandar-bandar kecil. Oleh itu, makanan Cina yang baik dan asli boleh didapati di bandar-bandar besar seperti Auckland, Wellington dan Christchurch.

Sebilangan besar kafe dan restoran di New Zealand kerap memenuhi keperluan vegetarian, bebas gluten dan alahan tunggal. Kafe dan restoran yang memenuhi keperluan vegan dan diet agama (misalnya halal, halal) sukar dijumpai di luar bandar-bandar utama.

Sekiranya menyediakan makanan sendiri, terdapat rangkaian pasar raya utama: Kira-kira (hijau / hitam), Dunia baru (kuning air) dan Pak'nSave (kuning). Sekiranya anda mencari harga terendah, Pak'nSave mungkin merupakan pilihan terbaik anda, tetapi mereka mempunyai pelbagai jenama. Countdown dan New World kedua-duanya lengkap, tetapi perhatikan harga jika anda mempunyai anggaran. Bandar kecil mungkin mempunyai Empat Dataran, Pilihan Segar atau Nilai Super kedai runcit. Terdapat kilang susu dan kedai serbaneka lain di seluruh kawasan berpenduduk.


Salah satu panduan yang paling pasti untuk masakan tradisional New Zealand adalah Buku Masakan Edmonds. Pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1908 dan telah melalui lebih dari selusin ulangkaji, nampaknya lebih produktif di rumah-rumah New Zealand daripada Alkitab.

Makanan khas New Zealand termasuk:

  • Biskut ANZAC - biskut keras biasa yang dibuat terutamanya dari tepung oat yang diikat dengan sirap emas. Asalnya dibuat untuk dan oleh pasukan ANZAC semasa Perang Dunia Pertama. Juga terdapat di Australia.
  • Fish and chips - pada asalnya hidangan makanan Inggeris, New Zealand mempunyai gaya tersendiri. Spesies ikan utama yang digunakan adalah hoki, ikan limau (hiu rig), dan tarakihi, dengan bluefin gurnard dan ikan kod biru juga terdapat di Pulau Selatan. Ikan itu dipukul (atau hancur, jika anda suka) dan digoreng dalam minyak bersama dengan kerepek kentang potong (kentang goreng) dan pelbagai daging lain, makanan laut, cincin nanas dan juga bar coklat, semuanya dibungkus dalam kertas surat khabar (hari ini belum dicetak kertas bermutu makanan digunakan; secara tradisinya adalah surat khabar semalam). Perasa tradisional di New Zealand termasuk sos tomato (saus tomat) dan sos tartare.
Pavlova diungguli dengan strawberi, buah kiwi dan buah sukun
  • Buah kiwi - buah berukuran plum biasanya berdaging hijau, dengan biji hitam halus dalam daging. Semasa berasal dari China dan pertama kali dikenali sebagai tukang kebun rumah sebagai Gooseberry Cina, New Zealand adalah negara pertama yang secara selektif membiak, menanam dan mengeksport buah secara komersial. Pengeluaran hari ini berpusat pada Te Puke tetapi buah kiwi juga ditanam di banyak kawasan hortikultur lain. Buah kiwi New Zealand adalah musim dari bulan April hingga Januari; di luar musim ia diimport dari hemisfera utara (terutamanya Itali). Irisan sering digunakan sebagai topping pada pavlova (lihat bahagian pencuci mulut di bawah). Perhatian: Walaupun seluruh dunia menyebut buah ini "kiwi", di New Zealand selalu disebut "buah kiwi". "Kiwi" merujuk kepada burung nasional tanpa penerbangan, yang merupakan spesies yang dilindungi dan membunuh seekor (apalagi memakannya) adalah kesalahan jenayah.
  • Kūmara atau ubi jalar - panggang dengan cara yang sama seperti kentang dan sering disajikan sebagai ganti atau bersama. Mungkin juga digoreng seperti kerepek kentang dan dikenali sebagai kerepek kūmara - enak disajikan dengan krim masam, tetapi jarang dimasak dengan baik, kerana dimasak pada suhu yang berbeza dengan kentang, jadi memerlukan tukang masak yang mahir agar hidangan dapat disiapkan dengan sempurna. Terdapat tiga kultivar utama yang tersedia: Owairaka Merah ("merah"), Toka Emas Emas ("emas"), dan Beauregard ("oren"). Owairaka Merah, dengan kulit merah / ungu gelap dan daging putih berkrim, adalah kultivar yang paling popular tetapi merupakan yang paling gelap dari ketiga-tiganya. Kūmara tersedia sepanjang tahun dengan musim baru bermula pada bulan Februari. Kawasan pertumbuhan utama adalah sekitar Dargaville.
  • Pai - Warga New Zealand memakan sebilangan besar pai pasta non-serpihan yang berisi isian sedap yang sesuai dengan satu tangan (sekitar 170 g / 6 oz). Rasa yang popular termasuk mince, mince & cheese, steak, steak & cheese, potato top mince, bacon & egg, and chicken & sayur. Negara itu bahkan berusaha untuk mengambil gergasi makanan segera Amerika dengan rangkaian berasaskan pai (Georgie Pie), sebelum bankrap dan semua aset dijual kepada McDonald's. Beberapa syarikat kini memasarkan pelbagai jenis pai "gourmet" dan terdapat pertandingan tahunan untuk pai terbaik dalam pelbagai kategori.

Makanan Laut

Tanpa titik negara lebih dari 130 km (80 mi) dari laut, ikan dan makanan laut (kaimoana) segar, pelbagai dan (sebahagian besar) berlimpah. Kerang dikumpulkan dari batuan pasang surut dan pantai dan ikan darat yang ditangkap di garisan atau dengan jaring.

  • Tiram Bluff (tiram korek) - sementara ditemui di seberang Selandia Baru, tempat tidur terkaya ada di Selat Foveaux, keluar dari bandar pelabuhan kecil Bluff, oleh itu namanya. Musim penuaian tiram berlangsung dari bulan Mac hingga Ogos.
  • Udang karang (lobster batu berduri; Māori kōura (papatea)) - ditangkap di seluruh New Zealand, tetapi terutama berkaitan dengan bandar Kaikoura (yang namanya secara harfiah bermaksud "makan udang karang").
  • Kerang dengan bibir hijau - mudah dibezakan oleh badan hijau gelap hingga coklat dengan bibir hijau terang. Mereka telah diusahakan secara komersial sejak tahun 1980-an dan tersedia dalam bentuk olahan dan hidup.
  • Pua - abalone blackfoot New Zealand terdapat di perairan sub-pasang. Dagingnya sering dilunakkan (jika tidak mempunyai konsistensi getah), dicincang, dibentuk menjadi goreng dengan adunan berasaskan telur dan goreng. Pasaran untuk daging puaua adalah $ 130-150 per kg, jadi berhati-hatilah dengan setiap peria pāua yang dijual dengan harga kurang dari $ 10; daging itu mungkin bersumber di pasar gelap, jika sama sekali mengandung daging pua.
Hangi sedang disiapkan
  • Whitebait - sprat lutut atau jari dari spesies ikan air tawar asli yang berhijrah dari bertelur di laut setiap tahun. Setelah terperangkap di kawasan mulut sungai atau jaring tangan pada musim bunga (September hingga November), makanan istimewa yang sangat dicari ini dikejarkan ke seluruh pelosok negara. Sering dihidangkan di "whitebait fritters" (roti goreng putih dalam adunan telur), ia mungkin tersedia secara bermusim dari kedai ikan dan kerepek tempatan dan dimasak tanpa membuang atau mengeluarkan kepalanya, kerana kecil (2-7 mm lebar).

