Kingston upon Hull - Kingston upon Hull

River Hull dengan Arctic Corsair berlabuh di sebelah kiri

Kingston upon Hull, atau hanya Lambung seperti yang biasa disebut, adalah kota yang berjumlah 260,000 orang (2019) di Yorkshire di tebing utara Humber Estuary. Ia adalah kota bangunan bersejarah dan hubungan kuat dengan penyair Inggeris yang penting, dan kepada William Wilberforce, yang memainkan peranan utama dalam mengakhiri perbudakan di Empayar Inggeris.


Sejarah awal

Petempatan yang disebut Myton, walaupun tidak tercantum dalam buku Domesday tahun 1086, wujud di pertemuan Sungai Hull dan Humber pada abad ke-11. Pada akhir abad ke-12 para bhikkhu di Meaux Abbey yang berdekatan membuat bandar Wyke yang baru, dari Scandinavia yang bermaksud anak sungai (iaitu Sungai Hull). Bandar Wyke kemudian menjadi Hull. Nama Myton dan Wyke kekal sebagai kawasan wad politik di bandar ini.

Dengan Sungai Hull menawarkan pelabuhan untuk import dan eksport barang, dan muara Humber dihubungkan dengan sungai-sungai utama yang lain, bandar Wyke upon Hull menjadi mapan dan berkembang maju. Keadaan ini menarik perhatian kota kepada Raja Edward I yang berkunjung, dan akhirnya memberikan Kyngeston (atau King's Town) ke atas Hull Piagam Kerajaannya pada 1 April 1299. Peletakan jalan utama ke dan dari bandar adalah hasil Edward penglibatan. Kepentingan pelbagai Raja termasuk Henry VIII mempunyai kaitan dengan apa yang dilihat oleh pengunjung, dengan sedikit pemahaman, ketika mengunjungi kota. Kepentingan Hull sebagai pelabuhan, dan pada tahun-tahun awalnya sebagai gudang senjata, pada satu waktu kedua setelah gudang senjata London, menyebabkan tembok dengan benteng dan menara dimulakan pada tahun 1327, rumah blok di tebing timur Sungai Hull pada tahun 1542 dan sebuah benteng , sekali lagi di tebing timur, pada tahun 1681. Walaupun semua ini telah lama berlalu, jejak mereka di bandar lama bersama dengan dermaga berikutnya, masih dapat dihargai.

Sejarah moden

Dalam beberapa cara, abad ke-20 adalah era malapetaka yang paling konsisten dalam sejarah panjang bandar maritim yang hebat ini. Dari puncak kemakmuran pada awal tahun 1900-an, dengan kekuatan industri dan perdagangan yang meletakkannya di tingkat yang hampir dengan kota-kota lain di negeri ini, menjelang dekad terakhir abad ini, kisah-kisah nasib buruknya telah bersekongkol dengan kejam untuk berubah Pergi ke bayang-bayang yang dulu dilihat secara nasional dari dirinya sendiri. Seratus tahun terakhir, bagaimanapun, adalah bab yang menyedihkan dalam kisah epik, dan pada kelahiran abad baru, tempat yang disebut Larkin sebagai 'puteri utara yang kesepian' telah mulai menghidupkan kembali secara ajaib dan mempertaruhkan tuntutannya untuk kemakmuran dan penghormatan sekali lagi .

Banyak pelaburan diarahkan ke kota, didorong oleh kejayaan besar The Deep sebagai tarikan pengunjung utama, pusat bandar lama, dan tawaran runcit baru. Wajah Hull hampir diubah tanpa dikenali dengan pembangunan semula Ferensway, dan pembinaan St Stephen's Center, pusat membeli-belah dengan rantai kelas atas, hotel moden, bangunan Hull Truck Theatre, dan pusat pembelajaran muzik untuk orang muda . Hull Paragon Interchange mempunyai stesen bas baru dan stesen keretapi yang diperbaharui. Jambatan kaki baru di atas Sungai Hull dirancang.

Sesiapa yang pernah mengalami kota ini secara langsung tanpa ada tanggapan atau prasangka, akan memberitahu anda bahawa Hull itu unik. Ia tidak lagi terpencil, kerana hubungan pengangkutan dengan seluruh negara lebih daripada mencukupi. Perkara ini tidak berlaku selama beratus-ratus tahun, dan hasilnya adalah satu-satunya. Tempat ini mempunyai identiti budaya dan sifat tersendiri. Itu tercermin dalam aksen (ucapkan "oh tidak" sebagai "er ner" dan anda akan mempunyai idea), humor, kemampuan diri dan semangat rakyatnya. Kain dan sejarah bandar Hull yang berwarna-warni (kadang-kadang mengejutkan) tetapi selalu menarik adalah sejarahnya.

Landskap yang rata dan bangunan bersejarah yang rendah tetapi sering mempesona, memberikan kesan bahawa terdapat latar belakang langit yang besar, dan bila digabungkan dengan pemandangan ke hulu sungai Humber Estuary yang merenung, suram, hebat dari titik di mana ia bersatu dengan Sungai Hull, menjadi jelas bahawa ada sesuatu yang istimewa di lokasi bandar.

Seiring dengan puisi dari latarnya, Hull mempunyai hubungan yang hebat dengan beberapa penyair yang paling berpengaruh dalam sastera Inggeris. Antara lain, Andrew Marvell dibaptis di Holy Trinity Church dan bersekolah di Old Grammar School. Penyair kelahiran Coventry dan Pustakawan University of Hull Philip Larkin tinggal di 32 Pearson Park sepanjang hayatnya, dan Stevie Smith dilahirkan di Hull. Pada tahun 2010, Hull meraikan kehidupan dan ayat Larkin dengan peristiwa Larkin25 termasuk pembacaan puisi, jejak pelancongan Larkin dan jejak patung 'Plague of Toads' yang mengingatkan puisi Larkin, 'Toads'. Patung Larkin dilancarkan di Paragon Interchange pada tahun itu.

Bandar ini telah menjenamakan dirinya sebagai "Kota Perintis", dan tuntutan ini disokong oleh senarai banyak yang pertama berasal dari Humberside. Teknologi untuk Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), misalnya, ditemui dan disempurnakan di University of Hull pada akhir 1960-an. Bandar ini juga merupakan peneraju UK dalam pengembangan teknologi jalur lebar dan telekomunikasi.

Putera terhebat Kingston-Upon-Hull, William Wilberforce mempunyai peranan utama dalam penghapusan perdagangan hamba Inggeris, yang mengubah wajah sejarah dunia.

Hull dianugerahkan gelaran UK City of Culture 2017.

Maklumat pelancong


Dengan kapal terbang

Ia adalah negara yang jauh, namun Manchester Airport (LELAKI IATA) sering kali paling mudah, kerana mempunyai hubungan global dan harga yang kompetitif. Terdapat perkhidmatan kereta api setiap jam dari lapangan terbang yang berubah di Leeds for Hull, mengambil masa 2 jam 30 minit.

Sebaliknya, Lapangan Terbang Humberside (HUY IATA) berjarak hanya 20 batu dari Hull melalui Jambatan Humber, tetapi hanya ada beberapa penerbangan setiap hari ke Aberdeen dan Amsterdam serta kapal percutian ke Mediterranean. Bas kereta api X1 beroperasi setiap jam antara Hull dan lapangan terbang, mengambil masa 30 minit.

Lapangan Terbang Doncaster Sheffield (Robin Hood) DSA IATA adalah 60 batu ke arah barat melalui M180. Terdapat penerbangan oleh Wizz ke Poland, Lithuania dan Romania, dan destinasi percutian Med oleh pengendali pakej utama. First South Yorkshire Bus X4 bergerak antara lapangan terbang dan Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange, stesen keretapi dan bas, mengambil masa 25 minit. Bas bergerak ke lapangan terbang setiap 30 minit M-Sa dari jam 5:30 pagi hingga 11:30 malam, setiap jam pada hari Ahad, dengan bas terakhir kembali ke bandar pada tengah malam.

Lapangan Terbang Leeds Bradford (LBA IATA) mempunyai hubungan Eropah yang lebih baik daripada Robin Hood, tetapi tidak mempunyai pautan rel atau lebuh raya. Naik bas lapangan terbang ke Leeds untuk menaiki bas atau kereta api terus ke Hull.

Pada tahun 2020, terdapat penerbangan domestik yang lebih sedikit daripada biasa di UK. Eastern Airways terus terbang.

Dengan kereta api

  • 1 Pertukaran Hull Paragon, stesen keretapi dan bas, berada di pusat bandar raya. Terdapat pangkalan teksi di luar, dan meja sewa kereta di persimpangan.
Stesen keretapi Hull

Langsung Keretapi Hull jalankan setiap beberapa jam antara Hull dan Salib Raja London melalui Doncaster. Tetapi biasanya lebih mudah untuk menukar di Doncaster, kereta api setiap 30 minit, perjalanan 3 jam.

Kereta api terus setiap jam menuju ke Manchester Piccadilly: ganti di sana atau di Leeds untuk Lapangan Terbang Manchester (2 jam 30 minit).

Kereta api laju setiap jam menuju ke Sheffield (80 min) melalui Doncaster dan pusat membeli-belah Meadowhall. Di antara ada kereta api yang perlahan, tetapi anda pantas menunggu perkhidmatan cepat seterusnya. Tukar di Sheffield untuk perkhidmatan ke Birmingham, Bristol dan Cardiff.

Kereta api setiap jam menuju ke York - ganti di sana untuk perkhidmatan ke Durham, Newcastle dan Edinburgh.

