Denmark - Denmark

Untuk tempat lain dengan nama yang sama, lihat Denmark (disambiguasi).
Mata WangKrone Denmark (DKK)
Penduduk5.8 juta (2019)
Elektrik230 volt / 50 hertz (Europlug, Schuko, Type E, Type K)
Kod negara 45
Zon masaUTC 01:00
Bahagian memandubetul
AwasCOVID-19 maklumat: Penduduk "negara terbuka" dibenarkan memasuki Denmark. Penduduk daerah yang "dilarang" boleh dibenarkan memasuki Denmark jika mereka dianggap memiliki tujuan yang pantas untuk memasuki negara itu. Penduduk Scania, Halland, Blekinge, Schleswig-Holstein atau Norway dibenarkan memasuki Denmark tanpa mengira tujuan masuk, dengan syarat wilayah ini memenuhi kriteria Denmark untuk dikategorikan sebagai terbuka.

Negara EU / EEA (dan UK) akan dikategorikan sebagai negara terbuka apabila kadar jangkitan COVID-19 menurun di bawah tahap tertentu (20 kes mingguan per 100,000 penduduk). Negara dilarang apabila kadar jangkitan mingguan melebihi 30 kes setiap 100,000 penduduk. Sebagai tambahan kepada kadar jangkitan yang rendah, sebuah negara juga perlu memenuhi standard ujian COVID-19 tertentu. Beberapa negara bukan EU / bukan EEA juga boleh dianggap sebagai negara terbuka jika mereka mematuhi standard jangkitan dan ujian. Senarai negara terbuka dan tertutup dikemas kini setiap minggu. Maklumat boleh didapati dalam talian.

(Maklumat terakhir dikemas kini 12 Feb 2020)

Denmark (Bahasa Denmark: Danmarkadalah terkecil dari Negara-negara Nordik dari segi daratan. Dulu tempat duduk penyerang Viking dan kemudian menjadi kekuatan angkatan laut Eropah utara yang besar, Kerajaan Denmark adalah kerajaan tertua di dunia yang masih ada, tetapi telah berkembang menjadi negara yang demokratik, moden, dan makmur.

Hari-hari ini, Viking Denmark telah meletakkan kapal mereka di garaj dan meletakkan topi keledar di rak, dan bersama dengan negara-negara Skandinavia yang lain, telah membentuk sebuah masyarakat yang sering dilihat sebagai penanda aras peradaban; dengan dasar sosial yang progresif, komitmen untuk bersuara bebas yang begitu kuat menjadikan negara ini berselisih dengan banyak dunia semasa krisis kartun 2006, sistem kesejahteraan sosial yang liberal dan, menurut Pakar ekonomi, salah satu yang paling kompetitif secara komersial. Teruskan dengan warisan budaya yang kaya dan terpelihara, dan reka bentuk dan seni bina legenda Danes, dan anda mempunyai satu destinasi percutian yang menarik.

Digelar dalam pelbagai tinjauan dan tinjauan sepanjang tahun sebagai "negara paling bahagia di dunia", ia sering digambarkan sebagai tempat yang romantis dan selamat, kemungkinan dikaitkan dengan Hans Christian Andersen sebagai "kisah dongeng" sendiri. Sudah tentu lebih banyak lagi terletak di bawah permukaan, tetapi bagi pelancong, Denmark mungkin terbukti senang, selamat, bersih, tetapi juga agak mahal untuk dikunjungi.


56 ° 9′4 ″ N 11 ° 27′32 ″ E
Peta Denmark
Peta Denmark

Bahagian utama dari Denmark adalah Jutland, semenanjung utara Jerman, tetapi Denmark juga merangkumi sebilangan besar pulau, yang merupakan pulau utama Zealand dan Funen. Sebilangan besar pulau terletak di laut cetek kecil Kattegat dan Laut Baltik, antara Jutland dan Sweden. Terpisah dari pulau-pulau lain, Bornholm terletak dengan sendirinya antara Sweden dan Poland di Laut Baltik. Ibu negara, Copenhagen, terletak di bahagian paling timur Zealand.

Meskipun tidak jelas pada peta, Denmark merangkumi lebih dari 400 pulau, 72 di antaranya dihuni. Semenanjung Jutland dan pulau-pulau utama membentuk sebahagian besar penduduk dan kawasan tanah; pulau-pulau kecil di sini dikategorikan sebagai sebahagian dari pulau-pulau tersebut.

 Jutland (Jylland) (Jutland Timur, Jutland Utara, Jutland Selatan, Jutland Barat)
Semenanjung benua Eropah, yang merangkumi 70% kawasan daratan Denmark dan merupakan rumah bagi separuh penduduknya
 Funen (Fyn)
Tanah air pengarang terkenal dunia Hans Christian Andersen, dan rumah masa kecilnya di Odense
 Sydfynske Øhav (Kepulauan Funen Selatan) (Langeland, Ærø)
Kepulauan yang indah dengan beberapa penduduk sepanjang tahun
 Zealand (Sjælland) (Kopenhagen, Selandia Baru, Westland, South Zealand)
Pulau terbesar di Denmark dengan ibu negara Kopenhagen. Hampir 40% penduduk negara ini tinggal di sini, walaupun hanya 15% dari luas tanah.
 Lolland-Falster (Lolland, Palsu, Møn, Smålandsfarvandet)
Pulau-pulau pedalaman yang rata di selatan Zealand
Pulau percutian, juga dikenal sebagai "pulau batu", rumah gereja gereja bulat yang indah dan beberapa pantai yang sangat baik.

Pentadbiran tempatan di Denmark terdiri dari lima wilayah dan 98 kota (komuniti). Subbahagian ini tidak begitu mementingkan pengunjung.

Denmark, yang Pulau Faroe dan Tanah Hijau secara kolektif dan rasmi dikenali sebagai Alam Denmark (Det Danske Rige). Walaupun ketiga-tiga mereka mempunyai parlimen konstituen masing-masing, mereka juga merupakan sebahagian daripada Kerajaan Denmark dengan Ratu Margrethe II sebagai raja simbolik. Kerana Tanah Hijau dan juga Pulau Faroe adalah wilayah yang memerintah sendiri, mereka tidak diliputi dalam artikel ini.


Denmark mempunyai beberapa bandar yang menyenangkan. Ini hanya beberapa, yang sangat popular di kalangan pengunjung:

  • 1 Kopenhagen (København- Ibu kota Denmark dan bandar terbesar dengan penduduk 1.2 juta di kawasan metropolitannya dan sejumlah besar tawaran untuk pengalaman budaya dan membeli-belah menarik yang diilhamkan dengan tradisi reka bentuk Denmark.
  • 2 Aalborg - Bandar pelabuhan lama dan pusat perindustrian dengan pusat bandar yang bersejarah dan indah, termasuk jalan raya yang padat Jomfru Ane Gade; menampilkan beberapa kehidupan malam yang paling menyeronokkan di negara ini.
  • 3 Aarhus - bandar terbesar di semenanjung Jutland dan bandar kedua terbesar di Denmark, dengan populasi 320,000 di kawasan metropolitannya. Sebagai pusat pendidikan, Aarhus menawarkan banyak pengalaman budaya dan mempunyai kehidupan malam yang meriah dan pelbagai. Juga menjadi pusat pengeluaran dan persidangan makanan, Aarhus adalah antara tempat terbaik di Denmark untuk makan. Yang cemerlang Bandar Lama muzium terbuka dengan bangunan-bangunan kayu bersejarah lama yang dibina semula dari seluruh Denmark, adalah salah satu tarikan paling popular di negara ini.
  • 4 Esbjerg - Pusat Denmark untuk industri perikanan dan minyak dan gas luar pesisir, dan perjalanan feri 15 minit perjalanan singkat dari pulau yang selesa di Fanø. Yang besar Taman Negara Laut Wadden berdekatan dengan Esbjerg.
  • 5 Nykøbing Palsu - terletak di fjord yang indah, anda boleh menjelajahi biara lama, istana, atau menuju ke tebing kapur yang menakjubkan Møn atau pantai yang bagus di pulau ini
  • 6 Odense - bandar utama pulau Funen, dan bandar ketiga terbesar di Denmark, yang dikenali sebagai tempat kelahiran penulis dongeng Hans Christian Andersen. Pusat bandar bersejarah yang lama mempunyai jalan-jalan berbatu yang nyaman dengan pemandangan jalan yang menarik dari bangunan-bangunan tersenarai abad pertengahan dan seni bina moden. Kawasan luar bandar juga menarik, termasuk muzium terbuka Perkampungan Funen.
  • 7 Roskilde - setengah jam dari Kopenhagen adalah sebuah bandar yang indah, menempatkan katedral warisan dunia dan muzium kapal Viking yang hebat.
  • 8 Skagen - titik paling utara daratan, bandar nelayan yang mengantuk ini menjadi hidup sepanjang musim panas. Ini adalah tempat untuk menyaksikan ketika dua lautan bertemu di "ujung Denmark", berbasikal di sekitar pemandangan yang indah dan makan makanan laut yang sangat baik. Ia adalah antara destinasi musim panas yang paling popular di negara ini, termasuk yang terkenal dan terkenal di Kopenhagen.
  • 9 Sønderborg - temui mentaliti Denmark di sebuah bandar di mana Denmark akhirnya melepaskan cita-cita kuasa besarnya, dan bersiar-siar di istana lama atau istana kerajaan Gråsten.

Destinasi lain

Tebing kapur yang megah di Møns Klint
  • 1 Anholt - lebih dari 45 km dari daratan terdekat dan hampir tepat di antara Sweden dan Denmark, pulau terpencil ini menawarkan padang pasir terbesar di Eropah Utara dan salah satu populasi anjing laut terbesar di Scandinavia.
  • 2 Ertholmene - sekelompok pulau kecil ini, yang diperintah oleh Kementerian Pertahanan, menebus tanah paling timur di Denmark dan menjadi rumah cadangan burung yang besar, serta instalasi pertahanan lama.
  • 3 Femø - paling terkenal sebagai salah satu kubu pertama gerakan hak wanita, kini menarik minat golongan lesbian dan feminis, sambil bangga menyambut semua wanita.
  • 4 Fanø - pulau sepanjang 16 km dan selebar 5 km, dengan gunung besar persekitaran yang berbeza di kawasan kecil: Pasir, heath, padang rumput dan kayu pinus.
  • 5 Hirsholmene - sekumpulan 10 pulau kecil 7 km ke timur laut Frederikshavn, terkenal dengan populasi burung yang tinggi, tetapi juga rumah bagi beberapa pantai yang sangat baik dan sejumlah besar bunker era Perang Dunia II.
  • 6 Taman Negara Kongernes Nordsjælland - taman nasional yang baru meliputi kawasan perburuan lama raja-raja kuno.
  • 7 Læsø - menjauhkan diri dari semua ini di pulau terpencil di "tali pinggang gurun" di Denmark ini, berjalan melalui bukit pasir dengan menunggang kuda dan melihat rumah ladang yang unik dengan atap rumput laut.
  • 8 Samsø - Pulau "hijau" di Denmark telah mendapat perhatian antarabangsa sejak penggunaan haba dan tenaga di pulau ini dihasilkan secara eksklusif oleh sumber-sumber yang boleh diperbaharui. Samsø adalah rumah bagi festival muzik tahunan Pesta Samsø, bersukan sebagai "hyggeligste" Denmark (iaitu paling selesa).
  • 9 Tebing Stevns - tebing berusia 65 juta tahun yang terdiri daripada kapur dan kapur, yang membentang lebih dari 12 km di persisiran pantai dan hingga 41m di atas permukaan laut.



Denmark mempunyai sejarah pra-kaya, dengan beberapa budaya tinggal di sini sejak akhir Zaman Es terakhir sekitar 12,000 tahun yang lalu.
Lihat juga: Viking dan Old Norse, Sejarah Nordik

Orang Denmark pertama kali disebut dalam tulisan dari abad ke-6, dan menjadi terkenal di Zaman Viking, ketika mereka bersama-sama dengan kerabat Norwegia dan Sweden mereka melakukan perjalanan jauh untuk perdagangan, penggerebekan dan penempatan (rujuk Danelaw di Britain).

Kerajaan Denmark didirikan pada zaman Viking. Harald Bluetooth dibaptiskan dan berjaya membaptiskan wilayahnya pada tahun 960an. Kerajaan ini diperbesar dan pada abad ke-11 cucunya Cnut the Great adalah raja tidak hanya dari Denmark moden, tetapi juga tanah Scania di selatan Sweden, Norway dan sebahagian besar England (yang hilang setelah kematiannya).

Luas Kesatuan Kalmar sekitar tahun 1400.
Penempatan di Greenland (dan) sangat renggang dengan kebanyakan kampung terletak di sepanjang pantai barat daya
Schleswig Selatan dan wilayah Scania adalah sebahagian dari Denmark hingga Perang Utara Kedua pada awal zaman moden

Denmark meneruskan pengembangannya, di mana gereja dan gereja Liga Hanseatic memainkan peranan penting. Dalam upaya gabungan untuk melawan peningkatan kekuatan dan pengaruh Liga Hanseatic di wilayah Baltik, Kalmar Union disahkan pada tahun 1397, menyatukan Kerajaan Denmark, Norwegia dan Sweden di bawah satu peraturan. Kerana berturut-turut kematian yang tidak disengajakan dan mungkin ada intrik, Eric dari Pomerania yang berusia lima belas tahun menjadi raja rasmi pertama Kesatuan Kalmar. Pada masa penyatuan, Empayar Norwegia juga termasuk Kepulauan Atlantik Utara di Orkney, Shetlands, Faroes, Iceland dan Greenland, sementara Kerajaan Sweden termasuk sebahagian besar Finland saat ini dan Kerajaan Denmark juga termasuk Holstein. Terdapat beberapa konflik dan pemberontakan dalaman pada abad berikutnya, dan pada tahun 1523, Gustav Vasa diisytiharkan sebagai raja Sweden dan persatuan itu runtuh dan tidak lagi ada. Ini bukan kerugian besar bagi Denmark, yang menjadikan Norway (termasuk Kepulauan Atlantik Utara), tanah Scania dan selat Denmark yang penting secara ekonomi di bawah satu peraturan. Pada tahun 1530-an, Denmark melakukan reformasi Lutheran dan raja memperoleh kekuasaan monarki dalam kaitannya dengan imamat dan bangsawan. Perdagangan dan pembuatan berkembang.

Kopenhagen dilanda serangkaian kebakaran yang sangat merosakkan selama abad ke-18, beberapa disebabkan oleh serangan tentera laut dan pengeboman. Pengeboman Copenhagen pada tahun 1807 memusnahkan sebahagian besar bandar.

Selama berabad-abad yang lalu, terdapat banyak peperangan, terutama dengan meningkatnya perang Empayar Sweden, yang memantapkan dirinya sebagai kekuatan besar. Denmark juga terlibat dalam Perang Tiga Puluh Tahun, dengan sedikit kejayaan. Perang Utara Kedua memberikan tamparan yang sangat serius kepada Kerajaan Denmark dengan Sweden muncul sebagai kekuatan ketenteraan terhebat di Skandinavia. Denmark menyerahkan tanah Scania, harta benda Estonia dan sepertiga Norway dalam Perjanjian Kedua Roskilde yang memalukan pada tahun 1658 dan sekarang dengan pasukan Sweden yang menduduki sebagian besar Denmark juga. Kawasan yang diduduki di Denmark dan Norway segera memberontak melawan pasukan Sweden dan berjaya mengatasinya, mengembalikan Denmark-Norway pada tahun 1660. Perjanjian Copenhagen pada tahun 1660 menyelesaikan perbatasan antara Denmark dan Sweden yang kita kenal sekarang. Kekuatan dan kekuatan tentera yang baru ditemukan sekarang menjadi Empayar Sweden, akhirnya memancing kekuatan luar dan Rusia memulakan Perang Utara Besar pada tahun 1700, memimpin sebuah koalisi termasuk Denmark-Norway menentang wilayah-wilayah Sweden. Ini menyebabkan kekalahan Sweden dan Rusia kini menjadi kekuatan ketenteraan yang dominan di wilayah Baltik dari tahun 1721. Ini mengembalikan keseimbangan kekuatan antara Denmark-Norway dan Sweden dan perdamaian umum berlangsung sekitar satu abad, sehingga bermulanya Perang Napoleon pada tahun 1803. Serangkaian kebakaran yang sangat merosakkan, beberapa disebabkan oleh serangan tentera laut, merosakkan Copenhagen sepanjang abad ke-18. Kebakaran besar yang terakhir menghancurkan sebahagian besar kota pada tahun 1807, ketika tentera laut Inggeris mengebom Kopenhagen dan menghancurkan armada Denmark dalam serangan awal. Hingga saat itu, Denmark bersikap netral dalam Perang Napoleon, tetapi sekarang berpihak kepada Napoleon dan terlibat dalam perang dengan Sweden sekali lagi. Walaupun pertempuran dengan Sweden hanya mengakibatkan status quo, perbelanjaan ketenteraan telah merugikan ekonomi dan Denmark bangkrut pada tahun 1813. Pada tahun 1814, Norway, kecuali Kepulauan Atlantik Utara, diserahkan kepada Sweden sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian damai Eropah yang lebih besar.

Masih merupakan kekuatan tentera laut yang hebat, Denmark terlibat dalam penjajahan Eropah secara umum dari tahun 1660-an dan seterusnya, mendirikan penempatan, perkebunan dan kubu di koloni baru di Caribbean, Afrika Barat dan India. Denmark terus mendapat keuntungan dari perdagangan hamba, gula dan rempah global selama lebih kurang 200 tahun, tetapi jajahan Afrika dan India akhirnya diserahkan kepada Kerajaan Inggeris pada pertengahan tahun 1800-an dan Hindia Barat Denmark dijual ke AS pada tahun 1917.

Secara seimbang, masa sukar selepas Perang Napoleon adalah zaman keemasan budaya bagi Denmark, dengan raksasa intelektual dan budaya seperti Bertel Thorvaldsen, Hans Christian Ørsted, Nicolai Grundtvig, Hans Christian Andersen dan Søren Kierkegaard. Pendidikan wajib diperkenalkan dan negara mengambil beberapa langkah menuju demokrasi dan kedaulatan undang-undang, sebagian besar adalah hasil dari kegiatan politik oleh kelompok borjuasi liberal. Perlembagaan demokratik dibentuk pada tahun 1849 dan hak untuk memilih diberikan kepada lelaki yang memiliki harta mereka sendiri, berumur lebih dari 30 atau 40 tahun. Pada tahun 1915, Denmark mendapat perlembagaan baru dengan hak pilih sejagat.