Pencuci mulut dan gula-gula

  • Pavlova atau pav - kek pencuci mulut yang diperbuat daripada putih telur kocok dan gula dan perlahan-lahan dipanggang untuk mempunyai bentuk meringue berkerak di luar dan bahagian tengah marshmallow yang lembut, di atas dengan krim disebat dan dihiasi dengan buah yang dihiris. Pavlovas sangat menyakitkan untuk dipanggang dan terkenal kerana kempis jika didinginkan terlalu cepat, jadi jangan berharap rata-rata pav buatan sendiri di Selandia Baru akan kelihatan seperti gambar. Pencuci mulut juga biasa di Australia, dan terdapat banyak perdebatan antara kedua-dua negara mengenai di mana ia pertama kali dicipta!
  • Ais krim - Warga New Zealand mengambil purata 23 liter ais krim setiap tahun, antara yang tertinggi di dunia. Rasa Kiwi yang unik adalah hokey pokey, yang merupakan ais krim vanila yang mengandungi ketulan kecil sarang lebah.
  • Lollies (gula-gula / gula-gula) - lolli New Zealand yang ikonik termasuk ketulan nanas (toffee kenyal berperisa nanas yang ditutupi coklat), jaffas (bola coklat di dalam tempurung oren keras), dan ikan coklat (marshmallow berbentuk ikan yang ditutupi coklat).

Masakan Māori

  • The hāngi atau oven bumi adalah cara tradisional Māori memasak makanan untuk perjumpaan besar. Daging, sayur-sayuran dan kadang-kadang puding perlahan-lahan dimasak wap selama beberapa jam di lubang tertutup yang sebelumnya dilapisi batu dan api kayu panas terbakar di dalamnya. Kayu yang digunakan dalam api biasanya mānuka (pokok teh Selandia Baru), yang memberikan hāngi rasa asapnya yang unik. Di beberapa kawasan, seperti Rotorua], ini mungkin juga dilakukan dengan menggunakan panas bumi secara semula jadi.



Umur minimum pembelian alkohol di New Zealand adalah 18, dan hanya dapat dibekalkan kepada kanak-kanak di bawah 18 tahun melalui ibu bapa atau penjaga sah. Merupakan dasar sejagat untuk bar dan peruncit untuk meminta pengenalan gambar dari mana-mana pelindung yang berusia di bawah 25 tahun; satu-satunya borang pengenalan yang boleh diterima adalah pasport, lesen memandu New Zealand, atau Kad 18 atau Kad Akses Kiwi yang dikeluarkan oleh Hospitality New Zealand (HNZ).

Warga New Zealand mempunyai reputasi menikmati bir mereka, dengan rata-rata Kiwi minum 71 liter per tahun. Walaupun sekarang hanya terdapat tiga kilang bir utama, terdapat banyak jenama serantau, masing-masing mempunyai rasa dan penyokong kuat masing-masing. Bir kraf juga semakin popular dan tersedia, terutama di bandar-bandar besar (dan terutama di Wellington). Perhatikan bir NZ seperti Tuatara, Garage Project atau Epic, untuk memberikan beberapa contoh sahaja. Jenama antarabangsa seperti Heineken, Guinness, Carlsberg dan Budweiser juga ada.

Industri wain New Zealand telah berkembang menjadi industri eksport yang ketara. Negara ini kini dikenali di peringkat antarabangsa sebagai salah satu pengeluar utama Sauvignon Blanc; lebih 70% daripada hasil panen anggur negara ini. Wilayah Hawke's Bay terkenal dengan varieti Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Chardonnay, dan Viognier. Marlborough adalah wilayah penghasil wain terbesar dan terkenal dengan Sauvignon Blanc. Waipara di North Canterbury mengkhususkan diri dalam Riesling dan Pinot Gris, sementara Wairarapa dan Central Otago pakar dalam Pinot Noir. Banyak ladang anggur kini menawarkan lawatan ke kilang anggur, mencicipi anggur dan penjualan dari kebun anggur.

Berhati-hatilah bila dan di mana anda menikmati di khalayak ramai. New Zealand mempunyai kawasan larangan minuman keras - itu bermaksud minuman beralkohol tidak boleh dimakan atau bahkan dibawa di beberapa jalan, seperti pusat bandar dan pantai yang popular, pada waktu-waktu tertentu siang atau malam. Polis boleh mengarahkan anda untuk mengosongkan botol dan menahan anda sekiranya anda tidak mematuhi. Sekiranya anda didapati mabuk dan tidak teratur, Polis boleh menahan anda dalam tahanan sehingga anda sedar.

Bukan alkohol

Putih rata

Kedai kopi adalah tempat siang di banyak bandar dan destinasi pelancongan yang lebih besar. Budaya kafe terkenal di pusat bandar Wellington, di mana banyak pekerja pejabat berehat minum teh. Sebilangan besar gaya kopi, cappuccino, latte, espresso / pendek hitam, hitam panjang, putih rata, vienna dll, biasanya ada. Putih rata mungkin yang paling popular. Cappuccinos are usually served with a choice of cinnamon or chocolate powder sprinkled on top. Its usual to request which one you want. Fluffies are a small frothed milk for children, sprinkled with chocolate powder.

L & P (Lemon & Paeroa) is a sweet, carbonated, lemonade-style drink said to be "world famous in New Zealand". It is a sold in a brown plastic bottle with a yellow label similar to the traditional brown glass bottles it used to be sold in. While originally manufactured in its namesake, Paeroa di dalam Waikato, it is now manufactured in Auckland by Coca-Cola.


New Zealand offers a wide range of accommodation, from campsites and shared hostel rooms to international-quality luxury hotels in the major cities.

New Zealanders seem to have perfected the art of the top-dollar home-stay. Hosted luxury lodges are the top-end equivalent of the bed-and-breakfast market and New Zealand has upwards of 40 internationally recognised lodges. Per capita, that's probably the highest in the world. They tend to be situated away from cities and can be difficult to get to, though some are right in the heart of the major centres. At the very top-end, helicopter transfers and private jets help the luxury traveller move between the lodges they've chosen for their visit.