Terdapat kereta api setiap beberapa jam dari Hull hingga Scarborough (80 min), melalui Beverley, Bridlington dan Berkas.

Dengan kereta

Bandar ini berada di hujung timur M62 (yang berubah menjadi A63 sejurus sebelum Hull), dan dapat diakses dengan mudah dari rangkaian lebuh raya UK yang lain. Ia mempunyai akses yang baik dari Lincolnshire dan selatan melalui A15 dan Jambatan Humber, dan dapat diakses oleh A1079 dari York dan Utara.

Dengan bas

Ada perkhidmatan taman dan menunggang boleh didapati dari pinggir bandar (Taman Priory.)

Priory Park and Ride terletak di selatan Hessle Road dari Priory Way. Ikuti papan tanda di A15 dan A63 (Clive Sullivan Way) jika anda memasuki Hull. Poskod adalah HU4 7DY. Nombor bas adalah 700. Bas beroperasi kira-kira setiap 10 hingga 15 minit dari 7:00 dan seterusnya, (7:30 AM pada hari Sabtu.) Perkhidmatan terakhir dari pusat bandar adalah M-F pada 6:44 PM atau Sa pada 5:59 PM. Tidak ada perkhidmatan pada hari Ahad. Perkhidmatan turun di Stadium Komunikasi Kingston (dan oleh itu berguna untuk hari-hari perlawanan kerana kapasiti tempat letak kereta berhampiran stadium sangat terhad), Hull Royal Infirmary (tambang pergi balik: £ 1.90 per dewasa; £ 1 setiap kanak-kanak) dan pusat bandar Hull (tambang pergi balik £ 2.40 setiap orang dewasa; £ 1.25 setiap kanak-kanak.) Tiket musim boleh didapati pada harga £ 8.50 / minggu, £ 34.20 / bulan (HRI) atau £ 11.00 / minggu, £ 43.00 / bulan (Pusat Bandar)(Januari 2013)

Ekspres Nasional perkhidmatan jurulatih beroperasi di dalam dan di luar Hull Paragon Interchange (lihat di bawah 'Berkeliling dengan bas'). Beberapa perkhidmatan beroperasi melalui King George Dock untuk berhubung dengan perkhidmatan feri ke benua.

Stagecoach Hull X62 mempunyai bas beberapa kali sehari antara Leeds Stesen Bas Bandar dan persimpangan Hull.

Dengan bot

Feri P&O belayar semalaman dari Rotterdam di Belanda dan Zeebrugge di Belgium, mengambil masa 12 jam. P&O telah mengumumkan bahawa laluan Zeebrugge akan berhenti; tarikh belum diberikan tetapi mungkin pada akhir tahun 2020. Feri Rotterdam berlanjutan, kerana memerlukan lebih banyak muatan dan kurang bergantung pada perdagangan pelancong.

2 Terminal feri Hull terletak 7 batu di timur pusat bandar di sepanjang Hedon Road. Bas penghubung ke terminal telah digerakkan, tetapi bas 76, 77, 78 & 79 kerap berjalan di sepanjang Hedon Road. Atau menaiki teksi.


53 ° 45′0 ″ N 0 ° 20′24 ″ W
Peta Kingston upon Hull

Dengan bas

Stesen bas di pusat bandar Hull bersama dengan stesen kereta api Paragon yang berdekatan, membentuk Pertukaran Hull Paragon. Pintu masuk / jalan keluar utama untuk stesen ini berada di Ferensway, dalam jarak pendek dari jalan membeli-belah St Stephens yang baru di utara, dan pusat bandar di sebelah timur. Kabin hitam menggunakan bahagian depan (sisi Ferensway) Persimpangan. Kereta persendirian yang turun dan mengumpulkan penumpang boleh masuk dari Anlably Road. Tidak ada caj parkir untuk ini tetapi hanya ada beberapa ruang dan masa menunggu adalah terhad. Terdapat tempat letak kereta 'bayar dan menginap' yang besar di sini.

Persimpangan bas, Hull Paragon Interchange

Perkhidmatan bas di Hull dikendalikan oleh Perkhidmatan Motor Yorkshire Timur dan Stagecoach. Seperti kebanyakan perkhidmatan pengangkutan tempatan di UK di luar London, tiket dan tambang perkhidmatan bas tidak disatukan di antara pengendali, dan anda perlu membayar secara berasingan untuk setiap bas yang anda naiki. Tiket dibeli dari pemandu semasa anda menaiki bas. Semua maklumat mengenai laluan bas, waktu, dan lain-lain, boleh didapati dari papan maklumat penumpang, Pusat Perjalanan di dalam stesen dan juga boleh dimuat turun dari laman web majlis bandar. Bas datang dan pergi dari tempat persimpangan di sebelah utara Persimpangan di mana terdapat beberapa kedai kecil dari mana makanan ringan boleh dibeli. Terdapat beberapa tempat duduk di setiap perhentian bas tetapi lebih banyak di hujung barat tempat persimpangan. Kerusi logam sejuk di musim sejuk! Sekiranya perjalanan dengan bas tempatan ke Persimpangan untuk menaiki kereta api, cukup masa. Walaupun bas agak kerap, jadual waktu perhentian bas di sekitar bandar mungkin tidak tepat kerana lalu lintas di sepanjang laluan.

Dengan kereta

Pusat Hull adalah padat dan sementara terdapat tempat letak kereta, ada sedikit peluang untuk benar-benar mengelilingi pusat bandar dengan kereta kerana jaraknya pendek, dan tempat letak kenderaan di jalan boleh menjadi masalah. Beberapa perniagaan mungkin mempunyai beberapa tempat letak kenderaan yang ditetapkan untuk pelanggan atau pengunjung. Bergerak dengan kereta di luar pusat bandar lebih mudah.

Dengan basikal

Hull adalah salah satu bandar terbaik untuk berbasikal di UK, dengan laluan kitaran yang luas, termasuk beberapa di luar jalan raya. Laluan Nasional 65 dan 66 juga berkumpul di sini.

Dengan berjalan kaki

Pusat bandar cukup padat dan terutamanya pejalan kaki, yang mewujudkan jalan-jalan yang agak mudah di sekitar bandar. Namun, berhati-hati harus dilakukan ketika melintasi dari sisi selatan Bandar Lama menuju ke kawasan marina, kerana laluannya bersilang dengan Castle Street - jalan raya berkembar yang luas dan sangat sibuk.

Akses dilumpuhkan

Hull mempunyai dua skema untuk membantu orang kurang upaya berkeliling bandar untuk berbelanja dan berniaga. Organisasi mempunyai perjanjian timbal balik sehingga keanggotaan merangkumi kedua-duanya. Ini adalah kaedah terbaik bagi orang kurang upaya untuk berkeliling di bandar tanpa perlu membawa peralatan mereka sendiri ke bandar.

Pengangkutan kurang upaya di TravelExtra, Community Junction, Hull Paragon Interchange
  • TravelExtra (disokong oleh Yorkshire Forward), Persimpangan Komuniti, Paragon Station, 44 1482 212832. Sewa skuter elektrik, kerusi roda dan pejalan kaki beroda. Keahlian setahun adalah £ 5 tetapi borang keahlian harus diisi untuk ini. Penggunaan pertama skuter elektrik, kerusi roda atau wheeler walker adalah percuma selepas itu terdapat sedikit bayaran harian. Untuk skuter elektrik ini adalah £ 2 yang boleh didapati antara pukul 10:00 hingga 4:00.
  • Kemudahan membeli-belah, Tingkat 2, Princes Quay Shopping Centre, 44 1482 225686. Sewa skuter dan buat perjanjian timbal balik dengan TravelExtra.


Posterngate dari dermaga Putera

Walaupun Hull adalah antara bandar-bandar Britain yang paling banyak dibom semasa Perang Dunia Kedua, 700 tahun sejak pemberian piagam pertamanya telah menjadikannya permata seni bina yang menakjubkan. Dari fasad yang diilhamkan Flemish hingga bangunan sipil berkubah yang indah. Dari pejabat dermaga hingga memaksakan gudang dan kilang warisan industri. Dari pesona batu tua abad pertengahan di bandar lama, rumah saudagar besar dan teres Georgia hingga reka bentuk moden yang canggih.

