Kerbau - Buffalo

Untuk tempat lain dengan nama yang sama, lihat Kerbau (disambiguasi).

Bandar terbesar di Negeri New Yorks Perbatasan Niagara, Kerbau adalah bandar yang penuh dengan kejutan. Walaupun Kerbau kadang-kadang menjadi bahan lelucon tentang sayap ayam, pasukan sukannya yang sudah lama menderita, dan gunung salji di mana ia sepatutnya dikuburkan setiap musim sejuk, penduduk tempatan dan orang lain yang tahu menceritakan kisah yang berbeza: salah satu yang bersemangat kehidupan malam, muzium bertaraf dunia dan tarikan budaya, kawasan kejiranan yang erat dengan semangat komuniti dan rasa tempat yang sebenar, kombinasi yang berkualiti tinggi dengan kualiti hidup dan kos sara hidup yang rendah - dan musim panas yang paling cerah di Timur Laut Amerika Syarikat.


Kawasan kerbau - Peta berkod warna
 Pusat Bandar
Kawasan pusat perniagaan di Buffalo menawarkan seni bina yang monumental, kawasan perairan bersejarah yang dihidupkan semula, yang semarak Daerah Teater, kelab tarian berdebar-debar Jalan Chippewa, dan juga Koridor Perubatan.
 Allentown dan Daerah Delaware
Bar hipster Allentown, kelab rock dan galeri seni adalah rakan sejajar dengan jalan-jalan kediaman yang tenang di Delaware District. Kedua-duanya adalah surga bagi penggemar seni bina, dengan penduduk Victoria yang menawan di pinggir jalan di Allen Street dan rumah besar Gilded Age yang mewah di Delaware Avenue's Barisan Jutawan.
 Perkampungan Elmwood
Apa yang dulu Kolej Negeri Buffaloghetto pelajar kini telah menjadi oasis bourgie di tengah kota: jika anda mempunyai wang untuk dibakar, butik fesyen yang unik dan kedai hadiah di sepanjang Elmwood Avenue memanggil nama anda (itu akan menjadi dua kali ganda jika citarasa anda lebih kepada "asas" daripada yang bergaya). Sementara itu, di hujung utara jalur, Daerah Muzium adalah rumah bagi beberapa yang terbaik di Buffalo.
 Kerbau Utara
Dengan lebih banyak nuansa pinggir bandar daripada daerah Buffalo yang lain, Buffalo Utara adalah kumpulan barang yang beragam yang terdiri dari Little Italy di sepanjang Hertel Avenue, tidak sedap tetapi menyenangkan Tinggi Universiti, dan kawasan kediaman bersejarah yang indah dan indah Tepi taman, Dataran Merdeka, dan Taman Meadow.
 sebelah barat
Kawasan kerbau yang paling banyak datang. Menjadi pusat budaya Hispanik di Buffalo, West Side kini mempunyai komuniti pendatang Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yang sebenar dan pemandangan seni yang baru muncul di sepanjang Jalan Grant, pondok Victoria di Ramshackle di Bukit Prospek dan juga Kampung Barat secara beransur-ansur disemarakkan ke bekas kegemilangan mereka, dan taman tepi laut berlimpah. Di utara bersejarah Batu hitam dan kelas pekerja Tepi sungai.
 Kerbau Selatan
Terpisah dari seluruh bandar di tepi Sungai Buffalo, dengan bangga Buffalo Selatan Irlandia dapat kelihatan seperti kota sendiri: di sebelah utara, bersejarah Wad Pertama Lama dan Daerah Cobblestone dan baru dibangunkan semula Larkinville; di sebelah timur, taman yang menyenangkan dan jalan-jalan perumahan yang tenang; di sebelah barat, elevator bijirin dan lorong kereta api masa lalu industri perkasa Buffalo; di sepanjang tepi tasik, pembangunan semula Pelabuhan Luar, Taman permainan musim panas terbaru Buffalo.
 bahagian timur
Orang-orang kerbau dengan cepat mencemooh sisi Timur sebagai ghetto yang dipenuhi oleh dadah dan jenayah. Mereka yang cukup pintar untuk mengabaikan penduduk tempatan akan dihargai dengan pemandangan luar biasa gereja-gereja yang besar dan indah dibina oleh pendatang Jerman dan Poland abad ke-19, melihat pendidikan sejarah Afrika-Amerika Buffalo, tarikan budaya seperti Muzium Sains Kerbau, dan kejutan lain di daerah yang benar-benar terpencil ini.


Buffalo adalah bandar kedua terbesar di New York State, dengan (pada tahun 2010) penduduk 261,310 di bandar yang betul dan 1,135,509 di Kawasan Metropolitan Buffalo-Niagara Falls. Kerbau adalah pusat budaya dan ekonomi di wilayah New York Barat. Walaupun selama setengah abad yang lalu, ia telah dianggap sebagai kota kelas pekerja yang stagnan yang menderita akibat kesan deindustrialisasi, ekonomi Buffalo telah berubah dengan ketara, dengan kadar pengangguran pada bulan April 2014 sebanyak 5.8%, berada di bawah kadar nasional 5.9% dan kadar di seluruh negeri 6.1% untuk bulan itu. Mungkin mengejutkan memandangkan sejarahnya sebagai pusat industri berat, Buffalo juga disebut-sebut sebagai bandar terbersih ketiga di Amerika Syarikat. Buffalo dinobatkan sebagai salah satu daripada Dozen Distinctive Destinations untuk tahun 2009 oleh National Trust for Historic Preservation, yang Persidangan Pemeliharaan Nasional 2011 diadakan di Buffalo dan merupakan yang terbesar dan paling banyak dihadiri dalam persidangan tahunan dalam sejarah organisasi itu. Gelaran lain yang diberikan kepada Buffalo termasuk penempatan di antara "44 Tempat untuk Dilawati pada tahun 2009" oleh New York Times, "All-America City Award" untuk tahun 1996 dan 2002, dan salah satu daripada 10 bandar terbaik di A.S. untuk membesarkan keluarga, menurut ciri tahun 2010 di Forbes majalah.


Sebahagian besar daya tarikan Buffalo kepada pengunjung adalah rasa sejarahnya yang masih dapat dilihat sebagai pusat perindustrian yang penting. Bangunan dan tapak bersejarah yang megah di setiap pelosok menceritakan kisah sebuah kota yang dahulunya hebat dan mempunyai semua alat untuk menjadi hebat lagi suatu hari nanti.

Permulaan perbatasan

Walaupun kawasan itu telah diselesaikan oleh Iroquois sejak sebelum Columbus dan dikunjungi secara berkala oleh perangkap bulu Perancis yang bermula pada abad ke-17, sejarah Buffalo per se bermula sekitar tahun 1789, ketika Cornelius Winney mendirikan pos perdagangan di muara Sungai Buffalo. Pada masa itu, laman web ini masih jauh di luar perbatasan penempatan putih. Tidak sampai tahun 1793, Holland Land Company, sindiket pelabur dari Belanda, membeli kawasan belantara New York yang merangkumi Kerbau. Ejen tanah Joseph Ellicott, yang tiba di pos perdagangan Winney pada tahun 1798, merasakan bahawa ia berpotensi menjadi lokasi bandar yang berkembang maju. Dia memberi nama New Amsterdam ke desa yang dibentangkannya di sana, walaupun segera dinamai Buffalo setelah sungai yang berdekatan. (Persoalan di mana Sungai Buffalo sendiri mendapat namanya masih menjadi misteri - teori paling terkenal, yang membuat penjelajah Perancis Sieur de la Salle bersuara tentang beau fleuve, atau "sungai yang indah", yang dilihatnya ketika belayar di sepanjang Danau Erie pada tahun 1679, hampir pasti tidak benar; juga, tidak ada kerbau atau bison yang diketahui ada di Western New York pada bila-bila masa sejak kedatangan orang kulit putih itu, walaupun penjelajah Perancis abad ke-17 mendapati ada yang tinggal agak dekat di tepi selatan Tasik Erie, pada masa ini- hari Ohio.) Ellicott menyusun corak jalan besar dan dataran umum yang diilhami oleh yang dirancang oleh saudaranya Andrew untuk Washington DC.; namun, di sebalik cita-citanya yang tinggi, Buffalo tetap menjadi pos kecil yang tuntutan utamanya untuk terkenal dalam sejarah awalnya adalah sebagai lokasi beberapa pemasangan ketenteraan penting dan pertempuran semasa Perang 1812 (terkenal, kampung ini dibakar habis oleh British tentera pada bulan Disember 1813 sebagai sebahagian daripada Kempen Perbatasan Niagara perang itu).

Dari pelabuhan terusan ke "City of Light"

Status Buffalo sebagai perairan perbatasan tiba-tiba berakhir ketika, setelah perselisihan sengit dengan kampung jiran Black Rock (kemudiannya dicaplok oleh pesaingnya), Buffalo Harbour ditetapkan sebagai ujung barat Terusan Erie, lorong pelayaran darat yang hebat memanjang ke arah barat dari Sungai Hudson di Albany untuk jarak 363 batu (584 km) secara keseluruhan. Pekerjaan infrastruktur yang paling bercita-cita tinggi yang dilakukan di A.S. hingga saat itu, Terusan Erie menurunkan kos pengangkutan dan membuat penyelesaian secara besar-besaran dari tanah-tanah di sebelah barat Appalachians secara ekonomi. Besarnya kepentingan komersial Erie Canal digambarkan oleh fakta bahawa dalam lima tahun pertama setelah siap, populasi Buffalo meningkat tiga kali lipat (menjadi 8,668); dua tahun kemudian, pada tahun 1832, Buffalo akhirnya digabungkan sebagai sebuah bandar.

Terletak di bayangan pusat bandar, the Slip Komersial (dilihat di sini) pernah menjadi hujung barat Terusan Erie, yang dibina pada tahun 1825 dan yang mengubah Buffalo hampir semalam dari sebuah desa perbatasan yang mengantuk menjadi salah satu bandar paling pesat berkembang di Amerika Syarikat dan pelabuhan pedalaman terpenting. Ia kini menjadi pusat perhatian Di tepi jalan pembangunan semula di pinggir laut pusat bandar.

Tunjang ekonomi awal Buffalo adalah sebagai pelabuhan transshipment, di mana bijirin dari Tengah Barat dipunggah dari pengangkut tasik dan dipindahkan ke kapal terusan menuju Bandar New York; ia berada di Buffalo di mana lif gandum pertama di dunia dibina pada tahun 1843, dan memang masih banyak lif yang masih berdiri di sekitar Buffalo Harbour. Sepanjang separuh kedua abad ke-19, Terusan Erie secara beransur-ansur menjadi usang, tetapi hampir tidak mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ledakan Buffalo. Sebaliknya, bandar ini mengekalkan statusnya sebagai hab pengangkutan dengan beralih ke pusat kereta api kedua terpenting di A.S. (selepas Chicago); New York Central, Pennsylvania, Michigan Central, Nickel Plate, Erie, Delaware Lackawanna & Western, West Shore, Baltimore & Ohio, dan Lehigh Valley Railroads semuanya melalui Buffalo pada puncak era kereta api. Di samping itu, industri keluli menjadi pemain utama ekonomi tempatan pada tahun 1899, ketika Syarikat Baja Lackawanna memindahkan pangkalan operasinya dari Scranton, Pennsylvania ke laman web di sebelah selatan garis bandar. Menjelang tahun 1900, Buffalo mempunyai populasi lebih dari 350,000 orang dan merupakan salah satu daripada sepuluh bandar terbesar di Amerika Syarikat.

Pameran Pan-American adalah Pameran Dunia yang diadakan di Buffalo pada tahun 1901, di puncak zaman kegemilangan kota; ia bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan, antara lain, keajaiban teknologi dan kemungkinan ekonomi tenaga elektrik (jarak dekat Buffalo dengan Air terjun Niagara, sebuah tapak usaha awal dalam pembangkit hidroelektrik, memberikannya dengan elektrik termurah di negara itu pada masa itu). Walaupun pemandangan kawasan pameran yang mempesona, yang diterangi pada malam hari dengan teknologi baru ini, menjadikan Buffalo julukan "City of Light" yang kekal, kepentingan sejarah Pan-American Exposition jauh lebih suram: ia berada di Pameran di mana, pada 6 September 1901, Presiden AS William McKinley ditembak mati oleh anarkis Leon Czolgosz, beberapa saat setelah mengakhiri ucapan di Temple of Music.

Tolak ...

Kerbau terus tumbuh pada bahagian pertama abad ke-20. Namun, tren mulai muncul yang pada tahun 1950 akan menyebabkan pertumbuhan bandar menjadi perlahan, berhenti dan kemudian terbalik. Seperti di bandar-bandar Amerika yang lain, penduduk yang lebih kaya mula meninggalkan kediaman mereka di bandar untuk kawasan pinggir bandar yang lebih tenang dan hijau di luar garis bandar. Ini bermula pada tahun 1910-an dan 1920-an - banyak pinggir bandar Buffalo yang lebih tua, seperti Kenmore, Eggertsville, Bukit Pine, dan Snyder, dari tarikh ini - dan menggunakan kekuatan tinggi semasa ledakan ekonomi pasca Perang Dunia II. Pada masa yang sama, kelas menengah Amerika yang berkembang mulai berhijrah dalam jumlah yang jauh lebih besar ke daerah-daerah di Barat dan Selatan dengan iklim yang lebih ringan, dengan perbelanjaan lebih jauh dari bandar-bandar di Timur Laut. Pembinaan Sistem Lebuhraya Interstate mendorong pinggiran bandar pada waktu yang sama yang menyebabkan penurunan jalan kereta api dan pelabuhan Buffalo, kerana barang dapat dikirim dengan lebih murah dengan menggunakan trak.

Walau bagaimanapun, satu-satunya penyebab kejatuhan bebas yang ditanggung oleh Buffalo pada akhir abad ke-20 adalah pembukaan St. Lawrence Seaway pada tahun 1959. Dari segi sejarah, kepentingan Buffalo sebagai pelabuhan sebahagian besarnya disebabkan oleh halangan yang ditimbulkan oleh Air Terjun Niagara. penghantaran. Namun, berkat pengembangan Terusan Welland sebagai sebahagian dari Seaway, para pengangkut barang yang penuh dengan biji-bijian dan barang-barang lain kini dapat memasuki lautan langsung melalui Sungai St. Lawrence, daripada berhenti di Buffalo untuk memindahkan kargo mereka ke kereta api yang menuju ke timur . Dalam masa sepuluh tahun perasmian Seaway, kebanyakan elevator gandum di Buffalo Harbour telah ditinggalkan, dan pelabuhan yang dulunya penuh dengan kapal sekarang hampir kosong. Juga, kilang keluli di Kekurangan ditutup untuk permulaan yang baik pada tahun 1977, tidak dapat bersaing dengan keluli asing yang lebih murah. Menjelang tahun 1980, populasi Buffalo kira-kira sama dengan jumlahnya pada tahun 1900, turun hampir 40% dari puncaknya 580.132 hanya tiga puluh tahun sebelumnya.

Untuk menambahkan penghinaan terhadap kecederaan, selama tahun 1960-an dan 70-an pemimpin sipil Buffalo menanggapi keadaan sosial yang merosot di bandar dengan merobohkan (atas nama "pembaharuan bandar" dan "pelepasan kumuh") kawasan etnik di tempat-tempat seperti Daerah Ellicott dan Lower West Side yang, walaupun kelas pekerja, dalam banyak keadaan sihat dan cergas. Khususnya, pondok-pondok Victoria yang indah dari bata yang pernah menjadi "Little Italy" di Lower West Side hampir semuanya hilang dari bola yang merosakkan, sementara projek perumahan awam baru yang didirikan di Daerah Ellicott segera menjadi versi tinggi dari kawasan kumuh yang mereka diganti, kerana hanya pembinaan bangunan baru tidak mengatasi masalah sosial yang mendasari di kawasan sekitar. Pada masa yang sama, lebuh raya yang bising dan mengganggu dibina terus melalui Delaware Park dan Humboldt Parkway, menghancurkan suasana hijau yang merupakan taman terbesar dan taman terhebat yang dirancang untuk bandar ini oleh arkitek landskap Frederick Law Olmsted; syukurlah, penentangan yang kuat dari penduduk kejiranan menyelamatkan nasib Daerah Bersejarah Allentown. Di pusat bandar, hanya salah satu dari banyak contoh pemusnahan warisan seni bina Buffalo yang tidak masuk akal terjadi pada tahun 1969, ketika beberapa blok bangunan komersial Victoria yang tampan serta bangunan Bank Simpanan Erie County yang menakjubkan, dirobohkan untuk memberi jalan ke Tempat Utama Tower, menara pejabat moden yang hambar dengan pusat membeli-belah gaya pinggir bandar yang sama sekali gagal menarik pembeli kembali ke pusat bandar untuk memilih pusat membeli-belah dan plaza di pinggir bandar.