Motels of a variety of standards from luxury to just adequate can be found on the approaches to most towns. Most New Zealand motels feature kitchenettes, usually with cooking utensils, pots and pans, crockery and cutlery, so the traveller can avoid the cost of eating out by self-catering from their motel bedroom. Heating can be a problem in winter though – while an increasing number of motels have their ceilings and walls insulated, double glazing is still uncommon. Small-scale central heating is also uncommon, and most motel rooms are heated by plug-in electric heating or gas heaters.

A rural hotel

Bed and breakfasts are popular with visiting Brits and Swiss, as are homestays, farmstays and similar lodgings – some of which are in the most unlikely places. These can be a good choice if the traveller wants to benefit from local insider tips from the resident hosts, and many visitors welcome the opportunity to sample the rural life. For uniquely New Zealand accommodation, there are Māori homestays and tourist-catering marae stays.

There is a wide range of backpacker accommodation around these islands, including a 50-strong network of youth hostels (catering for independent travellers of any age) that are members of the Youth Hostels Association. There are also two marketing networks of independent hostels: BBH with 280 listings and the much smaller Nomads network.

Holiday parks dan motor camps provide sites for tents, caravans and campervans, with shared kitchens and bathroom facilities. Many also provide built accommodation, ranging from basic cabins to self-contained motel units. Many visitors travel around New Zealand in hired minibuses and vans, including self-contained campervans that can be driven by anyone who holds an ordinary car driver's licence.

The Department of Conservation (DOC) provides camping sites in national parks and other conservation reserves. If you are travelling into the backcountry, the DOC has many back-country huts that can be used under a permit system.

Freedom camping outside of recognised and marked camping areas is decreasingly available. It used to be common to find a tent or hammock pitched for the night in many picnic areas or in a grove of trees off the road or anywhere else there wasn't a "No Camping" sign. Due to growing local concerns about rubbish and human waste not being disposed of properly, together with moteliers resenting their falling incomes, many local authorities are now introducing tough restrictions with on-the-spot penalty notices being issued. Always dispose of all waste properly and leave your camping spots exactly as you found them (if not in better condition). Please respect this privilege and avoid leaving more ammunition for the people who want to restrict freedom camping even further. The Tourism Industry Association, DOC and the i-SITE network of information centres have produced a useful online map resource featuring over 1500 pay and free sites and based on Google maps.

New Zealand was one of the first countries in the world after the UK to develop a dense WWoOF network. "Willing Workers on Organic Farms" pioneered the concept of travellers ("WWoOFers") staying as volunteers on farms and receiving food and accommodation in exchange for doing a half-day of work for each night they stay. The Nelson Tasman region in the South Island is particularly rich in WWOOFing possibilities. HelpX, which is similar to WWOOF but is not restricted to just organics, originated in and has its largest country network in New Zealand.

Couchsurfing is popular in New Zealand, with most major centres sporting active forums and groups, and having hosts all around the nation.

Qualmark, a government-owned organisation, provides a star rating system for accommodation and other tourism services.


For many years, New Zealand schools and universities have educated foreign students from the countries of Southeast Asia and education has now become a major source of export earnings for the country. English language schools have been established for students from the region, particularly South Korea dan China, but also many other countries. The most prestigious university in New Zealand is arguably the University of Auckland; other major universities include Victoria University dalam Wellington, University of Canterbury dalam Christchurch, dan juga University of Otago dalam Dunedin.

The Ministry of Education has established a Code of Practice that New Zealand educational institutions enrolling international students under 18 years old need to abide by. Ini Code of Practice includes minimum standards for the pastoral care of international students. Primary school students (ages 5–12) need to either live with a parent/guardian or else board in a school hostel. Secondary school students (ages 13–18) may live in home-stays, temporary accommodation or with designated caregivers. Where the institution arranges accommodation for students older than age 18 the code of practice applies to their accommodation situations also.

New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and refugees can receive financial assistance through loans and allowances, to pay the tuition fees and to attend tertiary education at Universities, Polytechnics, Whananga (Māori operated universities/polytechnics) and Private Training Providers. Australian citizens and permanent residents pay the same tuition fees as New Zealand citizens, but must have lived in New Zealand for at least 3 years to be eligible for loans and allowances. Overseas students will need to pay the full tuition fees and their own living costs while studying at a New Zealand institution. Many universities and polytechnics in New Zealand have minimum English language requirements, and may require proof through an English proficiency test such as IELTS for students who have not completed at least three years in a New Zealand secondary school.

Non-Australian overseas students need to have a student visa and a reasonable level of cash to spend in order to undertake a course of study at a New Zealand based educational institution. Visas are generally valid for the duration of the course of study and only while the student is attending the course of study. New Zealand educational institutions will inform the appropriate immigration authorities if a student ceases to attend their enrolled courses, who may then suspend or cancel that student's visa. Educational institutions often also exchange this enrolment and attendance data electronically with other government agencies responsible for providing student assistance.


New Zealand takes pride in its sailing tradition and skill. Team New Zealand won the America's Cup in 1995 and 2000, under the leadership of Sir Peter Blake, becoming the first team from a country outside the United States to win and successfully defend the America's Cup. There are many "learn to sail" programs offered by yacht clubs across the country.


Picking grapes

To work in New Zealand as a non-Australian foreign citizen you will need to obtain a work visa, which generally requires a job offer from either an accredited employer or in an area of skill shortage to obtain. Students on student visas can work part-time for up to 20 hours per week. Australian citizens and permanent residents are entitled to work in New Zealand indefinitely on a visa waiver. It is illegal to work in New Zealand on a visitor visa, and doing so runs a risk of arrest, imprisonment and deportation.

You will need to have a New Zealand bank account, as most employers pay using electronic banking rather than in cash. You will also need to apply for an Inland Revenue Department (IRD) Number if you don't already have one, so your employer may deduct income tax at the correct rate. If you don't supply your employer with your IRD number, you'll be taxed at the no declaration rate of 45% (compared with the top tax rate of 33%).

The New Zealand tax year runs from 1 April to 31 March. If you are a wage and salary earner, then you don't need to file a tax return unless you have undeclared income or need to claim expenses. If the IRD calculates you've overpaid or underpaid tax in the last tax year, they will contact you from mid-May onwards. Being a foreigner means that your New Zealand income is subject to local income tax at the fullest levels. Although many people believe that they can collect all their tax back when they leave the country, this is not true. Be careful though, if you choose to work in New Zealand and you stay more than 183 days in any 12-month period, your worldwide income could be taxed. New Zealand has double taxation agreements with several countries to stop tax being paid twice.

Unless you choose to opt out, employers will automatically deduct 3% of your wages each week in KiwiSaver, the government's retirement savings scheme. If you permanently leave New Zealand and move to any country other than Australia, you can claim back any KiwiSaver funds after one year. If you move to Australia, you can transfer your KiwiSaver funds to your Australian superannuation scheme at any time; contact your provider to arrange this.