The Charterhouse, Rumah Lama
  • 1 Rumah sewa, 44 1482 329307 (Tuan), 44 1482 320026 (Matron). Charterhouse dibuka untuk umum sekali setahun, semasa Hull's Heritage Weekend, dan setiap hari Ahad terdapat perkhidmatan di Kapel dari 10:00 hingga 11:00 yang boleh dihadiri oleh orang ramai. Terletak di daerah kota yang tidak menguntungkan, The Charter House berada di Charterhouse Lane, dan terletak di dalam kawasan pemuliharaan kecil. Pedagang kaya dan walikota pertama Hull Sir William de la Pole mengasaskan Biarawan Carthusian sami di sini pada tahun 1350, dengan niat lebih lanjut untuk mendirikan hospital. ‘Gods House Hospital’ akhirnya ditubuhkan oleh anaknya, piagam itu diberikan pada tahun 1384 ketika tuan pertama dilantik. Ia menempatkan 13 lelaki miskin dan 13 wanita miskin, dan dikelilingi oleh ladang di mana Sungai Hull mengalir. Institusi ini berjaya dari pendapatan yang berasal dari tanahnya. Ini menarik perhatian Henry VIII yang, pada tahun 1536, menutup Biara dan mengeluarkan para bhikkhu itu. Walau bagaimanapun, hospital tetap ada dan lama-kelamaan memperoleh nama The Charterhouse. Nama ini adalah korupsi Chartreuse di Perancis di mana perintah Monks berasal. Dengan penolakan Hull untuk mengakui Charles I pada tahun 1642 dan bermulanya Perang Saudara Inggeris, kota ini menjadi sasaran untuk Royalists dan Charterhouse, berada di luar tembok kota, dirobohkan sehingga bateri senjata api dapat diletakkan di sana untuk mempertahankan kota . Pada tahun 1649, Tuan, dengan kawanannya, kembali ke lokasi dan Rumah Piagam dibina semula. Namun, pengabaian dan kerosakan menyebabkan bangunan ini runtuh pada tahun 1777 dan yang ketiga dibina, satu-satunya baki priori yang asal adalah batu di atas pintu Rumah Guru. Tetapi masih banyak yang akan datang dan walaupun Charterhouse selamat dari Perang Dunia II, ledakan yang dialami Hull menyebabkan banyak kerosakan pada bangunannya. Sejak pemulihan dan pengembangannya dengan tempat tinggal yang lebih baik, penduduk yang tinggal di sana sekarang tidak lagi mewakili de la Poles 'orang miskin dan busuk' tetapi membayar tempat tinggal mereka dan dipanggil sebagai Penduduk. Apa yang dikenali sebagai Rumah Piagam terdiri dari Rumah Tuan dan kebun berdinding di mana Andrew Marvell dikatakan bermain di bawah pokok Mulberry dan di sisi utara jalan Old House yang mengandungi Kapel halus dengan langit-langit Adams. Charterhouse, Kingston upon Hull (Q5086873) on Wikidata Charterhouse, Kingston upon Hull on Wikipedia

Dataran Queen Victoria

Pusat Hull, dari mana semua jalan perbelanjaan yang luas pada akhir abad ke-19 / awal abad ke-20 memancar. Di jantungnya berdiri Ratu Victoria, dikelilingi oleh kubah-kubah yang indah di Muzium Maritim dan Dewan Bandaraya.

  • 2 Galeri Seni Ferens. Koleksi kekal Patung dan Lukisan dari abad pertengahan hingga sekarang, dan program tetap pameran sementara dari seluruh dunia. Kuat pada Master Eropah lama, terutama Belanda dan Flemish, Ferens juga menempatkan beberapa seni kontemporari terbaik di negara ini. Termasuk karya karya Frans Hals, Antonio Canaletto, Stanley Spencer, David Hockney, Helen Chadwick dan Gillian Wearing. Terdapat sebuah kafe yang menyenangkan di tingkat bawah galeri dengan bahagian luar yang menghadap ke bahagian dermaga Prince. Pada bulan Februari hingga April setiap tahunnya diadakan 'Pameran Terbuka' yang, dengan bayaran sederhana, amatur dan seniman profesional dapat menyerahkan karya mereka sendiri untuk dijual atau hanya dipamerkan. Percuma. Ferens Art Gallery (Q5444068) on Wikidata Ferens Art Gallery on Wikipedia
  • 3 Muzium Maritim. Dahulunya Muzium Paus dan bertempat di Pejabat Dock yang asli untuk Prince's Dock dan Queen's Dock (sekarang Queen's Gardens). Ini adalah muzium kuno yang besar dan kuno yang didedikasikan untuk penaklukan Hull di Lautan yang mulia dan pengorbanan yang sering dilakukan olehnya. Tangga yang elegan naik dari ruang masuk dan terdapat paparan yang menarik untuk semua peringkat usia dari kerangka ikan paus hingga model kapal hingga penjelasan kaedah penangkapan ikan. Pada Oktober 2020, muzium ini ditutup untuk kerja-kerja pengubahsuaian. Percuma. Hull Maritime Museum (Q5935944) on Wikidata Hull Maritime Museum on Wikipedia
  • 4 Dewan Bandaraya Hull. Selesai pada tahun 1903 dan dirancang oleh Frank Matcham, Balai Bandar hingga tahap tertentu menentang kehancuran total oleh Luftwaffe. Ketika kerusakan bom pada tahun 1941 akhirnya dibuat baik pada tahun 1950, bom itu dibuka semula, dengan bumbung tembaga hijau, sebagai salah satu struktur yang paling disukai di bandar ini. Di sekitar hujung barat bangunan terdapat sebuah perayaan yang memperingati komposer muzik terkenal. Cawan dewan bandar sebelumnya, yang dibina pada tahun 1866 oleh Cuthbert Brodrick, terletak di sebelah barat Taman Pearson. Dewan Bandaraya kini kerap mengadakan konsert rock, pop dan klasik, dan acara komedi. Kiri pintu masuk adalah pejabat tempahan untuk acara di bandar, dan di sebelah kanan adalah Pejabat Maklumat Pelancong. Hull City Hall (Q5935839) on Wikidata Hull City Hall on Wikipedia

Taman Ratu

Taman Ratu
  • 5 Taman Ratu. Dibuka pada tahun 1930 dan dibina di atas Queen's Dock yang lama. Dermaga itu dibina pada akhir tahun 1700-an, dan di kawasan seluas 10 ekar itu adalah dermaga terbesar di England. Namun, tidak sampai tahun 1854 dinamakan Queen's Dock setelah Queen Victoria. Anda masih dapat melihat bentuk asal dermaga di dinding dan bangunan di sekitar kebun. Sebilangan bangunan di sebelah selatan adalah gudang lama dermaga. Di hujung timur berdiri Tugu Wilberforce dan di sebelah barat, pejabat dermaga lama yang kini menjadi Muzium Maritim. Kebun-kebunnya tenggelam dan berisi tempat tidur bunga, tempat duduk dan kawasan berumput yang luas. Queen's Gardens (Q7269995) on Wikidata Queen's Gardens, Hull on Wikipedia
  • 6 The Guildhall, 44 1482 613902 (Kurator Guildhall). Berlari berdekatan dan di sebelah selatan Queen's Gardens dan dengan Alfred Gelder Street di sebelah selatannya. Dibangunkan antara tahun 1903-1916, untuk reka bentuk yang dipilih oleh persaingan, ia adalah kediaman Majlis Bandaraya, juga menempatkan perak kota, Permadani Hull, mahkamah hakim lama, dan di bawah ini sel! The Guildhall adalah paparan kebanggaan, kemakmuran dan keyakinan masyarakat awal abad ke-20. Di hujung barat terdapat patung yang melambangkan 'Maritime Prowess' di atas reka bentuk Neo-Klasiknya yang hiasan dan di hujung timur menara jam. Bermula pada tahun 1991 The Hull Tapestry mengambil masa 15 tahun untuk disiapkan dan dalam 19 panel menggambarkan aspek penting dalam sejarah dan pembangunan bandar. Permadani dapat dilihat (percuma) Isnin-Khamis 8:30 AM-4:30PM, dan Jumaat 8:30 AM-3:30PM. Untuk melihatnya, tanya di kaunter penerimaan tetamu Guildhall. Lawatan Guildhall juga disediakan secara percuma tetapi lawatan mesti dibuat terlebih dahulu. Guildhall, Kingston upon Hull (Q5615873) on Wikidata Guildhall, Kingston upon Hull on Wikipedia
  • 7 Pentas Peringatan Mick Ronson. Fokus utama acara yang dijadualkan sepanjang bulan-bulan musim panas. Dibangunkan selepas kematian tepat pada waktunya dari barah Mick Ronson, pemain gitar yang bersama dengan dua Hullensians lain membentuk kumpulan David Bowie the Spiders from Mars pada awal 1970-an, dan berjaya dengan Bob Dylan, Elton John, Lou Reed dan Morrissey antara lain . Panggung ini menganjurkan pidato yang tidak dapat dilupakan oleh seorang pegawai bebas dari Uskup Agung kota Desmond Tutu pada tahun 1997. Di belakang panggung terdapat plak untuk memperingati watak fiksyen Robinson Crusoe, yang berlayar dari Hull dalam novel terkenal dengan nama yang sama oleh Daniel Defoe. Buku ini - telah dibahaskan - adalah novel pertama dalam bahasa Inggeris pada tahun 1719.

Trinity Quarter

Rumah Trinity

Dicipta di sekitar tapak pasar lama di hadapan Holy Trinity Church, dan mengambil Arcade Hepworths Victoria yang megah, ini adalah rumah utama di pusat bandar untuk pakaian vintaj, kedai rekod bebas, dan kedai runcit alternatif. Dataran ini mendapat manfaat daripada pemulihan sensitif termasuk tempat duduk dan seni awam, serta banyak pilihan kafe kecil dengan kawasan luar untuk menjadikannya destinasi penting untuk lawatan bersiar-siar.