... dan kelahiran semula

Di sebalik masalah serius ini, mentaliti Buffalo tidak pernah melintasi kekalahan total, yang sangat membantu ketika penurunan Buffalo mulai mereda pada tahun 1990-an. Tunjuk perasaan di peringkat akar umbi yang meluas dengan pembukaan Kasino Seneca Buffalo Creek pada tahun 2007, yang telah dipersembahkan ke kota ini sebagai alat untuk memacu pembangunan dan menarik pelancong, mungkin merupakan contoh penting dari pendekatan baru di bandar ini: bukannya Dengan bergantung pada penyelesaian "peluru perak" sekali gus untuk masalah bandar seperti kasino, Buffalo telah mulai memodelkan strateginya mengenai kejayaan menghidupkan semula bandar-bandar Rust Belt yang lain seperti Pittsburgh dan Cleveland - strategi untuk menerima kenyataan bahawa industri berat hilang untuk kebaikan dan, sebagai gantinya, menggunakan sumber berharga dari banyak kolej dan universiti Buffalo yang luar biasa tinggi untuk mendorong pengembangan pelbagai industri berteknologi tinggi, seperti penyelidikan perubatan dan usaha bioteknologi yang telah berkembang di utara pusat bandar di bawah naungan University of Buffalo Medical School. Kawasan perniagaan, yang dahulunya penuh dengan etalase naik dan hampir sepi setelah akhir hari kerja dan pada hujung minggu, telah menikmati ukuran daya hidup baru kerana sebahagian besarnya adalah penukaran ruang pejabat yang tidak digunakan menjadi pangsapuri dan kondominium pusat bandar mewah, komoditi yang mana banyak orang Buffalon terkejut apabila mendapati terdapat banyak permintaan yang terpendam. Selain itu, Kerbau dapat membanggakan warisan seni bina yang masih besar walaupun terdapat kesilapan dari tahun 1960-an, pelbagai institusi budaya yang bersemangat, dan kos sara hidup yang rendah. Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, pendekatan baru ini telah menghasilkan kekuatan baru di kalangan komuniti pelestarian Buffalo, pengabdian setia oleh warganya terhadap tarikan budaya seperti Galeri Seni Albright-Knox dan Zoo Buffalo, dan kepelbagaian ekonomi tempatan yang berterusan. Sebaliknya, apa yang tersisa dari industri berat tradisional Buffalo telah mendapat keuntungan daripada pemulihan mini dalam pembuatan Amerika selepas kemelesetan tahun 2008; sebagai contoh, di sebalik masalah kewangan General Motors pada masa itu, syarikat itu membuat pelaburan besar di kilang di kawasan berdekatan Tonawanda pada tahun 2010, menambah beberapa ratus pekerjaan baru dalam proses itu. Walaupun Buffalo belum sepenuhnya membendung kerugian penduduknya dan masih banyak kemajuan yang harus dibuat, sedikit kesombongan yang dilakukan oleh penduduk "City of No Illusions" hari ini, akhirnya dihidupkan kembali setelah dekad penurunan, tidak dapat disangkal.

Carta iklim (penjelasan)
Purata maks. dan min. suhu dalam ° F
KerpasanSalji jumlah dalam inci
Lihat ramalan 7 hari Buffalo Data dari NOAA (1981-2010)
Penukaran metrik
Purata maks. dan min. suhu dalam ° C
KerpasanSalji jumlah dalam mm


Kerbau, walaupun paling terkenal dengan musim sejuk, mempunyai empat musim yang sangat ketara.

Pada separuh pertama musim sejuk, bermula kira-kira bulan November, bandar ini dapat salji kesan tasik: angin sejuk bertiup di perairan Tasik Erie yang lebih panas mengambil banyak wap air, yang dibuang begitu sahaja salji sebaik sahaja sampai di darat. Ini biasanya berakhir pada bulan Januari, ketika tasik akhirnya membeku. Namun, bertentangan dengan mitos yang popular, Buffalo bukanlah kota paling sejuk atau paling salji di negara ini — atau bahkan di New York. Lapangan terbang Buffalo rata-rata 93 inci (236 cm) salji setiap musim sejuk. Rata-rata, Kerbau hanya mempunyai 3 hari setahun di mana suhu yang dicatatkan merosot di bawah 0 ° F (-18 ° C). Reputasi salji Buffalo sebagian besar didasarkan pada beberapa badai yang paling terkenal: Badai Salji '77, "Kejutan Oktober" tahun 2006, dan badai salji "Snowvember" pada tahun 2014 semuanya mendapat banyak liputan media, tetapi tidak ada perkara adalah kejadian biasa pada musim sejuk Buffalo.

Musim bunga adalah hujan dan sejuk sehingga akhir April. Suhu boleh turun naik secara liar pada bulan Mac dan April. Tidak biasa melihat salji pada suatu hari, dan suhu pada pertengahan 60-an Fahrenheit (hampir 20 ° C) pada hari berikutnya.

Hari musim sejuk yang biasa di West Village yang bersejarah di Buffalo.

Musim panas cenderung sangat selesa dan cerah - sebenarnya, Buffalo mempunyai hari-hari musim panas yang lebih cerah daripada bandar-bandar besar lain di AS Timur Laut. Kesan moderat Danau Erie telah membolehkan Buffalo menjadi salah satu daripada sedikit tempat di Amerika Syarikat di mana suhu tidak pernah mencapai 100 ° F (38 ° C). Rata-rata Kerbau mempunyai 60 hari setahun dengan suhu mencapai lebih dari 80 ° F (27 ° C).

Musim gugur juga hangat dan indah. Suhu biasanya cukup panas hingga Oktober atau lebih, dan seseorang dapat melihat pokok-pokok berubah warna dengan selesa. Hari-hari terasa hangat, malam-malamnya sejuk, dan fros pertama biasanya tidak akan sampai sebelum Halloween. Pemburu daun akan senang dengan jumlah pokok (Kerbau juga merupakan salah satu kota yang dipenuhi pokok paling banyak di negara ini!) Dan juga di kawasan sekitarnya.


Untuk lebih banyak buku mengenai Kerbau, khususnya buku yang berlaku atau berkaitan dengan kawasan kejiranan tertentu di bandar, sila lihat yang berkenaan daerah artikel.

  • Kerbau Tidak Terikat: Perayaan oleh Laura Pedersen (ISBN 9781555917357). Penulisnya adalah penduduk asli Buffalo yang, sejak penulisan ini, telah menulis lima belas buku serta sejumlah drama dan muzikal, banyak di antaranya terletak di kampung halamannya semasa mudanya pada tahun 1970-an dan 80-an. Dari semua karya itu, Kerbau Tidak Terikat adalah yang paling berjaya menangkap zeitgeist. Koleksi karangan humor ini memberikan komen warna untuk munculnya Buffalo dari kegilaan, dengan nada yang sering suram dan letih di dunia (mungkin tidak dapat dielakkan memandangkan jangka masa hidupnya) pada zaman kanak-kanak yang mengingatkan akan karya Pedersen sebelumnya yang marah sekarang dengan dos yang sihat optimisme. Pembaca mungkin sukar pada awalnya untuk mengikuti aliran jenaka dan rujukan budaya khusus Buffalo, tetapi tidak lama lagi mereka akan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan budaya tempatan dengan cara yang jarang dialami oleh pengunjung.
  • Bandar Cahaya oleh Lauren Belfer (ISBN 9780385337649). Ini 1901, dan merancang untuk Pameran Pan-Amerika semakin maju dalam keadaan demam. Louisa Barrett adalah ketua sekolah yang belum berkahwin di Macaulay School for Girls, penggerak wanita dan pengocok di dunia yang dikuasai oleh lelaki. Kebanggaan dan kegembiraannya adalah puteri baptisnya, Grace, yang ayahnya Tom Sinclair adalah seorang perindustrian kaya yang berharap dapat mengubah wajah kota selamanya dengan impiannya untuk mendapatkan tenaga elektrik dari Air Terjun Niagara. Tetapi apabila ketua jurutera projek hidroelektrik itu dibunuh di Taman Delaware, ada perebutan kuasa jahat di kalangan elit tempatan untuk menentukan siapa yang akan berada di kerusi pemandu masa depan Buffalo. Di tengah-tengah semua itu - dan cintanya yang mekar untuk Tom - Louisa bergelut dengan beban rahsia gelap yang tentakelnya menembusi jauh ke dalam bangsawan darah biru Buffalo. Bandar Cahaya adalah novel sulung Belfer, a lawatan de force fiksyen sejarah yang diakui secara kritis, diteliti dengan teliti, dan melukis gambaran Buffalo yang jelas pada puncak zaman kegemilangannya.
  • Samseng dan Jenayah Terancang di Kerbau: Sejarah, Hits dan Ibu Pejabat oleh Michael F. Rizzo (ISBN 9781609495640). Koleksi kisah-kisah jenayah benar yang disusun secara rapi ini bermula dengan agak perlahan - menceritakan kisah geng jalanan dan John Dillinger kecil-kecilan yang merompak bank-bank di Bahagian Timur Poland pada tahun 1920-an dan 30-an - tetapi tidak lama lagi, ia akan menjadi wap yang mencatat kenaikan dan kejatuhan keluarga Buffalo Mafia dan donnya yang dihormati, Stefano "The Undertaker" Magaddino, yang dari pangkalannya di West Side bandar (dan, kemudian, sebuah rumah pertanian yang sederhana di pinggir bandar Lewiston) menguasai wilayah yang luas yang membentang dari Ohio hingga Montreal pada ketinggiannya. Yang terbaik, lokasi semua pembunuhan, persembunyian, kelab, dan dewan perjudian yang dijelaskan dalam buku ini didokumentasikan dengan teliti, lebih baik untuk meneroka dan menelusuri kembali langkah-langkah samseng ini.
  • Ahli sejarah restaurateur-cum-local yang terkenal Mark Goldman telah menulis sebuah trilogi buku yang sesuai untuk khalayak akademik dan santai yang, bersama-sama, mungkin merupakan tafsiran analitik pasti mengenai sebab-sebab di sebalik penurunan Buffalo dan cara terbaik untuk menolongnya memperoleh kembali beberapa kejayaan masa lalu.
    • Harapan Tinggi: Kebangkitan dan Penurunan Kerbau, New York (ISBN 9780873957359). Ditulis pada tahun 1983 - mungkin nadir sejarah Buffalo - buku pertama Goldman mengisahkan kisah Kota Ratu sejak kelahirannya sebagai pos perbatasan, hingga zamannya sebagai pelabuhan darat dan raksasa perindustrian, hingga penurunan pasca Perang Dunia II. Dalam Harapan Tinggi, Kerbau digunakan sebagai teladan corak pembangunan bandar yang klasik pada abad ke-19 dan ke-20, kekayaannya berkait rapat dengan kesejahteraan ekonomi Amerika bandar secara keseluruhan.
    • Bandar di Tasik: Cabaran Perubahan di Buffalo, New York (ISBN 9780879755799). Buku ini mempunyai asas yang sama dengan pendahulunya - dan berkongsi format sketsa diskritnya yang bersatu untuk melukis gambar yang padu - tetapi tumpuan di sini adalah pada titik perubahan dalam sejarah Buffalo, tahun 1950-an hingga tahun 70-an, ketika zaman kegemilangan memberi jalan kepada kemiskinan dan kekacauan pasca industri. Dari ketegangan antara kaum dan penerbangan putih ke skema pembaharuan bandar yang kurang difikirkan hingga disinvestment ekonomi, Bandar di Tasik menganalisis semua aspek di sebalik penurunan abad ke-20 Buffalo bersama dengan Selebihnya Rust Belt. Walau bagaimanapun, berbeza dengan nada pesimis pendahulunya yang bertajuk ironis, catatan keseluruhannya adalah nada harapan yang pada awalnya pada tahun 1990, beberapa pengulas lain belum berani menyerang.
    • City on the Edge: Buffalo, New York, 1900-Sekarang (ISBN 9781591024576). Walaupun apa yang disarankan oleh sari kata, Bandar di Tepi adalah lebih daripada sekadar pengulangan dua rukun pertama Goldman - zaman kegelapan yang kini ditinggalkan oleh Buffalo dikira hanya sebagai permulaan kepada surat cinta kepada institusi kebudayaan, hubungan masyarakat yang kuat, dan semangat bertahan yang telah dilalui ribut dan sekarang berfungsi sebagai asas untuk membina Kerbau yang dihidupkan semula. Pengakhiran buku ini berakhir dengan nada akademik yang lain dari siri ini, melukis gambar cerah mengenai masa depan senario terbaik Buffalo dan menyusun peta jalan yang komprehensif untuk bagaimana (dan bagaimana tidak) untuk ke sana.


Sejarah dan sejauh mana hubungan Buffalo dengan pawagam Amerika mungkin mengejutkan beberapa pihak. Awal dalam sejarah filem, pusat bandar Buffalo's Bangunan Ellicott Square adalah rumah bagi teater filem bergerak pertama yang dibina khas di dunia, the Teater Vitascope, yang dibuka pada 19 Oktober 1896 oleh Mitchel dan Moe Mark, yang beberapa tahun kemudian akan membangun "istana filem" pertama di dunia di New York City. Juga pada tahun 1896, Thomas Edison mengirim kru kamera ke Buffalo, menjadikannya salah satu kota pertama di Amerika yang muncul dalam filem. Edison juga menjalani penggambaran Pan-American pada tahun 1901.

Di bawah naungan Suruhanjaya Filem Buffalo Niagara, industri filem embrio telah berkembang di kawasan ini yang mulai menghasilkan beberapa ciri bebas yang berkualiti. Ini dan lebih daripada 100 filem lain yang ditembak di kawasan Buffalo sejak abad yang lalu termasuk:

  • Sembunyikan di Plain Sight (1980). Berdasarkan kisah benar. Suami kelas pekerja (James Caan) berusaha mengesan isteri dan anak-anaknya yang disembunyikan oleh program perlindungan saksi.
  • Yang Semula Jadi (1984). Robert Redford dan Glenn Close membintangi novel Bernard Malamud mengenai Roy Hobbs, pemain besbol misteri yang muncul entah dari mana untuk membalikkan nasib pasukan 1930-an.
  • Vamping (1984). Dalam drama indie noirish ini yang diarahkan oleh anak lelaki tempatan Frederick King Keller, Patrick Duffy adalah pemain saksofon turun-naik yang terlibat dalam skema pemilik kedai antik yang bengkok untuk merompak rumah janda kaya, dan akhirnya jatuh cinta dengan mangsanya. Sebagai filem, ia memang berantakan belanjawan amatur yang rendah - tetapi jika anda ingin mengetahui bagaimana rupa Buffalo pada tahun 80-an, paun demi paun itu adalah pameran yang lebih baik daripada Yang Semula Jadi, terima kasih kepada rakaman Allentown, Lincoln Parkway, Larkinville, dan yang baru ditutup Terminal Pusat Kerbau.
  • Kerbau '66 (1998). Penduduk Buffalo, Vincent Gallo menulis, mengarahkan dan membintangi komedi gelap yang terkenal ini mengenai seorang lelaki yang, setelah dibebaskan dari penjara kerana kejahatan yang tidak dilakukannya, berjanji akan menjejaki penunjuk tempat Buffalo Bills yang menempatkannya di sana, selama ini memaksa seorang penari keran muda (Christina Ricci) untuk berpose sebagai isterinya untuk menghormati orang tuanya yang lalai.
  • Manna dari Syurga (2002). Pelakon bertaburan bintang - Shirley Jones, Cloris Leachman, Seymour Cassel, dan Frank Gorshin semuanya berperanan, dan itu adalah penampilan terakhir dalam filem Jerry Orbach dan Shelley Duvall sebelum kematian mereka dan bersara dari perniagaan pertunjukan, masing-masing - tetapi peranan utama milik pendatang baru Ursula Burton, bermain seorang biarawati dalam misi untuk meyakinkan jiran kecilnya yang eksentrik untuk membayar "pinjaman" dari Tuhan, yang datang dalam bentuk pancuran misteri bil dolar ke kejiranan Buffalo 20 tahun sebelumnya .
  • The Savages (2007). Laura Linney dan Philip Seymour Hoffman bermain sebagai Wendy dan Jon Savage, seorang saudara dan saudari yang terasing yang saling berhubung antara satu sama lain dan mula mencatat kehidupan mereka yang tidak berfungsi setelah bersama-sama memindahkan ayah mereka yang sudah tua ke rumah jagaan di Buffalo.
  • Jenayah Henry (2011). Keanu Reeves membintangi sebagai bekas pemungut tol Thruway yang, setelah menghabiskan masa di penjara kerana kejahatan yang tidak dilakukannya, memutuskan untuk membalas dendamnya dengan memegang di bank yang sebenarnya dia telah disabitkan dengan kesalahan merompak.
  • Bahagian Amerika (2016). Matthew Broderick, Janeane Garofalo, dan Robert Forster semuanya datang dalam filem noir off-kilter ini, tetapi bintangnya adalah pemula pertama tempatan Greg Stuhr. Dia berperanan sebagai detektif swasta kecil Charlie Paczynski, yang, ketika menyiasat pembunuhan seorang penari telanjang di Air Terjun Niagara, tersandung pada konspirasi peringkat tinggi untuk membina penemuan yang belum direalisasikan yang ditemui dalam "kehilangan kertas" Nikola Tesla yang baru digali.
  • Marshall (2017). Chadwick Boseman memainkan peranan utama dalam artikel ini yang mengikuti Thurgood Marshall muda, keadilan Mahkamah Agung Afrika-Amerika pertama, pada salah satu kes pertama dan paling penting dalam karier undang-undangnya: mempertahankan seorang sopir hitam (Sterling K. Brown ) dituduh melakukan rogol dan cubaan membunuh majikannya yang berkulit putih (Kate Hudson) pada tahun 1940 Connecticut.

Maklumat pelawat

  • Lawati Buffalo Niagara, 403 Utama St., bebas tol: 1 800 283-3256, . M-F 9 AM-5PM, Sa 10 AM-2PM. Persatuan pelawat rasmi untuk wilayah Buffalo / Niagara Falls. Lokasi mereka di pusat bandar di Bangunan Brisbane menawarkan maklumat, brosur, dan cenderamata. Visit Buffalo Niagara juga mengendalikan Pusat Pelawat lain di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Buffalo Niagara iaitu buka M-Sa 6 AM-7PM, Su 6 AM-6PM.


Bahasa Inggeris dituturkan di Buffalo dan kawasan sekitarnya secara universal. Walaupun West Side terkenal sebagai tempat tinggal masyarakat Hispanik di bandar (terutamanya Puerto Ricans dan Dominicans), majoriti orang Latin Buffalo dapat bertutur dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan juga Sepanyol. Juga di West Side, terdapat pelbagai kumpulan komuniti pendatang generasi pertama yang berpusat di Grant Street, yang kebanyakannya bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris selain bahasa ibunda mereka (Amharic, Somali, Vietnam, Burma, dan Bengali terkenal) ). Walau apa pun, pelawat ke West Side tidak akan mempunyai masalah yang signifikan berkaitan dengan bahasa.