As of 1 April 2021, the minimum wage for those aged 18 and over is $20.00 per hour before tax and deductions. Be careful as some unscrupulous employers like to pay foreigners below the minimum wage thinking they don't know better.

Seasonal work such as fruit picking and other agricultural work is sometimes available for tourists. More information about legal seasonal fruit picking work can be found at Pick NZ.

New Zealand has a number of reciprocal Working Holiday Schemes, which allow people between 18 and 30 to travel and work in New Zealand for up to one year and vice versa. Young citizens of many countries from Europe, South America, North America and Asia can apply. These schemes are enormously popular and in many instances, participants can apply to stay in New Zealand longer once they have completed their one-year stay. Information on all the various schemes and application details.

Kekal selamat

The main emergency number in New Zealand is 111, and can be used to contact ambulance, the fire service, police, the coastguard, and rescue services. 112 works from mobile phones; 911 and 999 may work, but do not rely on them. You can call *555 from mobiles to report non-emergency traffic incidents. You can call 105 for non-emergency police, e.g. to report a theft or burglary (from overseas, you can call 64 4 910-5105 to reach 105).

Due to their isolation, the Kepulauan Chatham are not connected to the 111 network and have their own local emergency number: 64 3 305-0111. While you can dial this number from your mobile, it won't work as the Chatham Islands have no mobile phone reception. Deaf people can contact emergency services by fax on 0800 16 16 10, and by textphone/TTY on 0800 161 616. It is possible to send an SMS to 111, but you must register with police first.

Full instructions are on the inside front cover of every telephone book. Other emergency numbers and personal crisis numbers are on pages 2 to 4 of the white pages section.

Crime and security

Police officers in Auckland

While difficult to make international comparisons, the level of crime in New Zealand is similar to other western countries. Dishonesty offences, such as theft, are by far the most frequent crime. Much of this crime is opportunistic in nature, so travellers should take simple, sensible precautions such as putting valuables away out of sight or in a secure place and locking doors of vehicles, even in remote locations.

Violent crime in public places is associated with alcohol or illicit drug consumption. Rowdy bars or drunken crowds in city centres, or groups of youths in the suburbs, are best avoided, especially late at night and in the early morning. New Zealanders can be somewhat lacking in a sense of humour when their country or their sporting teams are mocked by loud or drinking tourists.

There are occasional disturbing high profile media reports of tourists being targeted in random violent robberies and sexual crimes. These crimes tend to happen in isolated places, where the chances of the offender being observed by other people are low. However, the chances of falling victim to such misfortune is low; statistics show you're more likely to be attacked by someone in your travelling party than a complete stranger.

A major terrorist attack occurred in Christchurch on 15 March 2019, in which a white supremacist carried out consecutive shootings on two mosques, killing 51 people. However, the long-term terrorist threat in New Zealand is similar to other Western countries.

The New Zealand Police is the national police force, and police officers are generally polite, helpful and trustworthy. Unlike in most other nations, New Zealand police officers do not routinely carry firearms, the exception being those guarding key installations such as airports, diplomatic missions and some government buildings; officers on the beat typically only carry batons, offender control pepper spray, and Tasers. Firearm-related incidents are typically left to the specialist Armed Offenders Squad (AOS, similar to SWAT in the United States) to deal with. Armed police or an AOS callout usually rates a mention in the media.

Police fines can be paid online by credit card or internet banking, by posting a cheque or in person at any branch of Westpac Bank. Do not try to pay the police officer directly as this is considered bribery and will be dealt with accordingly.


New Zealand is in general a fairly tolerant country with respect to race, and most visitors to New Zealand do not run into any incidents. While it is not particularly difficult to encounter someone who has racist views in the pub, it is in general rare to face open aggression in the street on the basis of one's race. Legislation prohibits hate speech and racial discrimination in a wide range of public spheres such as education and employment.

Illicit drugs

Most illicit drugs, including preparations, precursor substances and paraphernalia, are illegal to possess and to deal in New Zealand. Possession of illicit drugs is punishable by up to 6 months in prison, although it is rare for offenders to get more than a fine or community service. Police may offer diversion for possession of cannabis or another class C drug (e.g. barbiturates, benzodiazepines) as an alternative to being convicted in court. New Zealand has a "presumption of supply law", which means if you're found in possession drugs above a certain quantity (0.5 grams for cocaine and heroin, 5 grams for methamphetamine, 28 grams for cannabis), you'll be presumed to be a supplier and will be charged with dealing in drugs rather than possession.

The penalties for dealing in illicit drugs, whether it be importing/exporting, trafficking, manufacturing, cultivating or selling, are much stiffer than for possession; dealing in class A drugs (e.g. heroin, cocaine, LSD, methamphetamine) can attract a sentence of life imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 10 years.

A referendum on legalising cannabis in New Zealand was held alongside the 2020 general election, but failed by a narrow margin (50.7% opposed to 48.4% in favour).

Natural hazards

Severe weather is by far the most common natural hazard encountered. Although New Zealand is not subject to the direct hit of tropical cyclones, stormy weather systems from both the tropics and the polar regions can sweep across New Zealand at various times of the year. There is generally a seven to ten day cycle of a few days of wet or stormy weather followed by calmer and drier days as weather systems move across the country. The phrase four seasons in one day is a good description of New Zealand weather, which has a reputation for both changeability and unpredictability. The phrase is also a popular Kiwi song.

Weather forecasts are generally reliable for overall trends and severe weather warnings should be heeded when broadcast. However both the timing and intensity of any weather events should be assessed from your own location.

You should always seek advice from the Department of Conservation when trekking in alpine areas. There are annual fatalities of both foreign nationals and New Zealanders caught unaware by the weather.

There are other natural hazards you may encounter, though far more rarely:

Earthquake damage to a road
  • Strong earthquakes - New Zealand, being part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, sits astride a tectonic plate boundary and experiences large numbers (about 14,000/year) of earthquakes every year, although only around 200 are strong enough to be felt by humans and only 1-2 causes any material damage. Only two recorded earthquakes in New Zealand have resulted in serious loss of life; the 1931 Hawke's Bay earthquake (7.8 magnitude, 256 dead), and the 2011 Christchurch earthquake (6.3 magnitude, 185 dead). The latest quake news is reported by GeoNet. In an earthquake, running outside the building is generally more hazardous than remaining inside and finding cover; buildings in New Zealand are built to high standards, and while they may be damaged in an earthquake, they should remain standing.
If you do feel a strong earthquake, remember Drop, Cover, Hold: drop to the ground, penutup yourself under a table or desk (or cover your head and neck with your hands if no table or desk is available), and hold on until the shaking stops.
  • Tsunami is a possible risk in coast parts of New Zealand. Warning of a tsunami from an overseas earthquake will be widely publicised via media. However, should you experience a very strong earthquake (over a minute long, or so strong you cannot easily stand) you should move to high ground (35 m or more) or at least 1km inland as a precaution until an all clear is given.
  • Volcanic eruptions - New Zealand has a number of volcanoes that are classified as active or dormant. Active volcanoes include Mount Ruapehu, Tongariro, White Island and the remote Kermadec Islands. Volcanic activity is also monitored by GeoNet.
  • There are almost no poisonous or dangerous animals. The katipo and Australian redback are the only two venomous spiders and bites from both species are extremely rare. Serious reactions are uncommon and unlikely to develop in less than three hours, though you should always seek help at your nearest hospital, medical centre, or doctor. The bite of the white-tailed spider is painful but not in fact, despite folklore, especially dangerous to humans. Certain ferocious-looking species of wētā (a giant flightless cricket) can deliver a painful but harmless bite. New Zealand has no wolves, bears, big cats, crocodiles or other predators, and no snakes at all: it's safe to walk alone in the bush, or even lie down and have a nap.