  • 8 Rumah Trinity. Bangunan krim besar - menempati kawasan di sudut Trinity House Lane dan Postern Gate. Pada abad ke-14 seorang Cary Carmelite Friary berdiri di sini. Trinity House mengambil alih laman web ini pada abad ke-16. Bermula sebagai persatuan untuk menjaga pelaut dan keluarga mereka, Trinity House berkembang untuk mengawal pergerakan perkapalan di Humber. Fasad sekarang bermula dari tahun 1753, dan yang paling menarik adalah pediment yang dihiasi di sebelah timur yang menggabungkan singa, unicorn, Britannia dan Neptune. Hull Trinity House (Q17528557) on Wikidata Hull Trinity House on Wikipedia
  • 9 Menteri lambung. Ini adalah gereja paroki terbesar di England, tetapi sebagai karya seni bina gereja abad pertengahan, gereja ini lebih mirip katedral. Bahagian tertua bermula dari c. 1300 dan menara setinggi 150 kaki mengandungi cincin 15 loceng. Hull Minster (Q5886523) on Wikidata Holy Trinity Church, Hull on Wikipedia
  • 10 Patung Andrew Marvell (berdiri di atas tiang di Trinity Square). (1621-1678), penyair dan Ahli Parlimen Hull. Dilahirkan di Winestead-in-Holderness di luar Hull, dia pindah ke bandar ketika ayahnya mengambil jawatan sebagai Pensyarah di gereja Holy Trinity. Dia dibesarkan di Charter House di mana ayahnya adalah Guru dan taman di mana dia bermain masih ada. Di belakang patungnya terdapat Old Grammar School yang dihadiri olehnya. Patung Andrew Marvell di North Side of South Church Side (Q26492076) di Wikidata
  • 11 Sekolah Tatabahasa Lama (Hands on Museum Sejarah), Bahagian Gereja S, 44 1482 613902. Ini adalah salah satu sekolah tatabahasa tertua di England yang berasal dari abad ke-16 dan dibuka hingga tahun 1873. Dari tahun 1884 hingga 1915, ia adalah Sekolah Koir untuk gereja Holy Trinity. Antara sarjana masa lalu yang terkenal adalah Andrew Marvell dan William Wilberforce. Pada tahun 1988 ia menjadi Hands on Museum Sejarah yang memfokuskan pada sejarah Hull dan orang-orangnya, mencipta kembali zaman Victoria zaman kanak-kanak di dalam kelas dan mengandungi Mummy Mesir yang asli. Mesra kanak-kanak. Percuma.
  • 12 Gudang Woolen. Dengan kartouche di atas pintu anak domba ditimbang, ia berdiri di sebelah timur Old Grammar School. Bangunan ini pernah menjadi kediaman Hull's Wool Exchange dan menjadi bukti pentingnya Hull dalam perdagangan ini. Eksport bulu dimulakan pada Abad Pertengahan oleh para Biksu di daerah itu dan berbagai perkampungan abad pertengahan yang sepi di Wolds (tanah kapur bergulir di sebelah utara Hull) dianggap sebagai hasil pengembangan awal bulu.
  • 13 Jalan Prince. Gerbang yang menuju ke Prince Street berada di sebelah barat dataran. Jalan Georgia yang melengkung ini menuju ke Dagger Lane. Putera yang dinamakan itu adalah Raja George IV yang akan datang.
Merchants Warehouse, Trinity Square
  • 14 Gudang Pedagang. Di sudut King Street dan Robson Row yang terletak di sudut barat daya dataran. Dulu pejabat pelbagai pedagang kini menjadi flat. Bangunan batu bata yang besar ini mengingatkan bahawa Hull tidak mempunyai batu bangunan semula jadi di dekatnya sehingga banyak bangunan awalnya adalah dari batu bata.

Muzium Quarter dan High Street

Kawasan ini berjalan di sepanjang Sungai Hull, dan merupakan jalan utama di pusat bandar lama abad pertengahan.

  • 15 Artik Corsair. Pukat trotoar terakhir Hull yang tersisa, berlabuh di Sungai Hull di belakang kompleks Museum Quarter. Lawatan berpandu disediakan. Percuma. Arctic Corsair (Q4787507) di Wikidata Arctic Corsair di Wikipedia
  • 16 Muzium Pengangkutan Jalan Raya, Tinggi St, 44 1482 300300, . M-Sa 10 AM-5PM. Mempamerkan sejarah pengangkutan selama 200 tahun. Percuma. Muzium Pengangkutan Jalan Kehidupan (Q7623101) di Wikidata Muzium Pengangkutan Jalan Raya di Wikipedia
  • 17 Rumah Wilberforce, 23-25 ​​Tinggi St, 44 1482 300300, . M-Sa 10 AM-5PM, Su 1:30 PM-4:30 PM. Tempat kelahiran dan kediaman William Wilberforce (1759-1833), MP untuk Hull dan penghapus hamba, yang undang-undang anti-perbudakan akhirnya disahkan pada tahun 1807 setelah berkelahi tanpa lelah. Rumah itu telah menjadi muzium dalam ingatannya sejak tahun 1903. Percuma. Wilberforce House (Q8000088) di Wikidata Wilberforce House di Wikipedia

Princes Quay dan Whitefriargate

Whitefriargate adalah jalan raya yang menghubungkan bandar lama dan baru, dan telah menjadi jalan raya membeli-belah utama selama berabad-abad. Setelah kemerosotan disebabkan oleh munculnya pusat membeli-belah baru, ada rancangan jalan untuk menarik kafe, bar dan galeri.

  • 1 Princes Quay. Pusat membeli-belah yang dibina di atas tiang di dermaga. Rumah bagi Pawagam Vue yang besar - yang pada masa pembukaannya - pawagam digital pertama yang sepenuhnya di Eropah. Pelindung kaca futuristik di pusat ini bertarikh dengan sangat baik, dan berjalan di pintu masuk yang panjang, ringan dan lapang dari alun-alun Queen Victoria dan di atas air adalah pengalaman yang menggembirakan yang boleh anda minta dari perjalanan membeli-belah di pusat bandar. Princes Quay (Q7244472) di Wikidata Princes Quay di Wikipedia
  • 18 Gerbang Beverley, 35 Whitefriargate. Di hujung Queen Victoria Square di Whitefriargate lubang yang digali yang mengandungi amfiteater kecil dan dinding bata menandakan Beverley Gate abad pertengahan. Ini milik tembok kota yang asli, dan di mana Raja Charles I ditolak masuk ke Hull pada abad ke-17 - tindakan ketenteraan pertama Perang Saudara Inggeris.
  • 19 Tanah Halia Hijau. Jalan sempit yang menghubungkan persimpangan Whitefriargate dan Jalan Perak dengan hujung selatan Jalan Manor. Nama itu telah digunakan dalam banyak karya fiksyen, tetapi asalnya tidak jelas. Ia diduga berasal dari adanya pasar rempah-rempah abad pertengahan yang berdekatan, tetapi kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh anak keluarga dagang Belanda dengan nama 'Lindegroen' yang mungkin menubuhkan perniagaannya di kawasan itu dan oleh itu kemungkinan besar rasuah Inggeris 'Lindegroen Jonger' (Lindegroen Junior.) Tingkap terkecil di England berada di George Hotel di Tanah Hijau Halia. Tanah Halia Hijau (Q6484133) di Wikidata Tanah Halia Hijau di Wikipedia
  • 20 Jalan Parlimen. menghala Whitefriargate sekitar separuh jalan. Ini adalah rumah bagi banyak amalan profesional di pusat bandar, dan ini ditunjukkan dalam seni bina Georgia yang indah. Ia dibina untuk memberi akses ke dermaga bandar yang kini Queens Gardens.

Marina dan sekitarnya

  • 21 Hull Marina. Dibangunkan dari Humber Dock yang sudah lama terbengkalai pada awal 1980-an, menyediakan ruang untuk 270 kapal layar dan kapal layar kecil di dermaga tetap dan berkunjung. Kawasan ini adalah berjalan-jalan yang menyeronokkan dengan beberapa kafe dan pub lama yang hebat, dan setiap tahun menjadi tuan rumah Festival Seluar Demam Laut. Hull Marina (Q5935941) di Wikidata Hull Marina di Wikipedia
Kapal Lampu Spurn lama
  • 22 Spurn Lightship (Di salah satu tempat tidur kekal). Dibina pada tahun 1927, ia berfungsi selama 48 tahun sebagai alat bantu navigasi dalam pendekatan Humber Estuary. Percuma. Spurn Lightship (Q7581582) di Wikidata Spurn Lightship di Wikipedia
  • Sebagai daerah perniagaan utama pusat bandar, kawasan di sebelah barat dikenali sebagai Dermaga Humber diperuntukkan untuk pembangunan pejabat dan kediaman yang besar, dengan Hull dan Humber Pusat Perdagangan Dunia, bangunan HQ2 dan pangsapuri Freedom Quay bersama dengan landskap berkualiti tinggi ke hadapan sungai telah selesai sebagai fasa 1.
  • 23 Yang Dalam. Akuarium besar dan hebat yang menghadap ke muara Humber. Dibangun sebagai projek milenium utama Hull, ia telah melampaui semua harapan untuk menjadi destinasi pelancongan yang berjaya secara besar-besaran dan kedua hanya dari segi jumlah pelawat ke Projek Eden di Cornwall. The Deep (Q7729542) di Wikidata The Deep (akuarium) di Wikipedia