Walaupun kawasan kejiranan Buffalo merangkumi banyak kawasan etnik yang rancak, sangat sedikit penduduk daerah ini (selain mungkin beberapa individu tua) yang dapat berbicara lebih daripada satu perkataan atau frasa atau dua bahasa nenek moyang masing-masing.

Dialek serantau bahasa Inggeris yang dituturkan di Buffalo - terutama di kalangan orang Itali dan Kutub kelas pekerja - termasuk dalam kerangka Bahasa Inggeris Amerika Utara Inland, dengan bunyi vokal hidung yang keras, hidung, sedikit mencubit dengan kata-kata seperti "kereta" dan "berhenti" "dan defricativization dari bunyi" th "yang keras (di mana" ini "dan" yang "menjadi" dis "dan" dat "), dialek yang akan langsung dikenali bagi mereka yang mengingati lelaki" Da Bears "dari Malam Sabtu Siaran Langsung. Walaupun begitu, sentuhan Buffalo pada dialek Inland North melibatkan beberapa ciri unik seperti penyimpangan plosif akhir kata yang disuarakan ("sejuk" menjadi "colt", "karpet" menjadi "ruck"), dan kebiasaan mengakhiri kalimat dengan perkataan "ada" (diucapkan "berani") dengan cara yang sama orang Kanada menggunakan "eh?" - dua corak pertuturan yang terkenal di kalangan masyarakat Poland Buffalo.


Dengan kapal terbang

Walaupun gambar ini, yang Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Buffalo Niagara adalah lapangan terbang paling sibuk di Upstate New York.

From the airport, Buffalo is accessible via four NFTA bus routes:

  • NFTA Metro Bus #24 — Genesee runs four different routes, three of which serve the airport. Bus #24B dan Bus #24L run between the airport and Canalside via Genesee Street, also serving the Municipal Transportation Center. The latter of the two is advertised as a more convenient service with a limited number of intermediate stops, but in reality the difference in travel time between the L and the B is insignificant (42-43 minutes vs. 47-48 minutes), so it doesn't really matter which one you take. Express service is offered Monday through Friday by Bus #24X, with four inbound trips in the morning (leaving the airport at 6:03AM, 7:03AM, 7:33AM, and 8:03AM) and four outbound ones in the afternoon (leaving Canalside at 3:50PM, 4:20PM, 4:45PM, and 5:20PM). Travel time to and from the airport is about half an hour. Finally, if you plan to take the bus back to the airport at the end of your visit, make sure not to board Bus #24A, whose route ends at the city line in a not-very-nice neighborhood.
  • NFTA Metro Bus #47 — Youngs Road runs 15 times per day from Monday to Friday from the airport through Williamsville to the University Metro Rail Station, from which point downtown is easily accessible via the subway.
  • NFTA Metro Bus #68 — George Urban Express makes one trip in each direction Monday through Friday between the airport and the Buffalo-Exchange Street Amtrak station downtown, leaving the airport at 6:56AM and leaving the train station at 4:38PM. Outbound trips (towards the airport) also serve the Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center.

In addition, the Buffalo Niagara International Airport is served directly by a number of intercity bus lines; see the "By bus" section. All buses, NFTA and long-distance, are boarded at the bus lane on the east side of the terminal, on the arrivals level. This is also where Uber dan Lyft (see "Ride sharing" section below) pick up.

Buffalo Airport Taxi's stand, as well as a number of rental car facilities, are found directly across from the terminal's main exit, on the arrivals level. For more information on taxi service and car rental, see the "Get around" section below.

For those who are coming by private plane and want to avoid the congestion of Buffalo Niagara International Airport, the closest alternative is Buffalo Airfield in West Seneca. Other general-aviation airports in the vicinity include Buffalo Lancaster Regional Airport in Lancaster, Akron Airport in Akron, dan North Buffalo Suburban Airport in Lockport.

Dengan kereta

The New York State Thruway (Interstate 90) runs east to west and connects Buffalo to other major cities and regions — New York City, the Hudson Valley, Albany, Utica, Syracuse, dan Rochester to the east, and Erie and Cleveland to the west. The New York State Thruway is a toll highway over most of its length, with the sole exception of the toll-free portion between Exits 50 and 55, which roughly corresponds to Buffalo's inner-ring suburbs. The New York State Thruway Authority accepts E-ZPass for toll payment, as well as cash.

Interstate 190 begins at Exit 53 of I-90 near the city line, extending west into downtown. At that point, it turns northward and mostly parallels the Niagara River, linking Buffalo to Niagara Falls and extending onward to Canada via the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge. Interstate 290 links I-90 with I-190 via Buffalo's northern suburbs. Interstate 990 runs southwest-to-northeast through suburban Amherst between I-290 and the hamlet of Millersport, after which point Lockport is easily accessible via NY 263 (Millersport Highway) and NY 78 (Transit Road).

If coming from Ontario, Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) is the best way to access Buffalo. The most direct border crossing into Buffalo, the Peace Bridge, is at the end of the QEW in Fort Erie. Other bridge crossing options include the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, along with the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge in Lewiston. All of these bridges are easily accessible from the QEW; follow the well-posted signs.

By car, Buffalo is about two hours from Toronto, one to one and a half hours from Rochester, two and a half hours from Syracuse, and six to seven hours from New York City.

Average wait times at the various border entries vary: at the Peace Bridge in Buffalo/Fort Erie and the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, wait times over 30 minutes are unusual on most days other than holiday weekends, whereas at the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge, the norm is 30-60 minutes, more on holiday weekends.

Dengan kereta api

Buffalo is accessible from the east and west by Amtrak, which services two stations in or near Buffalo.

  • Buffalo-Depew (BUF) is at 55 Dick Rd. in the suburb of Depew, about 8 miles (12 km) east of the city. The Buffalo-Depew station can be reached by cab or (with considerable difficulty) via NFTA Metro Bus #46 — Lancaster.
  • The Buffalo-Exchange Street (BFX) station is downtown at 75 Exchange St., near the Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center, and is directly accessed by a number of NFTA Metro Bus routes. Unlike Buffalo-Depew, there is no QuickTrak Machine and the ticket office is not open for certain departures. Passengers needing to purchase or pick up tickets for a departure when the ticket office is closed will need to do so in advance of the date of departure, or print out an e-ticket from online. Tickets can also be mailed to you, but this option is slower and more expensive. Fares, schedules, and reservations are available through Amtrak.

Buffalo is served by the following Amtrak lines:

  • The Empire Service runs from New York City via Yonkers, Croton-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, Rhinecliff, Hudson, Albany (Rensselaer), Schenectady, Amsterdam, Utica, Rom, Syracuse, and Rochester, and continues past Buffalo to Niagara Falls.
  • The Maple Leaf, which runs from Toronto via Oakville, Burlington (Aldershot), Grimsby, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, USA, then continues to New York City along the same route as the Empire Service.
  • The Lake Shore Limited, which, unlike the Empire Service and Maple Leaf, only serves Buffalo-Depew. Eastbound trains on this route travel from Chicago via South Bend, Elkhart, Waterloo, Bryan, Toledo, Sandusky, Elyria, Cleveland, and Erie. Westbound trains begin either at Boston or New York City; trains from Boston proceed to Albany via Framingham, Pemburuk, Springfield, dan Pittsfield; with trains from New York City making stops at Croton-on-Hudson and Poughkeepsie. At Albany, the two routes converge and trains follow the same route as the Empire Service, stopping at Schenectady, Utica, Syracuse, and Rochester.

Dengan bas

The Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center, at 181 Ellicott St. downtown, serves as Buffalo's hub for intercity buses, a stop on most NFTA Metro Bus routes, and the city's main taxi terminal.

The following bus routes serve the Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center:

Service from Jamestown melalui Fredonia, Dunkirk, and various points in between.
Service from Olean melalui Franklinville, East Aurora, Buffalo Niagara International Airport, and various points in between.
Service from DuBois melalui St. Marys, Bradford, Olean, Salamanca, Ellicottville, Springville, and various points in between.
Service from Cleveland via Ashtabula and Erie (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities).
Service from New York City via Newark, Binghamton, Cortland, Syracuse, Rochester, Batavia, and Buffalo Niagara International Airport (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities).
Service from New York City via Scranton, Binghamton, Ithaca, Geneva, Rochester, and Batavia.
Service from Boston via Worcester, Springfield, Albany, Schenectady, Amsterdam, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, Batavia, and Buffalo Niagara International Airport (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities).
Service from Toronto via Mississauga, Burlington, Grimsby, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, and Fort Erie (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities).
Service from New York City via Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo Niagara International Airport.
Service from Toronto via St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, and Fort Erie (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities), and onward to the Buffalo Niagara International Airport.
Service from Washington, D.C. via Baltimore and Philadelphia.

By boat

As the place where the Erie Canal met vast Lake Erie, Buffalo's early growth came thanks to the Great Lakes shipping industry. Nowadays the canal has been rerouted to end downstream in Tonawanda, but that's not to say that the canal and the lake aren't still a fairly common, if novel, way to arrive in Buffalo. The West Side, downtown, and the Outer Harbor boast a variety of places for boats to dock. For visitors, the best place to dock is:

  • Erie Basin Marina, 329 Erie St., 1 716 851-6501. Season lasts May 1st-Oct 15th. The Erie Basin Marina is not only one of the premier venues in Buffalo for locals and visitors to moor their boats, it's also a true waterfront destination in itself — the marina boasts two restaurants (The Hatch for burgers, hot dogs, and the like, and William K's for more upscale fare), the verdant Erie Basin Marina Gardens, an observation tower boasting stunning views of Buffalo's downtown and waterfront, and even a waterfront boardwalk that leads to a small swimming beach. As well, the Ship Store at the base of the observation tower (M-F noon-6PM, Sa-Su 10AM-7PM in season) stocks a full range of snacks, boating supplies, and essentials such as sunscreen, and there's also a fueling station. The Erie Basin Marina is within easy walking distance of Canalside dan juga Naval and Military Park. Transient slip rental based on length of boat, $1.90 per foot per day.


For most visitors to Buffalo, access to an automobile will prove extremely useful, if not quite utterly necessary. Buffalo's public transportation system provides access to the majority of the metropolitan area. Travelling around the city proper by public transit can be relatively hassle-free, especially on weekdays; however, transit riders travelling to the suburbs should be prepared for service that is infrequent (and, on the weekends, often non-existent).

The Kensington Expressway approaches its western terminus in downtown Buffalo.

Dengan kereta

In addition to the Interstate highways mentioned in the "Get In" section, Buffalo has several intraurban expressways useful to visitors:

  • The Kensington Expressway (NY 33) begins at the airport on Genesee Street, proceeding westward through the suburb of Cheektowaga and the East Side before turning southward and concluding downtown at Oak Street.
  • The Scajaquada Expressway (NY 198) is a short highway that connects the Kensington Expressway with Interstate 190. The Scajaquada is a convenient route to the neighborhoods of Parkside and the Elmwood Village, the popular commercial strips of Hertel Avenue and Grant Street, as well as attractions like Delaware Park, the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the Buffalo History Museum, the Darwin D. Martin House, and the Burchfield Penney Art Center.
  • The Buffalo Skyway (NY 5) begins downtown at I-190, extending southward parallel to the shore of Lake Erie with access to Gallagher Beach, Tifft Nature Preserve, and other Outer Harbor attractions. After passing over the Union Ship Canal via the Father Baker Bridge, the divided highway ends, but Route 5 continues as a wide, busy six-lane surface road (variously known as the Hamburg Turnpike, Lake Shore Road, or simply Route 5) that passes through the suburban areas of Lackawanna and Hamburg and continuing southward along the lake shore.

Buffalo's highway system was designed for a city twice its size (a reflection of the population loss the area has undergone between the 1950s and today); as a result of that, the city does not suffer nearly as much from traffic congestion as other U.S. cities. Rush hour, such as it is, occurs on weekdays roughly from 6:30AM-9AM and from 4PM-6:30PM. A good rule of thumb the locals know is that, even at the height of rush hour, it generally takes no more than 30 minutes to drive from downtown to the outer edge of suburbia.

Rental cars

Rental car facilities can be found mainly at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport. Alamo, Avis, Belanjawan, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, dan National all have offices directly on airport property, while the Buffalo locations of ACE dan Fox Rent A Car operate out of the Quality Inn across the street.

In addition, Hertz, Belanjawan, dan Enterprise all operate smaller car rental facilities at various locations in the city itself. See the various district articles for more information on those.

Car sharing

Members of the Zipcar car-sharing program can access vehicles in the Buffalo area from various locations in the city, as well as from the North Campus of the University at Buffalo in nearby Amherst. Lihat district articles for further information.

Ride sharing

After what seemed like an eternity of political wrangling, New York's state legislature fully legalized ride-sharing in June 2017, whereupon both Uber and Lyft immediately started operating in Buffalo. As of November 2017, pricing for both includes a booking fee of $2.15, plus a base fare of $1.10, plus 22¢ per minute and 95¢ per mile on top of that, atau a minimum total fare of $7.35 (Uber) or $5.20 (Lyft). There's also a $3.00 surcharge for service to and from the Buffalo Niagara International Airport for Lyft, but not Uber. Surge pricing comes into effect during certain periods of high demand, and can inflate the above prices drastically.

By public transportation

Buffalo's public transportation system is operated by the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA). They run a single-line light rail system (the Metro Rail) as well as an extensive bus network. The NFTA system is focused around three main nodes. From largest to smallest, these nodes are located in downtown Buffalo, at University Station (at the outer end of the Metro Rail), and at the Portage Road Transit Center in Niagara Falls. Most of the buses whose routes begin and end downtown access the Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center directly; many also service the Buffalo-Exchange Street Amtrak station.

The Metro Rail extends along Main Street from the University at Buffalo's South Campus at the northeast corner of the city southward to Canalside in downtown Buffalo, a distance of 6.4 miles (10.3 km). With nearly 25,000 riders per day, the Metro Rail boasts the third-highest number of passengers per mile (km) among light-rail systems in the United States. The northern portion of the system is below ground. As the subway enters the downtown core, at the Theater District, it emerges from the tunnel and runs at street level for the remainder of its length. Rides on the above-ground portion of the Metro Rail are free of charge. To ride in the underground portion of the system, it costs $4 for a round-trip ticket, or $2 for a one-way ticket. The Metro Rail is a popular mode of transportation for employees and residents who live along the line and north of the city to commute downtown, and also for attendees of downtown events who want to avoid paying high prices for parking.

The NFTA eliminated the zoned fare system in October 2010. Generally speaking, rides on a single bus or light rail vehicle now cost $2.00 regardless of length. The exception is the "Enhanced Express" service introduced by the NFTA in September 2012 and applied to Routes #60 — Niagara Falls Express, #64 — Lockport Express, and #204 — Airport-Downtown Express, as well as to selected runs of Routes #69 — Alden Express and #72 — Orchard Park Express. An additional 50¢ surcharge per trip applies on Enhanced Express buses.

There are no free transfers between buses. Passengers who will need to transfer from the bus to the Metro Rail, from the Metro Rail to a bus, or between bus lines should consider purchasing a day pass for $5. For further information on public transit in Buffalo including schedules and maps of individual routes, visit the NFTA Metro webpage.

Dengan teksi

In Buffalo, taxis can generally be dispatched quickly and with ease; however, in general, the only places where they can be hailed on the street are at the airport and around the Metropolitan Transportation Center, the various downtown hotels, and (at certain times, and with some luck) Allentown, the Elmwood strip, and around the colleges and universities.

By bike

As in many cities, bicycling as an alternative method of transportation is growing more and more popular in Buffalo. However, in terms of the development of infrastructure such as dedicated bike lanes on city streets and bike parking areas, Buffalo lags behind many other "bikeable" cities such as Minneapolis, Portland, and Boston. Despite this, scenic bike routes such as the Shoreline Trail dan juga Scajaquada Creekside Bike Path are immensely popular with locals, and under the aegis of the city's newly adopted "Complete Streets" program, dedicated bike lanes and other rights-of-way are being added to more and more of the city's streets.

GO Bike Buffalo is the local organization that promotes and advocates for cycling and other sustainable transportation alternatives in Buffalo. The Community Bicycle Workshop they operate at 98 Colvin Ave. in North Buffalo offers used parts and complete refurbished bikes for sale, as well as special programs periodically throughout the year.

Reddy Bikeshare has about three dozen bike racks around the city, including this one on Delaware Avenue downtown.

Bike sharing

After a three-year pilot program that was a smashing success, the erstwhile Buffalo BikeShare relaunched in July 2016 as Reddy Bikeshare, with Independent Health newly on board as a corporate sponsor. Almost instantaneously, the bright red bikes and racks became a ubiquitous sight along city streets. Today, Reddy has 200 bikes to tool around town on, each GPS-equipped with Social Bicycles (SoBi) technology. Rates are $8.50 for a 30-day membership or $55 for an annual membership, after which point use of the bikes costs 6¢ and 1¢ per minute, respectively.

To use a Reddy bike, sign in to the SoBi mobile app to find and reserve an available bike at any of the various Reddy racks around the city (or simply walk up to a rack and enter your account number and PIN on the bike's keypad to unlock it). Then, when you're finished, simply lock your bike up at any Reddy rack, or else at any public bike rack within one of Reddy's free parking zones (Elmwood Avenue, Allen Street, Main Street downtown, and two locations on the South Campus daripada UB). There's a $2 fee for locking a Reddy bike up anywhere other than a Reddy rack or free parking zone. If you need to stop off somewhere along the way, you also have the option to "hold" your Reddy bike, which will enable you to lock it temporarily without incurring the $2 parking fee and without the bike becoming available for reservation by other users. When you're ready to take off again, simply enter your PIN number on the bike's keypad and you're good to go.

Lihat district articles for the locations of individual Reddy bike racks.


For individual listings of attractions, please see the respective district articles.