Setelah kehilangan wilayah yang teruk, Denmark mengasaskan jenis nasionalisme unik yang tidak agresif selepas Perang Napoleon pada awal tahun 1800-an. Nicolai Grundtvig memainkan peranan penting dalam pergerakan itu pada separuh pertama abad ke-19.

Gerakan demokratik baru di Eropah dipasangkan dengan gagasan negara-negara nasional yang muncul dan di Jutland Selatan, ini menyebabkan konflik dalaman terhadap bentuk pemerintahan feodal tempatan. Dua perang dilancarkan di sana, yang melibatkan pasukan ketenteraan dari Denmark, Prussia, Sweden dan Austria, akhirnya menyebabkan kekalahan Denmark yang lain dan kini berakhirnya Holstein, Schleswig dan Saxe-Lauenburg pada bulan Oktober 1864. Ditanda secara psikologi oleh banyak kekalahan ketenteraan dan kekalahan yang teruk wilayah selama berabad-abad, dalam kombinasi dengan pengaruh gerakan nasional-demokratik yang semakin meningkat, Denmark secara praktikal menyerahkan kekuatan ketenteraan sebagai alat politik. Tetapi perang terus berleluasa di Eropah dan pada tahun 1914, Perang Dunia I meletus. Denmark berjaya bersikap berkecuali, tetapi ketika Jerman banyak terlibat, orang Denmark dari Jutland Selatan yang diserahkan telah diambil alih bersama dengan warganegara Jerman yang lain dan beberapa ribu orang Denmark selatan jatuh di Front Barat berjuang untuk Jerman menentang kehendak mereka. Pada tahun 1920, setelah Perang Dunia, pemilihan referendum akhirnya diadakan di Schleswig-Holstein untuk menyelesaikan konflik dalaman yang masih belum selesai dan bahagian utara Schleswig kembali ke Denmark sekali lagi sementara Schleswig dan Holstein selatan pergi ke Jerman, menyelesaikan Denmark-Jerman sempadan yang kita kenal sekarang. Hingga hari ini minoriti Denmark tinggal di Schleswig Selatan dan minoriti Jerman tinggal di Schleswig Utara, sekarang dalam penerimaan yang damai.

Danes meraikan pembebasan Denmark dari penjajahan Nazi Jerman semasa Perang Dunia II pada 5 Mei 1945 di jalanan.

Denmark cuba bersikap berkecuali Perang Dunia II juga, tetapi Jerman menyerang Denmark pada April 1940. Pertahanannya lemah dan tidak ada mobilisasi yang tepat, untuk menghindari kengerian perlawanan yang sia-sia. Iceland, masih Denmark, dibawa oleh Inggeris sebulan kemudian, tanpa pertumpahan darah, dan kemudian diserahkan kepada AS. Kerajaan Denmark bersetuju dengan syarat Jerman dan dengan menjanjikan "kerjasama setia", pihak berkuasa nasional diizinkan untuk meneruskan fungsi mereka, termasuk menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap aktivis anti-Semit.

Kerajaan nasional digantikan oleh pihak berkuasa Jerman pada bulan Ogos 1943, kerana pemerintah tidak bertindak memuaskan. Ketika Jerman memutuskan untuk mengusir orang Yahudi ke Jerman, kebanyakan berjaya melarikan diri ke Sweden, dalam operasi penyelamatan besar yang dianjurkan oleh Penentangan Denmark. Sebilangan besar mereka yang ditangkap diawasi dengan teliti oleh Palang Merah Denmark dan sebahagiannya berkat tekanan politik Denmark yang tidak dihantar pulang ke kem pemusnahan Jerman. Majoriti orang Yahudi yang ditangkap selamat dengan cara ini, tetapi beberapa ratus, selain komunis Denmark yang dipenjarakan, diusir oleh Gestapo ke kem konsentrasi Jerman kerana ditahan, kerja paksa dan pelaksanaannya malangnya. Dengan meningkatnya intensiti sabotaj oleh gerakan penentangan bawah tanah Denmark, Gestapo (dipimpin oleh Waffen SS Dr. Werner Brest) semakin memerintahkan polis Denmark untuk mengambil tindakan balas, atau menghadapi hukuman. Organisasi polis Denmark tidak bekerjasama dengan agenda Nazi dan reaksi Jerman segera muncul pada bulan Mei 1944 ketika sekitar 2.000 pegawai ditangkap di seluruh negara dan dihantar pulang ke kem konsentrasi di Jerman. Kerajaan Denmark kemudian berjaya meningkatkan rawatan mereka dalam tahanan Jerman, tetapi sekitar 100 meninggal dunia, majoriti di Buchenwald. Denmark dibebaskan oleh tentera Inggeris yang dipimpin oleh Field Marshall Montgomery pada 5 Mei 1945, dua hari sebelum kapitalisasi Nazi-Jerman.

Selepas perang, Denmark meminta kerjasama yang lebih erat dengan negara-negara Nordik yang lain, tetapi juga merupakan antara anggota pengasas NATO dan PBB. Iceland mengisytiharkan dan memperoleh kemerdekaannya sedangkan Greenland dan Kepulauan Faroe diberi tingkatan pemerintahan yang lebih besar. Isu Schleswig diselesaikan lebih jauh untuk memuaskan kebanyakan pihak yang terlibat melalui perjanjian dengan Jerman yang menjamin hak budaya, politik dan ekonomi kepada kaum minoriti di kedua-dua belah sempadan. Setelah berada di luar integrasi Eropah, Denmark akhirnya bergabung dengan EU pada tahun 1973; namun, negara tersebut tidak ikut serta dalam zon Euro walaupun mahkota itu dipautkan ke Euro.

Denmark mengambil bahagian dalam integrasi politik dan ekonomi umum Eropah. Namun, negara tersebut telah memilih untuk tidak ikut dalam Perjanjian Maastricht Kesatuan Eropah, kesatuan monetari Eropah (EMU - zon Euro), dan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan urusan dalaman tertentu.


Musim di Århus, berlawanan arah jam dari awal Oktober

Cuaca di Denmark agak ringan berbanding dengan negara-negara Skandinavia yang lain, tetapi jelas dibahagikan kepada empat musim, masing-masing mempunyai ciri khasnya. Bagi pelancong, penting untuk mengetahui apa yang diharapkan pada waktu lawatan, cara berpakaian dan cara merancang penginapan anda.

Penutup salji tidak selalu dijamin selama bulan-bulan musim sejuk, tetapi kerana kedudukan utara, waktu siang dengan pasti jauh lebih sukar daripada malam hitam yang panjang. Walaupun matahari seharusnya terbit, langit sering berwarna kelabu dengan awan tebal dan hampir tidak ada cahaya matahari. Keadaan ini berterusan selama tiga bulan, Disember hingga Februari, dan kadang-kadang November dan Mac juga. Kadang-kadang hari bertuah selama empat hingga lima jam cahaya matahari dapat dialami, tetapi suhu biasanya sekitar titik beku. Bagi pelancong, bulan Krismas pada bulan Disember boleh menjadi menarik, kerana pusat-pusat di kebanyakan bandar yang lebih besar dihiasi dan kedai-kedai kecil muncul di jalan-jalan yang menjual wain, penkek, kacang almond gula dan makanan tempatan lain. Musim sejuk pastinya merupakan masa terbaik untuk bersosial di dalam rumah.

Musim bunga bermula pada akhir bulan Mac atau April dan waktu siang meningkat dengan cepat serta suhu. Pakaian hangat tetap harus dan pakaian hujan juga digalakkan. Ini adalah masa ketika banyak orang terkena demam, kerana mereka membiarkan pikiran mereka tertipu memikirkan musim panas telah tiba sebaik matahari bersinar selama beberapa hari berturut-turut. Belum lagi. Mei adalah ketika pokok-pokok meletup di daun dan hutan beech di daun-daun adalah pengalaman yang tidak akan pernah dilupakan.

Dengan bulan Jun, musim panas telah tiba dan sekarang waktu siang telah melebihi waktu malam. Akhir Jun memegang hari terpanjang tahun ini, dengan waktu siang sebanyak 18 jam. Matahari terbenam di cakrawala di garis lintang ini dan tidak semua jam terang seperti tengah hari, tetapi musim panas Denmark sememangnya dicirikan oleh "malam yang cerah" (Denmark: lebih baik) dan aktiviti luar dan pesta boleh terus berjalan lancar tanpa ada yang menyedari pukul berapa. Sekiranya anda perlu menyesuaikan semula jam dalaman anda setelah penerbangan lebih lama atau jika anda mempunyai perjumpaan dan janji awal pagi, adalah idea yang sangat baik untuk membawa topeng tidur untuk menyekat cahaya. Suhu musim panas di Denmark sederhana; ia jarang terlalu sejuk (jadi anda memerlukan pelapis hangat) dan sangat jarang panas (di atas 30-32 darjah celcius) sehingga anda tidak dapat melakukan aktiviti luar. Anda mungkin menganggap keadaan ini menjadikan musim panas yang sempurna, tetapi anda perlu mengetahui bahawa cuaca berubah hampir tidak dapat diramalkan. Hari-hari hujan dan mendung boleh datang dan pergi sepanjang musim panas, jadi jika anda berkunjung pada musim ini, adalah lebih baik merancang dengan sewajarnya; pastikan anda dapat mengubah rancangan luaran anda untuk aktiviti dalam rumah setiap kali cuaca buruk, dan anda akan memanfaatkan sepenuhnya masa anda. Walaupun hari kelabu, mendung dan hujan atau ribut petir tiba-tiba boleh merosakkan rancangan pantai atau berkelah, anda sebahagian besarnya bergantung pada ramalan tempatan mingguan. Perubahan biasanya berlaku hanya dari hari ke hari, jadi melihat langit pada waktu pagi akan memberi anda idea yang baik dan boleh dipercayai tentang bagaimana hari yang akan datang.

Pada bulan September musim luruh perlahan-lahan mulai tiba, tetapi hari-hari yang cerah dan cerah sering dapat dialami hingga bulan Oktober dan bulan-bulan ini juga merupakan masa yang tepat untuk dikunjungi. Pastikan anda membawa pakaian yang sesuai, kerana cuaca yang lebih sejuk dan berangin menjadi semakin biasa. November menandakan berakhirnya musim panas yang pasti, pokok-pokoknya berwarna merah, kuning dan oren sekarang dan tidak lama lagi angin musim luruh yang sejuk akan meniup daunnya.


Denmark sangat rata dan mempunyai pecahan terbesar tanah pertanian di dunia.

Denmark mempunyai kawasan yang rata. Lebih daripada 60% daratan adalah tanah yang rata dan dapat ditanam, menjadikannya sesuai untuk pertanian. Sebanyak 15% tambahan adalah hutan yang rata. Oleh itu, Denmark adalah tempat 'tertinggi-terendah' ​​di Eropah; pada ketinggian 170,86 m dari permukaan laut, Møllehøj, berhampiran Skanderborg, pada tahun 2005 disahkan sebagai titik semula jadi tertinggi di Denmark. Lebih terkenal Ejer Baunehøj dan Yding Skovhøj dengan 170.35 m dan 170.77 m masing-masing telah bertanding selama bertahun-tahun, sehingga pada tahun 2005 dengan teknik baru bukit pemenang dapat dijumpai. Walau apa pun, tingginya 216 m Menara Penghantaran Søsterhøj dekat Aarhus mencapai ketinggian pusing 315 meter di atas permukaan laut dan, oleh itu, adalah titik tertinggi di Denmark.

Garis pantai hampir 7.500 km memberi ruang kepada sejumlah besar pantai, yang bersama dengan hakisan angin, dan banyak hujan, telah membentuk lanskap, dan hari ini ia adalah negara bukit dan lembah kecil, tasik kecil dan hutan kecil dengan pantai dan pain. Kedudukan geografi Denmark di lempeng tektonik telah mengurangkan risiko gempa bumi dan gunung berapi, dan gempa terburuk pada zaman moden telah diukur kepada 4.7 pada skala Richter

Pergunungan di Sweden dan Norway melindungi Denmark dari kebanyakan cuaca ribut dan udara musim sejuk yang membeku. Dikombinasikan dengan suhu ringan dan kelembapan yang tinggi dalam angin yang bertiup dari Laut Utara menjadikan tanah ini sangat sesuai untuk pertanian kerana musimnya lancar, dan jarang menimbulkan kemarau atau banjir.Bornholm adalah salah satu dari beberapa pengecualian untuk keseluruhan kawasan pertanian yang ramah, kerana kedalaman tanah berkurang, dan batuan dasar dapat dilihat di beberapa lokasi.

Pantai barat Jutland menghadap Laut Utara perlahan-lahan terhakis, dan mengumpulkan tanah yang terhakis akibat arus di lautan. Hasilnya membentuk pantai berpasir yang luas, sedangkan pantai timur Jutland pada umumnya ditutup dengan pantai kerikil.


Sukan sangat popular di Denmark, dengan persatuan bola sepak yang paling terkenal dan dikira sebagai sukan kebangsaan, diikuti dengan gimnastik, bola baling (Olimpik) dan golf. Bersama dengan negara-negara Nordik yang lain serta Jerman dan Perancis, Denmark adalah antara pasukan super Bola Baling dan perlawanan di antara pasukan-pasukan tersebut atau piala dunia dan Eropah diikuti oleh peminat Bola Baling.

Satu lagi ciri budaya Denmark seperti mana yang akan diberitahu oleh risalah pelancongan, adalah "Hygge", yang diterjemahkan sebagai sesuatu seperti" selesa "atau" selesa ". Orang Denmark akan cepat menunjukkan bahawa ini adalah konsep Denmark yang unik, yang hampir tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan, tetapi mungkin mengambil tempat yang lebih menonjol di budaya daripada di banyak negara lain. Biasanya melibatkan makan malam yang rendah di rumah orang, dengan perbualan panjang mengenai cahaya lilin dan anggur merah bersama rakan dan keluarga, tetapi perkataan ini digunakan secara meluas untuk interaksi sosial.

Aspek penting dalam budaya Denmark ialah meremehkan dan kesopanan, yang tidak hanya menonjol dalam corak tingkah laku Denmark tetapi juga merupakan ciri penting dalam reka bentuk Denmark yang terkenal, yang menentukan minimalisme dan fungsionalisme yang ketat berbanding kegilaan, sesuatu yang baik untuk orang Denmark juga.

Orang Denmark sangat garang patriotik banyak, tetapi dengan cara yang sangat rendah. Mereka akan dengan senang hati mengalu-alukan pelawat untuk memamerkan negara, yang semestinya mereka banggakan, tetapi sebarang kritikan - walau konstruktif - tidak akan dipandang ringan, walaupun kebanyakan orang Denmark dengan senang hati akan menghabiskan berjam-jam untuk membuktikan bahawa anda salah atas bir Carlsberg, daripada menjadi bermusuhan. Ini tidak akan membawa anda sejauh ini, dan jika anda berjaya meyakinkan siapa pun tentang kekurangan lain daripada cukai yang terlalu tinggi, cuaca terlalu buruk, atau perkara-perkara remeh, anda harus segera pulang ke rumah dan mencalonkan diri sebagai pejabat politik. Atas sebab yang sama orang luar dalam jangka masa panjang oleh banyak orang dilihat dengan sejumlah kecurigaan. Sebagai homogen masyarakat sering dianggap kunci kejayaan Denmark, anda akan sering mendengar penduduk asing yang mengadu tentang tekanan berterusan untuk menjadi lebih Denmark, dan Parti Rakyat Denmark yang anti-imigran telah melihat peningkatan populariti selama bertahun-tahun, mengambil 21% undi pada pilihan raya terbaru, menjadikannya parti politik ke-2 terbesar di Denmark.

Oleh itu, sebagai pengembara, orang Denmark cenderung ramah dan membantu anda, tetapi jarang melakukan hubungan dan perbualan dengan anda atas inisiatif mereka sendiri. Selalunya orang-orang dapat dilihat sebagai orang yang dingin, skeptikal dan sedikit kasar, tetapi hanya di permukaan. Perlu masa untuk benar-benar berteman dengan Dane. Sekiranya tidak ada yang lain, tekan bar mana pun di bandar dan anda akan disambut dengan mesra apabila beberapa bir pertama disingkirkan.

Meminum minuman beralkohol, bagaimanapun anehnya, komponen penting dalam kehidupan sosial di sana. Terutama ketika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara Skandinavia yang lain, Denmark mempunyai sikap yang sangat liberal terhadap penggunaan alkohol, baik dari segi apa yang dapat diterima secara sosial dan undang-undang. Bagi banyak perjumpaan sosial, alkohol adalah suatu keharusan (pada hujung minggu) dan dilihat sebagai pendorong positif untuk melonggarkan suasana. Terlibat dalam minum mungkin merupakan kaedah terbaik untuk mengenali Dane.


Terdapat banyak ladang angin di Denmark, beberapa di antaranya di luar pesisir.

Denmark sering dipuji sebagai salah satu negara paling hijau di dunia, tetapi selain dari basikal di mana-mana, orang Denmark secara mengejutkan tidak bersikap acuh tak acuh terhadap alam sekitar walaupun mempunyai reputasi, dan sebenarnya bertanggungjawab untuk pelepasan gas rumah kaca sebanyak yang dimiliki oleh kebanyakan negara lain. Seperti halnya banyak hal lain, ia dianggap sebagai tanggungjawab bersama, dan telah selamat dimainkan di tangan pemerintah, yang pada gilirannya, dengan kejayaan besar di bawah kepemimpinan Sosial Demokrat, melakukan serangkaian pembaharuan, terutamanya percukaian hijau, antara tahun 1993-2001, yang menjadikan masyarakat Denmark secara keseluruhan (terutama dalam pengeluaran industri) salah satu yang paling cekap tenaga di dunia. Ternyata, itu juga perniagaan yang baik, dan teknologi hijau telah menjadi salah satu eksport terbesar di negara ini, termasuk bidang seperti termostat, turbin angin dan penebat rumah. Oleh kerana itu, dasar hijau mendapat sokongan luas yang luar biasa di kalangan rakyat dan seluruh spektrum politik. 20% daripada pengeluaran tenaga keseluruhan berasal dari tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui, terutamanya tenaga angin, suatu pencapaian yang terutama dimungkinkan oleh pasaran tenaga Nordik biasa dan jaringan kuasa antarabangsa yang maju dari segi teknologi. Selain tenaga angin Denmark, grid ini juga dihubungkan dengan sumber tenaga hidro besar di Norway dan Sweden, sebahagian daripada tenaga nuklear Sweden, dan ia dapat dengan mudah diatur naik turun untuk mengimbangi pengeluaran angin yang tidak dapat diandalkan.