Keluar dari pusat bandar

  • 24 Jambatan Humber (Barton-upon-Humber). Merentasi Humber Estuary, ia adalah jambatan gantung rentang tunggal terpanjang di dunia ketika siap pada tahun 1981. Jambatan Humber (Q1141014) di Wikidata Jambatan Humber di Wikipedia
Rumah yang dirancang oleh Gilbert Scott junior
  • 25 The Avenues. Kawasan pemuliharaan yang mempunyai seni bina rumah dan rancangan jalan yang pelbagai akan menarik bagi pengunjung kasual dan bagi mereka yang berminat dengan perumahan kediaman kelas menengah Victoria, Edward dan selepas Perang Dunia I. Bermula dari tahun 1875, ketika Prince's Avenue dibuka dan tidak lama selepas permulaan Pearson Park, empat jalan selari, Marlborough, Westbourne, Park dan Victoria dan dua jalan bersilang, Richmond dan Salisbury, dibentangkan di antara Chanterlands Avenue di sebelah barat dan Prince's Avenue ke timur. Tanah ladang yang asli dibahagikan untuk tujuan bangunan sedemikian rupa sehingga menghasilkan harta tanah dengan gaya yang berbeza walaupun umumnya ke arah rumah barat adalah tarikh yang lebih lambat daripada yang ada di sebelah timur. Lingkaran dengan air pancut adalah ciri dan selama beberapa dekad terakhir ini telah dipulihkan - walaupun tidak seperti air pancut penuh. Rumah-rumah itu dulu mempunyai pagar besi tuang: mereka dikeluarkan kerana 'usaha perang' tetapi tidak pernah digunakan, logam itu salah! Lubang penyisipan mereka masih dapat dilihat di tempat-tempat seperti sekeping pagar asal yang aneh walaupun ini tidak berada di sepanjang bahagian depan tetapi di antara rumah. Menjelang tahun 1910 The Avenues pada dasarnya dalam bentuknya sekarang. Terdapat banyak rumah menarik di kawasan ini tetapi antara yang terbesar adalah rumah yang direka oleh George Gilbert Scott junior yang dibina antara tahun 1877 dan 1879. Rumah-rumah ini boleh dijumpai di sepanjang sisi barat Salisbury Street antara Westbourne dan Park Avenue. Satu atau dua rumah baru dapat dilihat yang telah dibina di atas kerosakan bom Perang Dunia II, kebun pasar lama, padang permainan atau dalam satu kes kedai roti. Sejak awal, kekayaan The Avenues berbeza-beza. Persatuan Penduduk Taman Avenues dan Pearson (APPR) telah memimpin pemeliharaan daerah ini. Pada dua hari Ahad pertama pada bulan Julai, banyak kebun terbuka untuk pengunjung dan pada Krismas banyak tingkap dinyalakan sebagai 'Kalendar Advent'. The Avenues disebutkan dalam buku 1995 Pevsner dan Neave tetapi pelbagai buku kecil juga telah diterbitkan mengenai kawasan ini. Kawasan Pemuliharaan Avenues - Panduan praktikal untuk penduduk mengenai pengubahsuaian, perancangan dan reka bentuk, 2007 ISBN No 0-9541031-3-0, akan menarik bagi mereka yang ingin tahu seni bina domestik. Dengan berjalan kaki, The Avenues boleh dikunjungi dengan bas yang melintasi Prince's dan Chanterlands Avenues. Ini boleh didapati dari Hull Paragon Interchange. Tiada bas yang melalui kawasan ini. Siang hari di tempat letak kenderaan mungkin ada tetapi di waktu malam biasanya jarang. The Avenues, Hull (Q7715027) di Wikidata The Avenues, Hull di Wikipedia
  • Taman Hull. Tiga daripada empat yang utama disusun pada akhir tahun 1800-an sebagai tindak balas terhadap altruisme Victoria untuk memberi penduduk kawasan terbuka untuk rekreasi. Terdapat empat taman utama tetapi beberapa taman yang lebih kecil. Seperti banyak taman di dunia, berkeliaran di malam hari mungkin tidak bijaksana.
    • 26 Taman Timur, . Pada tahun 1885 dan 1886 pengangguran dan kelaparan mencengkam beberapa bahagian Hull dan beberapa pekerjaan disediakan untuk pengangguran dalam meletakkan sebahagian dari East Park. Taman besar seluas 120 ekar telah diperbaiki. Ia berada di Hull timur Holderness Road kira-kira 2 batu di timur pusat bandar dan boleh diakses oleh kebanyakan bas yang menuju ke timur. Ia menawarkan tasik berperahu dan memancing yang besar, paviliun dan kafe, kolam mendayung, bola boling, padang bola dan ragbi, berjalan kaki melalui kandang burung, taman rusa berpagar dan tasik yang lebih kecil untuk kapal model pelayaran. Pada kebanyakan hari Ahad, peminat boleh didapati belayar dengan pelbagai model kapal, dengan kerumitan yang berbeza-beza, dari kapal permukaan hingga kapal selam sekali-sekala. Bot percikan beroperasi pada bulan-bulan musim panas bersama dengan kapal pedal yang boleh disewa. There are shops and pubs near the various entrances which provide the park with good amenities. East Park (Q5329107) di Wikidata East Park, Kingston upon Hull di Wikipedia
    • 27 Taman Barat. Much smaller than East Park it was opened in 1885 and is adjacent to the Walton Street Park and Ride. A model railway is operated by volunteers and more information on this could be obtained from Hull and District Society of Model and Experimental Engineers. There are bowling greens and at the south west corner is the interesting Carnegie Library now a local heritage resource centre. The park is now rather over shadowed by the KC Stadium and suffers a little from the proximity of busy roads. However, there is a £7 million make over planned for this park
    • 28 Pickering Park. Named after Christopher Pickering a successful trawler owner who donated 50 acres of land for a park which opened in 1911. Adjacent to the park Pickering also built Pickering Homes, a set of 12 attractive alms houses for ex-fishermen. Situated in west Hull on Pickering Road off Boothferry Road. The park has fishing ponds, football pitches, bowling greens, ornamental gardens, an aviary and a boating lake. The park hosts concerts and fishing competitions Pickering Park, Kingston upon Hull (Q7190822) di Wikidata Pickering Park, Kingston upon Hull di Wikipedia
    • 29 Pearson Park (the park lies between Beverley Road and Prince's Avenue about 1 mile north west of the city centre). This is Hull's first public park, tree planting starting in 1860. It was opened as the Peoples Park, but was later named Pearson Park after Zachariah Pearson, ship owner and at one time Mayor of Hull. He gave the land to the people of Hull but being a shrewd business man retained 12 acres of land round it for housing development. Pearson went bankrupt running arms to the southern states in the American Civil War and is buried in a modest grave in the nearby old General Cemetery on Spring Bank West, which itself is worth a visit. At the east side there is a large pair of ornamental metal gates and within the park there is a small lake and fountain, a ‘Victorian’ glasshouse, statues of Queen Victoria (1861) and Prince Albert (1868), an elegant Victorian drinking fountain (1864), the cupola of the old Town Hall (west side) and next to this a children’s playground. Bowling greens are situated at the east side. Many of the large houses surrounding the park are of interest and include the one in which Philip Larkin, the poet, lived from 1956-1974. Taman Pearson (Q7158355) di Wikidata Taman Pearson di Wikipedia
  • 30 [pautan mati]The Garden Village. During the late 1800s and early 1900s a number of industrial philanthropists around the country became aware of the very poor housing occupied by many of their workers and decided to build houses of a higher standard for them. One such philanthropist was Sir James Reckitt, a Quaker, who developed the Hull based company Reckitt and Sons which was started by his father Isaac. The company became Reckitt and Colman in 1938, and Reckitt Benckiser in 1999. In 1907 Sir James formed a company, the Garden Village (Hull) Ltd., with his own money and initiated the building of The Garden Village which he opened on July 1, 1908. The houses were rented, the amount depending on their size, but in 1950, tenants were allowed to buy them. Garden Village has a mix of house size and architectural styles (but all have gardens), there is a large grassy area, The Oval, where the houses were individually designed, a Club House supporting various activities, a colonnaded shopping centre restored as flats and three alms houses, now homes for the elderly, referred to as Havens. All the roads are tree lined and named after trees, e.g. Chestnut Avenue, Lilac Avenue. The area, which lies some 2 miles NE of the city centre (near East Park), can be approached from Holderness Road via Village Road or Laburnum Avenue or from James Reckitt Avenue via Laburnum or Chestnut Avenues. The Garden Village, Kingston upon Hull (Q7735830) di Wikidata The Garden Village, Kingston upon Hull di Wikipedia


  • 1 The Hull History Centre. A must for people trying to trace their ancestors from the area and Hulls history in general. Opened in 2009 this state-of-the-art facility it holds documents from the City Council's Family History and City Archives as well as some from the University of Hull. It is behind the New Theatre on Worship Street. Pusat Sejarah Hull (Q5935925) di Wikidata Pusat Sejarah Hull di Wikipedia
  • Humber Speedboat. ride from Victoria Pier £3.50.
  • 2 Charles Henry Wilson statue, HU1 1HP. Stand at the statue and look in all four directions at the fantastic buildings around you.
  • 3 Hull Truck Theatre, Ferensway, 44 1482 323638. To see a production from one of the most successful local theatre companies in the country. Teater Hull Truck (Q12060594) di Wikidata Teater Hull Truck di Wikipedia
  • 4 RED Gallery, 19 Osborne St, HU1 2NL. Since RED opened in 1997 it has provided Hull with an independent exhibition space and 'laboratory' for contemporary art. The gallery's viewing audience has been growing steadily with around 200 visitors attending each exhibition. In between the formal exhibitions the gallery offers the opportunity to local art students to organize and publicize their own shows. RED is a non-profit making initiative, run collectively by a small group of local artists.
  • Watch soccer or rugby at5 KCOM Stadium (Stadium KC), Walton Street HU3 6HU. Hull City AFC were relegated in 2020 and play in League One, the third tier of English soccer. Also here are Hull FC who play rugby league in Super League, the top tier of the 13-a-side game in England. The stadium, also known as "The Circle" after the cricket ground it replaced, has a capacity of 25,000 and is half a mile west of city centre off A1105 Anlaby Road. Stadium KCOM (Q630160) di Wikidata Stadium KCOM di Wikipedia


Hull lends itself well to walking, and the following highlights five walking routes around the old part of the city.