Buffalo's wealth of cultural attractions is surprising given the city's somewhat small size. The museums here are many and varied, and are a point of pride for Buffalo's citizens. Arguably the most interesting among them are a great number of institutions that focus on the area's past. Those who are curious about Buffalo's rich history are advised to first stop in at the gargantuan Buffalo History Museum which focuses on the city's history in a general sense, then take your pick of the smaller, more specialized museums — the Lower Lakes Marine Historical Society Museum to learn more about the Great Lakes shipping routes that gave Buffalo its importance as an inland port, the Colored Musicians Club Museum atau Nash House Museum for African-American history in Buffalo, the Buffalo Transportation Pierce-Arrow Museum for the story behind Buffalo's importance in the early-20th century automotive industry, the Buffalo Fire Historical Society for the history of firefighting in Buffalo, and more.

Buffalo City Hall is seen in this view down Court Street from Lafayette Square. Built in 1931 from a design by the local firm of Dietel & Wade, it is widely considered one of the world's finest examples of Art Deco architecture.


More so even than its range of cultural attractions, Buffalo's art scene is besar for a city its size, with galleries large and small to suit all tastes. The Museum District at the north end of the Elmwood Village is the site of Buffalo's two largest art galleries, the beautiful Albright-Knox dan juga Burchfield-Penney. The Buffalo Religious Arts Center is an off-the-beaten-path gem in Black Rock, dedicated to preserving the statuary, icons, stained glass, and other objets d'art from the many churches and other houses of worship that have closed in the wake of Buffalo's late-20th-century population losses.

Smaller storefront galleries are plentiful, and are concentrated in some of Buffalo's more interesting areas, such as Allentown, Theater District, dan Hertel Avenue — as well as, increasingly, emerging artistic communities on the Lower West Side, in Grant-Amherst, and just south of the Theater District in the 500 Block of Main Street.


More and more, Buffalo's exquisite and well-preserved architecture has grabbed the attention of locals and tourists alike. Buffalo's architecture took center stage when the 2011 National Preservation Conference was held in the city to unanimous acclaim. Buildings from almost every decade of Buffalo's existence are still preserved, with more being restored each year.

An enormous wealth of information about Buffalo's rich architectural heritage is available at the award-winning website, Buffalo Architecture and History.


Buffalo is a great place to enjoy the outdoors — especially in the warm months. A side effect of Buffalo's notoriously nasty winters is that locals really make the most of the warm-weather months. Predictably, in March or April on the first nice day of the year, the streets are thronged with pasty-skinned locals, dressed in shorts and tank tops despite the still-chilly temperatures, ravenously drinking in the fresh air and sunlight after the long, bleak winter. Autumn is also a pleasant time to be outdoors in Buffalo, with the crisp, fragrant air a perfect complement to the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot.

The city of Buffalo contains over 200 parks, both large and small. Among the largest and most interesting of Buffalo's parks were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, unquestionably the greatest landscape architect of the 19th Century, in conjunction with his then-partner Calvert Vaux. Buffalo's Olmsted parks are an interconnected network of six large parks and six smaller green spaces (three of the latter survive today), linked to each other by wide, tree-lined thoroughfares called parkways modeled after the grand boulevards of Paris. Though he would go on to design similar park systems for other cities, Buffalo's is the oldest and one of the best-preserved Olmsted park systems in existence — and the Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy, the not-for-profit that's been in charge of maintenance of the Olmsted park system since 2004, is hard at work repairing and restoring elements that have been lost over the years to put the parks in even better shape than they are now.

Nearly 150 years after it was constructed, Delaware Park continues to fulfill the intent of its designer, allowing citizens of Buffalo to escape into nature without leaving the city limits.

The Olmsted parks that will be of the most interest to visitors are Delaware Park, Buffalo's largest at 234 acres (93 ha) which boasts amenities including the Buffalo Zoo, a Taman Bunga Ros and a Japanese Garden, and public art installations, and South Park, which contains the Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens. Additionally, though it's not an Olmsted park, LaSalle Park has an outdoor amphitheater, baseball and soccer fields, a dog run, and walking and jogging trails in a beautiful waterfront setting overlooking Lake Erie.

Speaking of which: as if to defy the ugly, intrusive Interstate 190 dan Buffalo Skyway that run along the shoreline, Buffalo's waterfront is becoming more and more of a focal point for outdoor recreation. Situated in the heart of downtown, Canalside is ground zero for waterfront recreation in Buffalo, with summertime concerts and festivals held seemingly every day in the midst of preserved remnants of the historic Canal District. A number of harbor cruise lines are also based at Canalside, as is the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park.

Parkland is also abundant on Buffalo's waterfront. In addition to the aforementioned LaSalle Park, Broderick Park is a small green space at the southern tip of Unity Island that's most famous as the northern end of the Bird Island Pier, a 1.3-mile (2 km) walkway with an unparalleled view of the mouth of the Niagara River, lower Lake Erie, and — at its southern tip — the Erie Basin Marina and downtown. Further north, Riverside Park is an Olmsted park at the far northwest corner of the city, adjacent to the Niagara River. Deserving of special mention is the Outer Harbor, a vast expanse of former industrial land south of downtown that became a state park in September 2013. The Outer Harbor features Gallagher Beach, a pebble beach popular with boaters and windsurfers, as well as Times Beach Nature Preserve dan Tifft Nature Preserve, where walking trails meander through wetland habitats filled with migratory birds and native fauna.


Festivals and events

Buffalo's calendar of annual festivals, parades and events is huge and growing. Ethnic pride festivals such as the Buffalo Greek Fest, Buffalo Italian Heritage Festival, dan Dyngus Day play a preeminent role, though a diversity of events of all kinds is enjoyed by citizens. Naturally, the lion's share of these festivals take place during the warm months, but efforts have been made to expand the slate of offerings in winter as well.

The festivals and events listed in this section take place at multiple venues city- or regionwide. For events specific to a particular venue or neighborhood, see the respective district articles.

  • Buffalo Pride Festival. The gay rights movement emerged later in conservative, blue-collar Buffalo than it did in many other American cities. However, every year since 1991 in early June, the Buffalo Pride Festival has been helping LGBT Buffalonians and their straight allies make up for lost time, with a festive atmosphere of fun and entertainment infused with a message of tolerance for all people. The Buffalo Pride Festival is multifaceted and multi-venue: it kicks off with a flag-raising ceremony in Niagara Square proudly attended by Buffalo's best and brightest, continues with a "Gay 5K" footrace through the streets of downtown, picks up intensity in Allentown with the Dyke March and a raucous street festival (21 admitted) that sees Allen Street awash in rainbow flags, live music and performances, and street activism, and culminates with the Pride Festival itself in Canalside, a family-friendly event featuring food and drink, entertainment, and information booths. The festival closes out each year with a beach party at Woodlawn Beach State Park in Hamburg.
  • National Garden Festival. This "five-week-long garden party" has, since its inception several years ago, turned Buffalo into one of the premier destinations in the U.S. for garden tourism. Under the aegis of the National Garden Festival fall not only Garden Walk Buffalo, the centerpiece of the festivities that The Atlantic magazine cited as the best event of its kind in the nation, but also many other garden walks throughout the various neighborhoods of Buffalo (and, beginning in 2012, even in the suburbs!) where participating residents design and maintain beautiful gardens in their front yards for walkers to enjoy. In addition, there are bus tours of the area's various urban farms, nurseries, and community gardens, weekday Open Gardens, speakers, symposia and the popular Front Yard Garden Competition. The Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens, Erie Basin Marina Gardens, Delaware Park's Japanese Garden dan Taman Bunga Ros, and even the Elmwood-Bidwell Farmer's Market are, understandably, replete with visitors during the National Garden Festival. Garden Walk Buffalo di Wikipedia
  • Buffalo Infringement Festival. This celebration of genre-defying, boundary-pushing DIY art and spectacle by artists who may not have the straight-world cachet or blockbuster budgets of those who display at the Allentown or Elmwood Avenue festivals takes place annually on the last week of July and the first week of August. Displays of music, dance, theater, and visual arts, as well as more offbeat genres such as puppetry, fire art, mime, and "miscellaneous insurrection", can be seen at a multiplicity of venues around the city free or for a nominal price.
  • Jack Craft Fair. Lovers of everything artisanal, take note: since 2014, the Jack Craft Fair has been at the service of Buffalonians and visitors alike with a panoply of decorative and functional objets d'art — the handiwork of over 100 different artists and artisans — for sale every mid-August at a different venue each year. But this is far from your average junk sale: aside from the live music performances, interactive public art displays, and roster of about a half-dozen workshops for those who'd like to try their hand at their own DIY project, the Jack Craft Fair's lineup of vendors is carefully and rigorously curated by founder and lead organizer Sam Epps, the better for visitors to experience the true crème de la crème of the Western New York and Southern Ontario creative community. Percuma.
  • Buffalo International Film Festival. Founded in 2006, the not-for-profit Buffalo International Film Festival is presented yearly by the Buffalo Film Society in late September and early October with a mission of highlighting the cinematic contributions of individuals of the past and present who hail from Western New York. Furthermore, the Buffalo International Film Festival's focus also includes exposing people in Buffalo and the surrounding region to exciting works of film by lesser-known individuals around the world who represent a diverse array of cultures, ethnicities, and educational backgrounds. An exciting array of workshops and symposia are also presented. Festival Filem Antarabangsa Buffalo di Wikipedia


Make no mistake about it — Buffalo is a sports town. Buffalonians are doggedly loyal to their teams despite the fact that the city hasn't won a national championship in any of the big four American sports since 1965 — the four fruitless trips to the Super Bowl by the Buffalo Bills and two to the Stanley Cup Finals by the Sabres in the intervening years are losses that local fans have been looking to avenge for a long time.

Major-league sports are played downtown at the KeyBank Center, where the National Hockey League's Buffalo Sabres have their home ice, and at New Era Field in suburban Orchard Park where the Buffalo Bills play for the National Football League.

Buffalo has a number of teams in smaller leagues as well. These teams tend to be more successful on the field than the big-league clubs. Baseball's Buffalo Bisons have won seven pennants in the AAA-level International League and American Association, most recently in 2004; they play at Sahlen Field downtown. The Buffalo Bandits play indoor lacrosse at the KeyBank Center and have won four NLL championships. Soccer fans will want to check out the NPSL's FC Buffalo; matches take place at All-High Stadium on Main Street. Finally, the city's newest sports team, the Buffalo Beauts, play their National Women's Hockey League opponents at the HarborCenter.

In the world of college sports, the University at Buffalo's Buffalo Bulls reign supreme. Bulls football and basketball games are played on the North Campus in Amherst, at UB Stadium dan Alumni Arena respectively. Canisius College's Golden Griffins, who play at the Koessler Athletic Center on Main Street and the HarborCenter downtown, also have a sizable local following.


Golfers visiting the area might want to check out the suburbs first; public and private courses are plentiful outside the city limits. However, those who want to hit the links in Buffalo itself can do so in style. No fewer than three of Buffalo's Olmsted parks — Delaware, Cazenovia, dan South Parks — boast golf courses (the former has 18 holes, the latter two have nine), and the Grover Cleveland Golf Course in University Heights is famous as the site of the 1912 U.S. Open. Lihat district articles for more details on individual courses.

Anglers cast their lines into the Upper Niagara River at Broderick Park.


Buffalo is a hotspot for freshwater fishing, with a remarkable diversity of species thanks to its location at the junction of Lake Erie and the Niagara River, which each feature different scenarios for anglers.

In Lake Erie, the marquee catch is smallmouth bass: the Queen City has been recognized by Bassmaster magazine as one of the top three bass fishing destinations in the United States. If you're angling from shore — say, at Buffalo Harbor State Park atau Ship Canal Commons in South Buffalo — the prime times are early May through mid-June and October through November, just after the lake thaws and before it freezes again. The bass move to cooler waters in midsummer, but if you have a boat, they're still easily catchable at those times in the deeper parts of the lake. Most of the bass you'll catch will be between 2 and 4 pounds (1 and 2 kg), though it's not unheard of to reel in whoppers of 6 or 7 pounds (3 kg) from time to time. Aside from bass, Lake Erie has some of the best walleye fishing you'll find anywhere, with average catches ranging from 5 to 8 pounds (2.5 to 3.5 kg), as well as muskellunge (especially around the mouth of the Buffalo River) and yellow perch.

The Buffalo River boasts its share of fishing spots too — notably RiverFest Park, Conway Park, Mutual Park, Seneca Bluffs, and other green spaces in the emerald necklace of the Buffalo River Greenway. Despite generations of heavy industry that once left it an ecological dead zone, the river was cleaned up enough by the early 1980s for fish to filter their way in once again, and today a typical catch might include bullhead, largemouth bass, yellow perch, and steelhead trout.

The upper Niagara River, meanwhile, is a great place to catch steelhead, lake trout, and northern pike which teem in its cool, fast-flowing waters all season long. This is also a place to find smallmouth bass in the summer months, when the shoreline areas of Lake Erie are too warm for them. Unity Island is the place to be for river fishing in Buffalo — folks from the West Side's Burmese refugee community reeling in dinner for their families are a regular sight at places like Broderick Park, Bird Island Pier, dan Unity Island Park. (But think twice before you follow their lead in eating your catch: though the Niagara River and Lake Erie have come a long way in terms of pollution, it's advised to severely restrict if not completely avoid eating fish caught in local waters. For more specific information, see the New York State Department of Health Fish Advisory.)


It's no Vegas, but gamblers have a number of options in and around Buffalo.

The $130 million permanent home of the Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino in the historic Cobblestone District opened in 2013 and expanded only four years later; it boasts over 1,100 slot machines and 36 table games. The Buffalo Raceway, on the grounds of the Erie County Fair in the suburb of Hamburg, has slot machines, video poker, and, in season, live harness racing.

Further afield, there are several other destinations for fans of horse racing, slots, and other gaming (Niagara Falls foremost among them). Lihat Pergi seterusnya section for more on those.

The heart of downtown Buffalo's Theater District, with its great variety of performance venues, restaurants, and other attractions.


For a city its size, Buffalo has a surprisingly large, active, and diverse theater scene. Even after the closure in 2008 of the biggest producing theater in town, the Studio Arena Theatre, the Theater District, bounded roughly by Washington, Tupper, Franklin, and Chippewa Streets, has remained vibrant, with Curtain Up!, the gala event that marks the opening of the theater season, drawing larger-than-ever crowds downtown each September.

There are plenty of theaters outside the Theater District as well, many of which are connected to the theater programs of the various colleges and universities in the area. Lihat district articles for details.

Live music

For listings of individual venues, see the various district articles.

Despite the many directions in which it has evolved over the decades — from the soulful, R&B-influenced "Buffalo Sound" of the '60s exemplified by local acts like Raven and The Vibratos (the latter featuring a young Cory Wells, later lead singer of Three Dog Night), to a thriving punk, hardcore and new wave scene in the early '80s, to a ragtag brotherhood of vaguely jangly alternative acts in the '90s, to the kaleidoscopic diversity of today — one thing that's always remained the same about Buffalo's music scene is its tight-knit camaraderie, its loyalty to its hometown fan base, and, despite the occasional native son or daughter that's gone on to greater fame (notably Rick James, Ani DiFranco, Brian McKnight, the Goo Goo Dolls, and most recently the Griselda Records hip-hop collective), its relative obscurity outside the confines of the local area. Buffalo may not have the reputation of Austin, but as a live music town it's worthwhile for locals and visitors alike.

Major national touring artists usually take the stage downtown. The biggest of the big stars — your U2's, your Rolling Stones — usually play at the KeyBank Center, or occasionally at New Era Field out in Orchard Park. But downtown also has a handful of midsize concert venues such as the Town Ballroom, Mohawk Place, dan juga Rec Room that play host to second-tier acts. Visitors from north of the border might be surprised to see many Canadian groups that haven't yet "made it big" in the States playing to packed houses at places like the Town Ballroom — long lacking decent homegrown rock radio, local fans have taken a shine to Toronto stations and, as a result, bands like the Tragically Hip are huge draws in Buffalo. As well, summertime brings well-known names to the outdoor Canalside Live concert series, and Babeville, on Delaware Avenue on the northern fringe of downtown, is both the headquarters of Righteous Babe Records, the label helmed by Buffalo's own Ani DiFranco, and the site of Asbury Hall, a concert venue situated in a former church that regularly hosts shows by Righteous Babe's stable of folky indie singer-songwriters and other artists of the same ilk.

Sekiranya muzik tempatan adalah yang anda cari, dua kawasan hotspot adalah Allentown dan Grant-Amherst. Bar Allentown suka Duke's Bohemian Grove dan bertingkat Nietzsche adalah tempat yang bagus untuk melihat rocker dan penyanyi-penulis lagu dalam negeri melakukan perkara mereka - biasanya dua dozen kumpulan yang sama memainkan "kerusi muzik" di antara tempat-tempat tersebut. Walaupun tidak biasa, kadang-kadang anda bahkan akan melihat nama yang terkenal secara nasional mengambil pentas di tempat-tempat ini (ini nampaknya paling sering berlaku di Duke's). Di Grant-Amherst, anda lebih cenderung menangkap aksi country, blues, atau root-rock - inti dari adegan muzik Grant-Amherst, Kedai Sukan, menyebut dirinya sebagai "gabungan bir paling sedap di bandar".

Peminat jenis muzik lain tidak ketinggalan dalam kedinginan: blues menunjukkan di Main Street's Central Park Grill adalah legenda tempatan, peminat jazz dapat menghadiri konsert hebat di bersejarah Kelab Pemuzik Berwarna atau lihat pameran sejarah muzik tempatan di muzium terlampir, dan Dewan Muzik Kleinhans, di mana Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra memegang gelanggang, adalah Tempat Bersejarah Berdaftar Nasional yang direka dengan akustik sempurna oleh arkitek Eliel dan Eero Saarinen.


Kerbau adalah rumah bagi sebilangan besar kolej dan universiti swasta dan awam. Sekolah terbesar di kawasan ini adalah Universiti di Buffalo (UB). Salah satu daripada empat "pusat universiti" di Universiti Negeri New York (SUNY) sistem, UB terkenal sebagai universiti penyelidikan awam yang besar. Atas sebab ini, ia adalah salah satu daripada 62 anggota terpilih dari Persatuan Universiti Amerika yang berprestij. UB mempunyai dua kampus: yang lebih kecil Kampus Selatan berada di kejiranan University Heights di sudut timur laut bandar, dan lebih besar Kampus Utara berada di pinggir bandar Amherst, kira-kira empat batu (6 km) di timur laut Kampus Selatan.