Turbin angin secara amnya menghasilkan lebih banyak tenaga pada waktu malam daripada yang boleh dimakan oleh syarikat Denmark, sementara tidak menghasilkan cukup pada waktu siang untuk menampung penggunaannya. Pemasangan tenaga suria di rumah domestik telah disokong oleh pengurangan cukai yang disasarkan untuk mewujudkan sumber tenaga boleh diperbaharui sekunder yang aktif selama beberapa hari. Sebagai sandaran, loji kuasa arang batu dan minyak lama siap untuk pengeluaran, dan keluar hitam atau coklat tidak dapat difikirkan bagi penduduk Denmark.

Selain daripada pengeluaran dan kecekapan tenaga, kawasan hijau untuk kelestarian, penggunaan semula dan pengeluaran organik juga menjadi keutamaan dan telah banyak dilaksanakan dalam kehidupan seharian. Orang Denmark mempunyai penggunaan produk organik kedua tertinggi di dunia, berbanding dengan jumlah penduduk, tepat di belakang Switzerland. Hampir semua kedai dan pasar raya menjual alternatif yang diperakui secara organik.

All these lofty green implementations do actually have a few tangible implications for travelers:

  • Plastic bags cost money; 1-5 kr - non-refundable, so bring a reusable bag when shopping groceries.
  • Cans and bottles have 1-3 kr deposit, refundable any place that sells bottled drinks.
  • Many toilets have half and full flush buttons, now - you figure out when to use which.
  • There is a roughly 100% (4 kr) tax on gasoline, the total price usually hovers between 9-11 kr/L.
  • In many counties you need to sort your waste in two separate 'biological' and 'burnable' containers.
  • Tap water is drinkable, and of an even higher quality than any bottled water you can buy.

For the environmentally conscious or just gastronomically interested traveller, it might be worth noting that the rise of organic farming in Denmark has nurtured a thriving and lively grassroots food culture throughout the country with many regional specialities of a high quality. This comprise all kinds of agricultural organic products and you can buy them, especially farmers produce and dairy, in all larger retail stores and at many farms. Organic is called Økologisk in Danish and organic state-certified products are labelled with a red Ø. When shopping for imported products, look for the EU-certification, showing small yellow stars outlining the shape of a leaf.

Danish holidays and events

Tuborg truck and two guys on J day

There are several celebrations throughout the year. Traditional holidays and festivities you are most likely to encounter includes:

  • Carnival (Fastelavn) is held in late winter, seven weeks before Easter sets in. Almost exclusively festivities for children. Special cakes known as fastelavnsboller is sold in bakeries.
  • Easter. Almost everything closes down across Denmark with empty streets throughout Easter, as people gather for private get-togethers which for some includes church going. Special Easter-brews (Påske Bryg) are issued each year.
  • International Workers Day is celebrated 1 May. Danes get the afternoon off, while many arrange for an entire day off. Outside gatherings across the country in city parks and event venues with concerts, speeches and get-togethers.
  • June 5. is Grundlovsdag, the Danish constitution day. Danes get the afternoon off, some get all day off. Politicians and organizations talk at outdoor meetings all over Denmark. It is all very relaxed, no fireworks or animated debates. Except for convenience stores and small supermarkets, no stores are open.
  • Fall. The forty-second week of the year is the fall holidays for school children. Historically it was the potato holiday. Most parents will arrange to have week 42 off as well. This means that you can not expect low-seasons prices this week. On the other hand, many museums and attractions will extend their opening hours or open up again even if they had closed for the season. Make sure to make reservation for ferries, trains, etc.
  • J-day, first Friday in November. This is the day when the Christmas beer is released. Go to any bar and party with the Danes. When the beer truck arrives you might get a free Christmas beer and a Christmas beer hat.
  • Christmas. Throughout the month of December, Christmas-related events and street decorations pop ups. Christmas dinner parties (julefrokost) are arranged with colleagues, friends and relatives.
  • New Years Eve (Nytårsaften). Lively partying all over including some special traditions. Firework displays, in particular at midnight. Many people gathers in the town centres around midnight to participate in the festivities and celebrate the beginning of the new year.


The border control in Copenhagen Airport
AwasCOVID-19 information: Three border crossings remain open at the terrestrial border to Germany — Sæd (south of Tønder), Kruså and Frøslev. The Danish authorities publish a list of countries whose citizens may enter Denmark as tourists. Entry into Denmark has current information about entry requirements.

International ferry lines:
Fjordline: The route Stavanger, Norway to Hirtshals was suspended 16 March. The routes Bergen, Norway and Langesund, Norway to Hirtshals were suspended 15 March. In order to maintain operations between Norway and Denmark a new temporary route from Kristiansand, Norway to Hirtshals has been opened.
All other ferry routes resumed operation.

(Information last updated 15 Aug 2020)

Denmark is not only the gateway to Scandinavia in cultural terms, but certainly also geographically, and as such the country is well connected with the rest of the European continent and to Scandinavia. A plethora of ferries connects Denmark with Europe and Scandinavia, and Copenhagen airport even more so serves as the main Scandinavian hub, since its southern latitude makes it a natural stopping point for flights between Scandinavia and the rest of Europe.


Denmark is a member of the Schengen Agreement.

  • There are normally no border controls between countries that have signed and implemented the treaty. This includes most of the European Union and a few other countries.
  • There are usually identity checks before boarding international flights or boats. Sometimes there are temporary border controls at land borders.
  • Likewise, a visa granted for any Schengen member is valid in all other countries that have signed dan implemented the treaty.
  • Please see Travelling around the Schengen Area for more information on how the scheme works, which countries are members and what the requirements are for your nationality.

Citizens from Schengen countries are permitted to work in Denmark without the need to obtain a visa or any further authorization for the period of their 90-day visa-free stay. However, this ability to work visa-free does not necessarily extend to other Schengen countries.

Additionally, citizens of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and the United States are permitted to remain in Denmark for up to 90 days without a visa, regardless of the amount of time spent in other Schengen countries (time spent in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland, though, does count against this 90-day exemption).

You can apply for a visa at your local Danish embassy (list), but in many countries where Denmark has no consular representation, other Nordic (Scandinavian) embassies (Sweden, Norway or Finland) are usually authorized to handle visa applications (see list). Further details are available at the Danish immigration services.

The other nations of the Danish commonwealth, Greenland and the Faeroe Islands, are not Schengen or EU members. If you can visit the Schengen area without a visa, you can visit Greenland and the Faeroe Islands under the same rules (90 days in a half year), citizens of the EU/EEA have unlimited access. If you need a visa for the Schengen Zone, you will need a separate visa for Greenland or the Faeroe Islands - be sure to inform the Danish embassy when you apply for your Schengen visa that you are also visiting these areas.

Dengan kapal terbang

Denmark is served by two major and several minor airports who nearly all offer international connections. Most European airlines offer routes to Copenhagen, and many also to Billund, but SAS Scandinavian Airlines remains the dominant carrier. Key players in the low-cost market include Norwegian, Easyjet, Transavia and finally Ryanair.

  • Copenhagen Airport (CPH IATA) is the largest airport in Scandinavia. The airport is located at the town Kastrup on the island Amager, 8 km from central Copenhagen. The airport is connected by train to Copenhagen Central Station and beyond, Malmö and other towns in Sweden. One way fare to Copenhagen Central station is 34 kr and the train leaves every 10 minutes. Buses and taxis are also available.
  • Billund Airport (BLL IATA) in South-Central Jutland is Denmark's 2nd largest airport, and the main airport for the entire peninsula. It fields flights to major European hubs: Frankfurt, London and Amsterdam, many European capitals, the Faeroe Islands as well as south European holiday destinations. Located in the town Billund, 29 km from Vejle, 65 km from Esbjerg, 104 km from Odense, 100 km from Aarhus, 210 km from Aalborg, and 262 km from Copenhagen. The airport is connected by buses to major cities and towns in the region. Taxis are also available.
  • Aalborg Airport (AAL IATA) about 7 km east of the city centre, is Denmark's 3rd largest airport with flights to around 20 European destinations, including Oslo, Reykjavik and the Faroe Islands as well as major hubs like London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Istanbul. Major carriers includes Norwegian, SAS, Turkish Airlines, and Atlantic Airways. Many routes are limited within seasons.
  • Aarhus Airport (AAR IATA) is on the Djursland peninsula 44 km north east of Aarhus, 50 km from Randers, 90 km from Silkeborg, 99 km fra Horsens, 98 km from Viborg and 138 km from Aalborg. An airport shuttlebus connects the airport to Aarhus Central Station from where you can reach the rest of Jutland by Train. Non-national carriers serving Aarhus airport are Ryanair, British Airways and Finnair.
  • Malmö Airport (MMX IATA) is located 61 km from Copenhagen in southern Sweden and offers low-fares flights with Wizzair to Eastern Europe and Ryanair to London (Stansted), Poland and Spain. An Airport shuttle bus connects the airport with Copenhagen central station. FlyBus charges UK₤10 or 100 kr for the ride.

Dengan kereta api

A EuroCity train bound for Hamburg on the Puttgarden-Rødby ferry connecting Germany and Denmark

From Sweden

Direct trains are connecting Stockholm and Copenhagen several times a day. The travel time is around 5 hours.

Also, there are commuter/regional trains branded "Øresundståg" connecting various towns and cities in southern Sweden to Copenhagen. The trains operate on regular intervals, typically once an hour. The service between Malmö and Copenhagen operates 24 hours a day, with up to 6 trains per hour in each direction during rush hour. The travel time between Malmö and Copenhagen is around 35-40 minutes.

From Germany

There are direct trains from Hamburg to Copenhagen and from Hamburg to Aarhus. The Hamburg-Copenhagen line is served by three trains daily as well as one overnight service. The daytime services go via the Puttgarden-Rødby ferry crossing, where the trains go onto the ferry for the 45-minute crossing. The travel time is roughly 4½-5 hours. The overnight service uses the overland route via Jutland and Funen. There are no couchette or sleeper accommodations on the night trains - only regular seats are offered. Please note that the new timetable will bring changes to the Hamburg-Copenhagen route starting from mid-December 2019 (see more below). The Hamburg-Aarhus line is served by two trains daily, and the travel time is roughly 4½ hours.

Besides, there are InterCity trains from Flensburg to Denmark every other hour. Some of these trains terminate in Fredericia, while others continue to Aarhus. Fredericia is a reasonably big station, where passengers can change to trains to many towns and cities throughout Denmark. There are also trains from Niebüll to Tønder, from where there are trains to Ribe and Esbjerg.

New timetable for trains between Hamburg and Denmark

On December 15, 2019, the timetable will change. From this day forward there will be three direct trains daily between Hamburg and Copenhagen via Odense. This means the trains will no longer be using the Puttgarden-Rødby ferry route, but instead take the overland route via Jutland and Funen. There will continue to be two direct trains daily between Hamburg and Aarhus. Passengers on the Copenhagen-bound trains can change in Kolding for services to Aarhus. Likewise, passengers on the Aarhus-bound trains can change in Fredericia for services to Odense and Copenhagen. The travel time Hamburg-Copenhagen and Hamburg-Aarhus will be around 4½ hours.

Dengan kereta

Denmark is directly connected to the German Autobahn on route E45 (German route 7), which passes close to Hamburg and runs along the east coast of the Jutland peninsula, all the way to Frederikshavn in the North, passing through Denmark's second city Aarhus along the way. Many drivers going from Germany to the Danish capital opt for one of the regular car ferries, which shortens the trip by 137 km from Hamburg and 309 km from Berlin respectively, and avoids the kr 235 bridge toll, so the price of the ferry crossing is nearly offset by extra gas needed to take the long way around.

From Sweden catch route E20 from Gothenburg (312 km) or E4 from Stockholm (655 km) to Malmö and connect with the Øresund bridge (325 kr). Many Norwegians also opt for this route when going to Copenhagen, but there are several car ferries crossing the strait between the two countries, especially to Hirtshals on the north tip of Jutland, which is connected to the Danish highway network.


  • GoMore. Popular for ridesharing within Denmark. Also to Germany and a few nearby countries. kr 100-200..
  • Mitfahrgelegenheit. Website run in conjunction with the German Automotive organization, which fairly frequently have rides to Denmark available. It is in German only but pretty self-explanatory, if you know Denmark is called Dänemark and International is Ausland in German

Dengan bas

If you are in one of the neighbouring countries, long distance buses offer a good economical alternative to trains. From Germany several bus companies operate routes from Hamburg and Berlin to Copenhagen and Aarhus. A trip from Berlin to Copenhagen can cost as little as 200 kr, but normally will set you back around 300 kr (€40) and take around 8 hours. Another popular route Hamburg to Aarhus takes around 5½ hours. Check out the following companies; Flixbus, Eurolines, and Abildskou. Many of the companies running Intercity buses in Germany also serve stops in Denmark.

For Scandinavia there are three daily connections and a night-bus from Gothenburg (4½ hours) and Oslo (8 hours), and two daily buses from Stockholm (9 hours) divided into a day and a night bus, check out GoByBus[pautan mati] dan Swebus for prices and schedules - when searching it might be useful to know Copenhagen is Köpenhamn in Swedish.

Due to the Bosnian war in the 1990s there are several bus companies serving the Bosnian diaspora, which provide a cheap and clean way of getting to the other side of the European continent. Toptourist dan Autoprevoz runs from various destinations in Bosnia and Hercegovina dan Serbia to Denmark, Off-season approx 1,000 kr for a return ticket.

Dengan bot

The fastest way between Norway and the continent are through the Danish highways, this has ensured frequent ferry connections to Norway, with the busiest port being Hirtshals, from where a trip to Norway takes as little as 3½ hours. Other busy routes are the Rødby-Puttgarden ferry - the fastest route between Sweden and Copenhagen to continental Europe - which remains one of the busiest ferry crossings in the world (though a bridge is on the drawing board). An alternative route from Poland to Zealand is from Świnoujście via the ports in Ystad atau Trelleborg in Sweden and the Øresund Bridge. Ferries are generally of a very high standard and safety regulations are strictly adhered to.


AwasNote: Face masks or visors are required on buses, light rail, metro, trains, ferries and taxis in Denmark, as well as on train stations, metro stations, bus stations and light rail stops/stations. Single-use CE-certified face masks are recommended over multiple use cloth masks. Children under the age of 12 and people with certain medical conditions are exempt from this requirement.

The face mask requirement will be in effect until the end of October 2020. The requirement may be extended.

(Information last updated Aug 2020)

Long distance train travel is done with DSB, the Danish State Rail system. A number of long distance bus companies also operate. Each region in Denmark has its own local public transportation company. For public transportation (trains, buses and ferries) use the online travel planner Rejseplanen.

There are two ways to buy tickets. For local trips you can buy a ticket from the regional transportation company based on a zone system. This ticket is valid on all public transportation including DSB trains for one to two hours (depending on the number of zones you travel). Most public transportation companies offer a number of passes which can save you a substantial amount on transportation.

Rejsekort is an electronic ticketing system. For travellers it could makes sense to get the Anonymous prepaid card. The personal version will be expensive and take several weeks to obtain. The card costs 80 kr which is not refundable, and the balance on the card must be at least 70 kr when you start a trip (600 kr for inter-regional trips) which make it hard to end up with an empty card; but maybe you can pass the card on to a dane when you leave. But the discounts are substantial so if you plan more than a few trips it is probably worth it. Several travellers can share the same card (on busses you have to tell the driver that you are more than one using the same card before you).

Dengan bas

Long distance bus-service between Jutland and Copenhagen used to be a matter of preference rather than cost, but a number of low cost bus lines have begun crossing the country at much lower prices, albeit also at a much more limited schedule.

  • Abildskou is the established long distance operator with up to 9 departures each day to various city's in Jutland. Most departures uses a fast ferry connection across the Kattegat sea. Prices range from 150 kr for a limited number of discounted tickets, to 300 kr for a regular ticket.
  • Rød Billet Tickets range between 99-180 kr, but departures are limited to 1-4 per day. Crosses the Great Belt bridge.

Dengan kereta api

Rail transport is a comfortable and very safe way of getting around in Denmark. You can bring your bike, even on city-lines.

The primary Danish train company is DSB. Many feeder lines for the principal train line in eastern Jutland are now operated by British company Arriva, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn. Some small rail lines are operated by other regional companies. DSB also operates the S-Tog commuter rail system around the Greater Copenhagen area. Eurail passes are valid on all DSB and Arriva trains. Danish trains are very comfortable, very modern, and can be very expensive. To ensure on-time departure, the doors of the trains are closed up to 1 minute prior to departure. Tickets can be purchased at station ticket offices, DSB 7-Elevens, from vending machines in the stations and via DSB's app or website. Most regional and long distance trains have 230 V power outlets. Free Wi-Fi is available on all IC/ICL trains, and on some Regional trains.

If you are not travelling on a rail pass, try looking for an Orange atau Orange Fri ticket. These are a limited number of heavily discounted tickets that are available on most departures. They can only be purchased on DSB's website or in the DSB app, and popular departures tend to sell out in advance. Senior citizen tickets (65-billet) and youth tickets (Ungdomsbillet) offer 25% discount (not always available for short journeys) on all departures.

The express trains marked as ICL (InterCity-Lyntog, or simply Lyntog – meaning 'lightning train') are the fastest, but also the most popular, so seat reservations are highly advisable. Ordinary InterCity trains are generally less crowded, and the time difference is often negligible on trips of an hour or less.

While the rail network had been neglected for decades with both the overall network density and electrification below the standards of Denmark's northern and – especially – southern neighbors, there has been a lot of investment since about the 1990s. Among other things the connection to Germany is planned to be upgraded and expanded with a new tunnel across the Fehmarn Belt to open around 2030.