  • The Docks Walk. This walk, which is just about wheel chair friendly, takes you along the docks which encircled the old town.
The early town was substantially walled from the River Hull at a point just south of where North Bridge now stands to the River Hull where it meets the Humber. The wall, pierced by four land gates for entry and exit, formed three sides of a ‘square’ round the old town. Until King Henry VIIIs intervention the River Hull formed the town’s major defence on east side. The pattern of roads in the old town is influenced by the wall and its gates. The Beverley Gate in what was the west wall is of some historical significance as it was here that King Charles I, who was interested in acquiring Hull’s arsenal, was barred from the town by Sir John Hotham on a rainy 23 April 1642. This action was a contributory factor in the start of the English Civil War. The development of the first docks essentially followed the line of the demolished old town wall and walking along these docks you are encompassing the old town.
Standing by the tall Wilberforce Monument at the east end of Queens Gardens (formally Queen’s Dock) you are at a point where a lock joined the River Hull to the first of Hulls docks. The lock ran under what is now Hull College, the large white building at the east end of the gardens. Opened in 1778 the dock was first known as Town Dock then the Old Dock and eventually Queen’s Dock renamed to commemorate the visit of Queen Victoria to the city in 1854. When it was built it was the largest dock in England and took much pressure off the harbour in the River Hull. The north side of the dock is slightly higher than the south as the soil dug out when excavating the dock was tipped here. At the west end of Queen’s Gardens stand the domed Dock Offices. The offices were built in 1867-71 and built in such a way as to look east along Queen's Dock and south along the other docks which allowed dock officials to see the coming and going of ships. The offices are a Victorian statement to the importance of the port of Hull.
The excavated remains of the Beverley Gate where King Charles 1 was refused entry into Hull
Walking along the centre of Queen’s Gardens towards the Dock Offices you are approximately following the line of the towns old North Walls. Looking south from the Dock Offices (now the Maritime Museum) you see Prince’s Dock. This was originally called Junction Dock, because it joined two docks, but was renamed Prince’s Dock after Prince Albert the husband of Queen Victoria. This dock opened in 1829 (decommissioned in 1968) and joined the southern most dock, Humber Dock (opened 1809, now the Marina), to Queen’s Dock. Monument Bridge (so called because the Wilberforce Monument once stood near it) crossed the lock joining Queens Dock and Prince’s Dock and some of its stanchions can be seen in the nearby excavation. The bridge (removed in 1932) opened between 30 to 40 minutes each hour for the passage of ships which was a considerable inconvenience to road users! Importantly, in the same excavated area as the bridge stanchions are the remains of the famous Beverley Gate. It was at this gate that King Charles I was refused entry into Hull, the first overt act of defiance of the English Civil War. Walking towards Prince's Dock Street, on the east side of Prince’s Dock, you pass the end of Whitefriargate. This is not the original name of this street but never the less an ancient one being named after the white robed Carmelite friars who arrived in Hull in the 13th century. At the east end of this street are the interestingly named streets of ‘Land of Green Ginger’ and ‘Bowlalley Lane’ as well as the famous old, though slightly hidden, Ye Olde White Harte pub. It is said that it was here the meeting took place in 1642 to exclude King Charles I from Hull. The buildings on the east side of Prince’s Dock are mainly old warehouses and associated shipping offices but notable frontages are Roland House and the entrance to Hull Trinity House School. Railway lines use to run along the dock side and rows of open sheds allowed the loading and unloading of ships. Princes Quay shopping centre was built partly over the dock in 1991.
Entrance to Hull Trinity House School
South of Prince’s Dock is the Marina (Humber Dock, opened 1809). It lies on the south side of the very busy Castle Street, part of the south orbital road which leads to, besides other things, the eastern Hull docks. The old Spurn Light Ship is moored here, entry is free. In September the Marina serves as a backdrop for Hull's famous international ‘Shanty Festival’. The Railway Dock (opened 1846) which comes off the west side of the Marina now also houses pleasure craft. Towards the southern end of the Marina, on the east side, is Humber Street. It used to be called The Ropery as ships ropes were made here and this was the southern most street of the walled town. Soil from the excavation of the docks was used to reclaim the land south of here. Humber Street was, for many years, the centre for fruit, vegetable and flower importation into Hull. Redevelopment of this area is planned. At the end of the Marina is the lock leading to the dock Basin and the Humber. West of the Basin is a new office development built on what were the railway goods yards which were next to the Railway Dock. Close to the Basin on the east side is the Minerva pub and near to this some excellent award winning public toilets. East of this area, across the River Hull, can be seen the Deep, Hull’s famous marine attraction.
A recommended walk from here is up Queens Street, across the busy Castle Street, along Market Place turning right down Scale Lane and then left (north) up High Street. Diversions to Holy Trinity church, with some of the earliest examples of medieval brickwork in the country, and into the old town can be made and are highly recommended.
  • The Haven Walk takes you round the north part of the Haven, Hull's early harbour. Many early wooden sailing ships were built along this section of the River Hull, some of them 'Men o'War' for the English navy. As Hull developed the Haven became so crowded with ships that Queens dock had to be built. The walk is under a mile long and is just about wheelchair friendly. Some dereliction will be seen but one hopes that if, or when, development takes place the important features will be saved. At North Bridge it is possible to extend this walk to take in The Charterhouse. Details of this are found in section "See".
For a stranger the easiest place to start is at the east end of the Guildhall (built 1916). Facing east towards Drypool Bridge cross the road (care!) and walk past the City Hotel pub and the black and white 'half timbered' White Hart pub (1904) to the junction of Salthouse Lane and High Street. Both these pubs were listed grade II in 1994. Turning north up High Street a few new houses are past on the west side.
Blaydes House. No6 High Street
On the east side can be seen Blaydes House (circa 1760) with its Georgian portico. It is now the location of the Hull Maritime Studies Centre of the University of Hull. A period hall leads to an elegant stairway lit by an equally elegant arched rear window. In the 1600s and 1700s the Blaydes were important merchants and shipbuilders who had dealings with Samuel Pepys for Admiralty work though in 1702 got into trouble when they blocked North Bridge with a ship’s ‘boltspright’ (bowsprit)! Blades staith (a Norse word meaning ‘landing place’) runs down the south side of the house and their land ran from this staith north to their dry dock behind the Dock Office further up the street.
Just a little further on the east side of the street is Haworth House (built 1887) and named after the owners but latter used in the interwar period as ‘National Works’ offices. The Haworth and Blaydes family were related by marriage. Beyond this house on the east side are two small houses, Barton House and its neighbour. The only notable feature on the west side is the small road called North Walls, the rest of the area having been redeveloped. This road follows the line on the original North Walls of the city and during the construction of the new buildings their foundations came to light. North Walls lead to Queens Gardens.
The next building on the east side is the elegant Dock Offices built in 1820. A side door on the right side of the building allowed merchants, workers etc access, the front door not being available to them! With the increase in shipping these offices moved, in 1871, to those at Queens Gardens. Behind and to the right of the Dock Offices building is the dry dock that belonged to the Blaydes and where the 400-ton Bethia (Bounty) was built in 1782. The large dry dock to the north of the Dock Offices was originally the basin to the Queens Dock lock, the Queens Dock being the other side of the Hull College, the large building to the west. The lock basin was turned into a dry dock in 1957 and was in operation into the 1990s. A plaque in the pavement and bricked lines in the road show the position of the old entrance to Queens dock. The lock gates are no longer water tight and the dock fills and empties with the tide. The dock has an example of a Scotch Derrick crane. Here High Street becomes Dock Office Row. Towards the end of Dock Office Row a house (number 3) has an ornate Georgian entrance.
At this junction of four roads the small dead end road on the right is the remains of Bridge Street which led to the old North Bridge. The large building on the left of this small road is North Bridge House, originally a warehouse or mill but now flats. Grade II listed in 1994.
Here the walk can be extended to the Charterhouse. This is only a couple of hundred metres further on and is found off Wincolmlee directly opposite the top of High Street across George Street. Turn left down Charterhouse Lane by the old Board School. For details of the Charterhouse consult "See" above. To continue this walk -- at the main road (George Street) turn east towards and over North Bridge. Like Drypool Bridge it is a bascule bridge. Follow the road curving left but stop on the corner. Across the road is a pharmacy, once Annisons Funeral Directors and Livery Stables. The horses were stabled upstairs and a walk through the arch to the yard beyond reveals the staircase on the left which the horses used. Diagonally across the road can be seen the ornate terracotta brick parapet of the first ferro-concrete bridge built in Britain in 1902. A plaque on the south west end commemorates this.
Plaque commemorating the first Ferro-concrete bridge in Britain
Follow the road round the corner for a few meters to the small dead end road on the right and walk to the east river bank. This piece of road is what is left of the eastern one to the old North Bridge. From here can be seen some timber work on the west bank which relates to the old North Bridge. Next to the bridge is the tall North Bridge House with elements of the hoisting floor, interesting hip-roof, iron finials on the ridges and attractive chimney stacks.
North Bridge House
Walking along the east river bank towards Drypool Bridge (in 1888 a wrought iron swing bridge) the gates of four old locks can be seen in the west bank as well as the backs of the high street houses. The elegant rear window of the Blaydes house can be seen. In the distance can be seen the smallish conical tower of the City Archives, the square clock tower of the Guild Hall, the crenelated tower of St Mary’s church and the metallic grey dome of the Law Courts. The path passes over the entrance to an old dry dock to the left. The dock is now silted up but interestingly the end is bow shaped and not straight. The past shipping activity along here is indicated by mooring stanchions. Towards Drypool Bridge two large buildings are evident. One is the land mark Shotwell tower where pellets are made for shot gun cartridges and on the far side of the bridge is the Ranks Clarence Flour Mills. Following his fathers death (his father being a miller) Joseph Rank started milling in Hull in 1875, his first windmill still stands on Holderness Road. Clarence Flour Mills on the side of the River Hull was rebuilt in 1952 having been destroyed by bombing in World War II. Joseph’s son, J. Arthur Rank, became the ‘movie mogul’.
At the end of the path mount the steps or ramp to Drypool Bridge. Down stream you can see the Arctic Corsair, a side winder trawler (free entry but booking necessary), the Tidal Surge Barrier (built 1980) and beyond that The Deep (opened 2002), Hulls famous ‘submarium’. The Deep is built on the site of another famous shipyard, that of the 19th-century ship builder, Martin Samuelson. On Drypool Bridge turn right which brings you back to the Guildhall. Alternatively cross the road –carefully—(there is a crossing near the Guildhall) and proceed on another walk along the west bank of the River Hull. This starts next to the south side of the bridge lifting gear.
Fish Trail passing Ye Olde White Harte
  • The Fish Trail. The trail takes you round old Hull by following various fish types embossed on the pavement. People take rubbings of the best ones but make sure children are safe from peoples feet! To get the most out of this walk get a leaflet (£0.40) from the Tourist Information Office (Tel 44 1482 223559) which is to the right of the City Hall entrance. On completion of the walk the Tourist Office will give you a free certificate to say you have done it!
  • Walking with Wilberforce Trail. This trail takes you round the old town among places that would probably have been familiar to William Wilberforce who was famous for his part in the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade. He was born in Hull and his early education took place here. He later became the Member of Parliament Hull. The trail starts where he was born at Wilberforce House in High Street. If you have time you could start with visiting the house, now a museum about slavery. There are twelve stops in the trail the final one being the Wilberforce Monument at the east end of Queens Gardens. Obtain a leaflet from the Tourist Information Office (Tel 44 1482 223559)on the right hand side of the City Hall entrance.
The Winding House of the Patent Slipway, Victoria Dock
  • The Victoria Dock Heritage Trail takes you around a south east area of Hull which at one time included Victoria Dock (1850-1970) and the Timber Ponds 1 and 2. Only a few landmarks remain as most disappeared under the Victoria Housing development. The area was once a vibrant cog in Hull’s economy but little remains to testify to this. The walk of about 2 hours takes covers an area from The Deep, on the edge of the River Hull, to the eastern edge of where Timber Ponds and Earle’s Ship Yard used to be. A leaflet can be obtained from the Tourist Information Office.