Kolej Negeri Buffalo, juga merupakan bagian dari sistem SUNY, berada di seberang Galeri Seni Albright-Knox, di hujung utara Elmwood Village. Kolej Canisius adalah kolej swasta terbesar di Buffalo, yang terletak berhampiran persimpangan Humboldt Parkway dan Main Street. Kolej dan universiti lain di bandar dan kawasan sekitarnya termasuk Kolej Trocaire, Kolej Medaille, Kolej Villa Maria, Kolej D'Youville, Kolej Daemen, dan tiga kampus di Kolej Komuniti Erie.

Universiti di Buffalo mempunyai tahunan Siri Penceramah Cemerlang, yang telah menjadi tuan rumah kepada Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Michael Moore, Dalai Lama, Stephen Colbert, dan Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Acara-acara ini berlaku di Kampus Utara dan terbuka untuk umum; tiket boleh didapati dari box office Universiti. UB mempunyai siri kuliah musim panas percuma tersedia untuk orang ramai, dan Buffalo State secara berkala peristiwa terbuka kepada pelawat.


Untuk senarai kedai individu, sila lihat yang berkenaan daerah artikel.

Kerbau mempunyai sejumlah kawasan membeli-belah yang menarik, masing-masing dengan citarasa sendiri.

Elmwood Avenue, tulang belakang Elmwood Village, adalah jalan raya yang penuh sesak dengan butik-butik yang indah, galeri seni, kafe trotoar, dan restoran yang bagus.

The Perkampungan Elmwood meluas di sepanjang Elmwood Avenue dari Buffalo State College ke selatan hingga ke North Street. Kawasan ini mengandungi pelbagai kedai kecil dengan rasa "bebas" - anda tidak akan menjumpai banyak kedai atau restoran rantaian nasional di sini. Keistimewaan Elmwood Avenue adalah butik pakaian kelas atas yang melayani bandar raya fesyen; ini juga tempat yang bagus untuk mencari seni dan perhiasan buatan tempatan, hadiah unik, dan beberapa tempat makan yang ditawarkan Buffalo terbaik.

Allentown berpusat di sepanjang Allen Street dari Main hingga Wadsworth Streets, tetapi terutama di sebelah barat Linwood Avenue. Bersebelahan, dan serupa dalam beberapa cara, dengan Elmwood Village, Allentown mempunyai lebih banyak suasana bohemian dan berseni dibandingkan dengan pelajar kolej dan yuppies yang sering menggunakan Elmwood. Di tengah-tengah percambahan bar hipster, anda akan melihat banyak kedai antik, galeri seni kecil, dan kedai pakaian dengan gaya yang lebih urban.

Hertel Avenue, antara Delaware dan Parkside Avenues di North Buffalo, adalah rumah bagi pelbagai jenis kedai kecil. Hertel adalah tempat yang sesuai untuk meninjau galeri seni, membeli perabot antik dan kontemporari dan hiasan rumah, bersantai di kedai-kedai kepala seperti Stesen Terrapin, dan mencicipi masakan Timur Tengah di berbagai restoran dan bodegas di hujung barat jalur, berhampiran Delaware Avenue.

Grant Street, yang berjalan dari utara ke selatan melalui Upper West Side, merupakan jalan utama dua kawasan membeli-belah yang baru dihidupkan semula di kawasan bandar yang pantas ini. Peregangan antara (kira-kira) West Delavan Avenue dan Hampshire Street, yang berpusat di West Ferry Street, adalah jalur komersial yang akan datang yang dikenali sebagai Grant-Feri. "Periuk lebur" yang benar, dengan orang-orang Hispanik yang telah bertahun-tahun berada di sini dan kini disertai oleh pelajar Somalia, Asia Tenggara, Arab, Eropah Timur, dan Buffalo State College, Grant-Ferry merupakan rumah bagi kumpulan etnik yang sederhana tetapi berkembang pasar makanan, kedai pakaian, dan sebagainya. Juga, Grant-Amherst, yang tidak jauh dari utara di sudut Jalan Amherst, dinobatkan sebagai Buffalo's "Best Up-and-Coming Neighborhood" dalam pertandingan "Best of Buffalo 2011" di Artvoice. Grant-Amherst menawarkan koleksi galeri seni, kedai antik, dan restoran yang kecil tetapi berkembang dalam jarak berjalan kaki dari Buffalo State College. Pelawat harus diberi peringatan, bagaimanapun, bahawa walaupun ada peningkatan yang berterusan, kawasan sekitar Grant Street masih jauh lebih baik daripada tempat-tempat seperti Elmwood Village dan Allentown.

Di 'burbs boleh didapati barisan mall dan plaza biasa. Pusat membeli-belah terbesar di kawasan ini adalah Walden Galleria, di Walden Avenue di Cheektowaga, 10 minit dari pusat bandar melalui Lebuhraya Kensington dan / atau Interstate 90. Yang lain termasuk Boulevard Mall di Amherst, the Pusat Beli-belah McKinley di sempadan antara Hamburg dan Orchard Park, dan Pusat Beli-belah Eastern Hills dalam Clarence. Di Buffalo itu sendiri, ada kawasan kecil antara Delaware dan Elmwood Avenues di pinggir utara kota di mana terdapat plaza membeli-belah, kedai kotak besar, dan restoran berantai.


Kerbau adalah surga untuk makanan yang enak.

Makanan istimewa tempatan

Sayap Kerbau kanonik: sayap, saderi, keju biru, bir, dan tuala lembap.
  • Tiada lawatan yang lengkap tanpa mencuba sayap kerbau. Oh, tentu, semua orang berfikir mereka telah mencubanya, tetapi tidak ada yang setanding dengan yang anda dapat di Buffalo. (Tetapi jangan panggil mereka "sayap kerbau"; di sini, mereka hanyalah "sayap".) Resipi klasik, seperti yang berasal dari tahun 1964 di Bar Penanda di Main Street, adalah sayap ayam yang digoreng garing, kemudian masukkan campuran mentega dan sos panas (Merah Panas Frank untuk hasil terbaik) dalam kadar yang berbeza-beza mengikut toleransi rempah anda, kemudian habiskan pilihan di panggangan dengan sedikit arang tambahan. Perdebatan mengenai siapa yang melayani sayap terbaik di bandar tidak berkesudahan dan sering dipanaskan, tetapi sebagai peraturan umum, pergi ke salah satu daripada banyak bar sudut di Buffalo.
Sekiranya anda bukan peminat sos Buffalo, hampir di mana sahaja dengan sayap di menu akan menawarkan sos barbeku sebagai alternatif. Varieti lain yang sering anda temui termasuk parmesan bawang putih, lada lemon (sangat popular di kalangan masyarakat Afrika-Amerika Buffalo), mustard madu, dan "gaya Itali" (i.e. dilapisi tepung roti dan dihiris dalam sos marinara). Atau untuk sesuatu sungguh unik, menuju ke Kerbau Selatan, yang - pernah menjadi kawasan kejiranan yang aneh - mempunyai yang tersendiri gaya homegrown sayap anda tidak akan dapati di tempat lain di New York Barat, apalagi dunia.
  • Dengan cara yang sama: jika anda menikmati jari ayam, hampir tidak ada tempat yang lebih baik untuk anda kunjungi daripada Buffalo. Seperti bandar lain, anda pasti dapat menjumpai mereka sebagai makanan dalam diri mereka, tetapi di sini mereka juga dicincang dan dijadikan topping pizza, dalam taco, salad, dan - di atas semua - dalam bentuk kapal selam jari ayam, jari-jari ayam utuh dimasukkan ke dalam sos sayap Buffalo dan digunakan sebagai pengisian sandwic kapal selam, dihiasi bukan hanya dengan sub perasa standard selada, tomato, dan bawang, tetapi juga selimut keju biru. Satu varian adalah sub stinger, pada dasarnya stik hoagie ditambah jari ayam. Mana-mana sub kedai atau restoran pizza di bandar semestinya dapat menjadikan anda ayam jantan, tetapi bagi orang yang gemuk, kegemarannya adalah rangkaian tempatan Steakout Jim, di mana ia dicipta.
  • Di luar bidang ayam goreng, makanan istimewa tempatan yang lain adalah daging lembu, sandwic yang terdiri daripada kepingan lembut, daging lembu panggang berair berlapis di atas kümmelweck gulung (sebiji gulung Kaiser dihiasi dengan biji jintan dan garam Kosher) dan dihiasi secara tradisional dengan lobak, semakin baik. Mana-mana tempat yang menyajikan sandwic panas cenderung mempunyai daging lembu di menu, tetapi dua restoran yang daging lembu di weck mempunyai reputasi terbaik di kalangan penduduk tempatan adalah Schwabl's (di Center Road di Seneca Barat) dan Charlie the Butcher (lihat di bawah).
  • Hangat Texas, walaupun nama mereka, tidak diciptakan di Texas, tetapi di Buffalo, di mana mereka bermula sebagai persembahan unik di restoran Yunani di kawasan ini (Seneca Texas Hots mendakwa sebagai yang pertama melayani mereka, walaupun ini adalah masalah pertikaian). Texas hot adalah hot dog yang dilumurkan dengan mustard, bawang, dan sos daging atau cili pedas; produk siap menyerupai hot dog "Coney Island" yang disajikan di Detroit, walaupun sos cili di Texas hots lebih ringan dan lebih nipis secara konsisten.
  • Bercakap tentang: Makanan Yunani tentu saja tidak diketahui di Amerika Syarikat, tetapi di Buffalo ini adalah masakan yang mempunyai sejarah yang sangat panjang dan jangkauannya - ada Kedai makan Yunani di hampir semua kawasan kejiranan sejak tahun 1960-an atau 70-an. Tetapi Buffalo tidak mempunyai komuniti Yunani yang sangat besar, jadi apa yang memberi? Semuanya kembali ke Theodore Liaros, yang membuka lokasi pertama rangkaian hot dog tempatan yang disayangi Ted pada tahun 1927, serta tradisi masyarakat etnik imigran yang dihormati waktu berkumpul untuk membantu pendatang baru: seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, semakin banyak orang Yunani - beberapa kerabat jauh keluarga Liaros, beberapa rakan lama dari kampung halamannya - datang ke Kerbau, belajar perniagaan restoran di Ted's, dan kemudian memulai sendiri. Sehingga hari ini, daftar restoran Yunani tempatan tetap menjadi jalinan hubungan keluarga dan perkahwinan campur. Bagi makanan, secara tradisional tempat-tempat ini biasa menyajikan versi jalanan Yunani seperti Amerika souvlaki, gyro dan spanakopita bersama makanan biasa seperti burger dan sandwic cair. Model ini masih mendominasi di pinggir bandar, di mana anda juga cenderung berlari menggunakan tradisi lama yang tetap terbuka 24 jam, suatu amalan yang semakin banyak berjalan di tepi jalan kerana pekerjaan kilang berdasarkan peralihan hilang dan anak-anak kuliah lebih cenderung menghabiskan malam-malam untuk mengikuti ujian daripada berpesta. Walau bagaimanapun, banyak pengunjung Yunani di bandar ini - terutamanya Pano's, Mitos, dan Acropolis di Elmwood Avenue; Allentown's Restoran Towne adalah pengecualian terkenal - telah mencipta semula diri mereka dalam urat yang lebih kelas atas, dengan item menu yang lebih kreatif, hiasan yang lebih indah, dan harga yang lebih tinggi.
Sekiranya anda ingin mencuba ayam Chiavetta, pertaruhan terbaik anda adalah dengan mengawasi mata seperti ini.
  • Kunci untuk Ayam Chiavetta (biasanya disingkat menjadi "Chiavetta") adalah perapan, ramuan berasaskan cuka bawang putih dan cider yang disatukan dengan campuran rahsia herba dan rempah (tekaan yang berpendidikan biasanya merangkumi lada hitam, sos Worcestershire, dan mungkin halia, serbuk bawang, dan perapan ayam) di mana daging duduk selama kira-kira empat jam sebelum dipanggang di atas panggangan arang. Hasilnya lembut dan sangat berair, hanya dengan sedikit rasa renyah pada kulit. Sekiranya ini terdengar menarik, anda mempunyai beberapa pilihan: Habitat semula jadi Chiavetta adalah tempat makan rumput gereja, masakan penggalangan dana pemadam kebakaran, dan peristiwa tidak rasmi seperti itu, atau jika anda kebetulan berada di bandar semasa Pameran Daerah Erie, pergi ke gerai Chiavetta Catering Company sendiri untuk mendapatkannya terus dari sumbernya. Anda akan mempunyai masa yang lebih sukar untuk mencarinya di restoran: jika anda tidak dapat sampai ke Lockport untuk dikunjungi Pengambilan BBQ Chiavetta, anda mungkin mencuba Raja Wing di Elmwood Avenue, yang beberapa lusin jenis sos sayap ayam termasuk tiruan Chiavetta yang cukup tepat. Dan jika semuanya gagal, anda akan menemui pengasam di rak kebanyakan pasar raya tempatan (jika membuat sendiri, gunakan paha tulang untuk hasil yang terbaik; payudara juga tidak menyerap rasa).
  • Minuman ringan ungu berkarbonat dan gelap dengan rasa yang boleh digambarkan sebagai sangat manis dan berbuah secara umum, loganberry tidak betul-betul berasal dari kawasan tempatan - beri beri hibrida di California pada tahun 1883, dan minuman, jeli, dan pekat sirap yang dibuat daripadanya adalah mode singkat di seluruh negara sekitar pergantian abad ini - tetapi hanya di Buffalo yang masih berkuasa. Ratu-O adalah pembotolan tempatan yang besar untuk sebahagian besar abad ke-20, tetapi bertanya kepada orang lama di sini mengenai kenangan loganberry mereka dan kemungkinan besar mereka akan membincangkan Pantai Crystal, taman hiburan di masa lalu di mana ia disajikan bukan hanya sebagai minuman tetapi juga dalam bentuk lolipop dan gula-gula berperisa loganberry. Pada masa kini Mak Cik Rosie adalah jenama yang paling terkenal, dengan resipi berdasarkan formula Crystal Beach dan dimiliki dan diedarkan secara eksklusif oleh syarikat pembotolan Pepsi-Cola tempatan (tidak PepsiCo sendiri, yang banyak menjelaskan kekurangannya di luar Buffalo). Bibi Rosie hanya terdapat di air pancut soda tempatan, jadi jika anda mahu sebotol membawa pulang dari pasar raya sebagai cenderahati, cari Johnnie Ryan sebaliknya, dibotolkan di Air Terjun Niagara.
  • Goreng ikan adalah pokok kerbau yang berhutang keberadaannya dengan dominasi tradisional Katolik Roma di kalangan warganegara tempatan - penganut Katolik pernah dilarang makan daging merah dan unggas pada hari Jumaat. Walaupun larangan itu tidak berlaku sejak tahun 1960-an, tradisi menikmati goreng ikan pada malam Jumaat masih ada. Resipi tradisional melihat filet haddock atau ikan kod yang dilapisi tepung, bir dan digoreng hingga coklat keemasan, kemudian selesai dengan sos tartar dan / atau jus lemon dan disajikan dengan lauk yang mungkin termasuk kentang goreng, coleslaw, atau mungkin makaroni salad. Anda boleh makan goreng ikan di beberapa restoran Buffalo yang lebih baik jika anda mahu, tetapi ini masih merupakan makanan kelas pekerja di hati dan, oleh itu, seperti sayap, goreng ikan terbaik disajikan oleh lubang penyiraman kawasan kejiranan yang lebih kecil dan sudu berminyak. Jangkakan garis-garis agar ikan dapat bertahan lama selama musim Prapaskah (biasanya Februari-Apr, walaupun bervariasi mengikut tahun), ketika peraturan lama tanpa daging pada hari Jumaat masih berlaku.
  • Kerbau juga mempunyai batu tulis sendiri gula-gula, pastri, dan gula-gula asal tempatan:
    • Gula-gula span, walaupun (bertentangan dengan kepercayaan tempatan) tidak unik untuk kawasan Kerbau, adalah yang paling terkenal, dan anda akan menemuinya di mana-mana kedai gula-gula tempatan yang bernilai garamnya. Gula perang, sirap jagung, dan baking soda dicampurkan bersama-sama ke dalam sirup pekat dan kemudian dibakar, melepaskan gelembung gas karbon dioksida dari yang terakhir yang terperangkap dalam campuran kerana ia mengeras dan menjadi toffee, mewujudkan bahagian dalam yang renyah dan berkisi . Seluruhnya kemudian ditutup dengan coklat. The Fowler rangkaian kedai coklat semestinya menjual yang terbaik, walaupun pesaingnya Watson's dan Gula-gula tepi taman memohon berbeza.
    • Pencinta ais krim yang mengunjungi Buffalo tidak perlu bersusah payah bertanya tentang asal usul Sundae Mexico, yang diselubungi kabur, tetapi semestinya ambil peluang untuk menggali ais krim vanila yang masin-manis ini dihiasi dengan fudge panas, krim disebat, dan - ini adalah ramuan utama - kacang kulit Sepanyol. Pada musim panas, mana-mana gerai ais krim milik tempatan yang anda dapati di sekitar bandar memilikinya di menu; jika anda berkunjung pada bulan-bulan yang lebih sejuk, pertaruhan terbaik anda adalah pergi ke Gula-gula Nick Charlap di Bukit di Seneca Barat.
    • The Charlie Chaplin, di mana kelapa cincang dan kacang mete dicincang ditambahkan ke coklat cair dan kemudian dituangkan ke atas gumpalan marshmallow lembut dan ditaburkan dengan garam kasar, diduga dibuat semasa lawatan bintang filem eponim 1917 ke Buffalo untuk tayangan perdana filemnya Pengembara. Pulau Strawberry, di dalam Pasar Broadway di sebelah timur, adalah tempat yang baik untuk mencari mereka; mereka melayani mereka di atas tongkat, berbanding dengan log atau nugget seperti di tempat lain.
    • Akhirnya, hati pastri, juga dikenali sebagai sayap malaikat, adalah kepingan puff pastry berbentuk hati yang dilapisi cangkang tebal gula putih yang sangat keras dan kering di bahagian luar dan lembut, lengket, dan manis di dalam. Mereka adalah kepakaran masyarakat Poland tempatan; Kedai Roti Mazurek di Wad Pertama Lama dan Bakeri Elang Putih di atas Pasar Broadway adalah pilihan yang baik untuk mendapatkan beberapa.