There's generally no sale of food onboard Danish trains. It's advisable to buy something to eat and drink before longer journeys.

By ferry

The only way get to most of the smaller islands is by ferry. There are 55 domestic ferry routes in the country. The most important ferry company is Molslinjen.

Ferries are the best way to get to Bornholm, a Danish island in the Baltic Sea, although it also can be reached by plane. Combined train and ferry tickets can be purchased on DSB's website. Through tickets are available between Copenhagen and Rønne (booking is mandatory). There is also a bus that serves this route - Gråhund Bus 886 from Copenhagen to Ystad, where it links with the ferry to Bornholm.

Dengan teksi

  • Taxi 4x27, 45 27 27 27 27. Works in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense. Svendborg, Frederikshavn, Kolding and Sønderborg.

Dengan kereta

Lihat juga: Driving in Denmark
The Marguerite Route sign - an indication of a scenic route.

Driving in Denmark between cities is very easy, with well-maintained roads everywhere. Danes generally drive by the rules, but may not be very helpful to other drivers in ceding right of way, etc. and stick very rigid to keep to their rights. There are no toll-roads except the two big bridges: Storebæltsbroen between Zealand dan Funen (215 kr one way), and Øresundsbron between Copenhagen dan Malmö (235 kr one way).

Touring Denmark by car can be a wonderful experience and highly recommended. Margueritruten (The Marguerite Route) is a 3500 km long connected route of small scenic roads passing 100 important Danish attractions. It is marked by brown signs with the white Marguerite Daisy flower and is also marked on most road maps.


When entering Denmark by motor vehicle, you will be met by a sign like this, with simple instructions, at the border.

Unless otherwise posted, speed limits are 130 km/h (80 mph) on the motorways, 80 km/h (50 mph) outside build-up areas and 50 km/h (30 mph) in build-up areas. Vehicles with caravans or trailers as well as trucks are limited to 80 km/h on motorways, 70 km/h on roads outside build-up areas and 50 km/h in build-up areas, even though other speed limits may be indicated. Speeding occurs frequently, especially on motorways, though dedicated efforts by the Danish police on speeding, has made more people aware of speed limits. Trucks in Denmark generally do about 90 km/h on motorways and trucks overtaking each other on long stretches of motorway (colloquially known as elephant races) occurs frequently.

Fines ranges between 500 kr and 10,000 kr and a driving ban in Denmark.

Wearing seat belts in cars and vans is compulsory (if fitted), and children under 135 cm and or under 3 years of age, must use approved safety seating devices adapted to their height and weight.

Headlights must be switched on when driving at all times (and dipped during sun hours), regardless of weather conditions or whether it is a night or day, so switch them on.

Drivers and passengers of motorcycles and mopeds must all wear full face helmets.

Though required under law, little use is made of indicators on roundabouts, so generally if the car is not indicating it is leaving the roundabout, give way as it is invariable going round. When changing between lanes on motorways use of turn signals prior to- and during the lane change is mandatory.

On open roads, especially those with an accompanying cycle path, expect drivers turning right to come to an almost dead stop to check that they are not cutting in front of a cyclist, even if there is no way even an Olympic cyclist could appear from nowhere on an entirely cycle free horizon.

Right turn on red is not permitted.

Denmark allow drivers to have 0.05 percent alcohol in the bloodstream while driving (for most people this is equivalent to having consumed one drink or less), and Danish police is very aware of possible drunken drivers. Fine is calculated as (percent of alcohol in blood) × 10 × (your monthly salary before tax).

Watch out for the bicycles in the cities, especially when turning across bicycle lanes, the bicycles always have right of way. Special care should be taken at Roundabouts! Cyclists in general seem suicidal to drivers from other countries, as they will not look, or slow down if turning onto the road in front of you. After sunset, lights on bikes seem to be voluntary - especially in the bigger cities - even though it is in fact compulsory.

You must always carry your driving license, vehicle registration document, and certificate of motor insurance in the car. It is compulsory to have a warning triangle in the car, and to use it if you experience breakdowns on highways or on regular roads where you are not able to move your car out of the way.

The road signs in Europe differ substantially to those e.g. in the Americas. The warning signs are triangular but have symbols that should be understandable. These are some European signs that could need explanation for foreign visitors.

Forbidden to park
Forbidden to stop
Mandatory to follow the direction of the arrow in a road crossing
Priority road, drivers from other roads must yield
City begins, 50 km/h speed limit
One way street


Parking disc set for 02:50 or 14:50. According to the rules this disc should actually have been set at 03:00 (or 15:00)

Ease of driving inside cities is a different story. Congestion in and around the major cities, especially during rush hours, can be a trial for some people. If you are in your own car, it is wise to park it in a convenient central place and walk or use public transport, bike or taxi to get around the big cities. Most parking areas requires the use of parking discs/parking clock faces (in Danish parkeringsskiver or "P-skiver" in short) which must be placed in the right side of the front window, with the clock facing out of the window and the hour hand set to the time you park (there is no minute hand). The rules state that the hour hand should be set to the next "full" quarter hour. If you for instance arrive at 13:16 at a parking space with 30 minutes parking you should set the parking disc to 13:30, and you will only be due back at your car at 14:00.

Some places require a parking ticket from a nearby parking ticket vending machine to be placed in the car, in the lower right corner of the dash-board, readable from outside the car. Some more modern parking ticket systems allow the purchase of parking tickets using text-messages from cell-phones, though this can be a very expensive affair from foreign numbers. The majority of the parking ticket vending machines accepts international credit and debit cards, however this is still a large quantity that only accepts Danish national credit cards or coins. In some areas - especially in the Copenhagen area - have multiple vending machines with different parking coverage. In this case the coverage is indicated with a map on left or right side of the machine. Be sure to check that the machine actually covers the area you have parked.

Renting a car

Renting a car is a convenient, efficient and though relatively expensive way to explore Denmark, especially if you intend to visit more remote areas, where train and bus services may be less frequent. Prices starts about 400 kr/day at the big car rental chains, but with limited mileage, typically 100 km per lease and an additional 25 km/day. It is not uncommon for the car rental chains to require the drivers to be at the age of 21 or higher and require that payment be done with an international credit card.

If you are not a resident of Denmark you can rent a tax-free car at major companies from approx 230 kr per day with free mileage. If you order online, make sure that you are not booking as a resident of Denmark.

Be aware that Denmark is no exception to the widespread scam of adding hidden charges to your car rental bill, and not including services like auto assistance. Also, unlike other goods and services, quoted car rental rates may not include the 25% VAT or sales tax for purchases by private people. Carefully read the rental agreement before you accept your car.

Auto assistance

If you need auto assistance, you should generally inquire with your insurance company, as they will usually have made arrangements with a local company. If they have not, try one of the following companies, but expect to pay €100-300 for a simple service like towing to nearest shop.

By bicycle

Roadspace reserved for cyclists is prevalent in all Danish towns.
Main article: Cycling in Denmark

Biking in Denmark is, in general, safe and easy. Drivers are used to bikes everywhere, and all major cities have dedicated, curbed bike lanes along the main streets. Denmark is quite flat, but can be windy, cold or wet on a bike. Bikes are generally allowed on trains (separate ticket sometimes needed).

Biking on the expressways (Danish: motorvej) is prohibited, and this also includes the Great Belt Bridge and the Øresund Bridge. Trains can be used between Nyborg dan Korsør and between Copenhagen and Malmö, if you need to cross the bridges.

Official marked routes across the country can be found on Waymarked Trails.

By thumb

It is quite easy to hitchhike in Denmark. People who pick up hitchhikers usually speak English.

Destination boards are recommended. For safety reasons, it is illegal to hitchhike on the expressways; use the on ramps and service areas. When crossing by ferry, try to get into a car that already paid for the ticket.

If you hitchhike from the southern part of Denmark (direction from Hamburg or Kiel, Germany), and continue in direction to Copenhagen, make sure the driver does not stop in Kolding. If he does, ask him to stop at the last gas station before Kolding. On the Kolding expressway crossing there is no place to hitchhike and it is one of the worst places in Europe for hitchhikers.

Check out the Tips for hitchhiking article here on Wikivoyage if you are new to hitchhiking.

Dengan kapal terbang

Scandinavian Airlines dan Norwegian operate domestic routes, both of them either from or to Copenhagen Airport. There are no domestic routes between regional airports, but some islands are served by the Roskilde airport. Since most of the country's airports were built as military airfields during the Second World War, they are often inconveniently located far from town centres, which, as a general rule, makes train travel nearly as fast from town centre to town centre for destinations less than 3 hours by train from Copenhagen. For destinations further afield, trains will often get you where you want to go a lot cheaper. Competition is heavy and it is sometimes possible to find plane tickets cheaper than the train if you book well ahead of your planned departure or can travel at off-peak hours. This is especially true for the Copenhagen–Aalborg v.v. route which has the most competition.

Airports with domestic traffic are: Copenhagen, Billund, Aarhus, Aalborg, Karup, Sønderborg dan Bornholm.

Some of the more remote islands, if there is any such thing in a country as small as Denmark, also sees regular taxi flights from Roskilde airport to their small airfields, on-board small propeller aircraft. The most trafficked route are between Roskilde and the islands of Læsø dan Anholt, where there are daily flights bookable on-line or by phone. These flights tend to be fairly expensive though, with the price hovering around 1,000 kr for a one-way ticket.


Lihat juga: Danish phrasebook

Denmark's national language is Danish (Dansk), a Scandinavian language rooted in Old Norse. For this reason, modern Danish is similar to Norwegian Bokmål and somewhat to Swedish, and is to some extent intelligible to speakers of those languages, especially in written form. However, its sound is more influenced by the guttural German language, rather than the lilting languages found to the north and understanding spoken Danish may be a trace more difficult to those who only speak Swedish or Norwegian.

English is widely spoken in Denmark with close to 90% of the population speaking it, many at a high level of fluency. As a foreigner you will get no extra points for trying to speak the native language, and Danes in general have limited patience with non-fluent speakers. So except for a few words like Tak (thank you) or Undskyld (excuse me), English-speakers are much better off just speaking English than fighting their way through a phrasebook. The Danish language has no equivalent to the English word "please" so at times it may seem as though Danes are rude when speaking English.

More than 58% of the population has a good knowledge of the German language. It is widely spoken among seniors and especially in Southern Jutland (Sønderjylland / Northern Schleswig), where it has the status of a minority language. Elsewhere in the country, younger people prefer to speak English, and have a lesser command of the German language.

French is also spoken by some people, as all Danish students receive at least three years of lessons in one other foreign language than English, but given the Danes' limited contact with the French language in daily life, fluency tends to be lagging.

Foreign television programmes and films are almost always shown in their original language with Danish subtitles. Only children's programmes are dubbed into Danish.


Denmark's top tourist attractions (2013) by annual visitor number in millions

  1. Tivoli, Copenhagen, Amusement park - 4.20
  2. Dyrehavsbakken, Copenhagen, Amusement park - 2.50
  3. Legoland, Billund, Amusement park - 1.70
  4. Copenhagen Zoo, Copenhagen, Zoo - 1.43
  5. Blue Planet Aquarium, Copenhagen (Amager), Aquarium Zoo - 1.09
  6. Djurs Sommerland, East Jutland, Amusement park - 0.75
  7. The National Museum, Copenhagen, Museum - 0.73
  8. Faarup Sommerland, Blokhus, Amusement park - 0.66
  9. Lallandia, Billund, Aquadome - 0.62
  10. Louisiana, Copenhagen (Charlottenlund), Museum of modern art - 0.59

The list on the right only includes commercial tourist attractions, where numbers of visitors are registered, and excludes concert halls, theaters and natural sites for instance. Many other official lists exist, differing depending on the selection criteria.


While most of Denmark's land area is used for farming, there are spots of nature, including five established national parks, where Eurasian wildlife can be found.

The Danish Islands

Although not well known to casual visitors, Denmark is an island nation, with 72 inhabited islands and a further 371 uninhabited ones. Apart from the well known blockbuster Bornholm, with its rich history, mystic round churches, many of the small islands are rarely visited by tourists, even though they make up for some of the country's most intriguing destinations. If you have the time consider visiting one of the two remote islands in the Kattegat sea - Læsø dan Anholt, which locals jokingly refers to as the "Danish desert belt" since it sees much less rainfall than the rest of the country, and have large swaths of sand dunes covering much of the two islands, peculiar architecture and a laid back vibe. Also worth considering is the Island sea south of Funen, one of the country's most beautiful areas, which also includes the larger islands of Langeland dan Ærø with some impossibly picturesque villages, lush green and hilly farmland and wild horses, and Samsø, geographically in the centre of the country, which boasts numerous beautiful villages and a yearly music festival (Samsø Festival) in the summer. Finally, in South Jutland, the islands of Fanø, Mandø dan Rømø are located in the Wadden sea, an inter tidal zone forming a shallow body of water with tidal flats and wetlands. It is rich in biological diversity, with seals and an amazing range of birds, but also have some spectacular beaches and cute villages.

Viking heritage

Lihat juga: Vikings and the Old Norse

Much has happened since the Danes were wreaking havoc to the coasts of Europe, but the more peaceful modern version of the Danes still take immense pride in their Viking heritage. The most visual heritage is the burial mounds dotting the landscape everywhere in the country (actually, most of these are from the earlier Bronze Age period), but there are a few attractions for the inclined to visit. Easiest and perhaps most interesting are the two museums near Roskilde, easily reached on a day trip from Copenhagen - the Viking ship museum is extraordinary with some well preserved ships and the Lejre Experimental Centre, a living history museum with a recreated Viking village. Still on Zealand but a further west in Slagelse, is the remains of the once mighty Trelleborg Viking ring castle and some reconstructed long houses. In Jutland there is another ring castle ruin near Hobro, Fyrkat, including 9 reconstructed farmhouses. Further south is Jelling, home of a pair of massive carved runestones from the 10th century, one of them celebrating Denmark's conversion to Christianity - the end of the Viking age. Still in the South, but along the West coast, Ribe (the oldest city of Denmark) is home to both a Viking Museum and a Viking experimental centre.

The National Museum in Copenhagen, also has a good collection of Viking artefacts. The city of Frederikssund holds an annual outdoors Viking play from the summer solstice and a few weeks forward.

World Heritage Sites

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark". There are many fine castles and palaces throughout the country, like Hamlet's Kronborg.

Mainland Denmark has 3 world heritage sites; The Jelling rune stones date back to 900's have been called "Denmark's Birth Certificate", testifying to Denmark's conversion to Christianity around that time, it was erected by what is considered the first official king of Denmark, Gorm The Old, whose son is buried in another of the sights, Roskilde Cathedral, the first Gothic church in Northern Europe build of brick, and the final resting place for most Danish kings and queens ever since. The third, and possibly most famous, is Kronborg castle in Elsinore, home of Shakespeare's Hamlet, prince of Denmark, but also an impressive castle in its own right, guarding the main route to the Baltic sea.

Danish design and architecture

Denmark is renowned for its design heritage made famous by well-known designers, architects and companies as such. It is often described as minimalistic and functionalistic in its approach and includes names such as Jørn Utzon, Arne Jakobsen, Hans Wegner, Poul Henningsen, Georg Jensen, Bang & Olufsen, Royal Copenhagen, and many more.Architecture, furniture, industrial design in general, and the people behind it can be seen and explored many places throughout the country. A good place to start is Danish Design Centre, Danish Design Museum dan Danish Architecture Centre, all in Copenhagen. Throughout Copenhagen and its surroundings, many examples of great Nordic architecture can be experienced.Other sources to be mentioned are the Trapholt Museum in Kolding, the Struer Museum (mostly Bang & Olufsen), the Jørn Utzon dedicated museum in Aalborg, the city hall of Aarhus.

For excellent guiding and suggestions for architecture tours, see Danish Architecture Guide[pautan mati].


When public events are arranged, it is customary to find ways to engage people of all ages and economic capabilities, so whether you travel alone, as a family, young, old, handicapped, on a splurge or a budget, you will find interesting activities and events to have fun with and participate in. Many places have special discounts for kids, groups, students and pensioners, and children are generally welcomed everywhere.

In some people's minds (mainly in the countryside, less so in the cities) the inclusiveness and egalitarianism should only pertain to "the Danish tribe" or those who pay high taxes. A contradiction in terms you could say, but these ideas have nevertheless affected Danish society to some degree in the 2000s, mirroring a similar development in Europe and the Western world at large. As a traveller, however, you should not expect to deal with or experience this at all; the values of inclusiveness, equality and egalitarianism are firmly established in Denmark and at the core of Danish culture.

The weather in Denmark is a bit unreliable, so if your plans include outdoor activities, it can be a good idea to have alternative indoor activities as a backup. If you don't mind a day or two of grey weather and a few drops of rain, just make sure to bring a raincoat along.


  • Billetnet. Books larger concerts, theatre plays, sporting events etc. You can book online or in any post office. If you book online you can have the tickets mailed to you or you can print out a confirmation and exchange it for a ticket at a BilletNet office or at the scene.
  • NaturNet. Menyenaraikan acara berorientasikan alam seperti koleksi cendawan, lawatan geologi, dan lain-lain. Banyak lawatan adalah percuma.


Denmark mempunyai garis pantai yang sangat panjang dan pantai berpasir lazim.

Dengan garis pantai 7,400 km, hampir sama dengan Brazil dan lebih panjang daripada India, anda tidak pernah jauh dari pantai di Denmark. Hampir semua dapat diakses oleh umum dan banyak pantai bertaraf dunia, dengan pasir putih yang tidak terputus hingga bermil-mil. Beberapa tempat popular mempunyai penyelamat dan kemudahan lain pada bulan-bulan musim panas dan terdapat juga beberapa taman pantai dan mandian laut, seperti Amager Strandpark (beachpark) di Copenhagen dan Den Permanente (dasar laut) di Aarhus sebagai contoh yang baik. Pantai Denmark adalah destinasi popular bukan hanya untuk orang Denmark tetapi juga pelancong, beberapa di antaranya mempunyai percutian pantai sebagai keutamaan pertama. Setiap musim panas, terutama pantai barat Jutland, diserang oleh lebih dari 13 juta pelancong Jerman, biasanya di banyak rumah percutian yang melintasi pantai dari utara ke selatan.