Volunteer fire brigade sirens

Outside the major cities, New Zealanders rely on volunteer fire brigades to protect their community. As mobiles and pagers have a tendency to fail, sirens are still regularly used day and night to call out firefighters. These sirens sound similar to British World War II air-raid sirens, and make a wailing (up and down) sound. Don't be alarmed if the siren goes off: tourists in the past have been caught unaware and have panicked thinking New Zealand was under nuclear attack!


New Zealand does not have constitutional rights with regards to firearm ownership, and possession of any type of firearm requires a licence from the police. The standard firearms licence only allow the person to possess sporting type shotguns and rifles, and for pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) air rifles; semi-automatic weapons and military-grade assault rifles are illegal for civilians to possess, and all other types of firearms require an additional endorsement. Air weapons, and PCP airsoft and paintball rifles, are an exception to this rule, and may be purchased by anybody over the age of 18 without a licence. It is extremely rare for civilians to carry firearms in urban areas, and doing so would likely draw suspicion from the public and police.

Visitors who wish to bring firearms into New Zealand are required to obtain a permit from the police at least one month before arrival. In practice receiving one is difficult, and is only possible if you are entered in an official shooting competition or are travelling for hunting.

Stay healthy

AwasCOVID-19 maklumat: If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc.), phone the dedicated Healthline COVID-19 line on 0800-358-5453 (or 64 9 358-5453 from overseas) for instructions.
(Information last updated 18 May 2020)

New Zealand has very high levels of ultraviolet radiation, around 40% more intense than you will find in the Mediterranean during summer, and consequently has high rates of skin cancer. Sun hats, sunglasses and sunscreen are highly recommended.

Smog is a perennial winter problem in many South Island towns and cities, especially Alexandra, Christchurch and Timaru. Like Los Angeles and Vancouver, these areas are affected by temperature inversion, whereby a layer of warm air traps cold air full of pollutants from vehicles and wood fires close to the ground. Be wary in these areas if you have any respiratory problems (including asthma).

New Zealand has high and equitable standards of professional health care, comparable with Sweden or Australia.

Tap water in New Zealand is regarded as some of the cleanest in the world; it is safe to drink in all cities. Most comes from artesian wells or freshwater reservoirs, but some comes from rivers, which can be chlorinated to be made safe, but does not always taste very nice. Tap water in places such as Christchurch is usually not chlorinated at all as it is drawn from the pure artesian aquifers of the Canterbury Plains. Bottled water is commonly available if you prefer. Precautions should be taken against Giardia when tramping: do not drink water from rural streams without boiling it first. Risk may be lower in the highlands of the Pulau Selatan, especially where streams are strong and come directly from melting snow in the mountain.

You will not need any special immunisations before travelling to New Zealand. However it is recommended you check you are up to date with vaccinations for whooping cough (pertussis) and measles, as there have been sporadic outbreaks, especially among children and teenagers. It may pay to get a flu vaccination if you are travelling in the New Zealand winter season.

Medical care

Healthcare in New Zealand is generally of a similar standard to other developed countries. Visiting the doctor will cost about $60-70 but varies between practices and localities. Appointments outside normal business hours may cost extra. The New Zealand public hospital system is free of charge to citizens and permanent residents of Australia or New Zealand, British citizens, and work visa holders authorised to stay in New Zealand for at least 2 years, but will charge all others for treatment received. International students are generally required to take up private health insurance as part of their visa conditions. Travel insurance is highly recommended for visitors.

New Zealand is the only country in the world to have a universal, no-fault, accidental injury compensation scheme, run by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). Even if you are just visiting, if you are injured while in New Zealand, ACC will pay the cost of your treatment and, if you're working, will cover up to 80% of any lost New Zealand earnings. To claim ACC, you only need to turn up at the doctor's surgery or Accident & Emergency; they will give you a claim form to complete which will then be sent to ACC on your behalf. There may be a part charge for treatment at a doctor's clinic. You can not sue an at-fault party in relation to an injury covered by ACC, except for exemplary damages (and even then, there is a high threshold).

ACC will not cover any incidental costs you incur, such as costs for changing travel arrangements or for relatives to come to New Zealand to assist in your care, as you will be expected to hold travel insurance for these costs. ACC coverage is limited to New Zealand, so you are liable for any medical costs relating to an injury once you leave the country. Any property damaged or lost in an accident is also not covered by ACC, but if another person was at fault you can claim via their insurance, or directly if they are uninsured (although you may need to claim through a court process if they refuse to pay).

Fox Glacier

Ambulance services are provided by Wellington Free Ambulance in the Greater Wellington area, and St John's Ambulance elsewhere. Fire and Emergency New Zealand generally co-responds to any report of cardiac or respiratory arrest, so don't be surprised if a fire engine turns up before an ambulance does.

Prescription medication in New Zealand is generally referred to by its International Non-proprietary Name (INN) rather than any brand name. New Zealand has a single national drug-buyer, Pharmac, whose main aim to keep medicine prices low. It does mean subsidised drugs changing brands every five years (hence why drugs are known by their INNs), but it also means prescription drug shelf prices are among the cheapest in the OECD. On average, subsidised prescription medicines in New Zealand cost two-thirds of what they do in the UK and Australia, and one-third of what they do in the United States. Subsidised medications are available to New Zealand, Australian and UK citizens; a deductible of $15 applies for casual patients ($5 for enrolled patients). For those from other countries and those requiring unsubsidised medications, you will have to pay the full shelf price.

On arrival at an Accident and Emergency department of a public hospital you will be triaged and treated in order of priority rather than order of arrival. In a moderately busy A&E, a simple broken bone will generally require a 30- to 60-minute wait, but if heart attack and car accident victims keep coming in this can easily blow out to several hours. Children with a similar injury to yours will probably be treated before adults. If your illness or accident is minor, you may be advised to seek assistance from a doctor's clinic or after hours medical centre. This may cost you more than $100, but will prevent you waiting up to a whole day for treatment.