Untuk senarai restoran, sila lihat yang berkenaan daerah artikel.

Walaupun kawasan ini dulu merupakan kawasan restoran rantai pemotong kue dan "sudu berminyak" yang tidak dapat dibayangkan, penduduk tempatan bersetuju bahawa tempat makan di Buffalo telah berjalan lama dalam dua puluh tahun terakhir. Syarikat yang semakin inovatif dan berkualiti tinggi semakin kerap muncul, dan pelawat - bahkan mereka yang pernah berkunjung ke Buffalo pada masa lalu - mungkin terkejut dengan pelbagai pilihan.

Sama seperti kedai runcit, setiap kawasan di Buffalo nampaknya mempunyai keistimewaan tersendiri ketika datang ke restoran. Secara umum, kepala pusat bandar untuk santapan mewah paling mewah yang ditawarkan oleh Western New York, kepada Perkampungan Elmwood untuk Pengunjung Yunani dan bar sukan dudebro, ke Allentown untuk sadar di atas sepiring "makanan mabuk" setelah malam bar-hopping, ke Hertel untuk masakan Itali gaya hidup yang enak, atau ke bahagian timur untuk makanan barbeku dan jiwa. Dan jika anda peminat rasa Asia yang enak, dapatkan pilihan anda sama ada di sebelah barat atau keluar di pinggiran kota, di Chinatown kuasi yang bersatu di Amherst antara dua kampus UB.

Bercakap mengenai: Masakan Burma sukar ditemui di tempat lain di negara ini, tetapi terima kasih kepada komuniti pendatang dan pelarian yang kuat bergabung di Bahagian Barat sejak pergantian alaf, ia cukup popular di Buffalo. Dua penyedia yang paling terkenal adalah Bazar Bahagian Barat di Grant Street dan rantaian tempatan matahari (lokasi asal di Jalan Niagara di Black Rock; cawangan pusat bandar, pada Hertel Avenue, dan di Williamsville), walaupun kedua-duanya berpegang teguh pada radar foodies Western New York, keasliannya berbeza-beza. Pembersih kuliner harus menuju ke Tepi sungai, di mana mereka akan menemui sebilangan alternatif yang tidak sesuai.

Rantai tempatan

Lokasi kebanyakan restoran rantaian nasional boleh didapati di Buffalo. Walau bagaimanapun, Buffalo juga mempunyai beberapa rangkaian tempatan dan serantau yang sangat digemari oleh orang-orang New York Barat dan berfungsi sebagai makanan utama tempatan.

  • Anchor Bar. Pencinta sayap tegar dapat melakukan ziarah ke "Rumah Sayap Ayam Kerbau Asal"di Main Street di utara pusat bandar untuk mengambil pelbagai jenis kemeja-T bertemakan sayap ayam dan barang-barang lain, tetapi di sebelah kanan adalah satu-satunya tempat di Buffalo yang secara wajar dapat disebut sebagai" perangkap pelancong ", dengan semua tidak memperhatikan kualiti makanan dan perkhidmatan pelanggan yang termaktub dalam istilah ini. Peraturan praktis yang baik bagi mereka yang hanya ingin memasukkan kepingan sayap adalah berpegang pada lokasi cawangan (dua di Amherst, satu di Air Terjun Niagara, tempat bermusim di Tasik Darien taman tema, dan kawasan udara di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Buffalo Niagara di Cheektowaga): perbezaan sebenarnya adalah malam dan siang. Selain sayap, persembahan juga merangkumi pelbagai salad, sandwic (termasuk yang lain dari masakan Barat New York, daging lembu), dan makanan Itali yang sederhana tetapi sedap. Anchor Bar di Wikipedia
  • Anderson. Sejak tahun 1946, keluarga Anderson telah mengendalikan rangkaian pemanduan ini yang sangat popular di kalangan orang Buffalon, terutamanya pada bulan-bulan musim panas. Salah satu keistimewaan Anderson adalah daging lembu panggang; oleh reputasi tempatan mereka daging lembu berkualiti, tetapi pucat dibandingkan dengan Charlie the Butcherdan Schwabl's. Namun, kekuatan sebenar Anderson terletak pada pilihan pencuci mulut mereka, dengan pelbagai makanan sejuk beku, milkshake, es berperisa, ais krim keras dan lembut, dan sunda yang ditawarkan. Tujuh lokasi Anderson merangkumi restoran di Buffalo Utara dan pinggir bandar Amherst, Cheektowaga, Kenmore, Lancaster, Lockport, dan Williamsville.
  • Bagel Jay's. Bekas pemilik Bagel Bros., yang memiliki dua lusin lokasi pada puncaknya sebelum syarikat itu dijual, kembali dengan bagel yang lazat yang disukai oleh Buffalon. Berbagai jenis bagel gaya New York ditawarkan di tiga lokasi Bagel Jay's (satu di Delaware Avenue di North Buffalo dan dua di pinggir bandar Amherst) - varieti tradisional seperti wijen, poppy, dan bawang serta inovatif seperti tomato pesto dan cranberry orange - dengan pelbagai jenis keju krim biasa atau berperisa "shmears". Pelbagai sandwic sarapan dan kopi panggang juga ditawarkan, sementara pada waktu makan tengah hari, barisan sandwic, sup dan salad yang menarik sangat popular.
  • Charlie the Butcher. Charlie Roesch bukan penemu daging lembu - kehormatan itu diberikan Schwabl's, yang dibuka pada tahun 1837 di Near East Side dan kemudiannya pindah ke pinggir bandar Seneca Barat - tetapi dia dan keturunannya tentu telah melakukan yang terbaik untuk mempopularkan kepakaran Buffalo di luar kawasan setempat. Kedai daging Charles E. Roesch and Company didirikan pada tahun 1914 dan beroperasi selama lebih dari lapan dekad di Pasar Broadway, dengan pemilik kepemilikannya juga berkhidmat sebagai Walikota Kerbau dari tahun 1930 hingga 1934. Cucunya, Charles W., menjalankan perniagaan keluarga pada asalnya Dapur Charlie the Butcher di Williamsville, Charlie the Butcher Carvery di Desa Elmwood, dan empat Charlie the Butcher Express lokasi di pusat bandar serta pinggir bandar Amherst, Orchard Park, dan East Aurora.
Lokasi Allentown dari Steakout Jim.
  • Steakout Jim. Kredo Jim's Steakout - "If You Up, Kami Mungkin Terbuka" - telah memikat rantai ini kepada kelab, pelajar kolej, dan pelbagai burung hantu malam di seluruh kawasan Buffalo. Burger, taco, bungkus, sayap ayam dan jari, dan makanan segera yang serupa disajikan di Jim, tetapi steak hoagies mereka yang terkenal (pelbagai klasiknya adalah dengan selada, tomat, keju cair, bawang goreng, dan Jim Secret Sauce) yang benar-benar meletakkan tempat ini di radar tempatan. Jim's Steakout mempunyai lima lokasi di Kota Buffalo (di Allentown, daerah hiburan Chippewa Street, Desa Elmwood, University Heights, dan Buffalo Utara) serta lima lokasi pinggir bandar (dua di Amherst dan masing-masing satu di Tonawanda, Seneca Barat, dan Aurora Timur).
  • Louie's Texas Red Hots. Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1967, Louie's mungkin adalah tempat paling terkenal di Buffalo yang mengkhususkan diri dalam restoran Texas, tetapi menu ini juga merangkumi makanan segera standard lain seperti hot dog biasa, burger, milkshake, jari ayam, kentang goreng, dan sejenisnya . Asal-usul Texas panas di antara Komuniti pendatang Yunani Buffalo muncul di menu juga - burger keju yang dibuat dengan feta adalah pilihan yang menarik, roti pita disenaraikan sebagai pesanan sampingan, dan pencuci mulut Yunani seperti puding nasi dan baklava juga disediakan. Louie's mempunyai tiga lokasi di kota (di Buffalo Utara, Kensington-Bailey, dan Desa Elmwood), serta empat lokasi pinggir bandar (Seneca Barat, Depew, Taman Orchard, dan Tonawanda Utara).
  • Marco's Italian Deli. Marco Sciortino, koki lama Restoran Itali Marco di West Side, telah menghabiskan dekad terakhir atau lebih untuk memberi makan orang-orang New York Barat akan masakan Itali yang enak dan enak dengan senarai francais Marco's Italian Deli yang semakin meningkat. Sandwic lazat adalah peraturan di sini, dengan daging dan keju deli Boar's Head premium terbaik, serta moniker yang tidak dapat dilupakan seperti "Don Corleone", "How-You-Doin '", dan "Lupakan Mengenai Ini". Sup, salad, burger, dan panini juga disajikan. Selain restoran asli, yang menyajikan pelbagai makanan pembuka, lokasi terdapat di Hertel Avenue di North Buffalo dan juga dua di pinggir bandar Amherst.
  • Taco perkasa. Mungkin restoran rantaian yang terbesar dan terkenal yang berasal dari tempatan, Mighty Taco adalah pakaian makanan segera Mexico yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1973 dan kini mempunyai 21 lokasi di seluruh kawasan metro. Populariti tempat ini di kalangan penduduk tempatan sangat hebat Taco Bell ditutup dari pasar Buffalo hingga tahun 1990-an, dan angka penjualan Mighty masih mengalahkan pesaing multinasionalnya yang jauh lebih besar. Keistimewaan istimewa adalah El Niño Burrito dan rangkaian "Roastitos" yang luas, serta persembahan bermusim seperti Chipotle Chili dan BBQ Beef Burritos. Mighty Taco juga terkenal dengan iklan unik, agak psychedelic yang mereka jalankan di televisyen tempatan, terutama pada waktu larut malam. Maco Taco di Wikipedia
  • Rachel's Mediterranean. "Suka Chipotle untuk makanan Mediterranean ", dengan kata-kata seorang pengulas: di Rachel, anda memilih makanan kegemaran anda dari senarai daging, sayuran, dan topping yang kelihatannya tidak pernah habis untuk disesuaikan dengan bungkus, salad, atau mangkuk nasi anda sendiri. Gyro dan souvlaki sedang aktif maksudnya, tetapi orang suci mengambil perhatian: tempat ini mempunyai definisi yang aneh dan terang-terangan tidak betul shawarma (versi mereka pada dasarnya adalah souvlaki ayam yang dihaluskan dengan kentang goreng). Tambahkan di sebelah - hummus dan tabbouleh adalah pilihan yang popular - dan anda boleh pergi. Selain lokasi asal yang masih kuat di Main Street di Williamsville, terdapat juga lokasi di Kampus Utara UB di Amherst, di pusat bandar Chippewa Street, dan di Cheektowaga dan Hamburg.
  • Anjing Panas Ted. Hot dog yang disajikan di tempat ini sejak tahun 1927 oleh tiga generasi keluarga Liaros telah menjadikan Ted sebagai salah satu tradisi tempatan Buffalo yang paling disukai. Anjing panggang arang dilengkapi dengan bumbu saus tomat, mustard, bawang, dan acar yang tersedia, serta cabai dan keju dengan harga tambahan nominal - perlu diperhatikan, bahawa sos cili Ted berbeza dengan yang anda ' Saya akan mencari di Texas hots. Burger, kentang goreng, cincin bawang, milkshake, dan minuman ringan (termasuk loganberry) melengkapkan persembahan. Malangnya, lokasi asal Ted di tepi laut West Side ditutup pada tahun 1990-an, tetapi rantaian ini masih mempunyai sembilan lokasi di pusat bandar dan di pinggir bandar Amherst, Cheektowaga, Lancaster, Lockport, Tonawanda Utara, Taman Orchard, Tonawanda, dan Williamsville - atau naik online dan lihat apakah trak makanan "Charcoal Chariot" Ted akan kelihatan di dekat anda. Anjing Panas Ted di Wikipedia

Untuk rantaian tambahan yang kekurangan lokasi di bandar, lihat bahagian yang sepadan dalam artikel kami mengenai Perbatasan Niagara.

Lori makanan

Trak makanan akhirnya tiba di Buffalo, dan mereka sensasi. Terdapat beberapa dozen trak makanan yang beroperasi di Buffalo hari ini, menyediakan segala-galanya dari hot dog standard dan taco hingga pilihan yang lebih luar biasa seperti pencuci mulut buatan calar yang elegan, masakan gabungan gourmet, dan makanan karnival. Pertumbuhan trak makanan di Buffalo bukan tanpa perjuangan, walaupun: pada tahun 2013, cadangan dalam Majlis Bersama, yang disokong oleh banyak pemilik restoran "pegun" tempatan, untuk senarai cucian yuran dan peraturan baru untuk trak makanan hanya dikalahkan sedikit demi sedikit kerana usaha akar umbi yang sengit. Namun, baru-baru ini, garis antara trak makanan dan restoran bata-bata telah kabur: banyak yang terakhir menggunakan pendekatan "jika anda tidak dapat mengalahkan mereka, bergabunglah dengan mereka" dan memulakan trak makanan mereka sendiri, sementara beberapa trak yang paling popular telah berjaya meningkatkan kejayaan mereka dengan membuka restoran bata dan mortar mereka sendiri yang juga berfungsi sebagai dapur persediaan untuk operasi mudah alih mereka.

Senarai di bawah merangkumi beberapa trak makanan Buffalo yang lebih popular (tidak termasuk trak makanan dari restoran bata dan mortar, tetapi termasuk yang dimulakan sebagai trak makanan dan restoran yang dibuka kemudian). Trak makanan paling sering dijumpai di pusat bandar atau di Allentown, Elmwood Village, North Buffalo, dan Larkinville; jika anda berada di pinggir bandar, tempat letak kereta kompleks pejabat adalah tempat lain yang kerap. Banyak trak makanan mengekalkan halaman peminat Facebook dan / atau suapan Twitter yang mengemas kini peminat di mana mereka akan menubuhkan kedai.

  • Anak Cheesy, 1 716 418-2241. Keju panggang adalah nama permainan di sini, tetapi ini bukan sandwic biasa anda: Hidangan Cheesy Chick menghasilkan permutasi yang tidak terbatas dari ruji kanak-kanak klasik ini, dengan bahan berkualiti segar yang ditawarkan. Orang-orang kerbau yang mencari makanan selesa di mana sahaja boleh memilih dari pelbagai sandwic khas yang sentiasa berubah dan memusingkan; ramuan Cheesy Chick merangkumi kombinasi keju dari cheddar standard hingga brie dan havarti, roti dari Itali hingga masam hingga kismis kayu manis hingga panini, dan topping yang kreatif seperti prosciutto, coleslaw, dan apel dan pir segar. Pilihan persembahan keju tanpa panggang yang sederhana merangkumi pelbagai pencuci mulut, salad dan sup panas (dalam musim). Tumit Achilles abadi Cheesy Chick adalah perkhidmatan mereka, yang terdiri dari cepat dan ramah hingga lambat dan tidak peduli.
  • Ikan yang Menyala, 1 716 279-9725. The Flaming Fish dilancarkan pada tahun 2014 untuk menjawab panggilan pencinta makanan laut yang mencari trak makanan Buffalo untuk memanggil mereka sendiri, dan melakukannya dengan penuh semangat: ini adalah salah satu trak yang paling terkenal di tempat kejadian. Secara umum, makanan laut terdapat dalam dua bentuk di sini: pelbagai roti dan goreng (anak udang po 'adalah item yang popular di papan sandwic, dan filet haddock adalah pendekatan yang berguna untuk Goreng ikan Jumaat Warga Buffalo telah menikmatinya selama beberapa generasi, walaupun bahagiannya sedikit sentuhan di sini) dan sebagai taco ikan segar dan beraroma, yang benar-benar menjadi item paling menonjol di menu The Flaming Fish. Harga adalah berpatutan, perkhidmatan pelanggan tiada duanya - satu-satunya perkara buruk yang boleh anda katakan ialah laman web mereka membesar-besarkan mengenai pelbagai tawaran untuk orang yang tidak suka makanan laut (pilih antara quesadillas dan steak hoagie dalam kes itu).
  • Anjing Panas Frank Gourmet. "Gourmet" dalam nama itu bukan lelucon - walaupun mereka dengan senang hati akan melayani anda persediaan ketupup / mustard / bawang / nikmat, hati dan jiwa tempat ini terdapat dalam ciptaan-ciptaan berseni seperti "Holy Moly" yang berapi-api panas sriracha dan jalapeños sedikit dipanaskan oleh guacamole segar, "Violet Beauregarde" yang manis dan enak dengan keju, bawang goreng renyah, dan (anda dapat meneka) glasir blueberry, dan pengambilan setia Anjing panas Chicago. De rigueur di bandar di mana Ted adalah raja hot dog, anjing Frank dipanggang dan hanya menggunakan bahan-bahan segar, menjadikan produk yang dapat bertahan dengan tambang di rangkaian tempatan yang lama. Sekiranya anda lebih suka duduk di meja dan kerusi daripada makan salah satu ramuan yang tidak kemas ini semasa dalam perjalanan, pergi ke restoran mandiri Frank di Kenmore.
  • Rumah Munch, 1 716 866-0106. Bertahun-tahun sebelum mereka mula muncul di acara lain atau hanya berkeliaran di jalan-jalan kota, karnival adalah satu tempat di mana trak makanan dapat dijumpai dengan mudah - dan bahkan hingga hari ini, trak makanan karnival adalah pengalaman yang khas, hampir dengan genre masakan mereka sendiri. Apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk pengunjung Buffalo yang tidak akan berada di bandar ini Erie County Fair or other such events, yet still want their fix of fried dough (the house specialty), regular or loaded fries, cotton candy, corn dogs, and the like? House of Munch is the answer. The food is reliably good, house-made birch beer to drink is an authentic nod to an old-fashioned hometown favorite, and though prices are high, they're the only game in town for those looking to mine this offbeat culinary vein.
Take your pick of Buffalo's best mobile cuisine at Food Truck Tuesdays, held weekly at Larkin Square from May through October.
  • Lloyd Taco Truck, 1 716 863-9781. The original and still the undisputed king of Buffalo food trucks, Lloyd made its mark on the local scene with astonishing speed: just a few years after its launch in 2010 in service of a citizenry who barely knew what food trucks were and where their legal status was uncertain, it found itself a local culinary institution in a town where Mighty Taco long ruled the taco roost. Lloyd's fleet now comprises not only four trucks but also two brick-and-mortar locations, on Hertel Avenue and in Williamsville respectively. Wherever you choose to indulge in Lloyd's "high-end food and service at street-level prices" — staples include tomatillo pork tacos, braised beef burritos and "tricked-out nachos" — you can rest assured you're getting free-range, antibiotic- and hormone-free meats and locally grown produce. Wash it all down with an ice-cold Jarritos soda or HFCS-free Coke imported from Mexico.
  • The Louisiana Cookery, 1 716 202-8787. Southern food (in all its myriad subgenres) has been enjoying something of a renaissance in Buffalo — and at the vanguard of that renaissance is this food truck, which has been dishing out some of the most authentic specialties Buffalo has to offer since 2014. Crawfish étouffée, shrimp and grits, the ever-popular jambalaya, and other downhome fare stay true to traditional Creole and Low Country recipes. A bit pricey for the portion size, but worth it. Louisiana Cookery is another one of those food trucks that's made the jump into the "stationary restaurant" industry, serving up the same limited but delicious menu in their brick-and-mortar home on Walden Avenue in Pine Hill.
  • Maria's Bene Cibo, 1 716 322-7314. Launched in 2017, Maria's Bene Cibo is a new kid on the block in the Buffalo food truck scene that's already receiving rave reviews for its short but well-curated menu of Italian-inspired sandwiches, panini, and homemade cannoli for desert. You're in almost equally good hands no matter what you order — after an 11-year career at Tim Hortons dan Tops supermarkets, the eponymous Maria Freyne Price really knows her stuff — but customers tend to gravitate toward the Sicilian panini (Italian cold cuts topped with provolone, roasted red peppers, spinach, pesto, and Italian dressing) as well as the muffuletta sandwich (regular or spicy). If none of those are to your liking, they offer a build-your-own option as well.