Cuaca di Denmark boleh menjadi sukar dan tidak boleh dipercayai; pada suatu hari cuaca panas dan cerah, hari berikutnya berwarna kelabu dan sejuk, bahkan mungkin hujan, jadi ingatlah dan rancanglah dengan sewajarnya dan anda akan memanfaatkan lawatan anda semaksimum mungkin. Suhu air biasanya sekitar 14 darjah Celsius pada pertengahan Jun dan menjadi sedikit lebih panas dari sana hingga September. Perairan Kattegat yang cetek menghangat sedikit lebih cepat daripada pantai Laut Utara di barat Jutland. Cuaca musim panas di Denmark berbeza-beza dari tahun ke tahun dan kadang-kadang dari minggu ke minggu yang bermaksud bahawa jumlah hari mandi berkisar dari sifar hingga lebih dari tiga puluh. Hari mandi secara rasmi tiba apabila suhu air laut rata-rata yang diukur pada kedalaman satu meter di seluruh negara mencapai 19 darjah Celsius atau lebih; namun, suhu air laut 14-19 darjah Celsius cukup hangat untuk berenang di ombak. Kualiti air biasanya baik di seluruh Denmark, tetapi anda dapat mengikuti data penting secara on-line di Agensi Alam Denmark, termasuk garis panduan keselamatan. Beberapa pesisir pantai di Denmark mempunyai arus berbahaya yang sukar dan perlu diketahui; sebilangan pelancong yang tidak bernasib baik (atau tidak mendapat maklumat?) lemas setiap tahun.

Pesta muzik

Lihat juga: Muzik Nordik
Panggung oren khas Roskilde festival

Denmark mempunyai tradisi lama dan bangga dalam festival muzik, sejak festival Roskilde yang diilhami Woodstock pertama pada tahun 1972, mereka telah menjadi acara penting musim panas Denmark, dan ada yang sesuai dengan hampir setiap zaman dan pilihan muzik yang berlaku antara bulan Jun dan Ogos, dan dengan kehadiran yang sangat mengagumkan memandangkan ukuran negara. Sebenarnya ada begitu banyak yang menyenaraikan setiap orang dan mereka semua tidak masuk akal, tetapi beberapa yang paling penting adalah:

  • Pesta Roskilde (Jun Julai). Salah satu daripada empat besar festival rock di Eropah, yang dikendalikan oleh organisasi bukan keuntungan. 80,000 tiket terjual dan lebih daripada 110,000 peserta di Roskilde.
  • Pesta Skanderborg (Ogos). Festival batu ke-2 terbesar dengan 45,000 peserta, di lokasi unik di dalam hutan bersejarah di tepi tasik berhampiran Skanderborg.
  • Festival Skive (sebelumnya Skive Beach Party) menarik hampir 20,000 penonton Skive setiap tahun, terutamanya menampilkan kumpulan Denmark dan menarik perhatian ramai orang tempatan.
  • Festival Langelands (Julai Ogos). Festival berorientasikan keluarga di pulau Langeland, 20,000 peserta.
  • Festival Jazz Copenhagen. (Julai) - Salah satu Festival Jazz teratas di dunia, dengan konsert kecil dan besar di seluruh dunia Kopenhagen, menarik lebih 20,000 penonton.
  • Festival Tønder (Ogos). Festival muzik rakyat dan desa yang besar diadakan di Tønder dalam Jutland Selatan.
  • Aarhus Festuge (Ogos / September). 10 hari acara muzik dan budaya di bandar Aarhus, dengan tema yang berbeza setiap tahun.
  • Grøn Koncert. (Julai) - Festival sehari yang mengadakan beberapa aksi Denmark terbesar. Acara ini mengembara ke seluruh negara, biasanya berlangsung di 8 bandar yang berbeza dalam jangka masa 2 minggu, dengan jumlah penonton hampir 200,000.
  • Karnival Aalborg. (Mei) - Walaupun musik tidak menjadi daya tarik utama, karnival ini adalah yang terbesar di Eropah Utara dan menciptakan suasana yang akan membuat festival muzik dapat dibanggakan. Perbarisan Utama mempunyai tema yang berbeza setiap tahun, dengan lebih daripada 25,000 orang berpakaian dan berpesta di jalanan.

Taman hiburan

Denmark penuh dengan taman hiburan, dan memang mempunyai beberapa taman yang paling terkenal di dunia:

Kopenhagen Tivoli adalah salah satu taman tertua di dunia, dan oleh Walt Disney sendiri, sumber inspirasi utama bagi Disneyland sendiri. Juga di Copenhagen, terletak di antara pohon-pohon beech yang megah Dyrehavsbakkenadalah taman hiburan tertua di dunia, dan kedua-dua taman ini mempunyai beberapa rollercoaster tertua yang masih beroperasi di dunia masing-masing sejak tahun 1914 dan 1932, dan kedua-duanya menerima Anugerah Klasik ACE Coaster.

Sama seperti yang terkenal adalah Legoland di Billund, tempat kelahiran LEGO. Taman ini adalah yang terbesar dan tertua dari francais global sekarang, dengan pemandangan LEGO miniatur yang menakjubkan sebagai tarikan bintang, dan pilihan perjalanan yang menarik untuk menghiburkan anak-anak. Denmark

Walaupun dikalahkan oleh pesaingnya yang terkenal di dunia, terdapat empat taman hiburan utama lain di negara ini: Sommerland Sjælland, Bonbonland, Fårup Sommerland, Djurs Sommerland, dan sebilangan besar yang lebih kecil.


Dengan garis pantai yang luas, Denmark menawarkan banyak peluang untuk memancing di pesisir - ini, namun memerlukan izin [1] yang boleh didapati dari laman web rasmi atau semua pejabat pos pada kadar 40 kr untuk sehari, 130 kr untuk seminggu dan 185 kr untuk satu tahun. Walau bagaimanapun, pada slip yang disertakan, anda akan dimaklumkan mengenai musim yang dibenarkan dan ukuran spesies yang paling biasa yang dibenarkan di pesisir pantai Denmark. Sea Trout adalah perkara biasa, seperti Cod dan Plait, dan menjimatkan beberapa fjord pedalaman, kualiti air dan dengan demikian populasi ikan adalah wajar.

Bagi memancing air tawar, Denmark menawarkan sebilangan besar sungai dan sungai (tidak ada sungai sebenarnya), yang menjadi tuan rumah Salmon, Brown, Rainbow dan Sea Trout (pada musim ini), dan Grayling, serta Pike, Perch dan Roach, seperti juga beberapa tasik pedalaman yang juga menjadi tuan rumah Zander, Bream dan Tench. Perikanan air tawar sedikit lebih rumit daripada penangkapan ikan di pesisir di Denmark, namun, karena ada sejumlah masyarakat setempat yang memimpin hak untuk memancing di perairan tertentu, biasanya dalam perjanjian dengan pemilik tanah di mana perairan itu berada jika tidak dimiliki oleh negara, tetapi itu juga bermaksud bahawa beberapa aliran sungai atau sungai yang tertentu mungkin terlarang, kerana pemilikan pemilik tanah. Peraturan untuk musim dan ukuran diamanatkan oleh negara, tetapi harga dan syarat izin diatur oleh masyarakat. Pejabat pelancongan tempatan biasanya mendapat maklumat yang baik dan kebanyakannya dibenarkan menjual permit, yang mungkin setiap hari, mingguan, bulanan atau tahunan.

Terakhir, terdapat sebilangan besar kemudahan "Put-and-Take" di seluruh negara. Mereka tidak memerlukan izin seperti itu, kerana anda membeli hak untuk memancing selama beberapa jam dan banyak ikan - biasanya Rainbow Trout - dijamin. Banyak put-and-take adalah "layan diri" dalam arti bahawa anda mengisi borang dan membuangnya, dan pembayaran yang sesuai, dalam kotak pos. Jangan terkejut jika pemilik datang pada suatu masa untuk bertanya adakah anda bernasib baik, pada masa yang sama memantau jumlah dan masa borang, jam dan pembayaran yang dia kumpulkan dari kotak.


Pemburuan di Denmark dilakukan atas dasar pemilik tanah yang mempunyai hak untuk memburu di tempat mereka dan kemudian, mungkin menyewakannya kepada pihak yang berminat, mengawasi siapa yang memburu di mana dan kapan.

Diperlukan izin pemburuan umum (500 kr), tetapi perburuan hampir secara eksklusif dilakukan dengan orang yang Anda kenal, dan yang memiliki hak memburu atas tanah yang dimaksud. Sekiranya anda ingin pergi berburu di Denmark, kemungkinan besar anda perlu berteman dengan pemilik tanah atau rakannya terlebih dahulu.

Perundangan senjata Denmark sangat ketat. Secara amnya sebarang jenis senjata adalah haram untuk dimiliki atau dibawa ke mana sahaja. Terdapat pengecualian untuk perburuan dan kelab senjata, tetapi ini memerlukan izin khas, dan di luar kawasan menembak (tempat berburu atau kelab) senjata harus disembunyikan dan tidak dimuat. Banyak jenis pisau juga tidak sah. Jenis senjata yang tidak dapat digunakan untuk memburu atau menembak kandungan - seperti buku jari - hanya menyalahi undang-undang kapan saja dan di mana sahaja. Denda kerana membawa senjata haram, terutama jika sudah siap digunakan, mungkin berat: Denda yang berat dan mungkin beberapa minggu penjara.


Rangkaian biker muatan telah dibentuk di seluruh negara.

Denmark adalah tempat perlindungan penunggang basikal, dan di mana sahaja anda pergi, anda akan dijumpai oleh orang yang menunggang basikal mereka; muda dan tua, tebal dan kurus, untuk pengangkutan, keseronokan atau sukannya. Denmark adalah salah satu negara di dunia di mana basikal paling banyak digunakan. Ini juga bermaksud bahawa kemudahan untuk berbasikal adalah baik, menjadikannya lebih mudah dan selamat daripada banyak tempat lain. Tetapi yang paling penting, negara ini sangat rata dan sesuai untuk berbasikal, sama ada di bandar atau di pinggir negara. Banyak orang Denmark dan pelancong melakukan "percutian berbasikal" ke banyak tempat yang popular dan tenang di seluruh negara. Oleh itu, meminati budaya adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk berhubung dengan semangat Denmark serta cara yang baik dan mudah untuk menjelajahi hampir setiap sudut tempat. Tempat yang baik untuk bermula adalah di sini.

Penting untuk difahami bahawa banyak jalan luar bandar sempit, dengan sesekali lalu lintas kereta memandu dengan cepat dan tanpa lorong basikal, jadi basikal di luar bandar tidak digalakkan di tempat-tempat ini, kecuali jika anda seorang penunggang basikal yang sangat mahir dan peka.

Sukan air

Melayari di Cold Hawaii di pantai Laut Utara. Sukan air popular.

Garis pantai yang besar menjadikan Denmark tempat yang sangat baik untuk berselancar, terutamanya melayari angin dan layang-layang. Pantai Utara dan Barat menjadi tuan rumah beberapa tempat terbaik untuk melakukannya di dunia, dan bandar di Klitmøller (bernama "Cold Hawaii") bahkan menjadi tuan rumah kaki piala dunia luncur angin setiap tahun. Di banyak tempat, mudah untuk mengikuti kelas untuk semua tahap pengalaman yang membuat banyak keseronokan, dan ia tidak sekerap yang terdengar.

Selain pantai laut, terdapat banyak sungai pedalaman, anak sungai dan tasik yang memberikan peluang yang sangat baik untuk menikmati jalan air. Berkanu dan Berkayak adalah aktiviti yang popular dan menyewa peralatan biasanya sepotong kek. Di sepanjang sungai-sungai yang terkenal terdapat tempat perkhemahan, mulai dari tempat perlindungan yang sederhana hingga tempat komersil yang lengkap, memberikan semua jenis peluang dari hanya beberapa jam bersenang-senang hingga seminggu "jalan air safari".

Beberapa tempat terkenal untuk berkanu adalah tasik dan sungai di sekitarnya Silkeborg, Skjern Å Taman Negara, Ribe anak sungai, sungai Uggerby di Jutland Utara, Mølle Mill (Mill Creek) berhampiran Copenhagen, Suså di Selatan Zealand.

Untuk berkayak laut, suara Limfjorden sangat bagus (terutama di sekitar pulau-pulau Bulu dan Mors), pulau-pulau di selatan Svendborg bertaraf dunia (Sydfynske Øhav, dan juga saluran Kopenhagen menawarkan peluang menarik.



Nilai tukar untuk kroner Denmark

Pada Januari 2020:

  • US $ 1 ≈ 6.7 kr
  • € 1 ≈ 7.5 kr
  • UK £ 1 ≈ 8.8 kr

Kadar pertukaran berubah-ubah. Kadar semasa untuk mata wang ini dan mata wang lain boleh didapati dari

Mata wang negara adalah Denmark krone (jamak "kroner", disingkat "kr"(Kod ISO: DKK). Di kedai-kedai yang lebih "menarik" di Kopenhagen, dan di pusat peranginan pantai tradisional di sepanjang Pantai Barat Jutland dan Pulau Bornholm selalunya mungkin untuk membayar dalam euro. Krone Denmark disambungkan ke euro dalam kumpulan sempit plus atau minus 2.25%.

Kroner datang dalam syiling tembaga 50 øre (½ kroner), syiling nikel perak 1, 2 dan 5 kroner dengan lubang di tengah, dan akhirnya syiling gangsa 10 dan 20 kroner padat. Nota hadir dalam pencalonan 50 kr (ungu), 100 kr (oren), 200 kr (hijau) 500 kr (biru) dan 1000 kr (merah).

Krona Faroese dan siri wang kertas Greenlandic yang akan datang, walaupun mempunyai nilai muka yang sama, bukan tender sah di Denmark (dan sebaliknya), tetapi boleh ditukarkan oleh undang-undang di mana-mana bank secara percuma dengan nisbah 1: 1 .

Sejak 1 Januari 2018 peruncit di Denmark secara sah memiliki pilihan untuk tidak menerima pembayaran tunai dari pukul 20:00 hingga 06:00, untuk meningkatkan keselamatan tempat kerja bagi para pekerja.


Mesin juruwang automatik banyak terdapat walaupun di bandar-bandar kecil, tetapi ada juga ATM 's ditutup pada waktu malam kerana alasan keselamatan. Perkataan Denmark adalah Dankortautomat, hæveautomat atau kontantautomat, dan mungkin berguna untuk diingat kerana istilah ATM tidak diketahui secara universal.

Hampir semua mesin tanpa mengira operator akan menerima orang Denmark Dankort, MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron, American Express, JCB dan China UnionPay. Walaupun sebahagian besar peruncit menerima kad kredit dan debit Antarabangsa, ada beberapa yang masih menerima Dankort tempatan. Hampir di mana-mana sahaja (terutamanya untuk tempat daftar keluar jualan tanpa pemandu dan mesin layan diri automatik) anda diminta menggunakan Kod PIN dengan kad anda, jadi jika ini bukan amalan biasa di negara anda, ingatlah untuk meminta kad tersebut dari bank anda sebelum meninggalkan rumah. Berhati-hatilah juga bahawa kebanyakan peruncit akan menambahkan caj transaksi 3% -4% (selalunya tanpa amaran) jika anda membayar dengan kad kredit asing. Beberapa mesin akan tidak terima kod PIN yang melebihi 4 aksara, yang boleh menimbulkan masalah bagi pengguna Amerika Utara atau Eropah yang lain. Tanyakan kepada petugas yang mengendalikan mesin jika ia menerima kod PIN 5 digit sebelum cuba mengoperasikan mesin. Kad anda mungkin ditolak walaupun tanpa memasukkan PIN sekiranya tidak sesuai. Sebagai alternatif, pembayaran kad tanpa sentuhan semakin diperiksa sama ada bank anda mengeluarkan kad yang mempunyai kemampuan tanpa sentuhan, tetapi anda mungkin masih diminta untuk menandatangani slip penjualan atau memasukkan PIN anda jika jumlah yang terhutang melebihi jumlah tertentu.


Hampir semua perkara di Denmark adalah mahal, walaupun secara umum harga masih agak murah daripada di Norway. Semua penjualan pengguna termasuk cukai jualan 25% (Ibu) tetapi harga yang dipaparkan diwajibkan secara sah untuk memasukkannya, jadi harganya selalu tepat. Sekiranya anda dari luar EU / Scandinavia, anda boleh mengembalikan sebahagian cukai jualan anda [2] semasa meninggalkan negara.

Harga purata penginapan hotel adalah sekitar 900 kr mengikut indeks harga tahunan 2009. Katil asrama berlegar sekitar kr 200 kr, tetapi boleh didapati lebih murah di Copenhagen. Walaupun hidangan tiga hidangan di restoran standard biasanya akan membuat anda kembali sekitar 200-300 kr, ini dapat dilakukan dengan lebih murah jika anda makan di kafe atau restoran pizza, 50-100 kr. Serba-serbi seperti sebotol 1½l Coca-Cola berharga 10-15 kr di kedai diskaun, sementara bir berharga 3-20 kr di pasar raya, dan 20-60 kr di bar. Sekiranya anda sedikit berhati-hati dengan perbelanjaan anda, anggaran harian sekitar 700 kr sehari tidak realistik.

Ruang awam bagaimanapun menawarkan beberapa pilihan yang boleh diakses secara bebas untuk aktiviti riadah, terutamanya di bandar-bandar besar. Ini termasuk tempat-tempat jalanan, basikal bandar, taman permainan, churces, banyak muzium dan semua taman, pantai dan tempat semula jadi. Dalam kehidupan malam, kebanyakan bar dan tempat popular mempunyai akses masuk percuma.

Penduduk tempatan yang tinggal berhampiran sempadan sering memasuki Jerman untuk membeli barang runcit, kerana harganya jauh lebih murah, jadi anda harus mempertimbangkan pilihan ini kerana tidak ada kawalan sempadan tetap antara Denmark dan Jerman.