  • Sea Fever Shanty Festival. The major part of Hull's Maritime Festival. Usually held on the first Saturday and Sunday in September it attracts major shanty singers from the UK as well as from around the world. The main stage is along the Prince's dock side and groups sing in the pubs near by. While some stalls along the dock sell variety a of things others represent various organisations. All performances are free though the concerts in the City Hall on Saturday evening and the Survivors Concert on Sunday evening are by ticket. Various barges are moored alongside and can be visited free of charge. If your into shanty singing it's a really good weekend.
Hull Fair
  • 6 Hull Fair. A huge travelling fair, and one of the city's greatest regular occasions, if not its greatest. It is the biggest European fair, and at over 700 years old, also one of the oldest. Visiting the fair is a must, though for evening visitors from a long way out of town, overnight accommodation may be necessary. The first charter for a ‘fair’ was granted in 1278 though in 1293 Edward I proscribed the original length of it. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it developed more into a fair, and less of a festive market, and later mechanisation allowed more varied and bigger ‘rides’ to be developed. In 1888, the fair moved to its current site in Walton Street where itk occupies an area of 16 acres. Attractions vary: simple stalls where you can win prizes; large complex rides many of which may challenge one if not all your senses; children’s rides; stalls selling all manner of food (candy floss, hot- dogs, chips, brandy snap, toffee apples, coconuts, etc.) and goods (balloons, masks, toys, fancy hats, cheap jewellery, etc.) It is not easy to cover the whole fair in one visit and local people may go several times. Prices are less on the first afternoon the fair opens but daylight takes something away from the experience. At night the fair is brightly lit and its glow can be seen from miles away. At night it is crowded though generally safe but the hand of young children should be held as, in any crowded space, they can soon get lost from view in the mass of people. The weather can be cold so warm clothing is advisable. Police and medical services patrol the fair. Parking near the fair is difficult so a walk is usually required. Three main entrances are available; Spring Bank West and Walton Street, Anlaby Road and Walton Street and the metal bridge at the junction of Argyle Street and Londesborough Street. Hull Fair is held during the second week of October. The exact dates are available on the Hull Fair web site. Hull Fair (Q5935912) di Wikidata Hull Fair di Wikipedia


  • The University of Hull is considered one of the friendliest universities in the UK. The foundation stone of the University College Hull (operating through the University of London) was laid in 1928 by King George VI. It obtained its own University Charter in 1954 as the University of Hull. The old campus was expanded by the addition of the old University of Humberside site which moved to Lincoln as the University of Lincoln. The University is on Cottingham Road, the front buildings of which are not without merit.
  • The University of Lincoln also has a presence within the city though its main activity is now in the City of Lincoln.


Along with the influx of investment into the regeneration of the city centre, there is evidently a concerted effort to expand and improve upon the city's retail offerings. The St Stephen's shopping centre includes over 30 large format stores such as Next, USC, Cult, Zara and H&M along with many other high street names.

  • 2 Princes Quay. Built on stilts above the Princes Dock the shopping centre is the largest mall in the city centre, with over 100 shops on three floors. Princes Quay (Q7244472) di Wikidata Princes Quay di Wikipedia
  • Planning permission has been granted to expand the main shopping centre of Princes Quay out to the west. The £300 million Quay West scheme would be an open air expansion, with the proposed regeneration of this land more than doubling the current size of the centre.
  • 3 Savile Street. For classic tailoring and trendy designer names, the cobbled Savile Street to the north of Queen Victoria Square is the best bet, with Read's and Bolo (Lyle and Scott Vintage, Puma Heritage, Diesel etc.) amongst them.
The Silver Street entrance to Hepworth's Arcade
  • 4 Hepworth Arcade, Silver St, HU1 1JU. Unusual for having a right angle bend in it, is home to a quirky selection of stores including Dinsdales the brilliant old-school joke shop, Beasley's American work wear and vintage, Fanthorpes stereo shop, a fine art gallery called Myton Gallery which sells a variety of original paintings including those of Roger Davies; David Curtis (RSMA); Bruce Mulcahy (RSMA); Peter Bell and Sue Howells. There is also a Japanese and Oriental clothes and accessories boutique called Kimono My House. Take the weight off your feet at The Coffee Cup café. There is a rather unassuming entrance to the covered market at the bend of the arcade.
  • 5 The Covered Market (Trinity Market), Trinity House Ln, HU1 2JH. The entrances to this are at the bend in Hepworth's Arcade, on Lowgate opposite Liberty Lane, North Church Lane via a pub and on Trinity House Lane. The main section of the market sells food stuffs, e.g. meat, fish, bread, vegetables. while the rest of the covered area has stalls selling a mixture of goods, e.g. records (specializing in Punk, Indie, New Wave, Psychedelia and Funk), cards, musical instruments, prints. The southeast corner of the market hall has a square tower which can be seen in the photograph of Posterngate above (see Architecture section).
  • The south and west market exits lead out to the main square which contains a row of cafes and eateries facing out onto the beautiful, historic square.
  • Tessies (Trinity Market), Newland Avenue. An Aladdin's cave of vintage inspired fashion.
  • 6 Walton Street Market. Occurs on Wednesday mornings down Walton Street on the site used by Hull Fair. There is good parking. The Walton Street Park and Ride service leaves from here (bus number 701). Good weather brings out more stalls. For sale --- vegetables, meat, clothes, carpets, toys, electrical goods, plants, flowers, tools, fishing equipment, jewellery—you name it its probably there. The central area is given over to ‘car booters’ with a plethora of merchandise. Very crowded just before Christmas. Try to bargain?.


  • Boars Nest, Rudstone Walk near South Cave, Brough, 44 1482 445577, . Sumptuously decorated Edwardian style restaurant.
  • Larkin's Bar, 48-52 Newland Ave, 44 1482 440991. 11-11. Larkin's Bar is named after the poet Philip Larkin, boasting a great menu and one of the largest selection of craft beers in Hull.
  • Tempat Bersantai, Princes Ave. Great value food and buzzing atmosphere. Fantastic place to go on a Sunday afternoon or a light lunch with friends.
  • Maharajah Restaurant, 245 Holderness Rd, 44 1482 224647. Hull's most popular and loved 'proper' curry house, established in 1990 and 1.8 miles east of Hull City Centre. Very well priced and exciting menu, ultra-friendly service and welcoming, relaxed atmosphere. The Restaurant is regarded as one of the best in Northern England and has won numerous awards. A true people's establishment.
  • May Sum, 1-7 Jameson St, 44 1482 606760. Cheap all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet, serving the famous zheng-qui.
  • Raj Pavilion, Beverley Road.. Indian cuisine. Modern/extravagant decor and usually friendly staff. Makan atau bawa. Can be expensive and food is fairly average. Chef and kitchen staff regularly change which is the downside to this place. Very close to city centre, so often very busy, particularly late on a night when the bars and clubs close.
  • Thai House Restaurant, 51 Princes Ave, 44 1482 473473. Excellent atmosphere and great service.
  • The Wilson, Freedom Quay, Wellington St, 44 1482 216306. 10 AM-10PM. A cafe bar by day and a stylish restaurant by night, The Wilson has caused a stir in culinary and cultural circles since opening its doors in the autumn of 2010.
  • Union Mashup, 22 Princes Ave, 44 1482 447788, .
  • Zillis, 2 Posterngate, 44 1482 229988, . Fabulous restaurant and bar close to Holy Trinity Church, selling excellent Mexican, American, and European food for reasonable prices. It has a brilliant menu and good specials, with huge variety
  • The Zoo Cafe, 80B Newland Ave, 44 1482 494352. Specializing in vegetarian fare. Very good and uncomplicated atmosphere.