Of course, nothing goes better with a big plate of chicken wings than a hot, fresh pizza, and Buffalonians are justifiably proud of the pizza served in their city. You'll find a lot of pizzerias here, but one thing you won't find a lot of are big national outfits like Domino's atau Papa John's. Instead, the scene in Buffalo is dominated by neighborhood mom-and-pop pizza places and locally based chains, each of whose individual variation on the classic recipe inspires fierce loyalty — and rivalry.

Buffalo pizza features a crust that's thicker than New York-style but not nearly as much so as Chicago deep dish, with a slightly nutty flavor and an airy sponginess that struggles to support the heaping mass of toppings that generally get piled on. Cheese comes in a thick, gooey layer that spreads out almost to the edge of the crust, the sauce has a noticeably sweet tinge, and pepperoni is invariably of the "cup and char" variety: smaller and more thickly sliced than elsewhere, they curl up into a bowl shape as they cook, blackened on the edges and with a pool of hot grease in the middle.

Of course, locals swear that the pizza here is the best in the world, but the Buffalo style takes some getting used to and definitely has its detractors among visitors. That's probably why in areas with dense concentrations of out-of-towners — i.e. the downtown hotel district and near the large university campuses — the script is flipped, and national chains are more numerous than local joints. (Also, with student populations that draw heavily from downstate, university-adjacent neighborhoods are good places for lovers of New York-style pizza to get their fix.)

Below are listed some of Buffalo's better-known pizza chains:

  • Bocce Club. The Bocce Club is a small operation, barely worthy of the term "chain" — it only has two locations, both in Amherst — but it merits inclusion here due to its outsize reputation among Buffalonians. Though there are some who say Bocce's is not quite as good as it used to be, the Pacciotti family's secret recipe is still often cited as the gold standard of Buffalo pizza. The key is the freshness of the ingredients, with dough made from scratch on the premises and only 100% whole-milk mozzarella cheese, which makes up for the fairly modest range of toppings offered. The usual array of wings, subs and sides are also offered, along with a decent fish fry. Also on Transit Road in East Amherst is the Original Bocce's Pizza, run by a different branch of the same family; local consensus says it's not as good.
  • Franco's. The happy medium of Buffalo pizza, Franco's pies are offered with a respectable variety of toppings, but they're not as creative as Just Pizza; fresh-tasting and well-balanced, but not as artfully executed as Bocce's. Though the quality here can sometimes be inconsistent, Franco's is generally agreed to be above-average on the Buffalo pizza hierarchy. Where they truly excel, however, is the accompaniments — the garlic bread here is soft, moist and has a pleasantly sharp garlic flavor, the wide variety of subs on offer are all large and delicious, and the hot wings pack a spicy punch. Franco's pizzas stand out from the rest of the pack thanks to their square(-ish) shape; as the slogan goes, "Franco's doesn't cut any corners"! Locations are concentrated in Buffalo's northern suburbs, with two Tonawanda outlets and one each in Amherst, Kenmore and North Tonawanda.
  • Just Pizza. The closest thing to "gourmet" that you'll find in the realm of Buffalo pizza delivery, the creativity and endless variety on Just Pizza's menu have earned it comparisons to a homegrown version of California Pizza Kitchen — the online menu even suggests wine pairings to accompany their more popular specialty pies. Retaining the classic Buffalo crust and sauce but reinventing everything else, the dizzying selection of toppings, cheeses, and fourteen different crusts offered here are such that even the most diehard pizza fanatic will never be bored. Despite the name, they also serve respectable chicken wings (with, true to form, your choice of 20 sauces), subs, tacos, and the like. By far the largest chain of pizzerias in the area, Just Pizza boasts nine locations, three in Buffalo and one each in Amherst, Clarence, Grand Island, Lancaster, Tonawanda, and West Seneca.
  • La Nova. Like the Bocce Club, the extent of La Nova's reputation belies the small size of the business, with only two locations: one on the Upper West Side and another in suburban Williamsville. But this truly is among the best Buffalo has to offer — not only to citizens but to the whole country; they do a brisk business shipping all over the continental U.S. (a testament, again, to that outsize renown). La Nova's crust tends to be thicker and doughier than the average Buffalo pizza, the better to support the generous portions of toppings and mounds of cheese piled on top. And the wings are in the same league as Duff's dan juga Anchor Bar. (Those who'd like to try both the pizza and the wings — highly recommended — should opt for a Combo Pack).

For additional chains that neither are located in nor deliver to the city proper, see the corresponding section in our article on the Perbatasan Niagara.


Buffalo's range of grocery stores is comparable to other U.S. cities its size. Naturally, the lion's share of them can be found in the suburbs, but unlike the infamous "food deserts" of other Rust Belt cities like Detroit, even the most forlorn inner-city precincts usually have at least one full-service supermarket.

Among the three major players on the Buffalo grocery-store scene, locally based Tops has the most stores, but the upscale, just-this-side-of-pretentious Wegmans chain, based in Rochester, enjoys by far and away the most loyalty and devotion among locals. Walmart, meanwhile, has greatly expanded its slice of the pie since its first Buffalo-area "supercenter" opened in 1997.

Wegmans has traditionally been the local go-to for upscale specialty groceries, and though Amherst now has a location each of Trader Joe's dan Whole Foods, that largely remains the case. An exception to that rule is the Lexington Co-op, a cooperatively-run purveyor of upscale natural, organic, and often locally sourced foods with locations in the Elmwood Village and on Hertel Avenue in North Buffalo.

Budget shoppers can choose from Aldi, Save-a-Lot, dan PriceRite, each of which have a handful of stores in Buffalo that sell a more limited range of items in a no-frills environment, for costs considerably lower than the major grocery chains. Of these, PriceRite boasts an especially good selection of fresh produce including an abundance of tropical fruits and vegetables, and Save-a-Lot's offerings in the realm of meats is equally impressive — they're the only discount supermarket in Buffalo that employs their own butchers. Dash's is another small, locally based chain, though with higher prices than the aforementioned three. As a last resort, "dollar stores" such as Dolar Am dan Family Dollar usually stock a limited range of canned vegetables, dry groceries, snacks, and occasionally milk, eggs, and frozen foods, but not fresh produce or meat.

Finally, the latest craze in Buffalo among aficionados of fresh, locally-grown foods are the farmers' markets which have exploded in number and size over the past decade or so. There are about two dozen of them all over the metro area, where local farmers, vintners, cheesemakers, and producers of other artisanal food products come to sell their goods directly to the public. Farmers' markets usually take place on a weekly basis during the growing season, and many of them double as full-fledged street festivals, with live music, games, and other entertainment.


For bar listings, please see the respective daerah articles.

As a historically (and enduringly) blue-collar town, Buffalo has traditionally had a fairly dense concentration of bars and taverns. In fact, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Buffalo is among the top ten cities in the United States in number of bars per capita.

Drinkers in Buffalo aren't limited to rough-and-tumble working-class watering holes, though — although there are plenty of those, Buffalo has quite a number of more upscale nightlife districts, each with a distinct character. There's truly a bar scene in Buffalo for every taste, from the thumping dance clubs of Jalan Chippewa, to the cooler-than-thou hipster dives of Allentown where local rock bands gig, to the chichi cocktail bars in the Daerah Teater that fill with theatergoers before and after shows, to the chill yuppie hangouts of the Perkampungan Elmwood, to the historic taverns of the Daerah Cobblestone dan juga Wad Pertama Lama where it doesn't take much imagination to picture the canal boaters, grain scoopers, and railroadmen of a century ago relaxing at the bar with a frosty mug after a long workday.

Weekend nights usually see the police out in force in Buffalo's nightlife districts, searching for drunk drivers. As mentioned in the "Get around" section, you can often find taxis lingering around the bars, but competition for a cab can be fierce and rates are often high. Uber and Lyft are often a better option in these cases.

Last call in Buffalo is 4AM. For this reason, many bars in Buffalo don't get going until sometime after midnight on weekends. As elsewhere in the United States, the legal drinking age is 21.

Coffee shops

Coffee culture is alive and well in Buffalo. Though Starbucks outlets are a dime a dozen here as elsewhere in the country, locally owned mom-and-pop cafés have always been where it's at for Buffalo's trendy set, and there are three principal neighborhoods where you'll find them. Pusat Bandar — particularly the Theater District and the 500 block of Main Street — sports a handful of grab-and-go places for office workers in need of a quick caffeine fix, Allentown's coffee shops are great places to lounge in an ambience that's trendy yet not stiflingly pretentious, and at the far end of the spectrum, the off-the-beaten-path coffeeshop scene on the sebelah barat cranks the hipster factor up to 11, with an atmosphere and clientele such that you might wonder whether you're in Buffalo or Brooklyn.

There are a couple local coffeeshop chains of note:

  • Ashker's. Born in 2008 in the Elmwood Village, today Angelo Ashker's eponymous chain of cafés counts four locations (the original as well as branches in Delaware Park, Grant-Amherst, and the Buffalo Athletic Club building downtown). Each location has a slightly different menu, but broadly speaking, you can expect a copious slate of smoothies in both regular (various combinations of puréed fruits), "Fusion" (a healthier alternative where vegetables such as kale, golden beet, and spinach enter the picture), and "Fortified" (in full health-food mode here, featuring chia seed, turmeric, maca, and other trendy "superfoods") varieties, as well as cold-pressed fruit juices, espresso drinks, and other beverages. For those who are hungry rather than thirsty, a similarly healthy selection of sandwiches, salads, and an all-day breakfast menu are also available.
  • SPoT Coffee. It's not exactly a local coffeeshop chain — the company has been Canadian-owned since 2004 — but Buffalonians still claim SPoT as their own based on the fact that Western New York is where you'll still find the vast majority of locations (despite ambitious plans to expand into the Canadian market, their two Toronto-area shops only lasted a few years). High-quality house-roasted coffee is the name of the game, along with a range of sandwiches and panini, healthy salads, and other gourmet lunch fare; pricey but worth it. You'll find locations in the Elmwood Village, the Chippewa Strip, North Buffalo, and the suburbs of Williamsville, East Amherst, Orchard Park, Hamburg, and Kenmore, as well as two additional SPoT Express counters downtown at Waterfront Village Center and in the lobby of Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Additional locations in Niagara Falls and North Tonawanda are set to open soon. Kopi SPoT di Wikipedia


For hotel listings, please see the respective daerah articles.

The Hotel Lafayette is one of a growing number of new or newly remodeled hotels that are mushrooming in downtown Buffalo.

There is a wide range of high-quality lodging to choose from in both Buffalo and its suburbs, encompassing hotels, motels, B&Bs, hostels, and guest houses. In particular, downtown Buffalo is in the middle of a boom in hotel construction, with about a half-dozen new properties opened or nearing completion. Much of this is the product of the preservation of architectural heritage that has come into vogue in Buffalo, with beautiful but vacant old buildings restored and repurposed — so if you're staying downtown, particularly at the Lofts on Pearl atau Hotel Lafayette, be prepared for a real Gilded Age treat. Of course, not all hotels downtown are old — the 205-room Marriott that opened in 2015 is the centerpiece of the HarborCenter development in burgeoning Canalside, and existing hotels such as the Hyatt Regency have been renovated extensively. Elsewhere in the city proper, Delaware Avenue in Allentown is the site of the luxurious Mansion as well as the grand old Hotel Lenox, and several B&Bs can be found peppered here and there catering to travelers in search of a distinctive, quirky urban experience.

In suburbia, the usual range of budget and mid-priced chains can be found clustered mostly around highway interchanges and in various other places. Two especially big clusters of hotels exist just south of the University of Buffalo's North Campus in Amherst, as well as around the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, where the arrival of discount airlines in Buffalo, cheap airport parking, and the highest airfares in North America out of Toronto have combined to spark a hotel boom comparable to downtown's.


The area code for the entire Buffalo-Niagara Falls metropolitan area (as well as Chautauqua dan Cattaraugus Counties to the south) is 716. It is not necessary to dial the area code for local calls.

Publicly accessible wireless Internet is mainly limited to coffee shops, bookstores, and other such establishments; Internet cafés are virtually unknown in Buffalo. In particular, McDonald's, Starbucks, SPoT Coffee, Tim Hortons, dan Barnes & Noble offer free WiFi and boast many easy-to-find locations throughout the region. Public libraries also usually offer Internet access.

Buffalo's main post office and mail processing facility is at 1200 William St. in the city's Lovejoy neighborhood.

Kekal selamat

The reputation of Buffalo's East Side as a rough part of town can be over-exaggerated by locals, but it's not entirely undeserved. Generally speaking, the East Side is the city's poorest residential district, with widespread urban blight and high crime rates plaguing many parts of the district (especially the Bailey Avenue corridor). To a lesser extent, some parts of the West Side also have these problems. That being said, crime rates in Buffalo have fallen to levels not seen in half a century. What violent crime does occur is usually drug- and gang-related and does not target tourists. Follow general precautions that would apply in any urban area — locking car doors, keeping valuables out of sight, being aware of your surroundings, etc. — and you should be fine pretty much anywhere.

Panhandlers can be found occasionally on Chippewa Street downtown and in Allentown and the Elmwood Village, though not nearly to the degree of most other cities. Aggressive panhandling is virtually unknown.


Newspapers and print media

Since the Courier-Express went bankrupt in 1982, the Buffalo News has been the city's sole daily newspaper. With a circulation of nearly 155,000 daily and over 235,000 Sunday, the Buffalo News is the most widely circulated newspaper in Upstate New York. Journalists employed by the News have won three Pulitzer Prizes, two for Editorial Cartooning and one for Local Reporting; in 2009, the New York State Associated Press Association named the Buffalo News New York State's "Newspaper of Distinction" for that year in recognition of the quality of its journalism. These facts may come as a surprise to locals. Listings for concerts, movies, theatre productions, and other events around town are published in Gusto, a weekly supplement to the Buffalo News published on Thursdays.

Buffalo Rising is an excellent online publication whose "beat is New Buffalo" and which features "original content written by fellow Buffalonians knowledgeable and passionate about their city". Buffalo Spree is a monthly magazine that features articles on dining, events, and the arts in the local area.

The African-American community of Buffalo is served by the Challenger Community News, which celebrated its 50th year in operation in 2013. La Ultima Hora dan Panorama Hispano publish news relevant to Buffalo's Latino community in both English and Spanish, and also serve the Hispanic communities in the nearby cities of Dunkirk, Jamestown, and Rochester. The Am-Pol Eagle is a weekly paper featuring news and commentary of interest to the Polish-American community in the area. The weekly Karibu News serves Buffalo's growing immigrant and refugee community with local news, commentary, and event information in a variety of languages including English, French, Arabic, Swahili, and others. Also, many of Buffalo's neighborhoods boast community newspapers of their own, such as the Allentown Neighbor dan juga North Buffalo Rocket.


In the field of radio broadcasting, Buffalo's history is one of the longest in the nation; its oldest radio station, WGR, has been on the air since 1922. Sadly, though, Buffalo radio leaves much to be desired now, a fact that has led many locals to become listeners of radio stations based in Toronto and elsewhere in Southern Ontario. As of autumn 2018, Buffalo's highest-rated radio stations are WBLK, WYRK, and WHTT on the FM dial, and WBEN and WGR on the AM dial.