Healthline, a free 24-hour hotline staffed by registered nurses, is available if you need advice on a medical condition. The phone number is 0800 611 116.


Social behaviour

New Zealanders are generally warm and sociable, but will hold strangers at a distance.

  • New Zealand is a country where "please" and "thank you" can be used more than once in a sentence without being out of place, and where an initial refusal of an offer is part of a polite banter. You should follow up a politely refused offer, with "Are you sure?", etc. Criticisms and compliments are often understated.
  • If you wish to communicate with a New Zealander outside of a formal situation you are best to initiate the conversation. If you are unsure of the location of your intended destination ask a local. Your accent will trigger the local's desire to be helpful to tourists and they will normally offer to go beyond giving simple directions to help you.
  • New Zealanders will often ask many (sometimes probing) questions about your home country or culture. This is not meant to be offensive: it reflects a genuine interest in other people and cultures and a desire to gain first-hand knowledge.
  • If staying for more than a few days at someone's house, if they are younger than 35 it is considered polite to leave a token amount of money, say $20, to 'cover the power bill', especially if you are the guest at a shared flat/apartment/house.
  • In conversations, if you want to contradict something someone has said, be gentle. New Zealanders will often be happy to learn something new and incorporate it into their knowledge but will also defend strongly something they have direct knowledge of.
  • Some New Zealanders tend to swear a lot. It generally isn't meant to be offensive; sometimes they may even use swear words to refer to friends.
  • New Zealand society is understood by New Zealanders to be classless and egalitarian. While in reality New Zealand is far from classless, talking about class and personal wealth isn't usually well received. New Zealanders, even wealthy New Zealanders, tend to behave in a somewhat frugal manner.


New Zealanders generally dress 'smart casual', with a prevalence of wearing black or dark clothing. You will see people in suits on weekdays only in the cities.

  • Wearing brightly coloured clothing will mark you as a tourist. In most cases this will be to your advantage due to New Zealanders wanting to be hospitable to tourists. However, being marked as a tourist may attract unwanted attention from less than savoury people. Use common sense if you are approached by a local.
  • New Zealand's weather can be very changeable, a cold front can make the temperature drop suddenly. Make sure you take a jacket or jumper with you at all times. Equally, if you hit a beautiful, sunny, warm day you may also need to cover up to prevent the harsh sun causing sunburn.
  • New Zealanders, as a general rule, dress more casually than is common in Europe or North America, and over-dressing might make you stand out in the wrong way. Higher end restaurants might publish a dress code on their website. New Zealanders are generally hospitable to a fault, if you are invited to a function, do not be shy to ask what the expected dress code is.
  • If going to an expensive formal restaurant for a meal you will not need to wear a suit and tie, but wearing jeans and t-shirts is frowned upon. Smart trousers, a collared shirt and dress shoes for men, and smart trousers or skirt and blouse for women would be typical. At all non-formal dining there will be an expectation of being tidily dressed.
  • If drinking in bars, check out what the locals are wearing before going. Wearing shorts and sandals may be acceptable in rural areas, but trousers and shoes are a minimum standard for most city bars and restaurants. Some nightclubs insist upon collared shirts and refuse entry to men wearing sports shoes. Women will generally be granted admission regardless of dress.
  • It is common for young people to go barefoot more frequently than travelers from Europe or America might be used to. It's fairly common for students to go barefoot at school (especially for athletic practice), and even in stores and fast food restaurants. Be certain tidak to mistake this as a sign of poverty nor as lack of sophistication. It's not the least bit unusual to find students from wealthy families walking around barefoot at an excellent junior or high school.
  • At most beaches, nudity is frowned upon. If you do wish to go nude (or topless for women) you will only be breaking the law if you cause offence to another person so walking away from the main beach to a quieter spot will usually get around any problems.

Māori culture

Maori dance performance

Māori cultural experiences are popular tourist attractions enjoyed by many people but, as with any two cultures encountering one another, there is room for misunderstanding. Some tourists have found themselves more confronted than they expected by ceremonial challenges and welcomes. These are serious occasions; avoid chatter and laughter. There will be plenty of time to relax and joke later after the formalities are over.

Māori tikanga (cultural customs and etiquette) is generally simple for foreigners to follow even if the reasoning behind them may not seem clear:

  • Do not eat, drink or wear shoes inside the wharenui (carved meeting house).
  • A person's head is considered tapu (sacred). Do not touch someone's head without permission, pass anything over anyone's head, or sit on a pillow (since it's used to rest your head).
  • Do not sit on a table or any surface used to prepare or serve food.

Māori, Pākehā (Kiwis of European descent) and other New Zealanders (all-comers) are generally on good terms.

National identity

New Zealanders have a distinct and jealously guarded national identity. Although it has many similarities with other western cultures, it isn't a state of Australia, or still part of the British Empire (though it is a member of the Commonwealth and the British Monarch is the head of state). While Australia and New Zealand have close foreign policy ties, considerable inter-migration and overlapping cultures, saying New Zealanders are basically Australians will not gain you any Kiwi or Aussie friends. It is pretty much the same relationship as with Canadians and Americans or the Irish and Brits. In many ways, Australia and New Zealand have a similar outlook towards the other, with the same clichéd jokes being made.

Despite the jokes about New Zealand, most Australians have a genuine affection for New Zealanders (and vice versa); the relationship between the two countries is often described as sibling-like, with the sibling rivalry to boot. This can be traced back to ANZAC (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps), participation in two world wars (particularly the Gallipoli and North African campaigns), Korea, Vietnam, the Malaya Crisis, Solomon Islands, etc. When a disaster strikes one country, you will see charity collections for relief efforts underway in the other.

LGBT travellers

New Zealand is one of the world's most welcoming nations towards gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. There is an equal age of consent of 16 for heterosexual and homosexual couples, and there are anti-discrimination and hate crime laws in relation to sexual orientation and gender (which implicitly includes gender identity). While some homophobic attitudes do exist (mostly among religious fundamentalists), even people who might not be comfortable with homosexuality tend to exhibit the common New Zealand pragmatic 'live and let live' attitude.

In August 2013, New Zealand became the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to legalise same-sex marriage. There is a small but thriving same-sex marriage tourism industry in New Zealand.


Historically, New Zealanders have never been very religious, and contemporary New Zealand society is one of the more secular in the world, with regular church-goers being in the minority. Nevertheless, most New Zealanders are (usually) tolerant towards people of all faiths as long as you do not proselytise or inconvenience others with your religious beliefs. If you do so, do not be surprised to get an earful.



Old style telephone booths in Dunedin, serving as tourist attraction as well
Phone box in Pukekohe

New Zealand has a well developed and ubiquitous telephone system. The country's legacy phone company, Spark, claimed in 2009 to have about 4,000 payphones in NZ which can be easily identified by their yellow and blue colours, but these numbers are now diminishing. All of them accept major credit cards and a variety of phonecards available from retailers. You may have to look hard for a payphone that accepts coins.