Hull is certainly not short of traditional pubs.

The Avenues (Princes and Newland Avenue) on the outskirts of the city centre, is a traditionally Bohemian area which has taken off, with masses of new restaurants, bars and cafes. A great urban mix of artists, professionals, students, fashionistas and winos rub shoulders here every night of the week.

  • Ye Olde White Harte. One of many delightful historic pubs in the old town. The upstairs 'plotting parlor' is believed to be where Sir John Hotham and various city elders met in 1642 and decided to deny King Charles I access to the city. When the King returned a few months later with an army, his defeat was the first military action of the English Civil War.
  • The Adelphi, 89 De Grey St, 44 1482 348216, . One of the last surviving underground music venues in the country. Played host to many bands before they were household names including Oasis, Radiohead, The Stone Roses, Manic Street Preachers, The Bluetones and the Levellers.
  • Cannon Junction, 366 Beverley Rd, 44 1482 474747. A cafe pub partly under the arches of the railway bridge on Beverely Road and consists of a couple of railway carriages and patio. An interesting place for a drink or meal.
  • Old English Gentleman, Mason St, 44 1482 324659. A pub built in 1805 during Hull’s expansive Georgian period which has kept its old Victorian interior. It is behind the New Theatre at the corner of Mason Street and Worship Street. Because it is closeness to the theatre it’s popular with its patrons. A well kept old fashioned pub with a collection of photographs signed by well known thespians. Serves tea and coffee as well as food. Layak dikunjungi.
  • Nellys Bar, 48 High St, 44 1482 225212. Former Irish pub, now selling cask ales and real ciders from micro-breweries around the country. Draught Belgian and German beers are also available.
  • The Queens, 44 1482 470241. A pub on the junction of Queens Rd and Prince's Avenue. Frequented by a cross section of drinkers but popular with students. Screens Sky matches though the room adjacent to the main bar allows you, to some extent, to escape from these when they are on. Has a pool room. A place to sit, talk and drink.
  • Sailmakers Arms, 159 High St, 44 1482 227437. A classically eccentric English pub, complete with beer garden that has to be seen to be believed!
  • Walters Bar, 21 Scale Ln, 44 1482 224004. Over 21's upmarket city-centre bar specialising in Cask Ales, continental draught beers and fine wines.
  • Ye Olde Black Boy, 150 High St, 44 7894 254043. One of several ancient High Street boozers with many spooky tales to tell. Claims to be Hull's oldest pub.
  • The Zachariah Pearson, 44 1482 474181. A JD Weatherspoon chain pub next to the Old Picture House and takes its name from the once shipping magnet and Mayor of Hull who laid out the nearby park. A largish newish pub serving meals.
  • Wokkas Bistro, 44 1482 329626. 9 PG-10PM. Quick well-priced Chinese food to eat in or take away.

Kelab malam

Certain weeknights are student-only at some clubs, so you should probably check before going.

There are a number of different areas where clubs and pubs are in groups. In the city centre there are, as referred to by locals, Old Town, New Town and George Street. The Old Town is on Lowgate which runs through to Posterngate where The Sugarmill is. George Street is north of Lowgate, here you will find Pozition along with Biarritz, Venue and many more. Visit George Street for the 18-30s style of bar. The New Town area is around Carr Lane, It is based for the younger market 18-24 but has some good venues with good drinks offers and if your night has not quite ended and the other bars are closed it is worth a look, a few bars here have a 24-hour licence.

  • Chi Chi, 1 Witham, 44 1482 323166. Home for Grapevine, one of Hull’s indie/rock and soul nights on a Tuesday, and the new home of YoYo – Hull’s original indie party night every Saturday.
  • Kod. Large club on Park St, behind St Stephens shopping centre specializing in Indie and Alternative nights.
  • Bahan api, 6 Baker St (city centre), 44 1482 228436. Metrosexual nightclub with an attitude free atmosphere. M: karaoke; Tu: rock; W: drag cabaret; Th: Pink Pounder; F & Sa: funky house & electro/pop, chart & commercial.
  • Jack Rabbit Slims/Poly Esthers, 22-23 Witham., 44 1482 588450.
  • The Piper, Newland Ave, 44 1482 498931. A long established club.
  • Labah-labah, 9 Cleveland St, 44 1482 326698. Hull's premier student and goth nightclub, is east of the River Hull in and is completely without pretension. Unbelievably cheap drinks. Don't forget to try a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster.
  • ATIK, 20 Prince's Dock St (corner of Posterngate and Princes Dock Street), 44 1482 227222.
  • Welly Club, 105-107 Beverely Rd, 44 1482 221113. Just out from the town centre. Dance, drum and bass, indie.



  • Campanile Hotel, Corner of Beverley Road and Freetown Way, 44 1482 325530. 47 rooms. Prices vary depending on time of year. Breakfast extra. French restaurant on-site. £40-46 per room.
  • Gables Hotel, 53 Park Ave, 44 1482 343426. No meals available. However, there are plenty of eating and drinking places near by on Prince's Avenue. £20 single, £38 double.
  • Ibis Hotel. A modern hotel situated at the end Ferensway - the main road through the city centre. It's right next to the A63 (Castle Street) - the main road into town from the Motorway Network - and a 3-minute walk from the railway station. It's close to the main shopping area of the centre and a five minute walk from the popular restaurants and pubs on the marina. Room rates are about £46 per room per night.
  • Old English Gentleman, 44 1482 324659. Five rooms. No breakfast but breakfast available nearby. Built in 1805 during Hull’s expansive Georgian period and situated in a conservation area it lies behind the New Theatre at the corner of Mason Street and Worship Street so its city centre being only a short walk to Queens Gardens and the Old Town. Single, double or triples at £22.50 per person.
  • Old Grey Mare Hotel, Cottingham Rd, 44 1482 448193. Directly opposite the entrance to the University of Hull. 12 rooms from £35-39. Breakfast extra. Evening meals in the pub bar.

Julat pertengahan

  • Holiday Inn, Hull Marina.
  • Mercure Hull Royal Hotel, city centre next to The Hull Paragon Interchange, 44 1482 325087. AA 3 Star. 155 rooms which vary from £52.50 to £75 room only, with cheaper weekend deals available. Free Wi-Fi and parking. From £52.50.
  • [pautan mati]Willerby Manor Hotel, Willerby, 4 miles out of Hull, 44 1482 652616. A high 2-star hotel with 51 rooms and Health Club facilities. No single rooms only twins and doubles from £65 to £120 bed and breakfast depending on time and occupancy.


  • Cave Castle & Country Club, Church Hill, South Cave, Brough, East Yorkshire, 44 1430 422245. Four-star hotel set in 150 acres of meadow and parkland some 7 miles west of Hull, just off the M62. 18-hole golf course and health club. Weddings and conferences. Room prices from £78-145.
  • Tickton Grange Hotel & Restaurant, Tickton, Beverley, East Yorkshire, 44 1964 543666. A Georgian country house in 4 acres of gardens on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds, 3 miles west of Beverley and 10 miles from Hull. 20 bilik. Weddings and Conferences. Three function rooms of different sizes.
  • Village Hotel, Henry Boot Way, Priory Park, 44 844 847 2975 (premium rate number). Four star hotel in the city. One of the 22 Village Hotel chain. 116 rooms from £65. Pool and health/fitness club.


As of Jan 2021, Hull has 5G from Three and 4G from the other carriers.

Kekal selamat

Efforts have been made to crack down on violent crime in the city centre, and some of the most troublesome establishments have been closed down to make way for new development. However, as with any other town in the UK, evenings on a weekend are a time when you should be particularly vigilant.

Some areas in the north of the city, predominantly Bransholme and Orchard Park are very impoverished and suffer from gang and drug related problems. These areas are best avoided, especially at night. Care should also be taken when travelling down Hessle Road and Preston Road but generally, tourists would have little reason to visit these areas anyway.

Pergi seterusnya

Routes through Kingston upon Hull
TAMAT UK AS-prom-icon.svg Belanda Rotterdam
TAMAT UK AS-prom-icon.svg Belgium Zeebrugge
merges with Jalan UK A63.svg N Jalan UK A15.svg S Grimsby/Scunthorpe (via Humber Bridge toll)
LiverpoolManchesterLeeds ← bergabung dengan UK-Lebuhraya-M62.svg W Jalan UK A63.svg E TAMAT
YorkBeverley NW Jalan UK A1079.svg SE TAMAT
Panduan perjalanan bandar ini ke Kingston upon Hull telah panduan status. Ia mempunyai pelbagai maklumat yang baik dan berkualiti termasuk hotel, restoran, tarikan dan perincian perjalanan. Mohon sumbangan dan bantu kami menjayakannya bintang !