Secara tradisinya, tipping tidak biasa, tetapi diperkenalkan oleh pengaruh luar. Oleh kerana caj perkhidmatan dimasukkan secara automatik dalam tagihan di restoran dan hotel, dan petua untuk pemandu teksi dan sejenisnya termasuk dalam tambang, pemberian tip harus diberikan hanya sebagai tanda penghargaan sebenar terhadap perkhidmatan tersebut. Petua selalunya akan dibahagi antara pelayan dan dapur. Pemandu teksi tidak mengharapkan petua, perkhidmatan tambahan (seperti beg sandang) akan disenaraikan pada resit mengikut kadar. Walaupun tip tidak diharapkan, atau tidak diperlukan, tip untuk perkhidmatan yang luar biasa jelas sangat dihargai.


Lihat juga: Masakan Nordic



Pilihan yang popular dan tradisional adalah:

  • Jerawat acar, (da: Sildemad) polos, kari, atau dengan rempah merah.
  • Sandwich Hati Paté (da: Leverpostejmad), mungkin yang paling popular.
  • Stjerneskud, roti putih, salad, satu goreng dan satu isi plaice kukus, udang dan mayonis.
  • Røget ål og røræg, belut salai dan telur hancur
  • Pariserbøf, roti putih, daging lembu goreng langka dan dihiasi dengan caper, lobak, bawang mentah, dan kuning telur mentah.
  • Dyrlægens natmad, pate hati, kepingan daging kornet, cincin bawang dan aspic (langit).
  • Tartar daging lembu, daging lembu tanpa lemak mentah disajikan dengan kuning telur mentah, bawang, lobak dan caper.
  • Flæskesteg. Potongan daging babi dengan kubis merah acar.
  • Daging panggang, dengan pembuatan semula, bawang goreng, lobak kuda.
  • Kartoffel. Kentang rebus, hirisan dengan tomato, bawang goreng rangup, dan mayonis.
  • Hakkebøf, kentang goreng daging goreng dengan bawang goreng lembut, telur goreng dan acar.
  • Makrel i tomat , ikan kembung dalam sos tomato yang dihiasi mayonis, bawang mentah dan lada hitam.
  • Torskerogn . Potongan roe cod rebus. Dihidangkan dalam pelbagai cara, tetapi daun salad, pembuatan semula Denmark dan bawang mentah adalah klasik.
  • Udang, (da: Rejer) anda sering mendapat sedikit udang dengan sedikit mayonis dan sepotong lemon. Roti putih.
  • Keju, (da: Ost). Cuba keju yang sangat tua yang disajikan dengan bawang mentah, kuning telur dan rum.

Selain dari kedai kebab di mana-mana dan tempat makan pizza, makan di Denmark cukup mahal, tetapi harganya yang berbaloi. Sebagai keluarga dengan anak-anak, anda boleh menjamu selera di hampir semua restoran di Denmark, selagi anak-anak anda dapat berkelakuan sendiri. Banyak restoran mempunyai pilihan menu khas kanak-kanak (børnemenu dalam Bahasa Denmark) dengan harga yang lebih murah.

Pada alaf baru, Kopenhagen telah muncul di dunia sebagai tempat yang sangat baik bagi penggemar makanan dan pelancong gastronomi, yang paling menonjol adalah restoran terkenal di dunia Noma menghidangkan dan mengembangkan Masakan Nordik Baru, tetapi banyak restoran dengan masakan gourmet antarabangsa juga telah diraikan dan menarik perhatian di peringkat antarabangsa. Kopenhagen bukan satu-satunya tempat dengan restoran mewah yang mesti dikunjungi dan panduan gastronomi antarabangsa telah memperluas pandangan mereka yang bijak untuk memasukkan beberapa tempat di luar ibu kota dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan. Tiga restoran di Aarhus telah menerima bintang Michelin sejak 2015 dan banyak tempat di wilayah ini terdapat dalam panduan makanan. Sekiranya anda mencari pengalaman gastronomi di luar biasa di Denmark, ada baiknya anda mempelajari sedikit panduan The White Guide. Ini bukan panduan lengkap, tetapi ia mendakwa sebagai satu-satunya panduan restoran yang berwibawa untuk wilayah Nordik dan bermula di Sweden. Terdapat kedua-duanya versi antarabangsa dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan a Versi Denmark; versi Denmark mempunyai maklumat yang paling terperinci, walaupun banyak tempat berkualiti tinggi belum dilindungi sama sekali.

Restoran dan kedai makan yang menyajikan makanan tradisional Denmark juga meningkat di seluruh negara dan mereka juga popular di kalangan orang Denmark dan pelancong.

Di kebanyakan bandar utama, restoran yang menawarkan masakan antarabangsa adalah biasa, begitu juga restoran dengan citarasa budaya lain, terutamanya Mediterranean dan Asia. Tempat-tempat istimewa seperti restoran Jepun, India, Caribbean atau Mexico juga boleh didapati. Kualiti makanan pada amnya tinggi, dengan sistem kawalan kualiti di seluruh negara. Setiap pekerja yang menyediakan makanan memerlukan sijil kebersihan dan persaingan biasanya terlalu sengit untuk kebanyakan perniagaan berkualiti rendah dapat bertahan. Sekiranya fakta-fakta ini tidak membuat anda merasa selamat, populariti di kalangan penduduk tempatan biasanya merupakan petunjuk kualiti seperti di kebanyakan negara lain.

Hasil organik dan kesedaran alam sekitar sangat tinggi dalam agenda di Denmark dan di mana sahaja anda pergi, restoran dan restoran beriklan dengan makanan organik. Terdapat sistem di seluruh negara dengan tanda gangsa, perak dan emas, yang menunjukkan seberapa besar peratusan makanan organik. Organik dipanggil "Ologkologisk" dalam bahasa Denmark dan huruf "Ø" (sering berwarna merah) menandakan hasil organik secara umum.

Makanan tradisi

Flæskesteg (daging babi panggang dengan keropok) dengan kentang, kuah coklat dan kubis merah acar. Makanan tradisional Denmark adalah makanan lazat dan berpasangan dengan bir.

Hidangan tradisional Denmark mempunyai persamaan dengan Masakan Eropah Tengah. Smørrebrød terdapat di mana-mana, dan banyak makanan panas dan enak, seperti frikadeller (bebola daging goreng yang disajikan dengan pelbagai cara), stegt flæsk (hirisan perut babi goreng dengan kentang dan sos putih pasli), flæskesteg (daging babi panggang dengan kerang yang disajikan dengan kubis merah, kentang dan sos coklat), æggekage (omelet besar dengan daging babi goreng, mustard dan roti rai), hakkebøf (stik cincang yang disajikan dengan bawang lembut, kentang, acar dan sos coklat), biksemad (hash dengan kentang, daging, bawang dan telur goreng), Tarteletter (cengkerang pastri kecil yang diisi dengan rebusan hangat ayam atau udang dengan asparagus, berfungsi sebagai pembuka selera), tenderloin dengan cendawan berkrim atau wienerschnitzel dengan hash dan kacang hijau. Masakan Denmark tradisional sangat sesuai dengan bir. Tembakan aquavit atau tersentak juga dinikmati secara tradisional, tetapi terutama pada majlis-majlis khas atau ketika tetamu sudah habis. Dari segi sejarah, masakan Denmark yang lebih baik telah dipengaruhi oleh masakan Perancis dan merangkumi pelbagai sup, panggang (itik, daging lembu, daging sapi muda dan daging babi) dan mousses (disebut fromage di Denmark). Panggang biasanya disajikan dengan kentang, sayur-sayuran blanch, beri acar dan sos coklat atau glace. Masakan Denmark tradisional yang baik dapat dinikmati dengan wain. Minum bersama dengan makanan digalakkan kerana makanannya ditambah dengan minuman, dan sebaliknya.

Roti tradisional di Denmark adalah Rugbrød, sejenis tepung masam gelap dan padat, roti gandum hitam, dan ia masih menjadi pilihan ramai, terutamanya untuk smørrebrød. Roti putih biasa, dikenali sebagai franskbrød (Roti Perancis), sama popular dan boleh didapati di mana-mana. Rundstykker adalah sejenis roti gandum roti putih berkerak khas yang biasanya disajikan untuk sarapan pagi, terutamanya pada majlis-majlis khas atau pagi Ahad. Terdapat beberapa jenis, tetapi semua teksturnya ringan dan yang paling popular adalah håndværker dengan taburan biji popi. Anda boleh beli rundstykker di setiap kedai roti dan kebanyakan tempat menyediakannya dengan sebilangan mentega jika anda bertanya. Mereka dimakan begitu sahaja atau dengan keju, potongan sejuk atau jem pilihan anda.

Kek khas dibuat di sekitar Krismas dan Karnival. Kek Krismas khas termasuk julekage (pastri Denmark besar dengan marzipan, kismis Korintus, succade dan kacang), pebernødder (biskut kecil, biasanya digunakan untuk beberapa permainan) dan klejner (doh berbentuk rombus goreng, dibumbui dengan buah pelaga dan lemon dan hanya sedikit manis) dan untuk Karnival pada bulan Februari ini merangkumi pelbagai fastelavnsboller (Carnival-buns), yang biasanya terdiri daripada roti pastri creme yang diisi dengan icing dan kue pasta yang diisi dengan campuran krim disebat dan jeli redcurrant.

Menu berubah mengikut perayaan Krismas dan Paskah, dan seterusnya Mortensaften (Hari Martins), itik panggang adalah makanan pilihan. Tanpa mengetahui perincian yang rumit mengenai menu Krismas dan Paskah di sini, æbleskiver, gløgg, ris á la mande dan mandler brændte adalah makanan manis biasa yang boleh didapati pada bulan Disember. Æbleskiver adalah bebola goreng adunan puffy (serupa dengan tekstur pancake Amerika), disajikan dengan jem dan gula tepung. Gløgg adalah minuman keras pelbagai resipi yang dinikmati panas (oleh orang dewasa) sendiri atau disertai æbleskiver atau kuki Krismas. Ris-á-la-mande adalah puding beras manis dengan krim disebat, vanila dan badam cincang, disajikan sejuk dengan sos ceri dan mandler brændte (almond bakar) adalah almond karamel, biasanya dipanggang dalam kuali terbuka besar dan dijual di jalanan.


Makan tengah hari tradisional Denmark adalah smørrebrød (sandwic terbuka biasanya pada roti rai) dengan pelbagai jenis topping mulai dari acar herring, plaice goreng, dan udang hingga potongan daging sejuk, pate, pelbagai salad atau keju. Kerang disajikan pada roti putih, dan banyak restoran memberi anda pilihan roti. Smørrebrød disajikan pada majlis-majlis khas, di restoran makan tengah hari, atau dibeli di kedai makan tengah hari, ditumpuk lebih tinggi dan lebih mewah daripada tarif harian. Roti rai Denmark (rugbrød) berwarna gelap, sedikit masam dan sering berwarna keseluruhan. Semua pengunjung mesti mencuba.


A Pølsevogn dalam Aarhus.

Tiada lawatan ke Denmark yang akan lengkap tanpa menaungi Pølsevogn (menyala: Sosej-gerabak). Ini adalah peniaga jalanan yang menjual pelbagai jenis sosej (daging babi) dan hotdog. Beberapa tempat yang lebih besar juga mempunyai burger dan makanan segera yang lain. Sekiranya mencari makanan ringan untuk dibawa dalam perjalanan, cubalah hot dog Denmark, disajikan dalam roti dengan pelbagai jenis bahan. Kaedah terbaik untuk mencuba hot dog Denmark adalah dengan mendapatkan "ristet hotdog med det hele"; hot dog dengan sosis panggang dan hasilnya, terdiri dari saus tomat, mustard kuat, remoulade Denmark (orang Denmark mengambil sos remoulade Perancis, yang terdiri daripada mayonis dengan penambahan acar cincang dan kunyit untuk warna), bawang goreng dan mentah, selesai dimakan dengan timun acar di atas. Tidak kemas, tidak sihat, dan sangat bagus! Sekiranya anda suka, anda harus membeli susu coklat Cocio yang dihangatkan di sebelahnya, minuman tradisional yang disertakan. Sebilangan besar tempat juga menjual sosej rebus berwarna merah, makanan khas Denmark. Senang dilihat, tetapi sebilangan sosej lain yang dijual lebih sedap.

Makanan tempatan

Keju Esrom. Denmark menghasilkan beberapa produk keju dan tenusu yang sangat baik.

Denmark menghasilkan beberapa produk tenusu terbaik di dunia. Pengeluarannya tersusun dengan baik dan tahap kebersihan, pendidikan dan teknikalnya sebaik yang dicapai. Untuk sebuah negara dengan ukuran Denmark, varietasnya sangat baik dengan kedua-dua pengeluar industri berskala besar (terutamanya Arla) dan kilang susu tempatan tetapi juga baka lembu yang berbeza dan pengeluaran konvensional, organik dan biodinamik; semua terdapat di seluruh negara di kebanyakan kedai yang lebih besar. Sebagai makanan istimewa Denmark, ymer adalah produk tenusu yang ditapai, agak serupa dengan yogurt, dan koldskål adalah minuman tenusu manis (atau pencuci mulut) pelbagai rasa yang dijual pada musim bunga dan musim panas. Mungkin paling menarik bagi pelancong, Denmark menghasilkan beberapa keju yang luar biasa. Beberapa di antaranya adalah makanan tempatan, seperti rygeost, Danablue, keju separa lembut yang menyakitkan (Gammel Ole dan lain-lain) atau Vesterhavsost, keju separa keras yang matang di gua-gua di Jutland barat. Anda boleh membelinya di kedai, kedai makanan atau menikmatinya di banyak restoran. Syarikat Arla telah melancarkan rangkaian produk tenusu terkemuka, dan kebanyakan keju, dengan nama jenama Unika, terdapat di kedai Unika di Kopenhagen dan Aarhus. Beberapa restoran dan beberapa pasar raya juga menjual produk tenusu Unika.

Jomfruhummer (langoustine), makanan tempatan Læsø.
Herring asap dengan rugbrød, kuning telur, bawang dan kucai, makanan tempatan Bornholm.
Kawanan domba di Taman Negara laut Wadden.

Iklim di Denmark sangat baik untuk pengeluaran buah dan beri dan beberapa syarikat menghasilkan jem dan jus buah yang hebat. Den Gamle Fabrik (Kilang Lama) sejauh ini merupakan pengeluar jem terbesar dan merupakan pengeksport terkenal. Jemnya mempunyai kandungan buah yang tinggi dan dihasilkan tanpa mendidih, menjaga rasa, nilai pemakanan dan konsistensi lebih baik daripada produk lain. Terdapat pelbagai jenis yang tersedia dari syarikat ini sahaja, ada yang tanpa gula tambahan. Cuba solbær (anggur hitam), jordbær (strawberi), rabarber (rhubarb) atau hyben (rosehip) misalnya. Rasanya kaya, kompleks dan luar biasa. Untuk jus, cuba elakkan jus biasa dari pekat dan dapatkan jus tanpa penapis sejuk yang lebih mahal. Denmark mempunyai banyak jenis epal, beberapa varietas yang lebih tua hampir dilupakan selama bertahun-tahun, tetapi kini dibawa kembali ke perhatian pengguna umum. Ingrid Marie, Gråsten, Filippa dan Ærøæble hanya beberapa buah epal yang menuntut ketenaran dari lebih dari 300. Muzium Dansk Landbrugs (Muzium Pertanian Denmark) di manor Gammel Estrup antara Aarhus dan Randers di Jutland, menanam sejumlah 281 jenis epal Denmark di kebun mereka. Epal dikumpulkan di sini setiap tahun pada 4 Oktober dan boleh dibeli dan dicuba di lokasi atau di Viborg dan Høje-Taastrup di luar Copenhagen. Muzium terbuka di Frilandsmuseet di Lyngby, daerah utara Kopenhagen, juga tumbuh dan memelihara banyak jenis epal, buah-buahan dan buah beri Denmark lama, hampir semuanya tidak diketahui oleh pengeluaran perindustrian. Denmark juga telah terkenal sebagai pengeksport minuman keras ceri selama lebih dari satu abad (jenama Heering mungkin yang paling terkenal di luar negara), tetapi dalam beberapa dekad terakhir Estet Frederiksdal on Lolland telah mengembangkan wain ceri mewah mewah untuk penilaian antarabangsa dan pemenang hadiah.

Untuk sebuah negara kecil seperti Denmark, terdapat sejumlah besar makanan tempatan dan tempatan untuk dicuba. Anak domba khas di padang rumput Kawasan laut Wadden di barat daya, kerang di Limfjord, hasil tangkapan segar dari Laut Utara di Jutland utara-barat khususnya, madu heathland di tengah dan Jutland barat, langoustine di pulau Læsø, ikan salai dan pelbagai hidangan ikan hering di pulau Bornholm, dan lain lain. Terlepas dari hasil tempatan yang terikat, wilayah Denmark juga menyajikan beberapa tradisi masakan individu.


Pilihan kek krim di a Konditori.

Bahagian "Makan" tidak akan lengkap tanpa beberapa perkataan mengenai "Bahasa Denmark" di Denmark. Tidak, kami tidak bercakap tentang orang-orang, tetapi pastinya pastri yang enak yang dikenali sebagai Denmark, sangat terkenal di seluruh dunia kerana rasa manisnya yang renyah. Di Denmark, bahasa Denmark sebenarnya dikenali sebagai Wienerbrød (Roti dari Vienna) untuk alasan sejarah, tetapi jika anda meminta "sepotong Denmark", kebanyakan orang akan memahami apa yang anda mahukan, jadi jangan malu bertanya. Terdapat banyak jenis Wienerbrød di Denmark; pastri bulat yang terkenal dengan lapisan gula adalah salah satu daripada banyak jenis, dan ia adalah kualiti yang jarang dijumpai di tempat lain. Semua tukang roti menjual beberapa jenis pastri Denmark, tetapi pembuat roti tertentu mempunyai pelbagai jenis. Terdapat pastri Denmark yang dipenuhi kastard, beberapa dengan jem prun atau raspberry, ada yang panjangnya satu meter, ditutup dengan kacang, kismis dan diisi dengan marzipan, sementara yang lain berukuran pinggan makan besar, berperisa dengan kapulaga atau kayu manis, yang dimaksudkan untuk berkongsi dengan rakan baik dan secawan kopi atau teh.