There is an online directory of telephone subscribers. You can also call directory assistance on 018.

The international access code or prefix is 00. (When using a mobile phone, like everywhere else, the plus symbol " " can be used instead of the 00 prefix.)

The country code for international calls to New Zealand is 64. When dialling from overseas, omit any leading '0' in the area code.

There are five area codes:

03 for all of the South Island, Stewart Island and the Chathams
04 untuk Greater Wellington (excluding Wairarapa)
06 untuk Taranaki, Whanganui, Manawatu, Central North Island south of Mount Ruapehu, Hawke's Bay, East Coast, and Wairarapa.
07 untuk Waikato, Bay of Plenty and the Central North Island north of Mount Ruapehu
09 for Auckland and Northland.

You'll need to dial the area code if you are making non-local toll calls, even if the area code is the same (eg: you have to dial 03 when calling Christchurch from Dunedin, 07 when calling Hamilton from Tauranga, etc). Some of the rules defining what is a local call and what is a toll call can be confusing e.g. calling Kaiapoi to Rolleston (37 km away) is a local call, but Kaiapoi to Rangiora (11 km away) is a toll call - if in doubt, include the area code.

Freephone numbers start 0508 atau 0800 and can not be connected from outside New Zealand.

Collect (reverse charge) calls can be made by calling the operator on 010 (or 0170 for international calls) and following the instructions.

The emergency number is 111, except in the Chatham Islands where it is 64 3 305-0111

Mobile phones

All major NZ mobile networks claim to have coverage "where 97% of NZers live, work and play", although this needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Mobile telephone coverage is good near urban areas although the mountainous terrain means that, outside these urban areas and especially away from the main highway system, coverage may be patchy. Do not rely on mobile phones in hilly or mountainous terrain. Mobile telephone users can call *555 only to report Non-emergency traffic safety incidents, such as a breakdown, road hazard or non-injury car crash, to the Police.

All mobile phone numbers in New Zealand usually start with 02, usually followed by eight digits (there are some seven- and nine-digit numbers in the 021 range).

CarrierGSM (2G)UMTS (3G)LTE (4G)
2degreesTemplate:N/a 900MHz/2100MHzBand 3/28
SparkTemplate:N/a 850MHz/2100MHzBand 3/7/28
Vodafone900MHz/1800MHz900MHz/2100MHzBand 3/7/28
  • 2degrees operates a relatively young 3G/4G network.
  • Spark (formerly Telecom NZ) operates a 3G/4G network nationwide (using the same frequencies as Telstra in Australia and AT&T in the US).
    • Skinny is a brand of Spark that provides the same service with a cheaper price.
  • Vodafone NZ operates a nationwide 2G/3G/4G network. Vodafone also offer a visitor SIM specifically for travellers.

SIM cards are widely available and no registration is necessary. Most airports and shopping malls have stores from all network providers available for purchasing access and getting information about their networks. SIM cards and recharge vouchers are also available in supermarkets and dairies. A prepaid sim-card connection pack with $20 credit from Vodafone costs around $30, prepaid sim-cards from 2degrees and Spark costs $5 while Skinny costs $2.

Standard sim-cards, Micro-SIMs and nano-SIMs are available from all mobile providers, as are data-only plans for use in iPads or USB modems.


Some places offer free Wi-Fi to their customers. Often it may be available for a charge.

Internet access is available in cyber cafés and there are generally many of these in the major cities. Some Internet (cyber) cafés may not be maintained properly, but there are places around that maintain a high level of security when it comes to their systems. If you have your own laptop, many cyber cafés allow wired and wireless access. It is slowly becoming more common to allow tourists to use their own laptops to access the Internet.

Many public libraries have public Internet access. There may be a charge. The Auckland City Public Library allows for two 15 min sessions a day at no charge. Hourly rates for are usually in the range of $4-8, with cheaper rates of around $2-4 at cyber cafés within the main city centres. Some providers, such as the Christchurch City Library network, offer free access to some sites, usually ones of interest such as Google, BBC and CNN and those in the .nz top level domain.

You can purchase vouchers for Wi-Fi access from many Starbucks cafés and many McDonald's fast food outlets have free Wi-Fi. It is becoming more common to be provided at hotels and motels using vouchers, but it is seldom free as part of your room rate. There are wireless Hotspots in many cities and towns all over New Zealand from dedicated Wireless providers from whom you can buy connect time. Many camping holiday parks also have such services available. Free Wi-Fi is not that common but the best free locations are at the libraries in many small and medium-sized towns.

Lapangan terbang di Wellington, Auckland dan Dunedin mempunyai Wi-Fi percuma tetapi lapangan terbang Christchurch masih mengenakan bayaran untuk perkhidmatan tanpa wayar di terminal.

Spark menawarkan Wi-Fi percuma untuk pelanggan mudah alihnya melalui rangkaian telefon bimbitnya di seluruh negara. Bukan pelanggan boleh membeli akses dengan harga $ 9,99 / minggu selepas percubaan minggu percuma. Terdapat had data 1GB / hari.

Kelajuan internet New Zealand setanding dengan negara dunia pertama yang lain, tetapi jangan mengharapkan internet berkelajuan ringan mengakses laman web antarabangsa; ingat bahawa negara dipisahkan dari jiran terdekatnya dengan 2200 km air, dan kabel bawah laut tidak dapat dibina dan disenggara dengan harga murah. Serat berkemampuan Gigabit ke premis ("Jalur Lebar Ultra Cepat" atau UFB) tersedia untuk 67% penduduk, terutamanya di bandar dan bandar besar. Internet jalur lebar ADSL / VDSL tersedia di kebanyakan kawasan, sementara internet kabel tersedia di bahagian Wellington dan Christchurch. Sekiranya anda pergi ke kawasan pedalaman yang terpencil, harapkan internet melalui jalur lebar mudah alih 3G / 4G jika tersedia; melalui satelit atau bahkan dial-up sekiranya tidak.


Peti mel New Zealand Post biasa

Pejabat pos kebangsaan adalah Pos New Zealand. Tawaran NZ Post semalam dan perkhidmatan kurier pada hari yang sama di seluruh New Zealand; pada satu ketika terdapat perkhidmatan FastPost semalam, tetapi ini telah digantikan oleh kurir semalam.

Poste Restante adalah perkhidmatan yang murah untuk menerima surat dan bungkusan semasa anda mengunjungi New Zealand dari luar negara dan terdapat di Pejabat Pos di seluruh negara. Penghantaran kaunter boleh didapati secara nasional di PostShop tempatan dan beberapa cawangan PostCentre jika anda memerlukan alamat surat-menyurat jangka pendek sehingga tiga bulan.