Radio stations serving the Buffalo area include:

  • News/Talk: WBFO 88.7 FM (NPR), WBEN 930 AM (conservative), WLVL 1340 AM (conservative).
  • Sports: WGR 550 AM, WHLD 1270 AM, WWKB 1520 AM.
  • Oldies/Classic rock: WBUF 92.9 FM, WGRF 96.9 FM, WHTT 1120 AM/104.1 FM, WECK 1230 AM/100.5 FM/102.9 FM (light oldies), WEBR 1440 AM (nostalgia and big band).
  • Top 40/Adult Contemporary: WMSX 96.1 FM, WKSE 98.5 FM, WTSS 102.5 FM/104.7 FM.
  • Urban: WBLK 93.7 FM, WUFO 1080 AM/96.5 FM (classic R&B, hip-hop and gospel), WWWS 1400 AM/107.3 FM (soul).
  • Country: WYRK 106.5 FM, WXRL 1300 AM.
  • Alternative rock: WEDG 103.3 FM, WLKK 107.7 FM.
  • College radio: WBNY 91.3 FM (Buffalo State College).
  • Classical: WNED 94.5 FM.
  • Religious: WBKV 89.9 FM (Christian rock and pop), WZDV 92.1 FM, WDCX 99.5 FM/970 AM, WLOF 101.7 FM (Catholic)


Buffalo's television stations represent all major American television networks. In addition to these, many Canadian television stations based in Toronto are available through Spectrum cable system; however, over-the-air reception of these stations is generally very poor.

Television stations serving Buffalo include:

  • WGRZ Channel 2: NBC.
  • WIVB Channel 4: CBS.
  • WKBW Channel 7: ABC.
  • WNED Channel 17: PBS.
  • WNLO Channel 23: The CW.
  • WNYB Channel 26: Tri-State Christian Television.
  • WUTV Channel 29: Fox.
  • WDTB Channel 39: Daystar Television Network. Christian television.
  • WNYO Channel 49: MyNetworkTV.
  • WPXJ Channel 51: Ion Television.
  • WBXZ Channel 56: Cozi TV.
  • WBBZ Channel 67: Me-TV.


In case of medical emergency, Buffalo is well-served by a wide variety of hospitals and other medical facilities. The Erie County Medical Center on Grider Street is Buffalo's largest hospital and is a teaching facility for students of the University of Buffalo Medical School. Kaleida Health operates Buffalo General Hospital, Oishei Children's Hospital, and (in the suburbs) Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital dan DeGraff Memorial Hospital. Catholic Health Systems of Buffalo operates Mercy Hospital dan Sisters of Charity Hospital, which each have one city location and one suburban location.

Places of worship

The foundation of St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr in 1872 gave rise to the Polish community centered in Broadway-Fillmore. Unlike most East Side Catholic churches, St. Stanislaus is still an active and vibrant parish.

For more information on specific places of worship, please see the respective daerah articles.

From early in its history, Buffalo's population has been predominantly Roman Catholic, a trend that still holds true today. The seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo is St. Joseph's Cathedral, at 50 Franklin St. downtown. Buffalo has some truly magnificent Catholic churches, particularly on the East Side, where 19th-century German and Polish immigrants built a bevy of massive, ornate stone churches and cathedrals, some still in use, most not. Outside of Buffalo proper but still worthy of note is Lackawanna's Our Lady of Victory Basilica, a massive marble structure that is a testament to the charitable institutions headed by Father Nelson Baker.

Protestant churches are far more numerous in the suburbs than in Buffalo proper; however, there are a few large and active congregations in the city, especially in neighborhoods such as Allentown, the Elmwood Village, and Parkside that still contain significant numbers of old-money WASPs. Notable Protestant churches in Buffalo include St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral at 125 Pearl St. downtown, the seat of the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York as well as a Nationally Registered Historic Place and a National Historic Landmark, and E. B. Green's First Presbyterian Church on Symphony Circle, the oldest religious congregation in Buffalo.

Black churches are numerous on the East Side, and the most well-known among them is the Michigan Street Baptist Church, whose roots stretch back to the very beginning of Buffalo's African-American history. Though it no longer hosts regularly-scheduled services, it is still of great importance to connoisseurs of local history as a former "station" on the Underground Railroad and the modern-day centerpiece of the Michigan Street African-American Heritage Corridor. As for congregations that remain active today, you have everything from huge modern megachurches like True Bethel Baptist Church to historic congregations almost as old as Michigan Street Baptist, like Bethel A.M.E. Church.

Those of Eastern Orthodox faiths are served by the Delaware District's Hellenic Orthodox Church of the Annunciation dan St. George Orthodox Church in Park Meadow. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has a location near downtown as well as suburban churches in Amherst, Lancaster, and Orchard Park.

Buffalo's modest-sized Jewish community is found primarily in the suburb of Amherst. Congregation Shir Shalom (Reform), Temple Beth Tzedek (Conservative), and Young Israel (Orthodox) are all located there. Temple Beth Zion, situated in a boldly modernist building on Delaware Avenue, is the largest Jewish congregation in the area and also one of the oldest and largest congregations of Reform Jews in the United States. As well, North Buffalo contains several Orthodox shuls left over from its bygone days as Buffalo's Jewish stronghold.

The Jaffarya Islamic Center of Buffalo is Buffalo's largest mosque, a Shia congregation on Transit Road in Swormville, about 20 miles (30 km) northeast of the city. Sunni mosques can be found just south of the city line in Lackawanna — a place that's well-known locally for its growing Muslim population — and also on the East Side.

Adherents of other religions may be interested in the ̈Chùa Từ Hiếu Buddhist Cultural Center of Buffalo at 647 Fillmore Ave., the Buffalo Zen Center in suburban West Seneca, the Hindu Cultural Society of Western New York in Amherst, and the Buffalo Gurdwara Sahib, a Sikh temple at 6569 Main St. in Williamsville.


Pergi seterusnya

Suburbs and exurbs

Unlike the faceless cookie-cutter residential tracts surrounding other American cities, many of Buffalo's suburbs have real character — individual identities of which their residents are fiercely proud. More than that, suburbia's range of attractions, festivals and events, and other items of interest to visitors can hold its own with the urban core.

Where to next?
  • Tonawanda — a 19th-century lumber port turned middle-class residential community, Tonawanda is the western terminus of the modern-day Terusan Erie.
  • Amherst — Buffalo's most populous suburb contains the gargantuan UB North Campus, the charming village of Williamsville, and rural farmland in the far north.
  • Cheektowaga — postwar suburbia at its most banal, but also shopping galore, including the area's largest mall. As the site of the Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Buffalo Niagara, Cheektowaga is likely on the itinerary of most visitors to Buffalo whether they actively seek it out or not.
  • West Seneca — a proud German heritage dating to the town's foundation in the 1850s by the religious Ebenezer Society, and natural beauty that inspired watercolorist Charles Burchfield.
  • Kekurangan — a rough-and-tumble company town that fell on hard times after the closure of the steel plant that gave the city its name, now the home of a vibrant Yemeni community and the magnificent Basilica of Our Lady of Victory.
  • Grand Island — once a summer retreat for Buffalo's turn-of-the-century aristocracy, now the site of riverfront parkland and wide-open spaces a stone's throw from the bustle of the city.
  • North Tonawanda — Tonawanda's sister city has a grittier and more working-class feel, but also a restored downtown with lively nightlife.
  • Lancaster — an upper-middle-class second-ring suburb east of Cheektowaga in whose lovely town center stands the historic Lancaster Opera House.
  • Orchard Park — the home of the Buffalo Bills has something for everyone, from bustling strip malls to a charming small-town downtown to the forests and hills of Chestnut Ridge Park.
  • Hamburg — birthplace (allegedly) of the hamburger, Hamburg is also home of the Erie County Fair and boasts beautiful views over Lake Erie.
  • East Aurora — the almost too-cutesy-for-its-own-good village that's home to the Roycroft Community of artists and artisans, an important exponent of the early 20th-century Arts and Crafts Movement.
  • Clarence — tony exurb about a half-hour's drive from downtown Buffalo. Hit up the antique shops in Clarence Hollow if that's your thing, or tool around the exclusive Spaulding Lake neighborhood to gawk at the lifestyles of the Niagara Frontier's rich and famous.
  • LockportNiagara County's seat makes the most of its history as an important Erie Canal port, with attractions such as the Lockport Locks and Erie Canal Cruises dan juga Lockport Erie Canal Museum on offer.

And of course, no trip to the Niagara Frontier would be complete without checking out...

  • Air terjun Niagara, which lies a short 30-minute drive from Buffalo. Compared to its counterpart in Ontario, the American side might seem at first like just another down-at-the-heels industrial burg of the Rust Belt, but those who look beyond that will come to appreciate charms such as the revitalized Little Italy along Pine Avenue, the world-class Aquarium of Niagara, and the attention that is finally being paid to the historic downtown area, centered around Old Falls Street. As for the falls themselves, Niagara Falls State Park is understated and even serene, with no hoopla to distract attention away from the main attraction. Fans of Niagara Falls, Ontario-style neon glitz need not be completely disappointed, either: the Seneca Niagara Hotel and Casino has been in operation on the American side since 2003.

Further afield

  • Lewiston is a historic village on the Niagara River about 40 minutes north of Buffalo via Interstate 190. Aside from the cute boutiques, restaurants, and B&Bs in the charming business district, Lewiston contains Earl W. Brydges Artpark, the only state park in the U.S. devoted to the arts. Water Street Landing, on the riverfront, is the site of the Freedom Crossing Monument, where many escaped African-American slaves staged their final push toward Canada, and the Whirlpool Jet Boat, which takes passengers on a thrilling ride through the Niagara River rapids.
  • Darien Lake is a theme park resort in rural Genesee County, about 40 minutes east of Buffalo. "Western New York's Coaster Capital" contains over 40 rides, plus a hotel, campground, and laser light show, and is hands-down the most popular amusement park for Buffalonians in the summer. Also, the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center is one of Western New York's premier venues for live music.
  • The hills south and southeast of Buffalo bear the brunt of the lake-effect snow that falls in early winter; as such, this is Buffalo's ski country. The closest ski resort to Buffalo is Kissing Bridge, on Glenwood-East Concord Rd. in the town of Colden. Kissing Bridge gets 180 inches (450 cm) of snow per year on average — about twice as much as Buffalo itself gets — creating perfect conditions for its 36 slopes. More ski resorts can be found in Chautauqua County and in Ellicottville, discussed below.
  • The beaches along Lake Erie south of Buffalo are popular summer day trips for locals. Though many are privately owned or restrict admission to residents of their respective towns, several are accessible to the general public. The most popular of these is Evangola State Park, just before the county line in the town of Brant, offering not only one of Western New York's finest beaches but also picnic shelters, campsites, and recreation facitilies. Other public beaches further afield can be found in Chautauqua County, in Silver Creek (Sunset Bay) and Dunkirk (Wright Park dan Point Gratiot Park).
  • Genesee County is located along I-90 about midway between Buffalo and Rochester. Batavia, the county seat, is one of the oldest and most historic towns in Western New York; visitors to Batavia may be interested in Batavia Downs Casino, which features harness racing, slots, and video gaming. Other Genesee County attractions include Darien Lake, described above, and the JELL-O Gallery, a kitschy roadside museum dedicated to the gelatin dessert in the town of Le Roy, where it was invented.
  • A 45-minute drive north of Buffalo, Youngstown is a small village with a huge role in local history: it's the site of Old Fort Niagara, a state park and National Historic Landmark with a history that goes back to 1678, when it was established as a French trading post and military base. The fort's centerpiece, the "French Castle", is the oldest building in the U.S. between the East Coast and the Southwest, erected in 1726. Today 100,000 visitors each year come to take tours, see historical reenactments and other events, and peruse a museum of archaeology and local history.
  • Chautauqua County is southwest of Buffalo and is easily accessible via Interstate 90. A place of farms, forests, mountains, and beaches, Chautauqua County contains the Chautauqua Institution, a historic retreat on the shores of Chautauqua Lake offering performances, lectures and workshops in a charming Victorian setting. A bit south of Fredonia, Lily Dale is a center of the Spiritualist movement and boasts psychic mediums, fortune-tellers, and the like. Peek 'n Peak Resort in Clymer is a year-round destination in Chautauqua, with 27 ski slopes, downhill tubing, and golf.
  • Located southeast of Buffalo, the "Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus County" include several notable sites. Ellicottville is a year-round destination best known for its two ski resorts, Holiday Valley dan HoliMont. Griffis Sculpture Park in East Otto is the oldest sculpture park in the country, founded in 1966. Next to the state line is Allegany State Park, the "wilderness playground of Western New York", offering camping, skiing, hiking, and natural beauty. Nearby is the Seneca Allegany Hotel and Casino, in Salamanca.
  • New York State's third-largest city, Rochester, is a short drive of 60 to 90 minutes eastward along Interstate 90. Museums, art galleries, street festivals, exciting professional sports, and more are to be had in a perfect combination of big-city amenities and small-town intimacy.
  • The Finger Lakes region is between Rochester and Syracuse, about two hours east of Buffalo along Interstate 90. Named for the series of eleven long, slender lakes found there, the region offers natural beauty and small-town charm, but is best-known among locals for its status as the most important wine-producing area in the Eastern U.S. Over 100 wineries can be found in the Finger Lakes, many of which offer tours and tastings in season.

North of the border

Everyone, including U.S. citizens, is required to produce a passport or an enhanced drivers' license, both upon crossing the Canadian border and reentering the United States. Vehicles may be stopped and searched, but more often travellers will be sent on their way quickly after showing their passports and answering a few brief questions about the purpose of their trip and the planned length of their stay (this is especially true of U.S. and Canadian citizens).

There are four border crossings in Western New York: the Peace Bridge, by which travellers cross from Buffalo to Fort Erie, Ontario for a toll of $3.00 (payable in either U.S. or Canadian funds), the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls (toll $3.25 U.S. or Canadian), the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge also in the Falls (open only to NEXUS members; toll $3.25 U.S. or Canadian), and the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge furthest north (toll $3.25 U.S. or Canadian). For travellers to most Canadian destinations other than Niagara Falls and Fort Erie, the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge offers the most direct route, but is also the one that is most prone to delays.

  • Fort Erie is a small city of about 30,000 just west of Buffalo, easily accessible via the Peace Bridge. Attractions here include Old Fort Erie, a reconstructed garrison where several War of 1812 battles were fought. From May to October, Fort Erie Racetrack is the scene of thoroughbred races including the Prince of Wales Stakes, the second jewel in the Canadian Triple Crown. Uncle Sam's Bingo Palace dan Golden Nugget Bingo offer games of chance. Also near town are some of Canada's finest freshwater beaches, such as Crystal Beach, Waverly Beach, dan Bay Beach.
  • Niagara Falls, Ontario is directly across the river from Niagara Falls, New York, and accessible via the Rainbow Bridge. In sharp contrast to its U.S. counterpart, the views of the Falls from Ontario are almost unanimously considered to be better, but rather than the greenery that abuts the falls on the American side, in Ontario can be found Clifton Hill, a gaudy, Vegas-like neon jungle of high-rise hotels, casinos, restaurants, nightclubs, and gimmicky tourist traps like the Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum dan juga Movieland Wax Museum. It's considerably quieter outside of the main tourist district, with romantic B&Bs, parkland, and (further north) wineries lining the Niagara Parkway, a scenic drive stretching from Fort Erie to Niagara-on-the-Lake.
  • Niagara-on-the-Lake is an hour from Buffalo, at the mouth of the Niagara River. The provincial capital was briefly located here in the late 1700s, and the town was of strategic importance during the War of 1812 — historic Fort George is still open for tours. Today, visitors to the Falls often make the short drive north to take in the charming streets and stone buildings here, a scene straight out of a prim British village. Niagara-on-the-Lake is also home of the Shaw Festival; setiap tahun dari April hingga November, pilihan drama oleh George Bernard Shaw dan lain-lain dilakukan di tiga teater bersejarah.
  • The Semenanjung Niagara memanjang antara Tasik Erie dan Danau Ontario, tepat di sebelah barat Buffalo. Selain dari tanah pertanian yang subur di kawasan ini dan kepentingan sejarah sebagai medan perang semasa Perang 1812, Semenanjung Niagara sangat terkenal dengan pelancong sebagai wilayah penghasil wain paling produktif di Kanada. Terdapat berpuluh-puluh kilang wain bergaya Eropah yang merangkumi kedua-dua sisi Niagara Escarpment yang dibuka untuk pengunjung pada musim ini. Iklim mikro yang unik di Semenanjung Niagara sangat sesuai untuk dihasilkan wain ais, pelbagai jenis manis yang terkenal sebagai wain pencuci mulut.
  • Toronto kira-kira dua jam dari Buffalo (dengan mengandaikan keadaan lalu lintas yang ideal dan tidak ada kelewatan di Bea Cukai). Dengan lebih dari lima setengah juta orang yang tinggal di Greater Toronto Area, bandar terbesar di Kanada adalah sebuah metropolis yang menarik dan dinamik yang menawarkan semua kegembiraan di kota besar yang diinginkan.
Laluan melalui Kerbau
TAMATAir Terjun Niagara (New York) W Ikon Perkhidmatan Amtrak Empire.png E DepewAlbany (Rensselaer)
Air Terjun Niagara (Ontario)Air Terjun Niagara (New York) W Ikon Amtrak Maple Leaf.png E DepewAlbany (Rensselaer)
Air terjun NiagaraTonawanda N I-190.svg S CheektowagaBerakhir pada WSaya-90.svgNYS Thruway Sign.svgE
Air Terjun Niagara (Ontario)Benteng ErieKeluarga imigresen.svg W Ontario QEW.svg E Berakhir pada I-190.svg
Air terjun NiagaraTonawanda/Amherst N AS 62.svg S KekuranganWarren
Erie melalui PA-5.svgKekurangan W NY-5.svg E AmherstAuburn
TAMAT N NY-16.svg S Seneca BaratOlean
TAMAT W NY-33.svg E CheektowagaRochester
TAMAT N BPH routebox.gif S KekuranganSalamanca
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