Dunia pembuatan roti Denmark tidak berakhir dengan pastri Denmark dan banyak kek di sini unik untuk negara ini, seperti marzipan dan tart strawberi coklat yang dijual pada bulan-bulan musim panas atau kek krim yang rumit dan canggih yang disajikan sejuk. Banyak kedai roti yang lebih besar mempunyai bahagian kafe sendiri, di mana anda dapat menikmati kek anda, sambil bermimpi yang seterusnya, tetapi ada tradisi lama juga untuk Konditorier, Denmark mengambil Patisserie Perancis. Ini jelas untuk pencinta kek yang maju, dan boleh didapati di kebanyakan bandar yang lebih besar. La Glace di Copenhagen mungkin yang paling terkenal, menyajikan kuih-muih yang indah sejak tahun 1870.


Sweets of a large variety are available everywhere in Denmark and all larger towns has one or several slikbutik (candy store). Denmark is known internationally for its high quality marzipan and chocolate and perhaps the largest and best known exporter is the Anton Berg company.

A few select stores has specialized in chocolate and marzipan only and offers a huge variety of homemade treats; some flavoured with orange peel, some filled with brandy and others are mixed with nuts or Danish nougat. Flødeboller are a chocolate covered meringue specialty invented in Denmark in the 1800s, and are widely available. They are now enjoyed all over the world, but some candy stores in Denmark offers high quality homemade flødeboller of various kinds and they can be recommended.

Old-fashioned Bolsjer (drops).

Bolsjer (drops) is a common traditional candy in Denmark, cooked and enjoyed for centuries, and there are now a very large variety available. A few historical drop-boilers (Danish: Bolsjekogeri) still exists and can be experienced all across the country as living museums where you can watch or participate in the art of cooking drops. Historical drop-boilers in Copenhagen include Sømods Bolcher in the inner city and Tivoli also has a drop-boiler. You can buy drops of various kinds in nearly any store.

Liquorice is another type of candy that has a long history in Danish culture and is very popular. Formerly also used as medicine, liquorice candy is now available in many varieties, both mild and very strong, but liquorice with salt or salmiakki seems to be particularly favoured by the locals. It is perhaps an acquired taste, and many visitors are often amazed how anyone can find it enjoyable. Try a Super Piratos or some Salt-lakrids if you dare and make up your own mind. Liquorice ice cream is also common at ice cream stands and as industrial produced popsicles. Production of high quality liquorice has resurfaced in Denmark, in particular on the island of Bornholm, and has even found ways in to new experimental cooking.

Candy and sweets of more modern origin can be found in packets at almost any store, but if you want to have a glimpse of the variety and creativity of Danish candies, pay a visit to a candy store slikbutik. Here you can pick and mix a bag of candy just how you like it and some larger stores has more than a hundred different kinds, ranging from gummies, liquorice, chocolate, marshmallows, bolsjer to nougat, chewing gums, caramels and various confectionary treats.


Many Danes are often perceived as being closed and tight lipped, bordering the outright rude. So while it is by no means impossible, you can be hard pressed to find a Dane readily engaging in casual conversations with strangers. That is, until you hit the country's bars and nightclubs.

The ubiquitous Carlsberg is a well-known Danish beer brand worldwide and can be had almost anywhere in Denmark, but more than a hundred Danish micro breweries also provides excellent quality beers across the country.

As any foreigner who has spent time observing the Danes will tell you, alcohol is the fabric that holds Danish society together. And when they are off their face in the dead of night, many suddenly let their guard down, loosen up, and while a bit pitiful, somehow transmorph into one of the most likeable bunch of people on Earth. Rather than the violence associated with binge drinking elsewhere, because it seems to serve a very important social purpose, the natives get very open, friendly and loving instead. It takes some time getting used to, but if you want to form bonds with the Danes, this is how you do it - God help you if you are abstinent. This also means Danes have a very high tolerance for drunk behaviour, provided it takes place in the weekends. Drink a glass or two of wine for dinner during the week, and you can be mistaken for an alcoholic, but down 20 pints on a Saturday night, and puke all over the place, and everything will be in order.

There is no legal drinking age in Denmark, although a legal purchase age of 16 is in effect in shops and supermarkets when under 16,5% alcohol, and 18 in bars, discos, restaurants and shops and supermarkets when over 16.5% alcohol. The enforcement of this limitation is somewhat lax in shops and supermarkets, but quite strict in bars and discos, as fines of up to 10,000 kr and annulment of the license can incur on the vendor. The purchaser is never punished, although some discos enforce a voluntary zero-tolerance policy on underage drinking, where you can get kicked out if caught with no ID and an alcoholic beverage in your hand. Some would claim that the famous Danish tolerance towards underage drinking is waning in light of health campaigns targeting the consumption of alcoholic beverages among Danes. As adult Danes do not approve of the government interfering with their own drinking habits, the blame is shifted towards adolescents instead, and proposals of increasing the legal purchase age to 18 overall have been drafted, but have yet to pass Parliament, neither is it likely to in the foreseeable future.

Drinking alcoholic beverages in public, is mostly considered socially acceptable in Denmark. Having a beer in a public square is a common warm weather activity, though local by-laws are increasingly curbing this liberty, as loitering alcoholics are regarded as bad for business. Drinking bans are usually signposted, but not universally obeyed nor enforced. In any case, be sure to moderate your public drinking, especially during the daytime. Extreme loudness may in the worst case land you a few hours in jail for public rowdiness (no record will be kept, though). Most police officers will instead ask you to leave and go home, though.

Danish beer is a treat for a beer enthusiast. The largest brewery, Carlsberg (which also owns the Tuborg brand), offers a few choices but is mostly limited to lager beer (pilsner), which are good, but not very diverse. A large number of micro breweries, however, offers a broad selection of beers well worth trying from IPA to porter, stout and weissbier and anything in-between. Special spicey "Christmas beers" are produced in the 6 weeks leading up to the holidays and strong "Easter brews" are on offer in the early spring. Other tasty beverages include the Aquavit (Snaps) and Gløgg - a hot and sweet wine drink popular in December.


"Limfjords-porter", a strong Danish porter from the Limfjord area.
Ale No 16
"Ale No 16".
Local craft beers are commonly available across the country.

Beer is the best companion to the Danish cuisine and there are many high-quality breweries to sample. Most brews are available across the country, a few can only be enjoyed at microbreweries specifically. Carlsberg (and perhaps Tuborg) is well-known outside Denmark, but there are a plethora of smaller Danish breweries well worth trying, while in Denmark. A small selection includes:


"Gammel Dansk" (Old Danish), a commonly available Danish Aquavit.

The gastronomical underground scene is stirring and bubbling in Denmark and it also includes distilleries and breweries of all kinds. Small quality micro breweries and distilleries can be found throughout the country and comprise craft beers, whiskeys, aquavit, gin, wines and liqueurs. Almost all of them are relatively new, from the early 2000s, but several has already received enthusiastic appraisals by connoisseurs and won awards for their unique products. They aren't called micro breweries for nothing; the productions are usually rather limited, with beer taking the larger share generally, and the products can usually only be found at the breweries themselves, a few select bars and restaurants or in speciality shops in big cities. Historically, the excellent fruits and berries produced in the Danish climate has been used to make several fruit wines and liqueurs, in particular local varieties of cherries, apples and black currants. Modern distillers and entrepreneurs has been inspired by these traditional practices and use of local ingredients, enhancing and developing production methods to make exquisite luxury products.

  • Denmark has been a well-known exporter of cherry liqueur for more than a century, in particular to Sweden, the United Kingdom and Holland. The Heering brand from 1818 is perhaps the best known worldwide as it went famous in 1915 when bartender Ngiam Tong Boon in Raffles Hotel, Singapore used it to make the first Singapore Sling cocktail. Cherry Heering can still be had in Denmark and around the world, but newer small Danish winemakers has out-competed it, in terms of quality. This includes Nyholmgaard Vin on Funen, Cold Hand Brewery dekat Randers in East Jutland and RÖS cherry liqueur from Dyrehøj Vingaard near Kalundborg on Zealand.
  • Solbærrom (black currant rum) is another traditional Danish sweet fruit liqueur, even though it is based on imported rum from the Caribbean. It used to be much more popular in previous times, with several producers, but nowadays only Oskar Davidsen delivers with an unchanged recipe since 1888. The black currants gives this liqueur type a rich, sweet almost creamy fruit flavour, but also tannins and a certain character that the rum further enhances.
  • Other Danish liqueurs are based on apples and new distilleries have launched prize winning strawberry and elderberry liqueurs as part of the gastronomical wave of New Nordic innovations.
Fruit wines
  • Frederiksdal estate on Lolland has developed high-end luxury cherry wines in the last one or two decades, receiving several appraisals and prizes internationally. Frederiksdal wines are rich, complex and with several variations depending on the cherry type and production methods, but they are not sweet (or cheap) as the cherry liqueurs. You can buy Federiksdal cherry wines at specialty shops across the country, some restaurants serves them to be enjoyed alone or with desserts or why not visit the estate yourself, while you are in Denmark? Guided tours with tastings are arranged regularly.
  • There is a long tradition of home productions of fruit wines based on apples and other local fruits and berries, but such wines are hardly available in the market.
  • Mead is a honey-based wine that used to be much more prominent in Danish and Nordic culture and is in particular associated with the Vikings. This alcoholic beverage has also seen a cultural revival, but since the main ingredient is honey, it is a bit expensive and can mostly be found in specialty shops. Mead taste like nothing else and is worth a try.

Wine from grapes have been enjoyed in Denmark for millennia, but the climate has not allowed for grape growing here since the Bronze Ages, so wine was exclusively an imported luxury, until the late 20th century. With the current climate change, Denmark is becoming more suitable for domestic wine production. Varietals include Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. Perhaps a local curiosity more than a treat for wine connoisseurs? Try for yourself and be your own judge.

  • Dyrehøj Vingaard dekat Kalundborg on Zealand is the largest wine farm in Denmark and produces wine, brandy (edelbrand), gin, cider and liqueurs, including cherry and apple liqueurs. All their products are marketed under the brand RÖS, referring to the Røsnæs peninsula where the farm and winery is located.
  • Skærsøgård north of Kolding in Jutland was the first authorized winefarm in Denmark and produces all kinds of wine, including fruit wines, and liqueurs since 2001. You can visit the farm the first Wednesday (15:00-17:00) of the month.
  • Nordlund (Dansk Vincenter). You don't have to leave the city to visit a Danish winefarm. Nordlund in Hvidovre, a suburb east of Copenhagen, welcomes visitors year round on Thursdays (13-17 hours). Winetastings and arrangements can be negotiated.
"Bjesk", an Aquavit specialty of North Jutland flavoured with a variety of local herbs.
  • Aquavit, also known as snaps atau brændevin (burning-wine) in Danish, has been popular in Scandinavia for centuries and in Denmark it is still to be found anywhere you look. Made from potatoes and sometimes various grains, pure distilled aquavit is clear and without taste, but an endless variety of herbs are used as additions for flavour and colour. Caraway, dill and sweetgale are common herbal infusions but many locally tied variations exists and are worth trying. One or two shots of aquavit is to be enjoyed on festive occasions such as the traditional dinner-party arrangement of Det Kolde Bord (The Cold Table), comprising a selection of cold dishes, including smørrebrød. Aquavit is also used to mix some local drinks; added to a cup of coffee to make a kaffepunch or mixed with lemon soda to make a flyver (airplane) are well known drinks. At 45-50% alcohol, aquavit should be approached with caution and it is not an everyday beverage nowadays.
  • Quality gin is increasingly popular and available. Njord is a micro distillery in central Jutland producing high quality gins.
  • Whiskey has been enjoyed for many years in Denmark, but it used to be an imported luxury. In the 2000s, however, local distilleries have launched high-end whiskeys of various kinds. Braunstein in Køge south of Copenhagen has produced Danish whiskey since 2005. They also make aquavit and vodka and has a sizeable craft beer production that can be had across the country. Fary Lochan in Give, central Jutland, is one of the smallest distilleries in the world, but has a varied production nevertheless. The name is Scottish and is meant as a homage to the Scottish culture of whiskey making, as single malt whiskeys has the primary focus here. Various aquavit's flavoured with local ingredients are also produced, a specialty gin and some experimentation with wines as well. A much appraised specialty from Fary Lochan is their sweet and celebrated strawberry liqueur.


For Budget accommodation, Danhostel is the national accredited Hostelling International network, and operate 95 hotels throughout the country. Only the country's two largest cities - Copenhagen and Aarhus, have a few independent youth hostels. It is worth noting that the Danish word for hostel is Vandrehjem, which also what hostels in Denmark are usually signposted as. Another option is one of the Hospitality exchange networks, which is enjoying growing popularity among the Danes, with couchsurfing reporting a doubling of available hosts every year.

You can find a kro in almost any Danish town

Hotels are expensive in Denmark, with an average price of a double room hovering around 847 kr in 2007, hotels are mostly off limits to shoestring travellers, although cheaper deals can most certainly be found, especially for online bookings done in good time before arriving. National budget hotel chains include Zleep dan Cab-inn. Alternatives to hotels include a well developed network of Bed & Breakfasts which are bookable through the national tourism organization VisitDenmark (Click on Accommodation > Private accommodation) - or in country famous for its bacon, butter and cheese - what better way to dive into Danish culture than on a Farm Holiday? the National organization maintains an online catalogue of farms offering stays all over the country in both English and German. Another alternative to hotels are the many historic Old inn's - or Kro in Danish - dotting the towns and villages, most of them are organized though a national organization called Danske Kroer og Hoteller.

Another overnight is in one of the more than 500 caravan sites (campingpladser in Danish). Most of them are well equipped with up-to-date facilities, and even Wi-Fi included in many cases and accepts both caravans, motor homes and tents and/or rent out cabins. The association Danish Camping Board maintains a list of 450 approved campsites on their website ( and Eurocampings has almost 350 on their site ( Prices varies greatly and can be anything between €40 and €200/night for a family with a caravan. You prefer to sleep in closer contact with nature? The article Primitive camping in Denmark provides additional information on sleeping in tents, bivouacs, shelters and similar.

To buy a vacation home (sommerhus, feriehus, hytte) in Denmark you need to live in the country for five years, or have a professional or family connection to the country.


Citizens of EU and EEA countries, Switzerland, San Marino, and Liechtenstein can work in Denmark without having to secure a work permit. Most non-EU citizens will need a work permit.

Kekal selamat

Dial 1-1-2 (Alarm 112) in an emergency for emergency services in case of accidents, serious crime and fire — situations that are dangerous for life, health, property or the environment. This is toll free, and will work even from cell phones without a SIM card. For the police in non-emergencies call 1-1-4 (Service 114).

Generally: Denmark is a very safe country, with almost no risk of natural disasters or animal attacks. There is one poisonous, but rare and non-aggressive, snake (the European viper or Hugormin Danish) in some heathlands, and a stinging, bottom dwelling fish called "Fjæsing", known as Greater Weever (Trachinus draco) in English. Its sting is painful, but not generally lethal. It is strong enough however to be lethal to children and the elderly, so medical treatment is always encouraged. Red stinging jellyfish sometimes infest bathing waters in great numbers. Their sting can be painful, but has no adverse effects on humans. They are dish-sized, easy to spot and avoid. As in the rest of Europe and the world at large, borrelia carrying ticks have also been on the rise in Denmark. Always check your body for attaching ticks, when you have been in the wild, especially when legs and arms are bare and the vegetation high. If they are removed quickly, no disease will be transmitted. If infection does occur, a red ring will occur around the bite, and you should seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

Since 1 August 2018 it has been prohibited by law to wear garments that hides the human face in public, unless there is a creditable purpose – officially called tildækningsforbud (coverban), also known as maskeringsforbud (maskingban) and burkaforbud (burqaban). A fine of 1,000 kr is given at the first violation, 2,000 kr for the second violation, 5,000 kr for the third violation and 10,000 kr for the fourth violation. The police has issued a set of guidelines that gives an assessment of what can be considered a creditable purpose. Wearing a burqa, niqab or balaclava in public is not considered a creditable purpose according to the guidelines.

Compared to most other countries, crime and traffic are only minor risks, and the most serious crime visitors are likely to encounter is non-violent pickpocketing.

  • On foot: In cities Danes drive by the rules, and they have every expectation that pedestrians do the same. Therefore, it is important to obey Walk/Do not Walk signals and avoid jaywalking in cities, simply because cars will not slow down since you are not supposed to be there. Traffic signals are obeyed around the clock, so do not get surprised to see law-abiding Danes, in the dead of night with not a single vehicle or bicycle in sight, patiently waiting for green light. You are supposed to do the same. Also, take good notice of the dedicated bike lanes when crossing any street to avoid dangerous situations as bikers tend to ride fast and have right of way on these lanes.
  • On the beach: Do not bathe alone. Do not get too far away from land. Swim along the coast rather than away from it. In some areas undertow is a danger, and kills a number of tourists every year, but will mostly be signed at the beach. On many beaches, flags indicate water quality. A blue flag means excellent water quality, green flag means good water quality, red flag means that bathing is not advised. A sign with the text "Badning forbudt" means that bathing is forbidden. Obey these signs, as it often means that the water is polluted with poisonous algae, bacteria, or chemicals, or that there is a dangerous undertow. Beaches on small islands are often prone to tidal waters, especially in the Wadden Sea.
  • In the city: A few districts in major cities are probably best avoided at night by the unwary, or by lone women - but unlike in North America, it is often the suburban projects that are unsafe, not the downtown areas. Tourists will rarely pass through these outskirt areas by chance, but exchange students occasionally end up in apartments here without being aware of these districts reputation beforehand.

Stay healthy

Health services in Denmark are of a high standard, although waiting times at emergency rooms can be quite long for non emergencies, since visitors are prioritized according to their situation. Except for surgical procedures there is no private healthcare system to speak of, all is taken care of by the public healthcare system and general practitioners. All visitors are provided with free emergency care, until you are deemed healthy enough to be transported back to your home country. Citizens from EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and certain British dependencies are all entitled to additional basic medical services during their stay, other nationalities should have a valid travel insurance for transportation home and any additional medical care needed after any emergency is dealt with, as this is not provided free of charge. As in the rest of the country, English speakers should not have any trouble communicating with staff in English.