Kad pos berharga $ 1,20 untuk dihantar dalam New Zealand (2-3 hari) dan $ 2,40 untuk dihantar ke peringkat antarabangsa (3-10 hari). Huruf hingga ukuran DL (130mm × 235mm) berharga sama seperti kad pos di New Zealand dan ke Australia dan Pasifik Selatan, dengan surat ke destinasi lain berharga $ 3.00.

New Zealand menggunakan poskod 4 digit. Alamat luar bandar menggunakan nombor RD (penghantaran luar bandar) dan bukannya pinggir bandar. Alamat pos umumnya dalam format berikut:

Nama Penerima
Alamat jalan / nombor Peti Surat
Lobi Suburb / RD / PO Box
Poskod Bandar



Lihat juga: Sistem elektrik
Soket elektrik

Elektrik dibekalkan pada 230 volt (tambah atau tolak 6%) 50 Hz. Outlet adalah "Type I" AS / NZS 3112 Australia, dengan dua pin miring rata untuk fasa dan neutral dan pin rata menegak di bawah untuk bumi. Bilik mandi mungkin dilengkapi dengan alat cukur 115/230 V yang menerima jenis A (Amerika Utara), C (Eropah), dan I (Australia) - cawangan ini tidak cukup kuat untuk mengambil peralatan lebih dari 50 watt. Secara amnya, pelancong A.S. dan Kanada harus mengemas penyesuai dan penukar sekiranya mereka merancang untuk menggunakan peralatan elektrik Amerika Utara. Pelancong Eropah mungkin perlu memeriksa amperage pada beberapa alat menarik tinggi; Kedai isi rumah New Zealand dirancang untuk maksimum 10 A (2300 W). Sekiranya anda menggunakan terlalu banyak kuasa, anda akan melepaskan pemutus litar.

Bekalan elektrik secara amnya stabil dan boleh dipercayai. 75% elektrik dihasilkan dari sumber yang boleh diperbaharui, iaitu hidro (55%), panas bumi (15%) dan angin (5%). Pulau Great Barrier, Pulau Stewart, Kepulauan Chatham, dan beberapa bahagian terpencil di Pulau Selatan (termasuk Haast dan Milford Sound) tidak tersambung ke grid elektrik nasional. Oleh kerana kos yang lebih tinggi, perhatikan penggunaan elektrik semasa berada di kawasan ini.

Bantuan konsular

Semua kedutaan dan komisen tinggi berada di ibu negara, Wellington, tetapi ada juga konsulat di Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson dan Queenstown.

  • AustraliaAustralia, 72–76 Hobson St, Thorndon, Wellington, 64 4 473-6411. Suruhanjaya Tinggi, dengan konsulat di Auckland.
  • KanadaKanada, Tingkat 11, 125 The Terrace, Wellington, 64 4 473-9577. Suruhanjaya Tinggi, dengan konsulat di Auckland.
  • ChinaChina, 2–6 Glenmore St, Kelburn, Wellington, 64 4 472-1382. Kedutaan, dengan konsulat di Auckland dan Christchurch.
  • Afrika SelatanAfrika Selatan, Bangunan Insurans Negeri Tingkat 7, 1 Willis St, Wellington, 64 4 815-8484. Suruhanjaya Tinggi, dengan konsulat di Auckland.
  • United KingdomUnited Kingdom, 44 Hill St, Wellington, 64 4 924-2888. Suruhanjaya Tinggi, dengan konsulat di Auckland dan Christchurch.
  • Amerika SyarikatAmerika Syarikat, 29 Fitzherbert Terrace, Wellington, 64 4 462-6000. Kedutaan, dengan konsulat di Auckland.

Surat khabar

Auckland New Zealand Herald mempunyai jumlah pembaca harian terbesar, kebanyakannya di Pulau Utara atas, Wellington's Pos Penguasaan melangkaui kawasan tadahan Pulau Utara yang semula jadi sementara Christchurch's Akhbar terutamanya mempunyai pembaca Pulau Selatan.

The Herald pada hari Ahad, Star-Times Ahad dan Kajian Perniagaan Nasional, semua diterbitkan setiap minggu, akan mengaku mempunyai liputan nasional.

Terdapat juga banyak surat khabar tempatan dan masyarakat, seperti Nelson Mail, tetapi hampir semua surat khabar New Zealand hanya mempunyai dua pemilik asing yang menyindikasikan sebahagian besar kandungan bukan tempatan mereka. Dunedin Harian Otago kekal sebagai akhbar bebas terbesar.


New Zealand mempunyai banyak stesen radio, di AM dan FM, dengan sekurang-kurangnya satu stesen tempatan dan sebilangan stesen rangkaian di seluruh negara yang bersiaran di setiap bandar atau kota besar. Stesen FM utama terletak pada jarak selang 0,8 MHz (dengan stesen pengisian pada selang 0,4 MHz), jadi jika anda menjumpai satu stesen untuk kawasan setempat dan tidak menyukainya, tune atau turun 0.8 untuk mencari stesen lain ( setiap slot diisi).

Dengan banyak kereta Jepun terpakai yang diimport di New Zealand, anda mungkin akan menemui satu dengan radio FM Jepun yang bergerak dari 76–90 MHz dan bukan 88–108 MHz seperti seluruh dunia. Sebilangan besar radio ini dilengkapi dengan "pengembang jalur" yang menurunkan frekuensi stesen sebanyak 12 MHz, jadi misalnya anda dapat mendengar 91.8 FM dengan menala ke 79.8 di radio. Sekiranya anda ingin mendengar stesen di atas 102.0 (90.0), anda tidak bernasib baik.


Televisyen terestrial digital ("HD") definisi tinggi bebas udara (DTT) tersedia untuk 86% penduduk, terutamanya di sekitar bandar dan bandar utama, dengan negara selebihnya menerima televisyen digital definisi standard melalui satelit . Seperti juga lebih daripada selusin saluran DTT di seluruh negara, terdapat beberapa saluran tempatan dan wilayah dan beberapa rangkaian dengan liputan sub-nasional. Sari kata pilihan, yang membolehkan orang bermasalah untuk menikmati TV dengan lebih baik, biasanya hanya tersedia di TVNZ 1, TVNZ 2 dan Tiga.

Televisyen kabel tidak dikembangkan dengan baik, tetapi banyak terdapat di bahagian Wellington dan Christchurch. Televisyen berbayar satelit boleh didapati melalui rangkaian Sky. Sebilangan besar hotel dan motel mempunyai saluran nasional, beberapa saluran Sky, dan apa sahaja yang disiarkan di kawasan tempatan.

Panduan pelancongan negara ini ke New Zealand ialah boleh digunakan artikel. Ia mempunyai maklumat mengenai negara dan untuk masuk, serta pautan ke beberapa destinasi. Orang yang berpetualang dapat menggunakan artikel ini, tetapi jangan ragu untuk memperbaikinya dengan mengedit halaman.