Danish doctors do not hand out prescriptions or pills at the rate common in North America, Japan and Southern Europe. There is a general trend of letting the body's own immune system take care of diseases, rather than using medicines. So if you show up at the local GP with minor illnesses like the common flu, expect to be send back to your bed to rest, rather than receiving any treatment, if you are otherwise of good health. Pharmacies (Danish: Apotek) are usually well stocked, but brand names may differ from those in your own country. Staff is highly trained, and major cities usually have one 24 hour pharmacy. Many drugs that are prescription-free in other countries, require prescription in Denmark, which is not trivial to get (see above), and medicines available in supermarkets and drug stores are very limited; i.e., allergy drugs and light painkillers; Paracetamol based (Panodil, Pamol & Pinex), acetylsalicylic based (Treo, Kodimagnyl & Aspirin) and Ibuprofen based (Ipren)

Dentists are only partly covered by the public healthcare system, and everyone, including Danes pay to visit their dentist. Danes and other Nordic citizens have some of the expenses covered by the public healthcare system, while non Scandinavian visitors, should generally be prepared to foot the entire bill themselves, or forward the expenses to their insurance company. Prices are notoriously high compared to the neighbouring countries, so unless it is urgent to see a dentist, it will probably be more economical to wait until you return home, or pass into Germany or Sweden.

Tap water is potable unless indicated, which is very rare indeed. The regulations for tap water in Denmark even exceeds that of bottled water in general, so do not be offended if you notice a waiter filling a pitcher of water at the sink, its perfect for drinking. However, most places charges a fee for the service.

Restaurants and other places selling food are checked regularly by health inspectors and awarded points on a 1-4 "smiley scale". The ratings must be prominently displayed, so look out for the happy face when in doubt. Every cook or employee handling prepared food are required to hold a hygiene certificate and food poisoning is not a problem to be concerned with.

Nearly all beaches are fine for bathing on sunny days - even parts of the Copenhagen harbour have been opened for bathing (read the Stay safe section). At quite a few beaches though, rainwater run-off from residential areas pours directly and untreated into the sea and flooding sewers are an increasing issue after heavy rain. During this time, bathing is not recommended at these places. Several municipalities issue bathing water quality data continuously on-line, so check up if you are going to bath after heavy rains. Winter bathing in the sea has become quite popular, but be careful, it requires a steady dedication for months to train your body for this endeavour. Jumping straight into ice-cold sea water without any preparation might make you sick.


Since 2007 it has been illegal to smoke in any indoor public space in Denmark. This includes government buildings with public access (hospitals, universities, etc.), all restaurants and bars larger than 40m² and all public transport. It is also prohibited to smoke on any train and bus platform outdoors.

You have to be at least 18 years old to buy tobacco products in Denmark.


In a country which has no direct equivalent to please in its vernacular, where the local version of Mr. dan Ms. has all but disappeared from common usage, and where the people can hardly muster a sorry if they bump into you on the streets, you could be forgiven to think they are the rudest people on earth, and you can get away with pretty much anything. You'd be wrong. Most of the behaviour many tourists consider appalling can be attributed to either the Danes' blatant - and when you get to understand it, quite sympathetic - disregard for formality, or their unfortunate shyness (see drink section), and there are rules to the madness, way too complex to get into here, but some of the most important ones can be summed up as follows:

Though officially Lutheran, Denmark is largely agnostic. Pictured: Østerlars Church, Bornholm
  • It is generally not considered impolite to omit verbal formalities common in other cultures, such as generic compliments or courteous bromides. Likewise, Danes almost never use Sir atau Madam to address each other, as it is perceived as distancing oneself. On the contrary, addressing (even a stranger) by first name is considered a friendly gesture. The only exception to this is when addressing Danish royalty – Queen Margrethe, her sons and their wives.
  • Staff, waiters and every other employee is empowered in Denmark, so do not expect anybody to dance to your tune, even in expensive restaurants. Politeness goes both ways and acting like you have special privileges will be frowned upon. Rude or lacking service for no reason does happen occasionally and should not be tolerated, but handle the situation with a bit of diplomacy and treat your fellow man like an equal, or you will get nowhere.
  • Be punctual, few things can make the Danes more annoyed than showing up later, even by minutes, than the agreed time, save social gatherings at people's homes, where the requirement for punctuality is more relaxed.
  • If there are free seats on a bus or train, it's not customary to seat yourself next to strangers if you can avoid it. It is also a nice gesture to offer your seat for the elderly and the disabled. In many buses, the front seats are usually reserved for them.
  • Be aware that there are marked "quiet zones" on each train: one in the back of the back wagon and one in the front of the front wagon. Don't talk on the phone there. In fact, do not talk at all. These are for people who want a quiet trip, usually people who need to go far, and may want to sleep, read, or work on their laptop or other things in peace.
  • Danes try to abridge differences between social classes. Modesty is a virtue - bragging, or showing off wealth, is considered rude, as is loud and passionate behaviour. Economic matters are private - don't ask Danes questions like how much they earn or what their car costs. As in Germany, Britain, and the rest of the Nordic countries, weather is a safe conversation topic.
  • Greetings between people who know each other (e.g. are good friends, close relatives, etc.) are often in the form of a careful hug. It is rare to see a peck on the cheek as a form of greeting, and it might be taken as way too personal. A handshake is customary for everyone else, including people you aren't close to and people you are being introduced to.
  • When invited by a Dane - to visit their home, join them at their table or engage in an activity - do not hesitate to accept the invitation. Danes generally do not invite out of politeness, they only say it if they mean it. The same goes for compliments. Bring a small gift; chocolate, flowers or wine are the most common, and remember despite their disregard for formality, to practice good table manners while at restaurants or in people's homes.
  • Even though 82% of the population is officially Lutheran, Denmark is by and large a non-religious country. Investigations into people's faith are largely unwelcome, and outside places of worship, displays of your faith should be kept private. Saying grace for example, is likely to be met with bewilderment and silence. Religious attire such as Muslim headscarves, kippahs or even T-shirts with religious slogans, will - while tolerated - also make many Danes feel uncomfortable.
  • In Denmark, family nearly without exception takes priority over work. So do not be surprised if Danes excuse themselves from even the most important of meetings by four o'clock to pick up kids, a burden equally shared between the sexes.
  • Possession of any amount of cannabis or other drugs is a crime. While Denmark does have a narcotic subculture in places such as the Christiania district, many Danish people shun narcotics.



While Internet cafés are present in most larger cities, they are usually not geared for tourists and hence they can be a bit tricky to find. Hotels usually provide both wireless internet and computers with internet access, but whether this service is provided for free, varies greatly. Many cafés and bars also provide free wireless internet for paying customers, even when it is not signposted, so it is always a good idea to ask. A lot of the McDonalds restaurants in Denmark have a couple of internet terminals available for their customers. The easiest way to get online is often the public library, as there is one in almost every town. Public libraries are usually centrally located, well signposted (look for Bibliotek) and always free. There can be a bit of waiting time to get a free computer though, but there will normally also be some sort of reservation system in place.

If staying for more than a few weeks, it might be worthwhile to get a mobile broadband connection. Most of the country has excellent coverage and speeds rivalling those of a fixed connection in the major cities and plenty for surfing the web, even in many of the more remote areas. Unfortunately the Danish ISPs generally do not have up to date English versions of their websites, so getting information about coverage and store location can be tricky. To buy a subscription package it is usually needed to have a residence permit, a Danish citizen id number (CPR-nummer atau person-nummer) and a local address. This means, that in practice, subscription packages are only relevant to travellers staying for more than half a year in Denmark.

It is instead possible to buy a prepaid package with the following available offers:

  • TDC offers a prepaid package known as Mobilt Bredbånd Tank op
  • Starter package valid for 7 days for 129 kr for SIM card, or 399 kr for SIM card and modem
  • 1/3/7/30 day refill for 29/69/129/299 kr
  • The traffic limit is 10GB per month. The maximum bandwidth is 6Mbit/s downstream
  • Telia offers the following packages known as Telia Talk Data
  • Starter package for 29 kr (only SIM card, no modem)
  • 1GB/3GB top-up valid for use within one week for 49/99 kr (only SIM card, no modem)
  • 10GB top up valid for use within three months for 299 kr (only SIM card, no modem)
  • Oister offers the following packages known as Tank Selv
  • Starter package valid for 7 days for 99 kr (SIM card), or 30 days for 499 kr (SIM card and modem)
  • 1/7/30 day refill for 29/79/199 kr

The Telia and TDC packages can be bought in their stores located in the largest towns. Owners of modems, phones or tablets that support UMTS/HSPA /LTE will most likely be able to use them, but otherwise a modem can be bought for about 400 kr. The Oister packages are available at many electronics stores and at any postal office.

When travelling in both Denmark and Sweden it may be beneficial to get a prepaid package from the provider 3. 3 is present in Denmark and Sweden, but don't sell any prepaid products from their Danish stores. On the other hand, their stores in Sweden sells a prepaid package that works in both Sweden and Denmark with no added roaming charges. It might be possible to refill this product over the internet connection from Denmark with an international credit card, but the safest solution might be to stock up on refill vouchers before leaving Sweden for Denmark, since vouchers are not sold in Denmark.

The package from 3 in Sweden is known as 3Bredband kontant:

  • Starter package valid for 7 days for 199 Swedish kroner (Both SIM card and modem)
  • 1 day refill for 29 Swedish kroner with a traffic limit of 0.5GB after which bandwidth is reduced
  • 7 day refill for 99 Swedish kroner with a traffic limit of 5GB after which bandwidth is reduced
  • 30 day refill for 299 Swedish kroner with a traffic limit of 20GB after which bandwidth is reduced
  • The maximum speeds are 16Mbit/s downstream and 4.6Mbit/s upstream

For an easier overview of all the different providers and plans in Denmark, many price-comparison websites has arisen, example below:

  • - collects prices from many types of subscriptions, including TV, mobile broadband and more.


Bring your own unlocked GSM phone to make calls. Prepaid SIM cards are available at most shops and international calling can be reasonably priced. Any prepaid credit is generally only valid for calls made in Denmark, but can be purchased in small amounts to avoid waste when you leave.

International collect calls are not allowed from phone booths, which are all ran by the TDC company. You should be able to make international call with the prepaid SIM cards anyways.

Denmark's international phone country code is 45. The prefix for international dialling is "00" or ' ' (on a mobile phone).

Mailbox in Denmark


The postal service in Denmark is run by PostNord. Digital postal stamps are available: you pay for the postage on the PostNord website, then write the provided 12-digit code on the envelope, instead of using a physical stamp. Postal franchises (posthus) sells postage stamps and can be found in many supermarkets and grocery stores all over the country. Business drop-in's (erhversindlevering) does not sell postage stamps. Post boxes are red with the postal logo, and most of them are emptied once every workday. It is not indicated exactly at what time during the day the mailboxes are emptied. An unregistered priority (airmail) postcard or letter with a weight of less than 100 grams is 33 kr (approximately €4.40) for all international destinations (as of 1 January 2021).

If you need to have parcels or mail sent to you in Denmark, you can receive it as Poste Restante at most major post offices (General Delivery in the US). The post office will only hold such mail for two weeks, after which it will be returned to the sender. The address format is:

c/o Poste restante
<Name of post office>
<Postal-Code> <City>

When picking up the mail, you will need to identify yourself with a government-issued photo-ID (i.e. passport or driver's license). Make sure that your name is spelled in the same way on the package and on the ID.

Major international parcel services like UPS, Fedex and DHL while present in Denmark, do not offer any holding service. GLS have an agreement with a number of retailers, which offers a holding service for a limited time (pakke shop)


Consular assistance

Nearly all developed nations have embassies in Copenhagen, and most other countries have embassies in either Stockholm or Copenhagen responsible for consular services to the whole Scandinavian region. EU member nations often maintain consulates in the provinces. There are 71 foreign embassies in Copenhagen and more than 100 consulates in Copenhagen and larger cities, such as Aarhus, Aalborg, Odense, Vejle. If you fall victim to serious criminal injuries while in Denmark, you might be eligible to financial compensation. If you wish to file a claim you must report the incident to police within 24 hours, and file a form obtainable from the police to Erstatningsnævnet; Gyldenløvesgade 11, 1600 Copenhagen V. Tel 45 33 92 33 34, Fax: 45 39 20 45 05, Email: [email protected]. Claim processing time is a minimum of 3 months.

Customer service

By most standards, the Danes have a great deal to learn about customer service, and many visitors may initially be appalled by the low standards present outside upmarket establishments, used to dealing with international expectations. Cleaning tables and removing trash from messy customers has a low priority and it is not uncommon to experience staff doing other duties than serving, while happily keeping customers waiting. Also do not expect any sirs or madams; verbal bromides seem awkward to most Danes, including those behind a counter. On a practical level, the service situation means that you should only expect table service in restaurants. In most cafés and bars you usually order at the desk and pay immediately when ordering, even if you intend for a second order. Luckily, Danes have a civilised queue culture generally and waiting for your turn at the desk without loosing your temper or trying to cheat on other customers is standard practise, and you are expected to behave likewise.

As with most cultural issues, there are several reasons for this situation. Some attribute it to the egalitarian Danish culture along the line: "you are not worth any more than me, so why should I treat you any different", while a major reason might be ascribed to the fact that most service personnel in Denmark are untrained people, often underaged or part time students, working for a low salary, so they have no clue how to service customers beyond the rudimentary. Another aspect stems from Danish culture in general, which seems to cherish and promote direct interpersonal contact and request and a low-key service attention. Allowing other people space to move and breathe is considered part of proper hospitality and politeness.

Danes themselves seems to have coped with the service situation and do not expect much outside high-end places. By and large, it is just one of those issues you will have to deal with while visiting, and throwing a hissy fit or demanding to speak to the supervisor is unlikely to get you anywhere. On the upside, tipping is neither expected nor required, and that goes for professional and trained attendants as well. When you do bump into good service, it tends to be truly genuine helpfulness, rather than an expectation for tips or employee training courses - so savour such moments, tip if you feel for it, and forget about the rest.


Apart from children's shows, nothing gets dubbed in Denmark - although a sizeable portion of broadcasts in Denmark are American and British productions - so even with no English channels, there will usually be something on in a comprehensible language. Perkara yang sama berlaku di pawagam - jadi anda seharusnya selamat untuk hari hujan yang malas. Hampir semua hotel akan mempunyai CNN atau BBC World News.

Sekiranya anda ingin dikemas kini dengan berita tempatan, yang Copenhagen Post adalah satu-satunya akhbar berbahasa Inggeris di Denmark. Ia diterbitkan setiap minggu dan terdapat di banyak bar dan Kafe di Copenhagen, sementara lebih sukar dicari di seluruh negara.

Dalam talian anda boleh mengikuti berita Denmark dalam bahasa Inggeris di:

Pergi seterusnya

Atlantik Utara

Atas sebab sejarah, Denmark adalah hab pusat untuk akses ke wilayah Atlantik Utara yang benar-benar menarik, dengan penerbangan terus ke beberapa bandar di Iceland, Pulau Faroe dan Tanah Hijau.Rantau ini sangat terkenal dengan landskap semula jadi yang unik serta warisan kebudayaan dan kebudayaan yang kuat, masih terus hidup dan dilindungi.Hanstholm di Barat Laut Jutland mempunyai perkhidmatan feri mingguan ke Torshavn di Kepulauan Faroe dan Seyðisfjörður pada Iceland. Longyearbyen pada Svalbard boleh dicapai dari beberapa bandar, sekali atau dua kali seminggu dengan satu persinggahan di Oslo.


Sama dalam budaya dan berkongsi sebahagian besar sejarah, Sweden berdekatan bukan sahaja dengan geografi. Bahagian Selatan khususnya dapat dicapai dengan mudah Kopenhagen melalui Öresund yang dibina dan merupakan tempat yang bagus untuk mengalami tarikan bersejarah dan semula jadi yang serupa di sekitar Malmö dan Lund. Tanah Scania dari Sweden Selatan adalah sebahagian dari Denmark hingga 1658 pada akhir Perang Utara Besar dan menyajikan banyak contoh seni bina Renaissance Denmark yang luar biasa dari rumah besar hingga pemandangan bandar yang romantis. Bahagian-bahagian ini sering, oleh seluruh Sweden, masih dianggap terkait erat dengan Denmark kerana dialek khas Sweden yang dituturkan di sini yang agak berkaitan dengan cara pengucapan Denmark. Bahagian selatan sangat terkenal dengan pemandangan Viking dan suasana desa yang romantis. Melangkah lebih jauh ke Utara di negara besar ini, Sweden adalah tempat untuk menikmati alam semula jadi dan dapat dicapai dari beberapa tempat. Dari Copenhagen ada penerbangan terus ke ibu kota Stockholm dan Sweden Barat dapat dicapai dari Jutland dengan feri melalui Frederikshavn-Gothenburg atau Grenaa-Varberg pautan.


Terkenal dengan fjord bergunung-gunung dan pemandangan semula jadi yang menakjubkan, Norway menjadikan destinasi hebat yang mudah dicapai dari Denmark. Dari Copenhagen penerbangan terus beroperasi ke Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen, Stavanger dan mungkin lebih banyak lagi, tetapi seluruh Norway dapat dicapai dengan perpindahan. Dari Frederikshavn dan Hirtshals di Jutland Utara, beberapa destinasi boleh dicapai dengan feri: Oslo, Larvik, Kristiansand. Terdapat juga sambungan feri dari Kopenhagen ke Oslo


Jerman adalah satu-satunya negara yang mempunyai perbatasan darat dengan Denmark, dan untuk akses yang lebih cepat dari timur negara tersebut, terdapat sambungan feri yang kerap ke negara jiran selatan Denmark. Dua bandar terbesar di Jerman, Berlin dan Hamburg hanya beberapa jam dengan kereta atau kereta api dari sebahagian besar Denmark seperti pulau-pulau Jerman di Laut Utara dan Baltik, Lübeck dan lain-lain Hanseatic bandar-bandar dan sejumlah besar tempat bersejarah dari zaman yang berbeza.

Panduan pelancongan negara ini ke Denmark adalah garis besar dan mungkin memerlukan lebih banyak kandungan. Ini mempunyai templat, tetapi maklumat yang ada tidak mencukupi. Sekiranya terdapat Bandar dan Destinasi lain disenaraikan, mereka mungkin tidak semua berada di boleh digunakan status atau mungkin tidak ada struktur wilayah yang sah dan bahagian "Masuk" yang menerangkan semua cara khas untuk sampai ke sini. Sila terjun ke hadapan dan bantu berkembang!